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Vanguard Skill Point Changes

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Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#281 - 2015-09-27 12:50:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Fourteen Maken
I don't understand why any player would begrudge giving 350k skillpoints to new players, especially when most of us started with more than that. New players are blocked from about 90% of the content in eve because they don't have the skill points to do it so they usually spend their first weeks grinding through low lvl missions and mining in ventures - probably the worst part of eve. It's like building a 4 star hotel and using a 10 mile dirt road as the driveway.

Only a certain type of player can survive weeks of tedium running missions and mining in high sec and I'm not sure those players should be our taget audience, if we want more pvp oriented gamers to stick around pvp needs to be more accessible. 350k sp is a small but welcome step in the right direction.
Salvos Rhoska
#282 - 2015-09-27 12:55:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Fourteen Maken wrote:
I don't understand why any player would begrudge giving 350k skillpoints to new playersn.

I agree.

And nobody does begrudge it.

Rather it is being suggested and put forth, that there are even greater benefits from adding the 350k to existing characters, as well as new characters created after that date.

There is zero harm in it, to anyone.
Infact it is only beneficial to everyone.
Furthermore it will help prompt back "lost" players, who have simply forgotten that "wait a minute, I got an EVE account too! ill check back in cos I really loved this game. and ive got 350k sp to assign!", especially now in an PCU slump and where there isnt much hype to be expected in the immediate future to help return their attention, and where content updates are more frequent and gradual, rather than occasional "big" updates.

Its an excellent opportunity to hit several birds with one stone, without harming anyone.
Faenir Antollare
For Ever And Ever
#283 - 2015-09-27 13:02:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Faenir Antollare
"So you went back to edit in some insults, disrespect and trolling, all of which are now reported.

My edit did not move any goal posts nor change what was there.
I merely added more explanation and elaboration on the existing points, for your own benefit so you would understand.
To which you responded with insults/disrespect/trolling."

Quoted from Slavos`s latest rabid slaverings and post reply editings.

I sincerely hope you have reported me, as somebody who has never been reported ever in his whole EvE career I would welcome some dialogue with a GM regarding your participation and poisoning of the EvE-O forums.

RiP BooBoo 26/7/1971 - 23/7/2014 My Lady My Love My Life My Wife

Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#284 - 2015-09-27 13:04:50 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Fourteen Maken wrote:
I don't understand why any player would begrudge giving 350k skillpoints to new playersn.

I agree.

And nobody does.

Rather it is being suggested and put forth, that there are even greater benefits from adding the 350k to existing characters, as well as new characters created after that date.

I assume there's a good reason: maybe it would create too much workload, or maybe they don't want to set a precedent, I don't know but this is a positive change even if it's not universal.
Salvos Rhoska
#285 - 2015-09-27 13:08:11 UTC
Faenir Antollare wrote:

Quoted from Slavos`s latest rabid slaverings and post reply editings.

I sincerely hope you have reported me, as somebody who has never been reported ever in his whole EvE career I would welcome some dialogue with a GM regarding your participation and poisoning of the EvE-O forums.

I have and did. If you read accurately, I stated that specifically.

There will be no dialogue with a GM about anything. Merely them reviewing your insults/disrespect/trolling which is contrary to board rules, and rightfully reported as such.
Salvos Rhoska
#286 - 2015-09-27 13:20:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Fourteen Maken wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Fourteen Maken wrote:
I don't understand why any player would begrudge giving 350k skillpoints to new playersn.

I agree.

And nobody does.

Rather it is being suggested and put forth, that there are even greater benefits from adding the 350k to existing characters, as well as new characters created after that date.

I assume there's a good reason: maybe it would create too much workload, or maybe they don't want to set a precedent, I don't know but this is a positive change even if it's not universal.

I agree entirely that it is a good change (on NPE part).

I sympathise completely with the NPE, being a relatively new player myself, and also having participated in Rookie chat and many hours of new player streaming, especialy in the last 3 months, where I have also contributed help.

Nobody is disputing this change to NPE, and frankly its been a long time coming.

It is additionally to that, not deductive from that, the arguments for making it a universal one off 350k boost to characters already existing, are being made.

This is an excellent opportunity, particularly in a time of reduced PCU, to reinvigorate not just the future new players, but the community overall.

This is because the introduction of the 350k as universal does not harm anyone. Nobody loses. Everyone benefits.
Its like in the real world, if you could suddenly increase EVERYONES potential for greatness, specialisation/diversfication, and their commensurate opportunities, without it costing anything, and without it harming anyone.

This should be taken advantage of. Such an opportunity is rare.

Consider the following:
-This boost will currently only affect future characters. These do NOT YET EVEN EXIST.
Many of the clients who would make them in future do NOT YET EVEN KNOW EVE EXISTS.
-50k vs 400k SP is not something these future clients even understand yet. But it will help retain them, once they do.
That is a very good thing.

But if you introduce the 350k boost as universal:
-You will incentivise ALL current characters to diversify/specialise with the windfall, and thereby provide more player content 0/potential and customer satisfaction.
- Will help enormously to incentivise lost players to return, as well as remind them that EVE is a game still here for them to return to from their sabbatical.
-This in addition, and in no way detracting from, the NPE benefit as above.

All these benefits, for everyone, at NO COST and at NO HARM.

Its a no brainer. The benefits of a universal sp boost far outweigh, and also include integrally the benefits of to NPE, the current NPE exclusive sp boost.

This rare opportunity should not be thrown away.

The precedent issue is largely moot:
-Adding rote SP basis to new characters, is a new precedent, that anyways categorically breaches previous precedebnt. Furthermore, its unlikely to happen again, because this one does what is neccessary already for its purposes.
-As to the precedent of associating a new character SP boost with a universal one, I dont see a problen with that. There is more equity and equality in a precedence of applying the boost universally, in perpetuity, in such a way which benefits everyone, rather than it only benefiting characters created within a certain time frame. Equity and equality can be served universally in this case, without it harming nor detracting anyone. That, in and of ifself is unprecedented, and a fantastic opportunity that should not be wasted.
-The issue of precedence fails anyways, because CCP has complete autonomy, and are not beholden to any of them.

Making the SP boost universal harms no one.
Not new players, not older, not CCP.

Rather there is an opportunity here for everyone to benefit, new characters, older characters, and CCP, as the 350k carrot can be extended not only to new players, but everyone else (whether they currently are in the game or not), to help retain the, return them to the game, and for themto diversify/specialise across the board of activities as well as across the board of new/old (thereby providing more content) with ZERO HARM to anyone.

Its perfect.
Make it so.
ISD Buldath
#287 - 2015-09-27 13:37:51 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Buldath

3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not conductive to the community spirit that CCP promotes. As such, this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive, and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

I have removed the offending posts, and those quoting it.

~ISD Buldath

Instructor King of the Forums! Knight of the General Discussion

Support, Training and Resources Division

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE-Mails regarding forum moderation.

Syn Shi
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#288 - 2015-09-27 13:51:24 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
I'm a fairly new player to EVE, playing roughly 5 months now.
With the new skill point changes, new players will be given for free skills that took roughly 1-2 weeks to train.
Only players made in the 2 weeks before Vanguards release will be given free skill point compensation.
Why is this?
1-2 weeks is roughly 5-10% of my total playing time.
That is 1-2 weeks of subscription that I paid for to train those skills, which are now given to new players for free.
That's 1-2 weeks of subscription/training time that I could have spent on something else. A lot for a new player.
What possible reason is there to not give everyone with an existing account the SP compensation?
I know how pathetic it sounds, but for someone with 7m SP, 350k is still a relatively large amount.

I understand this change is to help the new players, but perhaps CCP should remember to treat it's existing players well too.

OP, one thing you should know about Eve.

The vets rather see the game slowly dwindle away to nothing than accept any changes that may attract new players.

They have had it so rough in Eve, you really have to feel sorry for them. Just look at the responses.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#289 - 2015-09-27 14:54:47 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

All these benefits, for everyone, at NO COST and at NO HARM.

We don't know what the cost is, it might not be as simple as pushing a few buttons and everyone gets free sp, I assume this is pretty old code they have to work with, I remember when they changed something on the Drone skill queue and there were complications that took some weeks and probably thousands of tickets before it was sorted. Now if it's not a big task - offering it to all active accounts as a goodwill gesture would do no harm, and would benefit newer players like you a lot more than established players. I have 25million skill points so it won't make a big difference to me, but to someone with 7mil i can see how it would be a nice boost especially if it's not allocated.

My first post wasn't aimed at you, I was talking specifically about the minority of bitters moaning as though the skillpoints were taken directly from them and given to new players.
Salvos Rhoska
#290 - 2015-09-27 15:22:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Fourteen Maken wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

All these benefits, for everyone, at NO COST and at NO HARM.

We don't know what the cost is, it might not be as simple as pushing a few buttons and everyone gets free sp, I assume this is pretty old code they have to work with, I remember when they changed something on the Drone skill queue and there were complications that took some weeks and probably thousands of tickets before it was sorted. Now if it's not a big task - offering it to all active accounts as a goodwill gesture would do no harm, and would benefit newer players like you a lot more than established players. I have 25million skill points so it won't make a big difference to me, but to someone with 7mil i can see how it would be a nice boost especially if it's not allocated.

My first post wasn't aimed at you, I was talking specifically about the minority of bitters moaning as though the skillpoints were taken directly from them and given to new players.

Granted, and agreed.

If it its difficult to introduce 350k to the entire base, so that it takes inordinate developer time, then dont do so.

My point being, as you ackowledged, that it would be a good thing, if possible.

If its difficult to implement, then nvm. Id rather that effort was put towards something else, as Im sure most other propnents of a universal 350k inlign with this change, would agree.

But if it can, its a greater net benefit for everyone, rather than just tye current 350k to new characters that actually dont even exist yet.
Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#291 - 2015-09-27 15:26:10 UTC
Syn Shi wrote:
Johnny Riko wrote:
I'm a fairly new player to EVE, playing roughly 5 months now.
With the new skill point changes, new players will be given for free skills that took roughly 1-2 weeks to train.
Only players made in the 2 weeks before Vanguards release will be given free skill point compensation.
Why is this?
1-2 weeks is roughly 5-10% of my total playing time.
That is 1-2 weeks of subscription that I paid for to train those skills, which are now given to new players for free.
That's 1-2 weeks of subscription/training time that I could have spent on something else. A lot for a new player.
What possible reason is there to not give everyone with an existing account the SP compensation?
I know how pathetic it sounds, but for someone with 7m SP, 350k is still a relatively large amount.

I understand this change is to help the new players, but perhaps CCP should remember to treat it's existing players well too.

OP, one thing you should know about Eve.

The vets rather see the game slowly dwindle away to nothing than accept any changes that may attract new players.

They have had it so rough in Eve, you really have to feel sorry for them. Just look at the responses.

It's an Internet forum, they are more than entitled to have and post their opinions. What I can't understand is the complete lack of logical arguments. Certain posters seem to be here just to troll and have a keyboard fight. I haven't directly responsed to tippia's "arguments" for many pages, yet he continues to quote my responses to others and try to make himself seem clever.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

#292 - 2015-09-27 16:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Syn Shi wrote:
Johnny Riko wrote:
I'm a fairly new player to EVE, playing roughly 5 months now.
With the new skill point changes, new players will be given for free skills that took roughly 1-2 weeks to train.
Only players made in the 2 weeks before Vanguards release will be given free skill point compensation.
Why is this?
1-2 weeks is roughly 5-10% of my total playing time.
That is 1-2 weeks of subscription that I paid for to train those skills, which are now given to new players for free.
That's 1-2 weeks of subscription/training time that I could have spent on something else. A lot for a new player.
What possible reason is there to not give everyone with an existing account the SP compensation?
I know how pathetic it sounds, but for someone with 7m SP, 350k is still a relatively large amount.

I understand this change is to help the new players, but perhaps CCP should remember to treat it's existing players well too.

OP, one thing you should know about Eve.

The vets rather see the game slowly dwindle away to nothing than accept any changes that may attract new players.

They have had it so rough in Eve, you really have to feel sorry for them. Just look at the responses.

It's responses like this that shows the real intention behind the people supporting free SP to all players. It is just a simple desire for personal gain.

The statement makes no sense, since the new players are exactly the ones getting the 350k SP buff. So how is it, that by arguing against giving additional SP to everyone, EXCEPT the newly created characters, we are suddenly hurting them?

Yet, we have people (like Salvos) that keeps arguing that "Hey, there is no downside. SP to all!". But by doing that, you completely remove the goal of the change. Since you increase the SP level of the whole server population, the change is basically non-existent, besides a nominal increase of numbers in your skill queue.

This will "hurt" new players, in the sense, that you took away what was supposed to be a buff and an easier start to new players.

Imagine you are 100m from a post and you need to traverse that distance. Someone tells you, that you now get a headstart of 20m, but at the same time they move away the post 20m as well. Even though, you have traveled 20m, you are still 100m from the post. As you can see, getting a headstart made absolutely no difference in the actual matter.

It is supposed to be a very small (and negligible) catch-up mechanic, since you only get skills that you will always train anyways. Since older players already have all these skills trained, how is it fair that you could get an extra free 350k SP towards a Titan, on the expense of a newbie buff?

So I state again, by giving everyone free SP, you actually create a pointless buff to new players. A buff that is supposed to help with fundamental skills, as well as a one week head-start compared to the old starting point.

But then again, the people arguing for a universal SP increase are very poor debaters, that will generally just stick to their initial argument without expanding on it, or giving rational explanations to why their view is superior. So far, the way they have argued their case is by repeating the same points over and over. When that didn't help, instead of giving arguments to the counter-arguments, they proceed to repeat the same point louder (usually using CAPS). When that fails, they will just resolve to claim no counter-arguments exists.

Anyway, at the end of the day. The decision is in the hands of CCP. From what I can see, luckily enough, there does not seem to be any plans to reimbursing SP to all characters.

Hopefully, they will not bend under the pressure of a whining crowd (yes, the "new features" post is also filled with people crying for free SP) and implement it as is currently stated.

SP given ONLY to players created within 2 weeks from Vanguard and onwards.
Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#293 - 2015-09-27 17:35:11 UTC
Maekchu wrote:
Syn Shi wrote:
Johnny Riko wrote:
I'm a fairly new player to EVE, playing roughly 5 months now.
With the new skill point changes, new players will be given for free skills that took roughly 1-2 weeks to train.
Only players made in the 2 weeks before Vanguards release will be given free skill point compensation.
Why is this?
1-2 weeks is roughly 5-10% of my total playing time.
That is 1-2 weeks of subscription that I paid for to train those skills, which are now given to new players for free.
That's 1-2 weeks of subscription/training time that I could have spent on something else. A lot for a new player.
What possible reason is there to not give everyone with an existing account the SP compensation?
I know how pathetic it sounds, but for someone with 7m SP, 350k is still a relatively large amount.

I understand this change is to help the new players, but perhaps CCP should remember to treat it's existing players well too.

OP, one thing you should know about Eve.

The vets rather see the game slowly dwindle away to nothing than accept any changes that may attract new players.

They have had it so rough in Eve, you really have to feel sorry for them. Just look at the responses.

It's responses like this that shows the real intention behind the people supporting free SP to all players. It is just a simple desire for personal gain.

The statement makes no sense, since the new players are exactly the ones getting the 350k SP buff. So how is it, that by arguing against giving additional SP to everyone, EXCEPT the newly created characters, we are suddenly hurting them?

Yet, we have people (like Salvos) that keeps arguing that "Hey, there is no downside. SP to all!". But by doing that, you completely remove the goal of the change. Since you increase the SP level of the whole server population, the change is basically non-existent, besides a nominal increase of numbers in your skill queue.

This will "hurt" new players, in the sense, that you took away what was supposed to be a buff and an easier start to new players.

Imagine you are 100m from a post and you need to traverse that distance. Someone tells you, that you now get a headstart of 20m, but at the same time they move away the post 20m as well. Even though, you have traveled 20m, you are still 100m from the post. As you can see, getting a headstart made absolutely no difference in the actual matter.

It is supposed to be a very small (and negligible) catch-up mechanic, since you only get skills that you will always train anyways. Since older players already have all these skills trained, how is it fair that you could get an extra free 350k SP towards a Titan, on the expense of a newbie buff?

So I state again, by giving everyone free SP, you actually create a pointless buff to new players. A buff that is supposed to help with fundamental skills, as well as a one week head-start compared to the old starting point.

But then again, the people arguing for a universal SP increase are very poor debaters, that will generally just stick to their initial argument without expanding on it, or giving rational explanations to why their view is superior. So far, the way they have argued their case is by repeating the same points over and over. When that didn't help, instead of giving arguments to the counter-arguments, they proceed to repeat the same point louder (usually using CAPS). When that fails, they will just resolve to claim no counter-arguments exists.

Anyway, at the end of the day. The decision is in the hands of CCP. From what I can see, luckily enough, there does not seem to be any plans to reimbursing SP to all characters.

Hopefully, they will not bend under the pressure of a whining crowd (yes, the "new features" post is also filled with people crying for free SP) and implement it as is currently stated.

SP given ONLY to players created within 2 weeks from Vanguard and onwards.

You're simply ridiculous.
If the goal of the change was to lessen the gap between new and existing players, then it is a terrible change and should be opposed by everyone.
The way I see it, is the change is to try and make the game easier for new players. You are looking at it from a purely PVP perspective, which is wrong.
If you're not going to raise a valid argument, rather than repeating the same dead logic, then I would appreciate it if you stop posting in this thread and lowering the quality of the responses.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#294 - 2015-09-27 17:44:52 UTC
dude this was a chum bucket whinge thread to begin with, the trolling is the only thing of merit here
Sylveria Relden
#295 - 2015-09-27 18:00:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Sylveria Relden
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
dude this was a chum bucket whinge thread to begin with, the trolling is the only thing of merit here

Eh, merit is questionable, more like free entertainment.

Bottom line is CCP will do what CCP will do- it's already been announced, it will help new players and it's a really good move.

The amount of skillpoints given is pretty negligible to established players and starting threads like this isn't going to change what's already in motion. If you want to protest, the Jita monument is still where it's always been located.

We can do the whole "when I was your age" argument all day long and it really won't change a thing- it's a different time, and CCP is trying to do what they can to incentivize new players to even want to create an account. If you care in the slightest about the game continuing to move forward- you might want to consider CCP can't pay the bills with "good intentions".

5 miles, uphill, in the snow, both ways, evading wolves, yada yada.

TL;DR If you didn't read the entire post perhaps you're probably ADHD. (seek help)

#296 - 2015-09-27 18:18:51 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:

You're simply ridiculous.
If the goal of the change was to lessen the gap between new and existing players, then it is a terrible change and should be opposed by everyone.
The way I see it, is the change is to try and make the game easier for new players. You are looking at it from a purely PVP perspective, which is wrong.
If you're not going to raise a valid argument, rather than repeating the same dead logic, then I would appreciate it if you stop posting in this thread and lowering the quality of the responses.

CCP Rise wrote:

The goal here is to get new players over as many early barriers to gameplay as possible. By throwing in a whole bunch of prereqs and adding to the basic support skill amounts we are hoping new players have faster access to a wider range of activities right out of the box.

If the highlighted part does not imply that CCP wants to give new players a small head-start, then I don't know what in your world would.

They simply want newbies a bit faster through some of the core skills everyone will and have trained. It can be argued, that people who do not have these skills trained yet, but are beyond the 2 week "grace" period. Should just get these skills to the new minimal level. But then again, this is not what you argue...

Giving people who already have these base skills an additional 350k SP, that can be used on anything. Is unfair and unjustified.
It is unfair, since the new characters cannot freely decide the allocation of these 350k points.
It is unjustified, because of the lack of reason to give everyone an additional 350k for free. It is meant as a small buff for new characters, not a give-away to the whole EvE population.

When you give money to charity, do you also give the same amount to your neighbor and random citizens you meet on the street? I mean, it will do no harm... Only benefits! You probably don't, since there would be no point in such an action. Just as there is no point in handing out free SP, based on a buff to new characters.

But sure, I'll leave you guys to your quality posting, unless I see something completely absurd (like the statement, that left me no other choice than to reply and tell the person what nonsense they were spewing). People making nonsensical or absurd arguments cannot be left unchecked.
Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#297 - 2015-09-27 18:19:08 UTC
Sylveria Relden wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
dude this was a chum bucket whinge thread to begin with, the trolling is the only thing of merit here

Eh, merit is questionable, more like free entertainment.

Bottom line is CCP will do what CCP will do- it's already been announced, it will help new players and it's a really good move.

The amount of skillpoints given is pretty negligible to established players and starting threads like this isn't going to change what's already in motion. If you want to protest, the Jita monument is still where it's always been located.

We can do the whole "when I was your age" argument all day long and it really won't change a thing- it's a different time, and CCP is trying to do what they can to incentivize new players to even want to create an account. If you care in the slightest about the game continuing to move forward- you might want to consider CCP can't pay the bills with "good intentions".

5 miles, uphill, in the snow, both ways, evading wolves, yada yada.

Clearly I care about the game.
But like I said, I don't think the purpose of the update is to shorten the gap between new and existing players. If that is the case then it is a pitiful attempt by CCP. If it is to make things easier for new players, that is good. But recompensating old players for the time they spent for skill levels that are effectively removed from the game (if everyone has them, it's the same as no one having them,) isn't going to affect new players in the slightest.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

Sylveria Relden
#298 - 2015-09-27 18:31:48 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:

Clearly I care about the game.
But like I said, I don't think the purpose of the update is to shorten the gap between new and existing players. If that is the case then it is a pitiful attempt by CCP. If it is to make things easier for new players, that is good. But recompensating old players for the time they spent for skill levels that are effectively removed from the game (if everyone has them, it's the same as no one having them,) isn't going to affect new players in the slightest.

CCP has already stated that it's to improve the NPE- so I'm failing to see a "problem" here.
What skills are "being removed"? I'm unaware of any skills being removed- only skilpoints being awarded to new players.
What does anyone hope to accomplish with these threads protesting skilpoints being awarded to the new players anyway? Seriously?

I have to agree that anyone protesting giving new players more skillpoints so they have additional choices in getting started in the game is being extremely selfish- but I suppose it's par for the course in what this game has become over the years.

Blame the premise of the game, I suppose. Everyone for themselves, etc.

TL;DR If you didn't read the entire post perhaps you're probably ADHD. (seek help)

Vortexo VonBrenner
#299 - 2015-09-27 18:32:34 UTC
I suspect Malcanis' Law might apply to the situation the OP describes. Not sure exactly how...but EvE players will find a way... That being said, *shrug*, CCP will do whatever they feel is best for their game I suppose. Adapt and let them worry about it, OP. Time to play Disney princess and "let it go".

On a more important note: Starship Troopers is one of the best books ever written. Too bad the "movie" was so excruciatingly bad as an adaptation. With current CGI capabilities, an actual movie adaptation of the book could be made. A guy can dream , eh?

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#300 - 2015-09-27 18:40:42 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
Sylveria Relden wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
dude this was a chum bucket whinge thread to begin with, the trolling is the only thing of merit here

Eh, merit is questionable, more like free entertainment.

Bottom line is CCP will do what CCP will do- it's already been announced, it will help new players and it's a really good move.

The amount of skillpoints given is pretty negligible to established players and starting threads like this isn't going to change what's already in motion. If you want to protest, the Jita monument is still where it's always been located.

We can do the whole "when I was your age" argument all day long and it really won't change a thing- it's a different time, and CCP is trying to do what they can to incentivize new players to even want to create an account. If you care in the slightest about the game continuing to move forward- you might want to consider CCP can't pay the bills with "good intentions".

5 miles, uphill, in the snow, both ways, evading wolves, yada yada.

Clearly I care about the game.
But like I said, I don't think the purpose of the update is to shorten the gap between new and existing players. If that is the case then it is a pitiful attempt by CCP. If it is to make things easier for new players, that is good. But recompensating old players for the time they spent for skill levels that are effectively removed from the game (if everyone has them, it's the same as no one having them,) isn't going to affect new players in the slightest.

This would provide a one time reduction in the gap between new players and existing players because both players will be earning SP even after this change.

It is the difference between a level change (think of a step function) with a single step (upwards) and a change in rates (e.g. assuming a flat SP training rate between new and old players of 1850, if new players were then boosted to train a say 1.25*1850 they'd start closing the gap on older players).

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online