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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Ainara Aideron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2041 - 2015-09-22 19:25:39 UTC
Just a retoric opinion. What is the "right" eve? was is it before changes were made, after changes have been made or after future changes? and what changes makes it "right?", does no change make it "right"? eve has been changing since the start, a lot of changes have been made since then, should it continue to change?

I think it is right both to suggest changes and to oppose them. I also think it is right to appreciate and not appreciate changes after they have been done.
Market McSelling Alt
#2042 - 2015-09-22 19:27:27 UTC
Ainara Aideron wrote:
Just a retoric opinion. What is the "right" eve? was is it before changes were made, after changes have been made or after future changes? and what changes makes it "right?", does no change make it "right"? eve has been changing since the start, a lot of changes have been made since then, should it continue to change?

I think it is right both to suggest changes and to oppose them. I also think it is right to appreciate and not appreciate changes after they have been done.

There is no right or wrong way to play Eve... that is what people like Jenn don't want you to know.

It is a sandbox with borders. Play within the sand, keep the sand in the box. Build your own sandcastles, knock others down, whatever. There is no right or wrong way to play.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Market McSelling Alt
#2043 - 2015-09-22 19:28:59 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

The "play my way" thing is stupid and you should know that. I've never told anyone to play like me. Go a head and link the post where I have told someone "you should do nothing but run anomalies, sometimes taking a break with incursions and lvl 5 missions and a little bit of pvp with your buddies".

What is the difference between telling people how to play and telling people how not to play?

These forums are littered with your posts of how people are "playing Eve Wrong"

If that isn't trying to shape their behavior to the way YOU want, I don't know what is.

That you don't understand is not hard to believe.

So you think telling someone "hey dude, you should tank your ship or maybe mine in a defensive group because CODE exists, and if you don't take precautions, you only have your self to blame, this is EVE" is somehow wrong?

The people I tell that too think they are entitled to safety. I'm not telling people to play my way, i'm say "recognize the reality of your own situation and choices".

It seems that for both you and Kell, the mere ideas of self awareness and personal responsibly are foreign concepts. That makes your way of thinking utterly foriegn (and stupid) to me.

That isn't what I am talking about and you know it. You have consistently told people that playing solo in highsec is wrong and that their playstyle should be abolished. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2044 - 2015-09-22 19:34:21 UTC
Roll Enough now. I'm going to start skipping over any part of the post which start with or include insult or attacks me. It's simple. If you act like a child then I'll treat you like a child. Keep the discussion on the topic and not on you opinion of me, we'll be good.

Mate, CCP aren't going to keep it up forever. The population will only drop so low before they decide to move on.
I say Good. Better this experiment in freedom die honorably that see it perverted into something people like you would enjoy.[/quote]So "If I can't have it my way, nobody should be allowed to have it".

Jenn aSide wrote:
You should finish that sentence with the words "To ME". To most of the rest of us, it's very fun, hell to me personally it's unreasonably fun, it's kept my attention for 8 years, to the point where when I'm at work tonight, I will probably be thinking about fits I want to try.
Clearly it's not "most" otherwise the player count wouldn't be dropping like a brick off a cliff. It's great that your live revolves around EVE, it really is, but that doesn;t invalidate my opinion. I've been here 10 years, and while it's been mostly fun, there's clear mistakes and issues and seeing those sorted would be nice IMHO. I'm not going to sit here pretending it's the best thing ever, because objectively it's not.

Jenn aSide wrote:
Look at your own posting, all criticism of EVE, no joy found anywhere. No talk that i can see about what is awesome about EVE, about what ships you like, about what awesome things you've learned.
That's because you haven't read my posts, nor have you seem me off of the forum, when I've been at fanfest, etc. You only read the parts you want to stamp your feet about and skip over anything else. If I just hated EVE, trust me, I wouldn't be here.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2045 - 2015-09-22 19:36:38 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

That part is rich. "My buddies"? Like who? PVErs (real ones that don't beg for ccp help, not the fake forum complaining types). People who understand that this is a pass time and want it to retain some quality despite what you 'water it down for the masses' types want? Those buddies?

Null-sec anom milk farmers who want their own play style buffed over the detriment of any other play style because of some ingrained hatred of high-sec back when uncle carebear touched him somewhere.

The holier than thou approach to feeling superior to all others in the game and thinking they are the warden to their own prison fiefdom.

You talk about people feeling entitled and wanting to be spoon fed, but we can barely hear you with that silver plated spork that CCP stuck in your mouth after you complained about the number of sanctums and havens you had.

On que, here is the other one. Birds of a feather.

We get it, you don't like null sec. Too bad. If you feel inferior, it's not my fault.

And who wants anything buffed, if you had an honest bone in your body you would have actually researched my opinion before talking.

I don't understand why you think it helps your position to belittle people and lump them into a mythical group that doesn't exist.

I live in a wormhole, so yeah I feel a little superior to those with local intel.

"Anoms were basicalyl press-ganged into being the center of the Dominion Sov system's military upgrades, and while I am a constant anom farmer, anoms are horrible for this. "

That was right from your post. You are a Anom farmer, but you want something better than anoms for farming. You also want high-sec nerfed to the point where null-sec is the only isk generation area in the game...

You are a one-trick pony.

High sec incursions need nerfing because I make more doing them that I do with 2 ships in null (well, that was last year, CCP's upping escalation chances have helped). Hell, now that i think of it, it was YOU and you linking that chart that proved the massive imbalance.

The SOE LP store needs work too. Scroill down to the top carebear systems, of the high sec top 10, 8 are within 2 jumps of a SOE lvl 4 or lvl 3 agent. I made a mint selling just probes last year.

Unlike you, I actually do the PVE I talk about and I'm honest enough to see the imbalances and how they skew things. Wanting things to work well is what normal people do. None of my critique of PVE has to do with null vs high, it's "what is right for EVe PVE".

Again, not hard to understand that you don't see it.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2046 - 2015-09-22 19:36:55 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
So you think telling someone "hey dude, you should tank your ship or maybe mine in a defensive group because CODE exists, and if you don't take precautions, you only have your self to blame, this is EVE" is somehow wrong?
No, but people playing in untanked ships and mining solo then getting ganked by code also isn't wrong. Those same players should still be entertained. Sometime I wonder if you forget that EVE is a game, not a life choice.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2047 - 2015-09-22 19:38:00 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

The "play my way" thing is stupid and you should know that. I've never told anyone to play like me. Go a head and link the post where I have told someone "you should do nothing but run anomalies, sometimes taking a break with incursions and lvl 5 missions and a little bit of pvp with your buddies".

What is the difference between telling people how to play and telling people how not to play?

These forums are littered with your posts of how people are "playing Eve Wrong"

If that isn't trying to shape their behavior to the way YOU want, I don't know what is.

That you don't understand is not hard to believe.

So you think telling someone "hey dude, you should tank your ship or maybe mine in a defensive group because CODE exists, and if you don't take precautions, you only have your self to blame, this is EVE" is somehow wrong?

The people I tell that too think they are entitled to safety. I'm not telling people to play my way, i'm say "recognize the reality of your own situation and choices".

It seems that for both you and Kell, the mere ideas of self awareness and personal responsibly are foreign concepts. That makes your way of thinking utterly foriegn (and stupid) to me.

That isn't what I am talking about and you know it. You have consistently told people that playing solo in highsec is wrong and that their playstyle should be abolished. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

You are a liar.

Link a single post where I said that.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#2048 - 2015-09-22 19:40:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Lucas Kell wrote:
You're wrong. You're picking out a couple of people and generalising, so everyone else must be the same way.
You're confusing me with you. You'll note that I made no such generalisation — that's your schtick, as seen below.

The people I'm describing exist — you know this and I know this because we've both seen them in action.

Except they aren't, because whenever a suggestion is made to improve their gameplay, trolls like yourself descend on the post and turn it into a shitstorm until they removed or drastically reduce any changes they were going to make
Except that nothing of the kind actually happens. Rather, they keep getting improvements that they ignore because it is not a “free [whatever] button”, and then they go on to suggest that instead of the sensible improvements that they don't want to use, they should be given that button. Hell, often they try to reinterpret the improvement as a nerf, somehow, even though it leaves them better off than before… Ugh

People like me then come along and explain that they've just been given a bunch of improvements that they should probably explore and that their button will break things. On hearing this, the players in question invariably descend into all manners of abuse and trolling because of some imaginary slight the very idea of using the improvements represents.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2049 - 2015-09-22 19:40:24 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
So you think telling someone "hey dude, you should tank your ship or maybe mine in a defensive group because CODE exists, and if you don't take precautions, you only have your self to blame, this is EVE" is somehow wrong?
No, but people playing in untanked ships and mining solo then getting ganked by code also isn't wrong. Those same players should still be entertained. Sometime I wonder if you forget that EVE is a game, not a life choice.

What you jsut said doesn't make any sense. Who said mining solo in an untanked ship was "wrong". If a person pays a sub, they can do with they want, not matter how stupid.

What I've always said is that if you make that choice, don't complain, you made that choice. Sandbox means you can play how you want, sandbox also means EVERYONE can play like they want, and some people choose to gank.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2050 - 2015-09-22 19:42:43 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

I don't understand why you think it helps your position to belittle people and lump them into a mythical group that doesn't exist.

Sometimes I forget that many of you people are from....overly of earth and can't handle honest talk. I don't understand how many of you get through a day in real life if you think anything said here is harsh or 'belittling'.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2051 - 2015-09-22 19:44:29 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
What you jsut said doesn't make any sense. Who said mining solo in an untanked ship was "wrong". If a person pays a sub, they can do with they want, not matter how stupid.

What I've always said is that if you make that choice, don't complain, you made that choice. Sandbox means you can play how you want, sandbox also means EVERYONE can play like they want, and some people choose to gank.
Everyone can complain if they feel there's something to complain about. You seem to think that some people should simply not be allowed to not like something. They can, and CCP can sort out what they feel is in the best interest of the game to change. You are not the gatekeeper for public opinion.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2052 - 2015-09-22 19:45:28 UTC
Tippia wrote:
On hearing this, the players in question invariably descend into all manners of abuse and trolling because of some imaginary slight the very idea of using the improvements represents.

Because the very idea contradicts their worldview. They must be victims, abandoned by the powers that be (CCP). They especially don't want to hear it from a PVE player, they end up feelling betrayed because they were so accustomed to seeing themselves as some kind of savior of us poor defenseless pve guys.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2053 - 2015-09-22 19:49:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
What you jsut said doesn't make any sense. Who said mining solo in an untanked ship was "wrong". If a person pays a sub, they can do with they want, not matter how stupid.

What I've always said is that if you make that choice, don't complain, you made that choice. Sandbox means you can play how you want, sandbox also means EVERYONE can play like they want, and some people choose to gank.
Everyone can complain if they feel there's something to complain about. You seem to think that some people should simply not be allowed to not like something. They can, and CCP can sort out what they feel is in the best interest of the game to change. You are not the gatekeeper for public opinion.

This is a DISCUSSION forum. You just made the utter stupid "free speech" argument. I am not CCP, I am not a government, i can't sensor anoyne, I have no moderator rights. I can (and do) call something stupid if I identify it as such. When i say "don't complain" I mean "it's stupid to complain".

So yea, afk mining in an untanked ship is allowed. You can do it if you choose. Since you pay a sub, you can come to this forum and complain. And i can call that complaint stupid because I have posting rights too. If you don't like it, you should not complain about it.

Over the years I've found it common that people like you complain about other people having the same freedoms you do. You can complain page after page after page about hyperdunking even though that CCP says It's fine, but if I call a spade a space, you don't like that.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2054 - 2015-09-22 20:09:14 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

But if it does 'die' because some of us advocate that a game we already like retain it's quality rather than selling out to the all mighty dollar of the unwashed non-EVE masses you represent, well So be it. If being an actual good game makes it die, silly humans didn't deserve EVE in the 1st damn place.

Quickie question.

What do you define as it's "Quality"? Which "Qualities" are those that are personal, or actually reflective of the game community?

For me it is simple, risk vs Isk. That is ALL eve should be. Risk, work and isk. You have a bar for isk. that bar is balanced by a combination of isk and work. Want low risk and make isk, gotta work hard. Want quick isk, gotta take a heavy risk. If you want a safe and relaxed play, just do not expect much isk and that is perfectly fine as well. Lots of cheap and simple fun potential in eve.

Every single issue with eve always can stem down to deviation from that.

Sov, wasn't work to win anymore. Easy farm and then a press F1. A simple meta and it was decided before anybody showed. Skill was no longer a factor. Now that it can require skill and tactics, or work to maintain, it is a problem. So people are at risk cause they don't want work.

PvE, same thing. People want the isk, but don't want the risk. that is why nobody runs L5s. It isn't part of the gameplay. Also lowsec L5s, risk is not worth the isk nor is it the correct type of risk.

Failure to match the risk/work with the target audience is the biggest problem. Plain and simple. People can talk eve being all about piracy, etc. but it doesn't change the fact that the game mechanics have it so the risks are not constructive risks. We could make PvE be more costly than if ganking was easier and nobody would complain if executed properly. People would not have had issues with blobs if skill was more important than meta.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2055 - 2015-09-22 20:13:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Markus Reese
Jenn aSide wrote:

What you jsut said doesn't make any sense. Who said mining solo in an untanked ship was "wrong". If a person pays a sub, they can do with they want, not matter how stupid.

What I've always said is that if you make that choice, don't complain, you made that choice. Sandbox means you can play how you want, sandbox also means EVERYONE can play like they want, and some people choose to gank.

That is caused by people thinking not smart and wrong are the same thing and phrasing poorly. Some people, like you say, choose to be terrorists for lack of better terms. Mining untanked is all fine and dandy. More isk to ya, but you got to play knowing you are mining in a warzone unprotected. So play smart. Mine safe or protect yourself.

That said, if a person is mining how they want, they got to understand it is a warzone and not get mad at the players killing them. There are counters, but they come at cost.

The only real issue is that there are imbalances of playstyle. Is too easy to recover sec status from a gank. Lack of lasting consequences on that side is a big one and I think the biggest reason there is issue.

Edit: As for hyperdunking, that one is kinda wierd.... I think it is because it defies natural logic. If concord followed a player as they unship and reship, then it would be a null issue. Perhaps concord will get drifter AI and podkill making hyperdunking more risk.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2056 - 2015-09-22 20:23:05 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:

The only real issue is that there are imbalances of playstyle. Is too easy to recover sec status from a gank. Lack of lasting consequences on that side is a big one and I think the biggest reason there is issue.

Tags were added precisely because it was previous entirely too difficult and too unreasonable to recover sec status. Nevermind that asking for more mechanical consequences to the only highsec playstyle that has any to begin with is entirely hypocritical.

When faction navies start interdicting mission runners, or when you are forced to redo a bunch of distribution missions after a hauler gets ganked before the system lets them take any more contracts, then we can talk.


Edit: As for hyperdunking, that one is kinda wierd.... I think it is because it defies natural logic. If concord followed a player as they unship and reship, then it would be a null issue.


Please be trolling.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#2057 - 2015-09-22 20:27:50 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:
The only real issue is that there are imbalances of playstyle. Is too easy to recover sec status from a gank. Lack of lasting consequences on that side is a big one and I think the biggest reason there is issue.

I'd agree in principle, except for two (slightly related) things:

1. No-one really recovers sec status from a gank. After all, why bother? Why spend the ISK when it doesn't give you any real advantage in your continued ganking to do so? So the supposed ease of doing this is hardly even a factor, and since it is tied to tag grinding, one of the key reasons it's easy is because no-one is doing it. The tag supply is plentiful, which wouldn't be the case if it was used a lot.

2. The lack of consequences is a direct result of player choice. Most of the consequences from player conflict are — unsurprisingly — meant to come from the player you're in conflict with. If that player choose to not conflict you back, then that consequence obviously does not materialise. This is why there's no advantage to spend ISK to get your sec status back up: you can stay low-status and not be overly bothered because the other players simply choose not to bother you.

So as with so many other things in EVE, the reason there is an issue comes down to player choice. It may be an issue of toolset, since there's some evidence to support the notion that the system of killrights and legality of targets is still somewhat opaque, but it can't all be because of that. Rather, it's just a natural consequence of the play styles that come into conflict: one that wants the conflict, and one that does not. The balance that is supposed to exist between the two relies on there being a conflict response, but since one side does not want conflict, this response falls flat.

…and now we can open the standard can of worms of whether there should be mechanical compensation for this unwillingness to engage in conflict.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2058 - 2015-09-22 21:05:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:
2. The lack of consequences is a direct result of player choice. Most of the consequences from player conflict are — unsurprisingly — meant to come from the player you're in conflict with. If that player choose to not conflict you back, then that consequence obviously does not materialise. This is why there's no advantage to spend ISK to get your sec status back up: you can stay low-status and not be overly bothered because the other players simply choose not to bother you.
The problem with that is that most "criminals" don't fly anything worth attacking. A ganker losing the occasional ship is hardly a problem when their ship is expendable anyway, and so a miner dishing out consequences is generally laughed at for the enormous waste of their time.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2059 - 2015-09-22 21:09:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
2. The lack of consequences is a direct result of player choice. Most of the consequences from player conflict are — unsurprisingly — meant to come from the player you're in conflict with. If that player choose to not conflict you back, then that consequence obviously does not materialise. This is why there's no advantage to spend ISK to get your sec status back up: you can stay low-status and not be overly bothered because the other players simply choose not to bother you.

So as with so many other things in EVE, the reason there is an issue comes down to player choice. It may be an issue of toolset, since there's some evidence to support the notion that the system of killrights and legality of targets is still somewhat opaque, but it can't all be because of that. Rather, it's just a natural consequence of the play styles that come into conflict: one that wants the conflict, and one that does not. The balance that is supposed to exist between the two relies on there being a conflict response, but since one side does not want conflict, this response falls flat.

…and now we can open the standard can of worms of whether there should be mechanical compensation for this unwillingness to engage in conflict.
Since mechanics currently support deterrence far more than response the lack of player enforced consequence is inevitable really. No one goes after the hardened, evasive and/or well defended targets, thus those defenders have nothing to shoot at and it appears that player choice favors a lack of defense.

Since gank alts are a thing as well, those gankers only have a limited window for potential retaliation as well when they strike, which as stated, won't be against well defended targets. That leaves aside the fact that outside of defense fleets the most desirable gank targets are offensively rather weak compared to the tools used against them.
Kerensky Initiatives
#2060 - 2015-09-22 21:11:41 UTC
Honestly, I'm just here to sit on my foldout chair and garner likes from passersby

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log