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Vanguard Skill Point Changes

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Divine Entervention
#101 - 2015-09-25 07:22:35 UTC
Now Now children, play nice.

Don't resort to tippia's level, you're better than that.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#102 - 2015-09-25 07:30:03 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:

As a child, were you the kid who struggled to put the different shaped pegs into the different shaped holes?

I'll repeat myself. The training time for the skills that you will now be starting with, has being removed from the game.

The skill you trained however, has not been removed from the game.
You are attempting to equate opportunity cost with actual removal. The two are not the same and never will be no matter how much you protest.

I would not personally be against any character without the new starting skills gaining the starting skills of their faction, and tough luck to Mags and their OCD in that case.

But I am very much against a free 350k SP unallocated SP grab which is what you are attempting to justify.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#103 - 2015-09-25 07:31:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Johnny Riko wrote:
I'll repeat myself. The training time for the skills that you will now be starting with, has being removed from the game.

That's not a repetition, but it yields the same answer: the skill has not been removed; there is nothing to reimburse.

Someone else is given something; this entitles you to nothing. Hell, even if a skill had been removed, there wouldn't be any reason to universally hand out SP.
L'Amaris Aros
WYNX Industries
#104 - 2015-09-25 07:40:11 UTC
As someone who just started playing 3 weeks ago this change feels like a slap for me: I have only 800k SP at this point and spent time training most of these skills. Now on the long run it won't make much of a difference and I don't demand them giving me SP.
What I would like them to do is just grant these skills to any character who hasn't trained them. This changes nothing for the old players (who mostly won't care anyway). It is slightly unlucky for those who have trained most of them (like me) but it would be a good gesture for the handful of new players that signed up in the weeks before the patch who didn't know about it and might end up with less SP than a newly created character.

What I mean is that for a new player little things do matter like the laughable amount of ISK you pay for the skill books and a few days of training time. Either everyone has to train and buy stuff or no one, to make it fair.
Faenir Antollare
For Ever And Ever
#105 - 2015-09-25 07:53:49 UTC
L'Amaris Aros wrote:
As someone who just started playing 3 weeks ago this change feels like a slap for me: I have only 800k SP at this point and spent time training most of these skills. Now on the long run it won't make much of a difference and I don't demand them giving me SP.
What I would like them to do is just grant these skills to any character who hasn't trained them. This changes nothing for the old players (who mostly won't care anyway). It is slightly unlucky for those who have trained most of them (like me) but it would be a good gesture for the handful of new players that signed up in the weeks before the patch who didn't know about it and might end up with less SP than a newly created character.

What I mean is that for a new player little things do matter like the laughable amount of ISK you pay for the skill books and a few days of training time. Either everyone has to train and buy stuff or no one, to make it fair.

You have 3 slots per account, simply create a couple of new chars and you prosper x2, no need to cry then that your 3 week old char is underprivileged. It is really that simple!

RiP BooBoo 26/7/1971 - 23/7/2014 My Lady My Love My Life My Wife

Amarisen Gream
#106 - 2015-09-25 08:23:22 UTC
I see this as putting a Hulk Bandaide on a broken arm.

Long-term it is worthless, but it helps in the short run.

Now - if what someone said about new characters of up to two weeks before getting this boost in SP (for lack of better words, I will use fair) get this boost, they have now gotten the same SP as a player who had paid for month. So all these new characters are getting like half a month free of SP gain - in all aspects this is unfair to ever player, new and old (the old BC/Destoryer stuff is a different topic and enough time has lapsed that using it is stupid).

Simple fix - write a script that applies the amount of SP to the current skill in queue, if that skills completes it applies remaining amount to the next skill, etc...

-1 for unallocated SP all players
+1 for allocated SP to all players

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Sunshine and Lollipops
#107 - 2015-09-25 08:27:39 UTC
Amarisen Gream wrote:
they have now gotten the same SP as a player who had paid for month. So all these new characters are getting like half a month free of SP gain

They have a very odd moon where you live.
Warlock Assassins
#108 - 2015-09-25 08:28:34 UTC
L'Amaris Aros wrote:
As someone who just started playing 3 weeks ago this change feels like a slap for me: I have only 800k SP at this point and spent time training most of these skills. Now on the long run it won't make much of a difference and I don't demand them giving me SP.
What I would like them to do is just grant these skills to any character who hasn't trained them. This changes nothing for the old players (who mostly won't care anyway). It is slightly unlucky for those who have trained most of them (like me) but it would be a good gesture for the handful of new players that signed up in the weeks before the patch who didn't know about it and might end up with less SP than a newly created character.

What I mean is that for a new player little things do matter like the laughable amount of ISK you pay for the skill books and a few days of training time. Either everyone has to train and buy stuff or no one, to make it fair.

Them's the breaks, kiddo. CCP has to draw a line somewhere. Should have seen the tears from many veteran players who weren't paying attention for months when the dessy/BC skills split. And that was, again, when not a single player lost any ability to fly any ship. Because why? Nobody really knows. Just some whine over someone else's skill points as far as I can tell.

The bottom line here is the same as it has always been. Nothing has been removed. If you could fly it before, you can fly it after the change.

CCP has never promised that it won't go the other way!

It has only promised to make sure your character abilities don't regress.

CCP nerfs and buffs ship abilities on a regular basis. Almost every 6 weeks these days. CCP nerfs and buffs various various game mechanics at different times making certain ships and minerals more or less valuable.

Things about your particular situation don't change. CCP doesn't take your ships away. Even in the case of high-sec caps. Those still exist. You can't do much with any of them, but they are still there.

Same thing that happened when CCP made it easier to train into an Orca and also Carriers. You used to have to train a skill that is now pointless if all you want is to use an Orca as a high-sec hauler or WH porti-station.

Well, now I have a skill that I don't care much for (well, an alt does). It was a crapload more than what you're griping about. I argued against it at the time, but as I've been around longer and seen more changes, I see the reasons better now.

You will too if you stick around, have some fun, and stop worrying about other people's skill points.

CCP needs the ability to set this rule in stone so that it doesn't have to wonder about it every time they want to make a balance change. Otherwise it's total chaos every six weeks and nothing ever gets done.

So there's one rule: no matter what happens, it won't affect your character's ability to fly ships. That's it. That's all you get. And trust me, it's enough. Stick around. Get blown up a little bit. Maybe blow someone else up a little. It's fun. You'll like it a lot more here if you don't worry about this right now.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

L'Amaris Aros
WYNX Industries
#109 - 2015-09-25 08:36:53 UTC  |  Edited by: L'Amaris Aros
Faenir Antollare wrote:

You have 3 slots per account, simply create a couple of new chars and you prosper x2, no need to cry then that your 3 week old char is underprivileged. It is really that simple!

You don't really get what I mean? I said for a new player this easily leaves a feeling that the change is not fair and giving those skills to everyone would mitigate this feeling without just giving free SP to everyone. Isn't it the goal to get new players that stay in the game? I mean I know that the amount of players who are really affected (as the ones who started during the last few weeks) should be so small that even if some quit cause of this CCP doesn't have to care. It just sets the incentive - what if they continue pulling such changes? I guess they probably do and did in the past...
It doesn't look to me as if my post is crying but apparently forum folks here see any criticism with a proposed solution as such. You need a lot more to make me start whining and if were at that point I would silently quit instead of posting stupid rants in a public forum to embarrass myself Roll What I want is that this game runs for many more years as starting it is a long time investment. Thus it needs new players to offset people leaving and annoying those new players is counterproductive.

Now for some real criticism of the change: I think they should have left it at 50k SP cause the fast rate of getting new skills and being allowed to use new equipment actually gives a feeling of satisfaction. That may draw more people into the game before the long waiting times eventually hit. With the change you will mostly get small stats improvements at the beginning.

Also I won't create a new char now and pay all the money to train him parallel to this one since I already trained some skills that I don't want to wait for again. As I said for a beginner waiting a week feels huge while for a vet waiting 3 months probably has the same effect.

In Short: First impressions are very important for new players. After a few months everyone will know they are getting screwed over by everyone and CCP regularly and mostly likely care less than a few week old char. I'm saying that as a relatively pain resistant new player who will quit cause it stops being fun, not cause a patch makes me feel disadvantaged. But I know way to many people who will quite if something like that happens early on while after investing more time into a game they are much more resistant to quitting, even if the effect of a patch is much bigger and fully affects late game/high tier content. Your post is a perfect description of this "hardening"...
Nakito Kobara
Yamagata Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#110 - 2015-09-25 08:50:37 UTC
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....
Warlock Assassins
#111 - 2015-09-25 08:54:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Glathull
L'Amaris Aros wrote:

In Short: First impressions are very important for new players. After a few months everyone will know they are getting screwed over by everyone and CCP regularly and mostly likely care less than a few week old char.

Yeah, but the important thing to note is that you haven't been screwed over. Guess what you have that that hypothetical new player doesn't have: skill playing the game.

Here's a serious offer. I'll role an alt the day before this change rolls out. No extra 400k skill points for me. You roll one the day after. All that delicious not getting screwed over. Neither one of us does any training on either of these alts. No money or isk required by you.

Then let's duel. We fit what we can fit with those skills. I'll pay for everything. You risk absolutely nothing in this. No links, no implants, no remote reps, nothing fancy. Straight up solo duel.

Your extra 400k skill points against my lack of them. Let's find out if this really matters at all.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

#112 - 2015-09-25 09:09:07 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
T' Elk wrote:
Because you had more than enough time to make up that miniscule amount of SP in more than 2 weeks.

How do you "make up" skill points? If I had started with 400k instead of 50k, then I would now be 2 weeks further into my current skill plan. How is that difficult to understand?

As for the battle cruiser comments...just because CCP has made bad decisions in the past doesn't mean that they should continue to do so.

I agree with you, but then it's not a surprise to see CCP shying away from what was originally being thought. As they seem to spend too much time worrying about what their player base thinks.

400K start might as well not have bothered, it won't do much at all.

Still I've already unsubscribed just logging in to change skills, just in case.

Play GW2 now anyway, actually having fun in that game, only problem is I spend too much money there and too much time playing it.

As for Destroyers and Battleships they were changed, so that they were like frigates, cruiser... But yeah that wasn't really a good move either as all it does is extend the training required to get those skills.
L'Amaris Aros
WYNX Industries
#113 - 2015-09-25 09:15:17 UTC
Glathull wrote:

Yeah, but the important thing to note is that you haven't been screwed over. Guess what you have that that hypothetical new player doesn't have: skill playing the game.

Here's a serious offer. I'll role an alt the day before this change rolls out. No extra 400k skill points for me. You roll one the day after. All that delicious not getting screwed over. Neither one of us does any training on either of these alts. No money or isk required by you.

Then let's duel. We fit what we can fit with those skills. I'll pay for everything. You risk absolutely nothing in this. No links, no implants, no remote reps, nothing fancy. Straight up solo duel.

Your extra 400k skill points against my lack of them. Let's find out if this really matters at all.

The second part of my edit came too late cause of the one post every 5 minutes restriction for new accounts. Stupid forum Evil

I admit using the words "screw over" was exaggerated. I wanted to make sure you get my point that the moment you are more invested into the game, the hurdle to quit is higher. You just need to get people to this point and I'm against anything that stops people from getting there cause CCP set up some nice perceived (or maybe real) disadvantages.

About your offer: My lack of experience will mostly likely get me trashed but we can do it anyway for the fun Cool.
PlanetCorp InterStellar
#114 - 2015-09-25 09:34:42 UTC
Tiberius Heth wrote:
Val'Dore wrote:
A few years back, you could roll a character with over 1 million sp. So it changes, get over it.

Not true.

I could be wrong, but I'm sure I've rolled a Khanid with 1,003K sp in 2007.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2015-09-25 10:12:33 UTC
Nakito Kobara wrote:
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....

It's the principle. If CCP gave new players 7m starting skillpoints, I'd feel pretty pissed that I paid for that amount of skill training, only for new people to be given it.

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

#116 - 2015-09-25 10:16:28 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
Nakito Kobara wrote:
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....

It's the principle. If CCP gave new players 7m starting skillpoints, I'd feel pretty pissed that I paid for that amount of skill training, only for new people to be given it.

That's why they are only boosting by 350k, so you don't feel even more pissed about it than you do already.

But in trying to appease the player base they're just being ineffectual.

They would have been better off just increasing the start sp to something worth having and reimbursing the difference to everyone else.
Goonswarm Federation
#117 - 2015-09-25 10:16:33 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
Nakito Kobara wrote:
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....

It's the principle. If CCP gave new players 7m starting skillpoints, I'd feel pretty pissed that I paid for that amount of skill training, only for new people to be given it.

Yeah but it's not 7m, now is it?

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David Therman
#118 - 2015-09-25 10:24:35 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
Nakito Kobara wrote:
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....

It's the principle. If CCP gave new players 7m starting skillpoints, I'd feel pretty pissed that I paid for that amount of skill training, only for new people to be given it.

But it's not 7m, it's an extra 350k... which is basically 1 week in skill training time, assuming 50k is what you can gain in 24 hours. 1 week! That'll feel like nothing, if you hang around long enough...
Johnny Riko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2015-09-25 10:57:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Riko
David Therman wrote:
Johnny Riko wrote:
Nakito Kobara wrote:
In the grand scheme of things.....who cares....

It's the principle. If CCP gave new players 7m starting skillpoints, I'd feel pretty pissed that I paid for that amount of skill training, only for new people to be given it.

But it's not 7m, it's an extra 350k... which is basically 1 week in skill training time, assuming 50k is what you can gain in 24 hours. 1 week! That'll feel like nothing, if you hang around long enough...

I fully understand that.
So the only reason that CCP shouldn't reimburse everyone is that it's a small enough amount to not **** everyone off.
I said from the start that it was the principle of what CCP are doing, not the scale that annoys me. If you steal from a shop and get caught, your punishment isn't dictated by how much you stole. Why does the size of the difference influence the policy behind the change?

You can look at it the other way, if it's such a small amount of SP, then what's the problem in reimbursing everyone?

I wanna join up. I think I got what it takes to be a Citizen.

Xylem Viliana
homeless bum
#120 - 2015-09-25 11:13:45 UTC
Johnny Riko wrote:
blah blah blah

Its CCP's game. They will do whatever the hell they want with it, if you dont understand that then you might want to learn it or find something else to do.

Instead of being another forum moaner, just move on.