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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Vet looking for 0.0 fun

Leilani Solaris
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-10-05 22:54:03 UTC
Yep. Tell me about your corp, i'm open to new ideas.
Epicishousness Padecain
#2 - 2015-10-06 01:51:25 UTC
Astrocomical: Mining / Industrial Corporation Recruiting - No SP Requirement

A group of seriously casual, sometimes comical, always astronomical, platonical capsuleers.

Astrocomical is a member of the Warped Intentions alliance which operates within Sev3rance Alliance holder space in Providence and lower Domain (null sec).

In addition to our nullsec activities, Astrocomical maintains a high-sec presence and participates in mining operations, mission and complex running. We strive to provide services to our corporation base that makes it easier for them to accomplish their goals and make isk while enjoying the company of their fellow corp mates.

We require that you have the ability to log into Teamspeak 3 and talk. Our corporation entertains both US and Aussie timezones. Recruitment is open, be ready to answer questions and provide your full account API key.

Astrocomical is an all around mining / industrial corporation looking to expand its ranks. We have positions open for all scales of capsuleers, and we do not have an SP requirement. We have access to rich mining areas, and can support a large industrial contingency. Astrocomical also owns several Customs Offices for our members usage in high-sec.

We have the following to offer to our members:
RL ALWAYS comes first!
High Sec Mining w/ Ore Buy Back Program
High Sec Ice Mining w/ Ore Buy Back Program
Null Sec Ore Mining w/ Ore Buy Back Program
Null Sec Ice Mining w/ Ore Buy Back Program
Level 4 Missions
BPCs available for manufacturing
Customs Offices in High Sec
Freighter and Jump Freigther access

Astrocomical looks forward to hearing from you by mail or in game in our recruitment channel W4RP Recruit.
Lippstadt Creed
Solyaris Chtonium
#3 - 2015-10-06 13:07:01 UTC
Hey Leilani

I am from Trojan Legion. We are members of Goonswarm. TLRE and GSF are active in all Timezones with fleets going out all hours of the day to take on roaming gangs coming thru our space, or to help out fellow coalition alliances. Trojan Legion has 75 individuals within the corporation and we are looking to grow that number with active and friendly pilots. We have active FC's that run both alliance wide fleet and specialized operation fleets, including BlackOps, small gang and recon.

The alliance has an exstensive ship replacement program and the corp offers inexpensive ship hulls to members. Being a member of GSF also gives us the ability to use some of the richest space in all of eve to generate income between fleets.

We require all members to join fleets. Submit full API's for all accounts that you control. The ability to use Out of game voice communications and chat programs. And dont be a jerk.

Join our ingame channel "TLRE Recruitment" to have a chat with myself or one of the other recruiters

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you

Meta Zero
Meta Reloaded
#4 - 2015-10-06 13:20:50 UTC
Hi there Leilani

Im not sure what you are loooking, pvp, indy etc. but we are looking for pvp'ers that are into small to medium skirmrish gangs. we like to fly fast stuff but we also need to fullfill different roles, some times we need pilots to fly logi or other ewar ship that might not get on all the kills but we do it because its teamwork. We tend to analyse a fight to become better at it.

we are small corp in the provi block that likes skirmish pvp. we have no cta's etc. but theres option to join large fleets if you want.
we have space to rat in if needed. Providence is great for pvp as theres allways someone to fight or else we utilise wh's to get around.

hop in to Ordo United channel and have a chat with us.

best wishes what ever you do ingame.
Jonn Duune
Wrong Hole.
#5 - 2015-10-06 18:37:56 UTC
Leilani Solaris wrote:
Yep. Tell me about your corp, i'm open to new ideas.

Open to new ideas?

Check this out It's not 0.0, it's the real eve.

My name is Jonn Duune, and I wholeheartedly support the message posted above.

Roseline Penshar
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-10-07 10:12:33 UTC
check us out we are recruiting

looking for indy, pve and pvp player (basically everyone)
AwwMawwGawwd Ostus
A few good old men
#7 - 2015-10-08 00:37:06 UTC

no sov, no ctas, no sp, no api check, no tax, no carebearing, no blues, no lag, no anchor/f1, no waste time, no pos bash, no pi, no mining, no building, no big fleets, no nothing, just PURE roam pvp.

It cant be more simple, its a game and its suppose to be fun.

Full time roaming corp and alliance with a touch of roleplay.

talk to us ingame: PRGE

Leilani Solaris
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-10-08 21:21:45 UTC
Thanks for all the mails and replies guys. I've found a new corp now.