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Corporate Standings

Lom Corporation
#1 - 2015-10-05 08:39:42 UTC
What exactly do they do? My understanding was that they previously only affected ability to create jump clones in empire space; now that this is no longer a factor, do they do anything? Specifically, will they affect my broker fees or ability to run missions?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2 - 2015-10-05 09:25:55 UTC
I think just about the only remaining use is for your Corp to join Faction Warfare.

I'm no expert on standing though, so there might be something else.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-10-05 09:44:55 UTC
Yes, trade related fees are affected by corp and even more by faction standing. Also access to higher level missions is gated by standings. But that's it basically. Of course negative standing has consequences for freedom of travel.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-10-05 09:54:41 UTC
Zerinia wrote:
What exactly do they do? My understanding was that they previously only affected ability to create jump clones in empire space; now that this is no longer a factor, do they do anything? Specifically, will they affect my broker fees or ability to run missions?

In the present realities.
Basically, it does not need a a stand.
Mission 4 lvl given after + 4 to a corporation including the skill of diplomacy.
On LP awardsand the the store is not affected.
On receiving of interesting jobs are not affected.
Not much affected by cost of placing of orders at the station. (To learn the skills of trade)
For COSMOS agents did not see the point. Are you spent a lot of time that would pass all the branches of of agents, but in the end get a cheap awards.
Drawings The Takmahl, obsolete. Firepower is terrible. Cost of construction wordly. Bonuses items compared with T2 worse, but the price and the time to find parts for the construction of huge.

I do not understand why removed the requirement to clone.

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-10-05 09:56:27 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Yes, trade related fees are affected by corp and even more by faction standing. Also access to higher level missions is gated by standings. But that's it basically. Of course negative standing has consequences for freedom of travel.

Freedom of movement will be shut down if the relationship awful to a fraction of and not to the Corporation.

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-10-05 10:04:27 UTC
Vollhov wrote:
Tipa Riot wrote:
Yes, trade related fees are affected by corp and even more by faction standing. Also access to higher level missions is gated by standings. But that's it basically. Of course negative standing has consequences for freedom of travel.

Freedom of movement will be shut down if the relationship awful to a fraction of and not to the Corporation.

That's correct.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Divine Entervention
#7 - 2015-10-05 10:24:20 UTC
I think it'd be pretty cool if high standings with pirate factions would result in those pirate factions not attacking you.
Intaki Liberation Front
Intaki Prosperity Initiative
#8 - 2015-10-05 13:29:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Bataav
Divine Entervention wrote:
I think it'd be pretty cool if high standings with pirate factions would result in those pirate factions not attacking you.

I've long been an advocate of positive actions in EVE having consequences, just as negative ones do.

So yes, if someone wants to spend the time and effort to raise standings with an NPC corporation (and their faction) then that should be reflected in space, such as by an NPC rat not shooting you in the face, when it otherwise would.

There was a time when your standings were visible in your profile, and there were some who were proud of their +10 standings with their chosen favourites.

It was a great way for those of us who roleplay to back up what we said with actions in space. And we all know it's action in space that drives the best content.
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2015-10-05 17:09:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Vollhov
It was necessary to raise the relationship to Factions to establish the "POSS" in the space under the control of the Empire.

I relation to corporations and to a fraction of rises from the of personal small RP.
My relationships

But alas.
Her no longer exists. I was trying to prove to that I have yet to faithful to her. Cry
Passing all the Cosmos agents behind the Amarr Empire. (the most difficult and exciting were the in Fort Kurum and Caldari the Cosmos.)
The interesting was the game.
"Challenge" was. Cry

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Ministerstvo na otbranata
#10 - 2015-10-05 18:03:47 UTC
If you have high faction standings, but below -1.9 corp or personal standing towards certain agent, he/she becomes unavailable. How to get there? Try killing some pods of players in npc corps - easily achieved as you get -50% corp standing loss.
Lom Corporation
#11 - 2015-10-05 19:15:56 UTC
To be clear I was specifically speaking about your player corp's standings on broker's fees and mission availability.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#12 - 2015-10-05 19:32:04 UTC
Your derived cumulative standings of your corporate player pool will not gain you anything nor ever have other than FW abilities. They will not help you reduce taxes or broker fees, get you into NPC corp agents. To me this was always a sticking point when I was newer to eve as they do nothing for the pilot earning them and only detracted, in the POS setup sense, in high as EVERYONE had to have the standings levels to set one up or else one idiot with low standings would mess it all up for your entire corp.

The only standings that affect anything are your own personal standings to these NPC corps, factions or agents.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-10-05 19:36:23 UTC
Zerinia wrote:
To be clear I was specifically speaking about your player corp's standings on broker's fees and mission availability.

On the jobs are not affected. Only access to higher lvl mission. Skills affect the reward. Security status affects the reward.
Standings currently need a only for fans of the RP.
Like now.
Plex bought, sold a complex.
Bought Pirate BS.
Departed on Sansha.
Standings and is not needed.

On not much affected trade as well as on construction.
Do not fatally.

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Amarr Empire
#14 - 2015-10-05 19:40:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Vollhov
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
Your derived cumulative standings of your corporate player pool will not gain you anything nor ever have other than FW abilities. They will not help you reduce taxes or broker fees, get you into NPC corp agents. To me this was always a sticking point when I was newer to eve as they do nothing for the pilot earning them and only detracted, in the POS setup sense, in high as EVERYONE had to have the standings levels to set one up or else one idiot with low standings would mess it all up for your entire corp.

The only standings that affect anything are your own personal standings to these NPC corps, factions or agents.

Dreams. Big smile
Has improved the you to the Corporation 10.
For example to Sarum.
Got a message to the e-mail that to you become affordable storyline of Sarum House.
With a good reward and an interesting plot in the cosmos.

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#15 - 2015-10-06 16:14:55 UTC
things from my experience.....

6.67 is required to get 0% tax fro refining/reprocessing from the NPC corp.
5.0 (excellent) will assist in lowering slightly the tax fee buying/selling (not orders) off the market, after that you need to get excellent in faction standings to have any effect (5.0 or greater)

Also the higher corp standing one my experience as i have watched it doing so and compared to other characters and players i play alongside with...the reduction in fees assessed when researching, invention, and building items are also reduced at the per hour level stats for a qued job.

POS towers
standings no longer have any effect on.
Storm Aumer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2015-10-07 12:49:42 UTC
Zerinia wrote:
What exactly do they do? My understanding was that they previously only affected ability to create jump clones in empire space; now that this is no longer a factor, do they do anything? Specifically, will they affect my broker fees or ability to run missions?
Thers also standings gain for R&D agents.well standings with empiere improve howe fast the agents standinge raise toward you,but they have plans to remowe R&D Agents to,and just make it skill based on what you get i think.
IT looks to me that ccp are going to reduse/remowe good standings you have to work for and replace them with skill based system.

Shit hapens,mowe on......Luky maby your good then......Playe as you like and not as others tell you to.....It dont hurt to be nice....

Storm Aumer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2015-10-07 13:03:20 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
things from my experience.....

6.67 is required to get 0% tax fro refining/reprocessing from the NPC corp.
5.0 (excellent) will assist in lowering slightly the tax fee buying/selling (not orders) off the market, after that you need to get excellent in faction standings to have any effect (5.0 or greater)

Also the higher corp standing one my experience as i have watched it doing so and compared to other characters and players i play alongside with...the reduction in fees assessed when researching, invention, and building items are also reduced at the per hour level stats for a qued job.

POS towers
standings no longer have any effect on.

invention building resherching are only affected by skill and system cost tax;system cost are only changed by the number of jobs active in are fixed 10% in hisec stations and can only be migated with a Pos in hisec

Shit hapens,mowe on......Luky maby your good then......Playe as you like and not as others tell you to.....It dont hurt to be nice....

Amarr Empire
#18 - 2015-10-08 05:46:14 UTC
In short.
Study the skills for the installation Pos
Buy PLEX for &, sold for ISK.
Build a in a quiet pos system where there is no station.
Build and study No commission and the relationship to a corporation.
Since a factional not needed for the installation.

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2015-10-08 07:41:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Hasikan Miallok
Zerinia wrote:
To be clear I was specifically speaking about your player corp's standings on broker's fees and mission availability.

Yeah everyone seems to be talking about personal standings with corp and faction.

The answer is not much at all. Your corps standing to other corps used to effect your ability to get a clone but CCP removed the need for standings for that. Still effects FW in a minor way. AFAIK has no effect on fees or mission offerings you need personal standings with corp/faction for that.
#20 - 2015-10-08 14:24:54 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Zerinia wrote:
To be clear I was specifically speaking about your player corp's standings on broker's fees and mission availability.

Yeah everyone seems to be talking about personal standings with corp and faction.

The answer is not much at all. Your corps standing to other corps used to effect your ability to get a clone but CCP removed the need for standings for that. Still effects FW in a minor way. AFAIK has no effect on fees or mission offerings you need personal standings with corp/faction for that.

I was under the impression that mission offerings was if they offer burner missions. Is this true?