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Vanguard Skill Point Changes

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#141 - 2015-09-25 14:12:00 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Why should new characters, created after a certain date, have more starting SP than characters created before that date?

Why did they remove SP loss and cost on clones after some time and not just have it on release? Why is it that only after a certain date, characters had access to Entosis links, T3Ds, jump fatique, a Bowhead, ..., etc.? Why can I not buy citadels now, it is unfair that someone down the line can just buy it instead of having to buy a normal POS? Why do my feet smell more now, than they did when I just showered?

Did you really think your question through? Things change. You are basically asking, why CCP didn't plan for some change in the future that haven't happened yet. Do you see how absurd that question even is?
Odie McCracken
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2015-09-25 14:12:31 UTC
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Val'Dore wrote:
A few years back, you could roll a character with over 1 million sp. So it changes, get over it.

Not true.

Actually it is. The expansion which added the third bloodline to each race had a change where every new character created got at least one level 5 skill, which gave them over 1mil sp out of the box at the start. I used it to create a few alts with science 5 for research/invention stuff. I still have them on inactive accounts.

So the precedent was actually already set to not update existing players when a change is made to the new player creation.
#143 - 2015-09-25 14:20:28 UTC
And before you reply with "Then they shouldn't do the change" or "They should just give all players 350k SP".

Then you need to consider this change is not meant to benefit all players. It is only meant to benefit newly created characters.

CCP Rise wrote:
The goal here is to get new players over as many early barriers to gameplay as possible. By throwing in a whole bunch of prereqs and adding to the basic support skill amounts we are hoping new players have faster access to a wider range of activities right out of the box.

At some point in time, someone will not be a newly created character. Once you are not a "new player" anymore, you are not meant to benefit from this change, because you have had time to make up that difference in SP as argued before in this thread.

I feel like I'm repeating myself.
Salvos Rhoska
#144 - 2015-09-25 14:35:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
There is no harm in applying the 350k to all past, present and future characters.
No one is disenfranchised in that. It is not arbitrary, its universal. Precedent is maintained, as SP status quo remains equal.

New characters get to invest the + SP for more functionality earlier on.
Old characters, who never had that, get it retroactively, in equity, for their own functionality.

The precedent of raising new character SP base alone is far more dangerous than that of raising everyones.

Raising the SP universally does not harm new characters or old in relation to each other, in either direction.
They remain equidistant, and since the impteus is not to narrow the gap between new and old anyways, this remains a nonissue.

Furthermore, as I stated earlier, this will generate community hype and return lost players to the game, cos we are all SP whores.

There is no rational argument against making the SP boost universal.
Why should existing characters not also benefit equally?
#145 - 2015-09-25 14:43:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
There is no harm in applying the 350k to all past, present and future characters.
No one is disenfranchised in that. It is not arbitrary, its universal. Precedent is maintained, as SP status quo remains equal.

New characters get to invest the + SP for more functionality earlier on.
Old characters, who never had that, get it retroactively, in equity, for their own functionality.

The precedent of raising new character SP base alone is far more dangerous than that of raising everyones.

Raising the SP universally does not harm new characters or old in relation to each other, in either direction.

But that would defeat the goal of the change. If you give out 350k SP to all players, then you benefit ALL players and not just "new players" as the change was meant to benefit.

If they would hand out 350k SP to all players, then it can indeed be argued why implement this change at all, since nothing has changed besides raising the SP amount for all characters in the game. Nothing has been gained or lost. The state of the game does not change, besides the nominal value of your SP sheet.

CCP are not trying to maintain the status quo. They are trying to make a change that will benefit "new players" and them alone.

Yes, it could be argued that there is no "harm" in applying 350k to all characters. But there is also no point in doing so. There would be no purpose to such a change.

As it stands now, there is purpose to the upcoming change. The purpose is to help newly created characters with a small SP boost to the initlal SP pool.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#146 - 2015-09-25 14:44:40 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
There is no harm in applying the 350k to all past, present and future characters.
…except that arbitrarily handing out SP sets a very bad and completely nonsensical precedent.
Amber Starview
#147 - 2015-09-25 14:46:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Amber Starview
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
There is no harm in applying the 350k to all past, present and future characters.
No one is disenfranchised in that. It is not arbitrary, its universal. Precedent is maintained, as SP status quo remains equal.

New characters get to invest the + SP for more functionality earlier on.
Old characters, who never had that, get it retroactively, in equity, for their own functionality.

The precedent of raising new character SP base alone is far more dangerous than that of raising everyones.

Raising the SP universally does not harm new characters or old in relation to each other, in either direction.

I would have to agree with you here ,This much means nothing to older players but for newer players every sp counts and is very important

Edit - This benefits brand new players and newer players how can it be wrong ? Why exclude newer players and just focus brand new we want to keep and improve the game for both
#148 - 2015-09-25 14:51:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

There is no rational argument against making the SP boost universal.
Why should existing characters not also benefit equally?

There is a perfectly rational argument against handing out a universal SP boost that have been argued and repeated for over 8 pages now.

But if you choose to either ignore the argument or not understand it. Then yes, in your mind the argument is non-existent.

You could take the stance of disagreement to the arguments presented to you, then you in turn would improve your own argumentation, based on what has been said. Then the debate goes on and on.

However, claiming that no rational counter argument has been presented is just ridiculous.
Salvos Rhoska
#149 - 2015-09-25 14:51:19 UTC
Maekchu wrote:
But that would defeat the goal of the change. If you give out 350k SP to all players, then you benefit ALL players and not just "new players" as the change was meant to benefit.e.

It does not defeat the goal.
The goal is adding more immediate training options and subsequent functionality to new characters.

Adding 350k to every other existing character does not contradict nor rescind that.
It does not defeat, impair or detract from that goal whatsoever.

What it does do, however, is equitably maintain the SP status quo, and fairness towards characters created before.

There is no rational reason not to make the 350k a universal increase.
Salvos Rhoska
#150 - 2015-09-25 14:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Tippia wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
There is no harm in applying the 350k to all past, present and future characters.
…except that arbitrarily handing out SP sets a very bad and completely nonsensical precedent.

You falsely ascribe the quality "arbitrary" to the universal 350k boost.

It could, according to your logic, be far more validly applied to the notion of "arbitratily handing out SP ONLY to a certain, not yet even existing, character base, sets a very bad and completely nonsensical precedent".

That which makes the 350k boost to new characters created after a certain date, which excludes it from critique as arbitrary, is its purpose. That of increasing opportunities and functionality for immediately new characters.

Inline with that, that which excludes applying the boost universally to ALL characters, retroactively and in all perpetuity, from critique as "arbitrary", is also its purpose. That of maintaining the SP status quo, equity towards and equality of characters in this game environment.
#151 - 2015-09-25 15:01:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Maekchu wrote:
But that would defeat the goal of the change. If you give out 350k SP to all players, then you benefit ALL players and not just "new players" as the change was meant to benefit.e.

It does not defeat the goal.
The goal is adding more immediate training options and subsequent functionality to new characters.

Adding 350k to every other existing character does not contradict nor rescind that.
It does not defeat, impair or detract from that goal whatsoever.

What it does do, however, is equitably maintain the SP status quo, and fairness towards characters created before.

There is no rational reason not to make the 350k a universal increase.

See, this is here where you are wrong. Whether you give out SP to only new players or to all players is important to determinate the purpose of the change.

Consider the following scenario: We want to help the poor by giving them $1M. If you only give it to people who already only have 1$, they will benefit from this change. If you however give $1M to everyone on the planet, everything will adjust to the new level of nominal capital in the system. Nothing is changed besides nominal values. The poor will still be as poor, however this time they will have $1M instead of $1.

It is the same that happens here. If you give all players an additional 350k SP, then yes. New players have an additional amount of SP, but so do every other character. Nothing is changed, besides the nominal value of SP points in the game.

This in turn defeats the goal of helping the "new players".

This is the point that has been argued before by others and me. I hope, that this time I have painted a clear enough picture for you to actually see the argument. Instead of claiming its non-existence.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#152 - 2015-09-25 15:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
You falsely ascribe the quality "arbitrary" to the universal 350k boost.

No, I correctly ascribe it to a distribution that follows no reason.

That of maintaining the SP status quo, equity towards and equality of characters in this game environment.
That is pretty much the exact opposite of why new characters get a skill boost. It's the same as the previous times they have done this type of change — it was never harmful, it was always very specific, and this instance does not set any precedent on that front.
Salvos Rhoska
#153 - 2015-09-25 15:15:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska

You are presuming that all players already have $1 million.

They dont.

The point of the 350k boost as posited, is to enable more immediate functionality and options for new players.
It is NOT, absolutely not, to shorten the gap in SP between them and older characters.
Do you understand the difference?

This discussion, overall, is quite concerning.

People seem to have a very subjective understanding of what is equitable and equal.

This is not a matter of ingame competition, which, rightly so, is resolved by its internal conflict by each participant.

This is an externally enforced matter which reflects upon every character in the game in terms of equality and equity.

How do you justify to a player that created his character 1 month ago, and who has been playing the game since then, that he doesnt deserve the same 350k boost as a character created 1 month after him?

Its a pointless inequality.

Whereas applying the 350k to all characters, past present and future, does not rescind nor impair the boost to new players, nor anyone else.

The SP status quo remains constant. All characters remain equidistant, according to theit existing SP and investment.
It harms no one and nothing.

The new characters get their boost, which makes it possible to explore more functionality, earlier.
The older characters get the same, for the same purpose, equitably, retroactively for never having had it themselves when they too were new chatacters.

Everyone is happy, everyone benefits.
NOBODY loses anything.
More content and opportunity is created, and most importantly, NO SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY is introduced.

Furthermore there is no risk of an "SP inflation".
-The amount in question here is small. Far more significant to a new born character than any other.
-A universal application maintains the status quo. No one is dis/advantaged, in equity.
-Everyone playing accrues SP constantly anyways. The entirety of EVEs characters, retroactively and in perpetuity, having 350k+ SP does not harm anything or anyone. Infact it is likely to spur more content/diversification, as well as potentially re-interesting lost players back to the game, not just for the SP, but because its introduction and hype reminds them that "Hey, I have an EVE account! Maybe I should try this game again! Alteast Ive got 350k I can invest!"
Salvos Rhoska
#154 - 2015-09-25 15:18:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Tippia wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
You falsely ascribe the quality "arbitrary" to the universal 350k boost.

No, I correctly ascribe it to a distribution that follows no reason

I pointed out and expressed reasons.

Ignoring them does not negate them.
Warlock Assassins
#155 - 2015-09-25 15:29:55 UTC
I think the argument about X number of skill points is completely beside the point. The intent wasn't to hand out some specific and arbitrary number of points to new players. The intent was to give new players a wider array of options starting out. Instead of thinking of it as 350,000 skill points to do what they want with, think of it as level 3 of gunnery or something.

Let's pretend that you already have gunnery to 3. What do you want CCP to do? Give you gunnery lvl 3 again? It's no use to you. You've already got it. If you've been training for more than a week, you've made your decisions and the skill ranks being handed out to new players is equivalent of what you spent your first week on.

The point here is also not to buff new players with respect to older players. The point is that CCP has looked at things and decided it doesn't make the best sense for new players to spend the first week training the things that almost everyone should spend the first week training. It's the baseline changing. Just like it has in the past.

There was a time in the past when there were learning skills in the game that it was highly advantageous to be Caldari Achura. That advantage was taken away, I think at the same time learning skills were taken away. But the rest of the people who were not Caldari/Achura were not given a reimbursement to make of years of inferior attributes.

The baseline was simply changed. Just like it's changing now. If you equalize this change, people won't stop there. They'll bring the torches and pitchforks to the forum and burn Jita to the ground until every past baseline shift has been reimbursed to all players from the beginning of time.

CCP needs the freedom to make these changes from time to time. They can't reimburse across the board for this without giving up that freedom.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

#156 - 2015-09-25 15:31:04 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

You are presuming that all players already have $1 million.

They dont.

This discussion, overall, is quite concerning.

People seem to have a very subjective understanding of what is equitable and equal.

This is not a matter of ingame competition, which, rightly so, is resolved by its internal conflict by each participant.

This is an externally enforced matter which reflects upon every character in the game in terms of equality and equity.

How do you justify to a player that created his character 1 month ago, and who has been playing the game since then, that he doesnt deserve the same 350k boost as a character created 1 month after him?

Its a pointless inequality.

Whereas applying the 350k to all characters, past present and future, does not rescind nor impair the boost to new players, nor anyone else.

The SP status quo remains constant. All characters remain equidistant, according to theit existing SP and investment.
It harms no one and nothing.

The new characters get their boost, which makes it possible to explore more functionality, earlier.
The older characters get the same, for the same purpose.

Everyone is happy, everyone benefits.
NOBODY loses anything.
More content and opportunity is created, and most importantly, NO SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY is introduced.

Nobody loses anything and everyone benefits. But the purpose would be lost. If everyone benefits, then what is the change supposed to change?

You keep arguing to keep the SP increase universal cause "equality". But this change is not meant to benefit everyone.

It has already been clearly specified what is a new character in this case. Namely, any character created within 2 weeks of the Vanguard release. Only these characters and any future character is meant to benefit from this change.

This change is NOT meant to make everyone happy. It is NOT meant to preserve the status quo, since preserving the status quo would change nothing, thus resulting in a change with no purpose.
Salvos Rhoska
#157 - 2015-09-25 15:43:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Maekchu wrote:
Nobody loses anything and everyone benefits. But the purpose would be lost. If everyone benefits, then what is the change supposed to change?.

I already specifically answered exactly this.

The PURPOSE of adding 350k to the starting SP of new character, is to increase their access to opportunities and functionality.

The PURPOSE is NOT to shorten thr gap between these new characters, and characters created 1 day earlier, or 10 years earlier.
An exclusive boost ONLY to new characters after a certain date, however, DOES EXACTLY THAT.
The guy who created his character even a single day before the other one, is short 350k, compared to the guy who waited one more day, instead of starting to play right now.

If CCP is going to raise the SP basis, there is no rational reason not to do so throughout all of its characters.
It harms no one and nothing, and instead ensures equality and equity. There is no downside to it, whatsoever.

NOTHING in making the 350k boost universal, contradicts, countermands, rescinds, mitigates, reduces or negates that new characters will STILL have that 350k boost, and STILL have more access to immedate opportunities and functionality, as is the PURPOSE.

EXCLUSIVELY adding 350k to new characters after a certain date, however, is a systemic inequality towards anyone who created their character before that date.

Applying the 350k boost universally creates no problems, does not negate the advantage to new characters as was its purpose insofar as that, and creates no systemic inequality.

Would you like to discuss this in voice? It seems written language is failing here.
PM me if so and Ill arrange it.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#158 - 2015-09-25 15:50:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
I pointed out and expressed reasons.

No. You invented a reason — one that has nothing to do with why new players are given 350k additional SP. That's what makes it arbitrary. In trying to justify a change you'd like to see, you amply demonstrate why it shouldn't.

New players are given an SP boost to create a smoother transition from an old NPE to a new one. This transition only affects and only applies to new characters, and even then, only to a select and limited few of them.

You, covetous of SP, then invents an unrelated, spurious, and completely unprecedented reason why you too should be given that SP even though you are not affected. This sets the dangerous and nonsensical precedent that, any time someone covets SP and can come up with a spurious and unconnected reason, they should just as arbitrarily be given SP.

The PURPOSE of adding 350k to the starting SP of new character, is to increase their access to opportunities and functionality.
Wrong. The purpose of the 350k bonus is to smooth over the transition from an old NPE, where you only got 50k starting SP to a new one, where you get 400k. New players accidentally caught in this transition phase will thus not be unduly punished just because of their bad timing.

If CCP is going to raise the SP basis, there is no rational reason not to do so throughout all of its characters.
Yes there is: it does not affect anyone except new players — only new players need to be kept from ending up unwitting victims of poor timing.

EXCLUSIVELY adding 350k to new characters after a certain date, however, is a systemic inequality towards anyone who created their character before that date.
So, you are in favour of handing out 10M SP and about a month of double-speed training to all characters then, to remove all systemic inequality.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#159 - 2015-09-25 15:50:42 UTC
Has anyone posted one of these Ferret pics yet?

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

#160 - 2015-09-25 15:57:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Maekchu
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Maekchu wrote:
Nobody loses anything and everyone benefits. But the purpose would be lost. If everyone benefits, then what is the change supposed to change?.

I already speficially answered exactly this.

The PURPOSE of adding 350k to the starting SP of new character, is to increase their access to opportunities and functionality.

The PURPOSE is NOT to shorten thr gap between these new characterd, and characters created 1 day earlier, or 10 years earlier.

NOTHING in making the 350k boost universal, contradicts, countermands, rescinds, mitigates, reduces or negates that new characters will STILL have that 350k boost, and STILL have more access to immedate opportunities and functionality, as is the PURPOSE.

EXCLUSIVELY adding 350k to new characters after a certain date, however, is a systemic inequality towards anyone who created their character before that date.

Applying the 350k boost universally creates no problems, does not negate the advantage to new characters as was its purpose insofar as that, and creates no systemic inequality.

Would you like to discuss this in voice? It seems written language is failing here.
PM me if so and Ill arrange it.

I honestly don't care enough for your opinion to take up this discussion on comms.

I also don't think there would be any purpose for such discussion, just as there would be no purpose in raising the overall SP level across the board (see what I did there?).

We have both repeated the same points for the past 5-6 posts and have gotten nowhere. Instead of acknowledging the counter-arguments, albeit disagree with them, you instead claim their non-existence. Thus saying your argument is the only valid one, since there exists no counter-arguments to it. Your argument will always be the one that makes most sense, if you choose to ignore anything that counters its premise or discard them as nonsense.

This realization, has made me question your ability to conduct a rational and calm argument with opposing points of view. Thus deeming any higher degree of involvement, besides posts on a discussion board, a complete waste of time.