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Plex hits 1b ISK in Jita

First post
Market McSelling Alt
#361 - 2015-09-18 00:13:20 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Ok, so people use plex as an investment buying low then selling high. I'm sure you're aware this type of investment has a time limit and I don't think people will hold on to plex at this point. At some point the stockpile will be sold and used to plex accounts.

How are you faring with affording plex? will you find 1.3b and rising hard to achieve every month? What will you do if you can't achieve it or find it time consuming?

If plex users are finding it hard then this must be listened to.

You are completely missing my point, man.

1) The largest hoarders are not selling. Infact Im not even entirely certain they have any intention of ever selling.
The current price situation is irrational as weighed against a tight sequence of strong effects which should have additively reduced PLEX price, but did not. Instead prices rise faster. The force of commerce required to have overcome these commensurate PLEX price mitigators is huge, premeditated, concerted and deliberate.

I previously called you on being too abstract and extreme, now I have to call you on being too narrow.

As I said, PLEX sitting in someones station hold IS NOT SUBBING ANYONE, and yet appreciating in value for every unit taken off the market.
Take a minute to think on the long term implications of that.

2) There is no time limit. If you hold 1000+ PLEX , and started buying already in August 2014, your stock value is already enormously appreciated in value. The amount of stockpiled PLEX in this game, at this point, can easily overcome the incidental introduction of more of it in competition, simply by buying it off the market.

3) How am I faring? Im liquidating assets as fast as I can to buy PLEX. My only regret is I didnt do it a month ago (let alone a year ago).

4) This is EVE. Remember that. The potential for critical mass PLEX manipulation has always been a potential. Last years events from last fall have created an excellent opportunity in may ways that some organisations have finally found a window for actualising this.

5) Nothing can be done, except to buy up as much PLEX as you can, right now, so that you are not left disadvantaged when PLEX finally stabilises at some higher rate.

6) PLEX is not going to drop. Nothing indicates that it would. Its rises already overcame significant mitigants, and hoarders have a vested interest in maintaining it high, which they will, and theybhave the appreciated stock with which to facilitate that.

I'm going to stop talking to you because your view is one-sided, you speak of plex stabilizing but you refuse to take into account the fact that if no one buys it then it is worth nothing. If plex traders aren't careful their stock value will vanish. Traders should analyse the market in its entirety and pay attention to customer feedback. Plex customers have reported that their extra accounts are now closed and they struggle to keep 1 account plexed. the plex traders are like: **** you, pay me! I dunno man there's something wrong with this whole picture.

Listen, don't take my word for anything, we can keep our eyes open and see what happens.

The only things Plex horders have to really worry about is:

A) There is never enough trade volume to do a dump on the market of large quantities for profit. Even at the current prices you wouldn't be able to sell 1000 Plex and make much money from earlier this year, the Buy orders aren't there to support large dumps.

B) If the servers close, or CCP cancels the plex program you are sitting on huge piles of Anaconda Mines.

I guess B isn't that big of a deal because if the servers close who cares about your in game assets anyways.

Just because a person closes their account due to Price of Plex now, doesn't mean they will never come back if the price was imploded on the market.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#362 - 2015-09-18 00:14:18 UTC
Aaron wrote:

Nothing can beat your buddy paying your sub for a reward theres no other way. We need regulation, the only way seems to be reducing RL cost.

How will do that anything other than reduce CCP income?

Reducing price will not increase the amount of PLEX entering the game.

Even the current 10% PLEX sales do not really increase the amount of PLEX in game they just shift the date at which people are buying it.
Market McSelling Alt
#363 - 2015-09-18 00:15:49 UTC
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Nothing can beat your buddy paying your sub for a reward theres no other way. We need regulation, the only way seems to be reducing RL cost.

You haven't demonstrated in any way how lowering the IRL price of PLEX will lower the market value. You aren't reducing the supply of ISK, so people willing to spend a billion plus can and will spend it.

I honestly wouldn't care either way if they made PLEX price packages identical to sub package prices...I just don't think it would do anything. TBH I think IRL PLEX prices will always be more, because you can do more with them.

Yeah but it would be nice to have some parity in the IRL price of Plex. I mean depending on your country of origin you could be paying as much as 60% more than the guy from New York.

Also 2x plex for character transfer when its equivalent price is $20 is a scam. CCP is collecting more from those Plex than they would from the actual service with paypal or a credit/debit account.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

#364 - 2015-09-18 00:20:38 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I mean depending on your country of origin you could be paying as much as 60% more than the guy from New York.

To be fair, that's entirely to do with governments and their monetary policy.
Salvos Rhoska
#365 - 2015-09-18 00:32:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Aaron wrote:
I'm going to stop talking to you because your view is one-sided,.. LOLOLOLOL

Thats fine.
I have no interest in talking with you either as you are too slow and too far behind to understand what is happening, or the points being raised.

Its like trying to explain chess to a child who cant yet understand beyond naughts and crosses.

You are fixated on irrelevant personal subjective moral imperatives which skew your perspective and have no bearing on the real situation. As most idealists, you are blinded from seeing and dealing with what IS, by what you think SHOULD be.
Eternal Frontier
#366 - 2015-09-18 00:35:57 UTC
Zihao wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I mean depending on your country of origin you could be paying as much as 60% more than the guy from New York.

To be fair, that's entirely to do with governments and their monetary policy.

Americans seem to get a good deal, i think i saw $22 in this thread?

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#367 - 2015-09-18 00:38:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Anne Dieu-le-veut
Aaron wrote:
Zihao wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
I mean depending on your country of origin you could be paying as much as 60% more than the guy from New York.

To be fair, that's entirely to do with governments and their monetary policy.

Americans seem to get a good deal, i think i saw $22 in this thread?

Currently $19.95 for one...that's the regular price. Of course, bigger packages slightly reduce the price per.
Eternal Frontier
#368 - 2015-09-18 00:39:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Aaron wrote:
I'm going to stop talking to you because your view is one-sided,.. LOLOLOLOL

Thats fine.
I have no interest in talking with you either as you are too slow and too far behind to understand what is happening, or the points being raised.

Its like trying to explain chess to a child who cant yet understand beyond naughts and crosses.

You are fixated on irrelevant personal subjective moral imperatives which skew your perspective and have no bearing on the real situation. As most idealists, you are blinded from seeing and dealing with what IS, by what you think SHOULD be.

Forward this to the plex users who are currently cancelling their extra accounts. let them know their view is irrelevant and worth nothing.

I will continue to laugh at your ignorance. Step down from your capitalist perch and just acknowledge that helping the guy who wants to plex 3 extra accounts is good for the game because it will increase numbers.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#369 - 2015-09-18 00:52:00 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Aaron wrote:
I'm going to stop talking to you because your view is one-sided,.. LOLOLOLOL

Thats fine.
I have no interest in talking with you either as you are too slow and too far behind to understand what is happening, or the points being raised.

Its like trying to explain chess to a child who cant yet understand beyond naughts and crosses.

You are fixated on irrelevant personal subjective moral imperatives which skew your perspective and have no bearing on the real situation. As most idealists, you are blinded from seeing and dealing with what IS, by what you think SHOULD be.

Forward this to the plex users who are currently cancelling their extra accounts. let them know their view is irrelevant and worth nothing.

I will continue to laugh at your ignorance. Step down from your capitalist perch and just acknowledge that helping the guy who wants to plex 3 extra accounts is good for the game because it will increase numbers.

Grr capitalists? That's something you don't see every day in EVE. PS you know who's hoarding all the PLEX? Goonswarm Federation as they rake in all that ISK from anom buffs.Roll Now we have a grr goons post to cancel out that grr capitalist post.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

#370 - 2015-09-18 01:00:17 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:

Grr capitalists? That's something you don't see every day in EVE.

Really? Not as common as reddit, perhaps, but seems pretty pervasive.
Salvos Rhoska
#371 - 2015-09-18 01:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Aaron wrote:
Forward this to the plex users who are currently cancelling their extra accounts. let them know their view is irrelevant and worth nothing.

I will continue to laugh at your ignorance. Step down from your capitalist perch and just acknowledge that helping the guy who wants to plex 3 extra accounts is good for the game because it will increase numbers.

Im not capitalist. Im a male working in Finland as a nurse. Im quite strongly socialist.
Infact tomorrow Im going to join a nationwide protest against an "austerity" plan by our government that plans to cut nurse/policeman/fireman income (already underpaid) and that of most blue-collar workers in a very bad and irrational solution to fixing our nations debt and competition issues.

However, I do understand realpolitik and its economic attachments.
Political affiliation or inclination is all subjective compared to that.
And those apply emminently here, in EVE.

There is no fair way to help "those who want to PLEX 3 extra accounts".
EVE's systems are brutal and competetive.
If they cannot afford to sub 3 accounts, nor make the isk ingame to buy 3 PLEX with 3 accounts, thats too bad, but thats all there is to it. Then use 1, or those which you can afford. Who the hell do you expect to pay for the other 2? The rest of us?
Guys like you give the kind of real socialism I represent, a bad name.

-PLEX will not drop till the last few PLEX dependant players have liquidated their final assets and dropped their remaining accounts.
Considering how many multihundredbillionaires there are in the game, that end is nowhere near in sight.

-Understand that your view is narrow only to the poor. But they are not the only ones PLEXing their accounts. There are any number of super-rich players who can, and will, continue to PLEX even at billions per unit. This is only the beginning of the PLEX inflation.

-The influx of PLEX to the game, is quite isk price inflexible. People buy PLEX primarily based on their expendable income, not on the price of it in isk. Buying PLEX IRL doesnt cost isk, it costs real money. People bought PLEX when it was 750 mil last year. Unless they got a raise IRL in the interim, they are not likely to buy 2 PLEX now just cos it earns em a few more spacebucks. Remember that most of these players are also paying sub ontop of that.

-The sheer quantity, and duration, of PLEX buying/hoarding off the market has already managed to overcome a long sequence of tight and strong factors that "should" have rationally reduced PLEX prices already long ago, many times. Instead it has risen, and continues to do so.

-The sheer quantity of stockpiled PLEX is nigh impervious to the small rate of new PLEX introduction. The latent value of their existing stockpile makes it fiscally rational to buy a PLEX fff the market for a 0.01isk loss, (and yes, its only and just the same old 0.01isk game) if it means your 0.01isk more expensive one is bought afterwards. THAT raises the prices, and you lost nothing.Not only did the PLEX you bought off the market not go towards saturating demand (as a sub, and hence destroyed), but you got the same PLEX back into ypur inventory at almost no cost, and raised the value by 0.01isk. Winwinwin.

-There is a sinister strategic impetus to controlling and raising the PLEX market, in that it deprives your opposition (particularly weaker ones) of cheap PLEX with which to man their defence and space. The higher PLEX rises, the less opposition you will face, as accounts drop like flies.

As I said earlier:
-He who controls PLEX, controls the universe.

You are only beginning to understand what is involved and its implications, and that only by my teaching.
Frankly, you should be paying me for this out of gratitude.
#372 - 2015-09-18 01:35:55 UTC
I don't think anyone was mistaking you for a capitalist mate.
Eternal Frontier
#373 - 2015-09-18 01:55:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Forward this to the plex users who are currently cancelling their extra accounts. let them know their view is irrelevant and worth nothing.

I will continue to laugh at your ignorance. Step down from your capitalist perch and just acknowledge that helping the guy who wants to plex 3 extra accounts is good for the game because it will increase numbers.

Im not capitalist. Im a male working in Finland as a nurse. Im quite strongly socialist.
Infact tomorrow Im going to join a nationwide protest against an "austerity" plan by our government that plans to cut nurse/policeman/fireman income (already underpaid) and that of most blue-collar workers in a very bad and irrational solution to fixing our nations debt and competition issues.

However, I do understand realpolitik and its economic attachments.
Political affiliation or inclination is all subjective compared to that.
And those apply emminently here, in EVE.

There is no fair way to help "those who want to PLEX 3 extra accounts".
EVE's systems are brutal and competetive.
If they cannot afford to sub 3 accounts, nor make the isk ingame to buy 3 PLEX with 3 accounts, thats too bad, but thats all there is to it. Then use 1, or those which you can afford. Who the hell do you expect to pay for the other 2? The rest of us?
Guys like you give the kind of real socialism I represent, a bad name.

-PLEX will not drop till the last few PLEX dependant players have liquidated their final assets and dropped their remaining accounts.
Considering how many multihundredbillionaires there are in the game, that end is nowhere near in sight.

-Understand that your view is narrow only to the poor. But they are not the only ones PLEXing their accounts. There are any number of super-rich players who can, and will, continue to PLEX even at billions per unit. This is only the beginning of the PLEX inflation.

-The influx of PLEX to the game, is quite isk price inflexible. People buy PLEX primarily based on their expendable income, not on the price of it in isk. Buying PLEX IRL doesnt cost isk, it costs real money. People bought PLEX when it was 750 mil last year. Unless they got a raise IRL in the interim, they are not likely to buy 2 PLEX now just cos it earns em a few more spacebucks. Remember that most of these players are also paying sub ontop of that.

-The sheer quantity, and duration, of PLEX buying/hoarding off the market has already managed to overcome a long sequence of tight and strong factors that "should" have rationally reduced PLEX prices already long ago, many times. Instead it has risen, and continues to do so.

-The sheer quantity of stockpiled PLEX is nigh impervious to the small rate of new PLEX introduction. The latent value of their existing stockpile makes it fiscally rational to buy a PLEX fff the market for a 0.01isk loss, (and yes, its only and just the same old 0.01isk game) if it means your 0.01isk more expensive one is bought afterwards. THAT raises the prices, and you lost nothing.Not only did the PLEX you bought off the market not go towards saturating demand (as a sub, and hence destroyed), but you got the same PLEX back into ypur inventory at almost no cost, and raised the value by 0.01isk. Winwinwin.

-There is a sinister strategic impetus to controlling and raising the PLEX market, in that it deprives your opposition (particularly weaker ones) of cheap PLEX with which to man their defence and space. The higher PLEX rises, the less opposition you will face, as accounts drop like flies.

As I said earlier:
-He who controls PLEX, controls the universe.

You are only beginning to understand what is involved and its implications, and that only by my teaching.
Frankly, you should be paying me for this out of gratitude.

You seem like a capitalist in game and a socialist in RL. kinda odd if you ask me.

The threads I've read also state that they are having problems plexing 1 account. I have been very active on forums recently and my general point is that it is our attitudes that shape the game. If we ignore the gripes about the monthly plex grind then we will be viewed a certain way.

There's nothing you can teach me, you can give me your opinion and I will consider it. Man up and face facts, You choose to ignore the opinions of plex users like many others and you dismiss the point that more plex sales is a good thing. I know this will have an effect on numbers and we will see more people leave. People like you want too much too fast and never consider the implications.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Circumstantial Evidence
#374 - 2015-09-18 01:55:37 UTC
According to my unscientific spot checks of eve-central, the # of plex for sale on market has been steadily increasing over the last 24-36h. From a low of around ~500, to the time of this post, around ~1000.
Salvos Rhoska
#375 - 2015-09-18 01:58:37 UTC
Zihao wrote:
I don't think anyone was mistaking you for a capitalist mate.

Aaron wrote:
I will continue to laugh at your ignorance. Step down from your capitalist perch and just acknowledge that helping the guy who wants to plex 3 extra accounts is good for the game because it will increase numbers.

Eternal Frontier
#376 - 2015-09-18 02:08:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
According to my unscientific spot checks of eve-central, the # of plex for sale on market has been steadily increasing over the last 24-36h. From a low of around ~500, to the time of this post, around ~1000.

Hmmm, looks like its the stockpiles of plex being put on the market by people wishing to cash out. Real traders have their eyes open and know they must sell. I could be wrong though, it may be more people buying plex and selling due to the higher isk price.

If its the latter then CCP just did £8,500.00 worth of trade in 36 hours. My money is on the former.

Circumstantial Evidence, good work.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

#377 - 2015-09-18 02:22:42 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
According to my unscientific spot checks of eve-central, the # of plex for sale on market has been steadily increasing over the last 24-36h. From a low of around ~500, to the time of this post, around ~1000.

The plot thickens.
Eli Apol
Definitely a nullsec alt
#378 - 2015-09-18 02:29:50 UTC
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
Eli Apol wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I'm sure CCP is losing all kinds of sleep over freeloaders threatening to quit. It's like threatening to stop pirating cable if the cable company doesn't lower their prices.

WTF do you whiners honestly expect CCP to do? They're not going to put a hard cap on what people can charge. If they lowered the IRL price of PLEX, there is no guarantee people buying PLEX from CCP would sell them any cheaper. If PLEX are selling reasonably fast for 1.2B, there's no reason for sellers to lower the price.

You seem to forget that us freeloaders are part of the content they provide to their paying customers.

You make it sound like you're doing CCP a favor lol. You didn't answer the question...what do you want them to do about it?

I haven't whined about it since I'm still plexing my accounts fairly comfortably - therefore your question wasn't directed at me. I'm just pointing out how stupid your particular rubbishing of free players was without them just how much quieter would the game be?

but what would I know, I'm just a salvager

Circumstantial Evidence
#379 - 2015-09-18 02:31:11 UTC
@Aaron: Thanks, but, the reasons are probably a combination of everything, up to and including some CCP listings to help calm the market... CCP has no price target, but reserves the right to intervene when the rate of increase gets over a certain threshold.
But this relatively small increase in availability could be less dire than speculators dumping everything. It could be smart dollar-cost-averaging; list 5 here, 10 there - concerned about a possible CCP intervention, and have some liquid isk available to buy more PLEX if it drops below the speculator's own target.
Eternal Frontier
#380 - 2015-09-18 02:44:22 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
@Aaron: Thanks, but, the reasons are probably a combination of everything, up to and including some CCP listings to help calm the market... CCP has no price target, but reserves the right to intervene when the rate of increase gets over a certain threshold.
But this relatively small increase in availability could be less dire than speculators dumping everything. It could be smart dollar-cost-averaging; list 5 here, 10 there - concerned about a possible CCP intervention, and have some liquid isk available to buy more PLEX if it drops below the speculator's own target.

Again, good work. This is what I call trading. If there is concern about a product you're selling (plex) then what the customer or user of the product thinks should be very important to you.

I'd like to hear more from real plex traders who analyse every aspect.

Are you struggling to get sales?
What is the extent of your investments in plex?
Do you think CCP will intervene?
Do you think the isk cost will rise?

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie