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Why High Sec Gankers?

First post
Black Pedro
#261 - 2015-10-03 12:41:17 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
It is horribly ineffective. The one time I flew with CODE in Uedama, the White Knights once dared us to take out a freighter that they 'had under their protection'. They had several shield logi ships actively repping it while it was being bumped off of gate. Loyalnon took up the challenge and we went in guns blazing.

That freighter, even with six shield logi ships furiously repping it, didn't stand a chance. It popped faster than Miley Cyrus' cherry. It was a sight to behold and was awe-inspiring to someone like me who had never ganked before in my Eve career. The White Knights were completely ineffective in protecting that ship, not sure how CCP can change the mechanics so other players could become relevant in the protection of a ship while being ganked.

I am not sure why you think this is a problem. Loyalanon just made the calculation and determined that he could bring enough DPS to finish the gank. Those reppers did protect that ship and forced him to bring more people, or upship to higher DPS gank ships. But if the anti-gankers are so overwhelmed by numbers and ships, they will not win as it should be.

There is this mindset amongst carebears and some others that if you cannot be 100% safe, there is no point in trying. There are a myriad of things you can do to make your hauling safer, which while not foolproof, will make you much safer by decreasing the chances a ganker will catch you, or increase the cost for them to explode you. But if 50 or 100 people decide they want your stuff, you are not going to win.

All ships, including freighters are designed so that they can be exploded in this game. CCP even seems to be adding a new ship to help people escape bumping - these new T2 destroyers - but they will still not prevent a 40-man gank fleets from tackling and destroying freighters at their pleasure. Only another fleet approaching that size - not 6 dudes in some T1 logi cruisers - will be able to do so, again as it should be.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#262 - 2015-10-03 16:23:09 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:

It is horribly ineffective. The one time I flew with CODE in Uedama, the White Knights once dared us to take out a freighter that they 'had under their protection'. They had several shield logi ships actively repping it while it was being bumped off of gate. Loyalnon took up the challenge and we went in guns blazing.

If they present the enemy all the variables of the fight beforehand, even brag about it, how is anyone still wondering why they are so bad at EVE?
Morgan Agrivar
#263 - 2015-10-03 19:25:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Morgan Agrivar
Black Pedro wrote:
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
It is horribly ineffective. The one time I flew with CODE in Uedama, the White Knights once dared us to take out a freighter that they 'had under their protection'. They had several shield logi ships actively repping it while it was being bumped off of gate. Loyalnon took up the challenge and we went in guns blazing.

That freighter, even with six shield logi ships furiously repping it, didn't stand a chance. It popped faster than Miley Cyrus' cherry. It was a sight to behold and was awe-inspiring to someone like me who had never ganked before in my Eve career. The White Knights were completely ineffective in protecting that ship, not sure how CCP can change the mechanics so other players could become relevant in the protection of a ship while being ganked.

I am not sure why you think this is a problem. Loyalanon just made the calculation and determined that he could bring enough DPS to finish the gank. Those reppers did protect that ship and forced him to bring more people, or upship to higher DPS gank ships. But if the anti-gankers are so overwhelmed by numbers and ships, they will not win as it should be.

There is this mindset amongst carebears and some others that if you cannot be 100% safe, there is no point in trying. There are a myriad of things you can do to make your hauling safer, which while not foolproof, will make you much safer by decreasing the chances a ganker will catch you, or increase the cost for them to explode you. But if 50 or 100 people decide they want your stuff, you are not going to win.

All ships, including freighters are designed so that they can be exploded in this game. CCP even seems to be adding a new ship to help people escape bumping - these new T2 destroyers - but they will still not prevent a 40-man gank fleets from tackling and destroying freighters at their pleasure. Only another fleet approaching that size - not 6 dudes in some T1 logi cruisers - will be able to do so, again as it should be.

I think you misunderstood me, sir. I don't think it is a problem. You see, I don't mind the mechanics of the game. If CODE wants to blow your freighter or Procurer up, they will come up with a way. They use the tools available in game to achieve their goals. I have seen more and more posts about how CCP should come up with ways to prevent this from happening.

In my opinion, the 'victims' here need to get more creative in order to protect themselves. Most of the time there is usually one bumper knocking ships off course and preventing them from warping. I just didn't understand why the White Knights didn't bump the bumper away in like an Armageddon with a large MWD to give the freighter time to jump. It is like using their own tactic against them.

But the majority of carebears don't want to go on the offensive. They want CCP to be there to hold their hand and whisper to them that everything will be just fine while standing in the line of fire to protect them. That is not going to happen.

And all of this is coming from a carebear too. I am doing mission running right now, taking a break from pvp for a while. Not that I was ever good at pvp but I tried my best. Having the idea floating in the back of my mind knowing that some ganker can come along and try to ruin my day while doing L4s makes me more alert than the usual carebear mission runner. And that is how it should be...
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#264 - 2015-10-03 20:52:17 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
But the majority of carebears don't want to go on the offensive. They want CCP to be there to hold their hand and whisper to them that everything will be just fine while standing in the line of fire to protect them. That is not going to happen.

I'm not sure this assertion is valid. It is fantastic propaganda, but not really the best information. They removed trollceptors from Fozziesov for a reason; there was no compelling way to fight them. Right now, there is no compelling way to fight gankers, so you could really only test the claim about carebears wanting to go on the offensive if such options existed, which they assuredly do not. Actually getting a fight, a real fight, even if they get horribly slaughtered, is still a better entry portal to another aspect of the game than trying to fight the phantasmal catalyst herd.

If there was an engaging way to play on the 'law' side here, you would attract more experienced players to it, which would in turn lead to spreading and teaching good information to new players interested in the activity. There isn't and so what you get is a very steep incline of difficulty, where the gankers are free to play eternal critic and heap smack on them as they stumble and try to learn on their own. Basically it's easy to smack talk anti-gankers trying something new that is hard and they haven't done much of, nor really devoted much time to learning about it. On the other hand, ganking is almost developed to the point of a science, with very skilled people leading the ganking fleets. After you have ganked one or two things, there isn't much change in what an individual pilot has to do - the skill cap is very low for the individual and there's not much to learn, so it is hard to make a mistake.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

#265 - 2015-10-03 21:30:33 UTC
You know if someone is throwing rocks at your window the solution isn't to fit thicker windows, its to throw more rocks back at them.

The Logi rep gang tactic was flawed because there is little you can do to stop an overwhelming alpha strike in that timeframe. If they wanted to stop it they simply needed better intelligence. The tools are there. A single scout in advance spots a large group of obvious gank ships on D Scan. Position a fleet of your own gank ships and as they come in then gank thrm on aarival using similar alpha strike capability, the advantage for the defender is you don't need to break the whole fleet, jusr take sufficient numbers off the field to break their alpha below what's needed. If you can strike them at their rally point so much the better. If you sctually use their own tactics against them (scouts and alphastrike gank) then its a battle of attrition and you'll throw the economics out.

Of course the reason nobody does this is it requires the sort of teamwork that PVP'ers are good at (teamspeak, co-ordination, good FC's) and sadly carebears seem to prefer solo spaceship masterbation to group sex fleet fights and go out of their way to avoid any form of human interaction or pew pew.

There is a video of Johnnypew taking on a bunch of ganknados somewhere solo with laughable ease since few gankers fit any sort of tank. A lot of gankers just want easy lol kills. If they started actually losing ships with no tears for compensation then they'd get bored and move on.

All the tactics are there and have been used by lowsec gangs for years, keeping scouts on voice comms with fleets logged off ready etc. the simple fact is carebears are too lazy or inneffectual to protect themselves or band together in fleets.

If carebears flew with the same dilligence as needed in lowsec (using dscan, scouting, watching local for sudden spikes, aligning to warpouts, not afk autopiloting, fitting tank, buffer fit pve) then they would cease to be such soft targets, but if you are just afk grinding or playing half asleep then you deserve to be fair game for players that are actually playing and no just pressing f1 then going back to fapping.

But why bother actually looking for your own solutions when its so much easier to go crying to CCP for protection?

There's no school like the old school and I've been expelled.

Yusef Brion
Big Yellow Pidgeon Inc.
#266 - 2015-10-04 03:49:45 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
[quote=Vic Jefferson]The thing is, you have to put in the time. Most people are not willing to put in the time to ruin someone's day.

Exactly right.

Oh, and this thread is the best read I've seen all week.

The more I read the forums over the years, the more I swear. To god. That the typos are intentional mistakes. Part o f the encryption.

Morgan Agrivar
#267 - 2015-10-04 07:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Morgan Agrivar
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
But the majority of carebears don't want to go on the offensive. They want CCP to be there to hold their hand and whisper to them that everything will be just fine while standing in the line of fire to protect them. That is not going to happen.

I'm not sure this assertion is valid. It is fantastic propaganda, but not really the best information. They removed trollceptors from Fozziesov for a reason; there was no compelling way to fight them. Right now, there is no compelling way to fight gankers, so you could really only test the claim about carebears wanting to go on the offensive if such options existed, which they assuredly do not. Actually getting a fight, a real fight, even if they get horribly slaughtered, is still a better entry portal to another aspect of the game than trying to fight the phantasmal catalyst herd.

If there was an engaging way to play on the 'law' side here, you would attract more experienced players to it, which would in turn lead to spreading and teaching good information to new players interested in the activity. There isn't and so what you get is a very steep incline of difficulty, where the gankers are free to play eternal critic and heap smack on them as they stumble and try to learn on their own. Basically it's easy to smack talk anti-gankers trying something new that is hard and they haven't done much of, nor really devoted much time to learning about it. On the other hand, ganking is almost developed to the point of a science, with very skilled people leading the ganking fleets. After you have ganked one or two things, there isn't much change in what an individual pilot has to do - the skill cap is very low for the individual and there's not much to learn, so it is hard to make a mistake.

Well, I know when I was ganking that day, the anti-gankers knew which freighter we were hitting. What they should have done was form up into a fleet around the freighter. We were all in system so their FC should call out, "Ok, Bob, you target and shoot Morgan Agrivar. Carl, you got loyalnon. Ed, you take holdmybeer." Etc.

Then when we land on grid to start some pwnage, they shoot at us first. We were in catalysts with no tank whatsoever. If half of those cats popped before the alpha started, maybe they might save a freighter or two. For the record, we blew up every freighter we targeted that day. That is why my KB looks good.

I stand by my assertion that carebears don't want to go on the offensive for the most part. Because I can honestly say that the carebears outnumber the gankers by a good number. So if they did decide to go on the offensive, CODE would get a fun surprise for them.

But it won't happen. You get these threads more and more often asking CCP to intervene to protect miners and carebears from gankers. Why should CCP do it?
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#268 - 2015-10-04 08:10:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
Well, I know when I was ganking that day, the anti-gankers knew which freighter we were hitting. What they should have done was form up into a fleet around the freighter. We were all in system so their FC should call out, "Ok, Bob, you target and shoot Morgan Agrivar. Carl, you got loyalnon. Ed, you take holdmybeer." Etc.

Then when we land on grid to start some pwnage, they shoot at us first. We were in catalysts with no tank whatsoever. If half of those cats popped before the alpha started, maybe they might save a freighter or two. For the record, we blew up every freighter we targeted that day. That is why my KB looks good.

I stand by my assertion that carebears don't want to go on the offensive for the most part. Because I can honestly say that the carebears outnumber the gankers by a good number. So if they did decide to go on the offensive, CODE would get a fun surprise for them.

But it won't happen. You get these threads more and more often asking CCP to intervene to protect miners and carebears from gankers. Why should CCP do it?
Many won't preemptively strike because they see it as dishonourable and stooping to using the gankers tactics against them, regardless of how effective they may be.

That said, Jennifer en Marland isn't averse to suicide ganking New Order folks, one of my former characters was on the receiving end of her ammo when I was bumping with them.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Amandla Legion
#269 - 2015-10-04 08:22:32 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
[quote=Vic Jefferson][quote=Morgan Agrivar] But it won't happen. You get these threads more and more often asking CCP to intervene to protect miners and carebears from gankers. Why should CCP do it?

CCP are doing it. They've rolled out change after change to nerf high sec aggression (and hence stifled emergent gameplay).

But with each new nerf, there's another crybaby screaming that it's not enough. It's like the carebears are drinking the salty water of their own tears to try to quench their thirst. Then CCP caves into their pester power and the cycle continues ad infinitum.

It's why I'm glad CODE are around, even if I enjoy the occasional killmail whoring Evil
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#270 - 2015-10-04 18:07:32 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Right now, there is no compelling way to fight gankers

And that's entirely due to how carebears insist that NPCs do their jobs for them.

Nevermind that I disagree with the assertion, but between facpo and Concord, the job of "law" is already taken. If people want more options for engaging gankers, it begins and ends with cutting down the overpowered NPCs in highsec.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#271 - 2015-10-04 20:48:50 UTC
It's actually very interesting when you look at the history of it. Earlier in EVE history when NPC enforcement was less powerful there was no ideologically motivated, highly organized ganking community. General for-profit ganking was fairly uncommon and ganking of miners was largely limited to yearly events.

It was only after years of carebears pushing for and receiving buffs to their safety that the motivation for people to continuously actively pursue them came into existence.

The net result is that they were actually safer when they were less safe.
Avi Shekelstien
#272 - 2015-10-05 09:25:39 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
It's actually very interesting when you look at the history of it. Earlier in EVE history when NPC enforcement was less powerful there was no ideologically motivated, highly organized ganking community. General for-profit ganking was fairly uncommon and ganking of miners was largely limited to yearly events.

It was only after years of carebears pushing for and receiving buffs to their safety that the motivation for people to continuously actively pursue them came into existence.

The net result is that they were actually safer when they were less safe.

Indeed. When I started ganking with CODE it was a bit of fun, then I read James315 manifesto and the list of buffs and nerfs CCP granted miners and now it's a crusade hence my preference for popping noobs flying ventures in 1.0 space. Gotta get em young and drill into them that nowhere is safe.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#273 - 2015-10-05 12:49:10 UTC
who is this james315, never heard of her
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#274 - 2015-10-05 15:25:27 UTC
Kooshti wrote:
who is this james315, never heard of her

He owns Highsec
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#275 - 2015-10-05 17:41:28 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Right now, there is no compelling way to fight gankers

And that's entirely due to how carebears insist that NPCs do their jobs for them.

Nevermind that I disagree with the assertion, but between facpo and Concord, the job of "law" is already taken. If people want more options for engaging gankers, it begins and ends with cutting down the overpowered NPCs in highsec.

I can totally empathize (not just sympathize mind you) that being progressively locked out of all other forms of High Sec content creation does tend to color any response to a 'change', 'improvement', or 'enhancement' of high sec mechanics, or any other euphemism one could use. There is strange justice in HS content creating being painted into a corner of primarily one mode,and that mode being perfected and refined to the point where it generates so much wailing and the gnashing of teeth. I would assume that once being such a prolific ganker, particularly an unrepentant one, would at least buy me some street cred here; I have never, and would never, like to see a safe hisec. I would never want to change that, but that doesn't mean that I can't look at it from the other side. I know very well how to dunk any given thing in HS. Now, what if someone wants to make me stop? It takes a large amount of effort to get mostly token or pyrrhic victories.

Yes. Some anti-gankers are hilariously misguided, almost to the point where I would start thinking the majority of them were CODE. sock puppets. The current spate of mechanics though, virtually guarantee that this will always be the case; anyone with brains can see that there is no actual way to inflict meaningful loss on them, and would move on. When both sides can actually play ball, generally more fun is had.

That, and wild hulks taste better than factory farmed ones, and are free of antibiotics and preservatives.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#276 - 2015-10-05 18:34:13 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:

I can totally empathize (not just sympathize mind you) that being progressively locked out of all other forms of High Sec content creation does tend to color any response to a 'change', 'improvement', or 'enhancement' of high sec mechanics, or any other euphemism one could use. There is strange justice in HS content creating being painted into a corner of primarily one mode,and that mode being perfected and refined to the point where it generates so much wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

Your observation is exactly how things got to where they are today. I was a prolific can-flipper in my pre-New Order days. The art of canflipping had none of the brutality and calculated risk of ganking. It involved persuading a reluctant carebear to do the exactly wrong thing that was going to get his ship destroyed. You had to simultaneously convince the miner that 1) you were not a danger, 2) he was an aggreived victim and 3) HE WASN'T GOING TO TAKE THAT #(@( FROM ANYONE!. It was a delicate balance of talking to them, warping back and forth and sometimes just sitting silently that led to the fateful decision... and he was dead. In EVERY case the miner made the final decision on whether he would live or die. It wasn't easy, it took a lot of skill and experience and, when it worked, it was a thing of beauty.

And then CCP nerfed it. They added the massive ore holds to the main targets, Retrievers and Mackinaws. Believe it or not, many highsec miners mined in Ospreys, again nerfed. CRIMEWATCH changed the parameters with the addition of universal flagging but more importantly the ability of the miner to take back his ore without consequence. I could no longer do what I had become so good at and enjoyed so much.

Some can-flippers just quit the game. But most of us became awoxers, ninja-salvagers,war deccers or gankers. Ninja salvaging met the same fate as can flipping. Awoxing was destroyed. Wardecs, while still a possibility, are easily evaded. There was only one thing left for us highsec pvpers.

While before people like me were widely distributed, plying our individual crafts and unorganized (sound familiar carebears?) we were now concentrated into one, single, large unhappy group. And then James 315 came along and gave us an organization, a motivation and a Code.

I would say the rest is history except the rest is actually NOW. The highsec nerfs the carebears demanded created us. We are retribution for their sins.....

Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

#277 - 2015-10-05 18:59:02 UTC
What they should have done long since was remove NPC concord and made it a faction players could join. Look how many people play the police mods in GTA. It would have made everyone happy since dogooders and crims could go at it without feeling like there is this nanny set of rules governing every playstyle.

Carebears are filthy animals. Purge them before Tama is overrun with permaboost ravens.
Amandla Legion
#278 - 2015-10-05 21:28:07 UTC
Bing Bangboom wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:

I can totally empathize (not just sympathize mind you) that being progressively locked out of all other forms of High Sec content creation does tend to color any response to a 'change', 'improvement', or 'enhancement' of high sec mechanics, or any other euphemism one could use. There is strange justice in HS content creating being painted into a corner of primarily one mode,and that mode being perfected and refined to the point where it generates so much wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

Your observation is exactly how things got to where they are today. I was a prolific can-flipper in my pre-New Order days. The art of canflipping had none of the brutality and calculated risk of ganking. It involved persuading a reluctant carebear to do the exactly wrong thing that was going to get his ship destroyed. You had to simultaneously convince the miner that 1) you were not a danger, 2) he was an aggreived victim and 3) HE WASN'T GOING TO TAKE THAT #(@( FROM ANYONE!. It was a delicate balance of talking to them, warping back and forth and sometimes just sitting silently that led to the fateful decision... and he was dead. In EVERY case the miner made the final decision on whether he would live or die. It wasn't easy, it took a lot of skill and experience and, when it worked, it was a thing of beauty.

And then CCP nerfed it. They added the massive ore holds to the main targets, Retrievers and Mackinaws. Believe it or not, many highsec miners mined in Ospreys, again nerfed. CRIMEWATCH changed the parameters with the addition of universal flagging but more importantly the ability of the miner to take back his ore without consequence. I could no longer do what I had become so good at and enjoyed so much.

Some can-flippers just quit the game. But most of us became awoxers, ninja-salvagers,war deccers or gankers. Ninja salvaging met the same fate as can flipping. Awoxing was destroyed. Wardecs, while still a possibility, are easily evaded. There was only one thing left for us highsec pvpers.

While before people like me were widely distributed, plying our individual crafts and unorganized (sound familiar carebears?) we were now concentrated into one, single, large unhappy group. And then James 315 came along and gave us an organization, a motivation and a Code.

I would say the rest is history except the rest is actually NOW. The highsec nerfs the carebears demanded created us. We are retribution for their sins.....

And with each nerf, Eve loses a little more of its unique spice and magic, and falls more in line with the plethora of bland, stale theme park MMOs that cater to the 'prizes for all' crowd. It's easy for the likes of you and me to sound all bittervet to newer players, but I really miss the old Eve.

Oh, speaking of ospreys, I remember mining in a scythe back in the day, before I got tempted into more amusing pursuits Big smile
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#279 - 2015-10-05 23:32:38 UTC
Bing Bangboom wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:

I can totally empathize (not just sympathize mind you) that being progressively locked out of all other forms of High Sec content creation does tend to color any response to a 'change', 'improvement', or 'enhancement' of high sec mechanics, or any other euphemism one could use. There is strange justice in HS content creating being painted into a corner of primarily one mode,and that mode being perfected and refined to the point where it generates so much wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

Your observation is exactly how things got to where they are today. I was a prolific can-flipper in my pre-New Order days. The art of canflipping had none of the brutality and calculated risk of ganking. It involved persuading a reluctant carebear to do the exactly wrong thing that was going to get his ship destroyed. You had to simultaneously convince the miner that 1) you were not a danger, 2) he was an aggreived victim and 3) HE WASN'T GOING TO TAKE THAT #(@( FROM ANYONE!. It was a delicate balance of talking to them, warping back and forth and sometimes just sitting silently that led to the fateful decision... and he was dead. In EVERY case the miner made the final decision on whether he would live or die. It wasn't easy, it took a lot of skill and experience and, when it worked, it was a thing of beauty.

And then CCP nerfed it. They added the massive ore holds to the main targets, Retrievers and Mackinaws. Believe it or not, many highsec miners mined in Ospreys, again nerfed. CRIMEWATCH changed the parameters with the addition of universal flagging but more importantly the ability of the miner to take back his ore without consequence. I could no longer do what I had become so good at and enjoyed so much.

Some can-flippers just quit the game. But most of us became awoxers, ninja-salvagers,war deccers or gankers. Ninja salvaging met the same fate as can flipping. Awoxing was destroyed. Wardecs, while still a possibility, are easily evaded. There was only one thing left for us highsec pvpers.

While before people like me were widely distributed, plying our individual crafts and unorganized (sound familiar carebears?) we were now concentrated into one, single, large unhappy group. And then James 315 came along and gave us an organization, a motivation and a Code.

I would say the rest is history except the rest is actually NOW. The highsec nerfs the carebears demanded created us. We are retribution for their sins.....

Such a shame to see what was, when compared to what is.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Nick Actilete
Goonswarm Federation
#280 - 2015-10-07 04:37:00 UTC
Because it entertains me, that's really it. OP's post is apart of said entertainment.