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Plex hits 1b ISK in Jita

First post
Market McSelling Alt
#321 - 2015-09-17 20:16:44 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

In fact, CCP gets MORE cash from Plexers than they do monthly subs.

The last figures I saw were that CCP get somewhere between 25-33% of their income from PLEX. Do you have a more recent source?

No, I mean Plex is at least $15 a piece and in some currencies more.

Monthly subs can get as low as $11 with multi month discounts and even lower with buddy and power of 2.

I didn't mean macro sense, sorry.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Salvos Rhoska
#322 - 2015-09-17 20:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
motie one wrote:
Well of course the structural requirements to support an astrometric plex rise are clearly obvious and unquestionable.

They aren't?
Nothing has changed to force a 30% price rise in a few days?
Could it possibly be someone is talking a bubble up?

Plex and multiple pilot certificates, are a structural part of the Eve economy, one would need to be delusional to think CCP would allow themselves to come secondary to the profits of the speculators.

Speculator profits are irrelevant to CCP profits.
All of the PLEX that speculators deal in, has already been paid for in RLM to CCP.
CCP deals in real money. Speculators deal in funny money.
And since RMT is forbidden, speculator action with funny money doesnt directly affect CCPs real money revenues.

As to the further relationship between PLEX speculators ingame and CCP profits, higher PLEX price ingame actually has two benefits to CCP:
-It helps incentivize players who currently buy PLEX for RLM, to continue to do so. And probably some increase in that figure is rational (the extent is unclear).
- The higher PLEX ingame is, the more incentive there is for some players to swap to subbing (again, extent is unclear).


There is one indirect effect of PLEX speculators that potentially can affect CCP.
That is the reduction in player/account activity figures that increased PLEX prices ingame invariably lead to.

Though the EVE business ledger might look good and "in black" at the bottomline when presented in terms of revenue,
its soured quite a bit when followed up by "in red" account drops as lost market share and repeat client interest.

Im concerned PLEX hoarding may be reaching levels of critical mass that is forcing more activity out of the game, than is "good" for the game.

Its Business 101 that its very hard to get customers to return once they have left (even, if as in this case, they did not directly pay CCP at all, so financially they are rather worthless, but they still provide content and value to the game itself, as an equitable reciprocation). Its pragmatically cheaper and easier to take action to retain, rather than re-aquire lost clients. Furthermore lost clients have a bad habit of spreading negative reviews and feedback to other potential new clients.

As the saying goes, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
But in business, keep your clients "clenched firmly between your buttcheeks"-kind of close, or your competition will take them from you.

Standard EVE morality states "**** em, they can go play WoT instead, cheap useless bastards that they are", and this has some credit to it. But aside from that moral and subjective prerogative, its very hard to argue, from an objective perspective, that less player/accounts is a "good" thing.

My fear is that some entities in EVE, due to a plethora of factors, have become so exceedingly space rich (and bored, perhaps) that significant PLEX manipulation had become a very real possibility. PLEX lends itself to this uniquely. No other commodity has its inherent qualities. To fail into proverbs again: Sell a man a fish and he eats for a day. Sell him a fishing rod, and he eats for a lifetime. In EVE, sell a man a ship and he can spin it. Sell him a PLEX, and he can actually fly it for a month.

Again, it could be argued that this PLEX manipulation would be fitting of EVE morality, and its player economy. And that too, has credit to it.

But its coming at a significant cost, objectively, as players/accounts drop.

Ive come to my own conclusions (as in this thread and the PLEX thread proper), on the basis of the factors Ive expressed.
The missing rational element to explain the irrational rise in PLEX, over and beyond several very strong factors that should have reduced it, is PLEX hoarding on a massive scale (which is also difficult to detect and quantify).

It will be very interesting to see where it stabilises, and at what player/account activity level.
Hopefully one that is still equitable to those still playing the game at that point.
Eternal Frontier
#323 - 2015-09-17 20:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Lots of short sighted replies here.

- If plex is reduced to £9.99 GBP the isk cost of plex will drop and plex users will reactivate their 2nd, 3rd and 4th accounts. Also the people who don't know how to earn 1.3 bills for their single account will be secure and continue playing.

- CCP are making people leave the game due to the RL plex cost being almost double, we have seen posts from plex users in this very thread which CCP can no longer afford to ignore.

- If the isk price of plex continues to rise then the sellers will alienate their customer base and lose them which will mean plex isk value will fall due to limited sales.

Knock on effects of an Eve recession

- Plex users will become even more risk averse, they simply can't afford to replace their grinding ship if they lose it, so we will see lots of plex users moving out of dangerous space.

- If plex users become more risk averse then ship and module sales will drop due to losses being limited.

- The price of everything will go up due to limited resources and sales. buyers won't have the money to buy the product and sellers won't be able to maintain their business.

I feel sad that Eve is going down hill, please CCP address the RL plex cost, if it is reduced I am very sure it will prop up the economy, everything will be a reasonable price numbers will rise and we will have lots of people to enjoy Eve with.

I like Eve and I want it to stay.

Edit: My petition thread was quickly trolled and locked. Why can't we be sensible about a serious issue? I think I got 2 signatures, i know this does not represent the real opinions of the players. The moderators and the people who responded didn't seem to get that it was a petition thread. All that was required was a signature or no signature, the effect of this is that CCP will not know how many people agree with reducing RL cost of plex.

Good luck anyway CCP you have a great game here and I wish you the best in dealing with this recession. o7

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Eternal Frontier
#324 - 2015-09-17 21:13:58 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
motie one wrote:
Well of course the structural requirements to support an astrometric plex rise are clearly obvious and unquestionable.

They aren't?
Nothing has changed to force a 30% price rise in a few days?
Could it possibly be someone is talking a bubble up?

Plex and multiple pilot certificates, are a structural part of the Eve economy, one would need to be delusional to think CCP would allow themselves to come secondary to the profits of the speculators.

Its Business 101 that its very hard to get customers to return once they have left (even, if as in this case, they did not directly pay CCP at all, so financially they are rather worthless, but they still provide content and value to the game itself, as an equitable reciprocation). Its pragmatically cheaper and easier to take action to retain, rather than re-aquire lost clients. Furthermore lost clients have a bad habit of spreading negative reviews and feedback to other potential new clients.

Incorrect, All that happens with plex is that another dude has paid someone else's sub for the reward of in game currency. If all plex users leave then CCP lose the £16.99 times however many plex users left.. So, financially they are worth lots. Never turn your nose up at real cash just because it was generated by someone who has difficulty affording the sub.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Sunshine and Lollipops
#325 - 2015-09-17 21:17:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aaron wrote:
Lots of short sighted replies here.

- If plex is reduced to £9.99 GBP the isk cost of plex will drop and plex users will reactivate their 2nd, 3rd and 4th accounts.
Pure speculation. There's nothing to suggest that anything of the kind will happen. Rather, what will happen is that CCP loses all its long-term, easily-planned subscription money for something that can dry up in an instant.

CCP are making people leave the game due to the RL plex cost being almost double
Pure speculation. There's nothing to suggest that the two are even related.

If the isk price of plex continues to rise then the sellers will alienate their customer base and lose them which will mean plex isk value will fall due to limited sales.
This doesn't even make any sense. The sellers are not the only part in the mechanisms that determine PLEX price. They certainly aren't “alienating” anyone, and as you just point out, it's a self-adjusting system anyway.

please CCP address the RL plex cost
Why would they want to reduce their income, especially when there's nothing to suggest that it will have any positive effects?

My petition thread was quickly trolled and locked. Why can't we be sensible about a serious issue?
Because your thread was completely nonsensical. Also, because you were categorically against having a serious discussion about the issue you assumed existed, and senselessly trolled people who tried to have one.
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#326 - 2015-09-17 21:20:03 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Plex users will become even more risk averse, they simply can't afford to replace their grinding ship if they lose it, so we will see lots of plex users moving out of dangerous space.

Eh, so many assumptions are taken for granted here.

A)Could easily have the opposite effect - If level 4s don't pay the bills well enough, maybe people will leave for greener pastures. It should be extremely difficult to PLEX an account while living in HS, as most HS wealth generation does nothing to drive player content. Part of the problem driving PLEX going up is just how risk-free and easy ISK is to make in High Sec. It is not possible to be much more risk averse than the people who already earn their bread and butter income in HS.

B)Another thing contributing at least some of the increase in PLEX price is the migration of people to more dangerous places. It takes a real enthusiast (some would say masochist) to absolutely min/max L4 blitzing or incursions, but when power blocs are looking for bodies....i mean pilots, to run ISK spewing anomalies to maintain sov index, the value of ISK decreases. I would be curious to see how much more ISK is injected into the game on a daily basis since FozzieSov.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Salvos Rhoska
#327 - 2015-09-17 21:41:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Aaron wrote:
Incorrect, All that happens with plex is that another dude has paid someone else's sub for the reward of in game currency. If all plex users leave then CCP lose the £16.99 times however many plex users left.. So, financially they are worth lots. Never turn your nose up at real cash just because it was generated by someone who has difficulty affording the sub.

I said "rather worthless", not "entirely worthless".
Im not thumbing my nose at PLEX dependant players. I am one myself.

Your extreme of ALL PLEX consumers leaving is an abstraction that is irrational and leads to false conclusions, as would be the abstractions that "if" nobody buys PLEX, sub, nor plays the game altogether.

The point I was making in the section you quoted, was that all PLEX has been paid for to CCP with RLM.
But. There is a huge hoarded stockpile of these ingame that is being withheld from the market because the more PLEX they buy up off of it, the more the value of their stockpile increases. These PLEX are currently appreciating in value, but denying the game of player content.

This moots your argument, because no matter how many players are importing PLEX into the game, if the majority of those are bought up by stockpilers, those PLEXs are NOT PAYING FOR ANYONE ELSES SUB. They are merely sitting in a station, getting more and more expensive the more of them there are.

The primary value in PLEX dependant accounts/players, is the content and activity they enrich the game with.
Yes, their sub is paid for by another, and they provide funny money for it, but this is also further reciprocated in equity to the game as a virtual player interactive universe by their activity in it, rather than their absence. 0 is 0, is nothing. 1 is something.

The stockpiled PLEX is not subbing anybody. Do you understand what I am saying?

Its legit. Its fine. Well done, whoever has done so. Makes sense. Perfect EVE victory.
Im not saying CCP should interfere, nor whining.
Im just trying to figure out why the situation is as it is.
And this is the conclusion to which Ive come as detailed in this and other posts.
Anize Oramara
#328 - 2015-09-17 21:41:41 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Plex users will become even more risk averse, they simply can't afford to replace their grinding ship if they lose it, so we will see lots of plex users moving out of dangerous space.

Eh, so many assumptions are taken for granted here.

A)Could easily have the opposite effect - If level 4s don't pay the bills well enough, maybe people will leave for greener pastures. It should be extremely difficult to PLEX an account while living in HS, as most HS wealth generation does nothing to drive player content. Part of the problem driving PLEX going up is just how risk-free and easy ISK is to make in High Sec. It is not possible to be much more risk averse than the people who already earn their bread and butter income in HS.

B)Another thing contributing at least some of the increase in PLEX price is the migration of people to more dangerous places. It takes a real enthusiast (some would say masochist) to absolutely min/max L4 blitzing or incursions, but when power blocs are looking for bodies....i mean pilots, to run ISK spewing anomalies to maintain sov index, the value of ISK decreases. I would be curious to see how much more ISK is injected into the game on a daily basis since FozzieSov.

Blitzing lv4 missions (depending on the LP items bought) is nearly an isk sink. Anom grinding is nearly 100% isk faucet.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Eternal Frontier
#329 - 2015-09-17 21:47:02 UTC

You've obviously not read the posts from plex users and understood what they have to go through to plex their accounts. You really view plex users as irrelevant don't you? This is an Eve recession it is important to understand all aspects of this so that we can determine what can be done about it.

Go ahead and ignore the plex users man, this path leads to nowhere.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#330 - 2015-09-17 21:55:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Anne Dieu-le-veut
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I'm sure CCP is losing all kinds of sleep over freeloaders threatening to quit. It's like threatening to stop pirating cable if the cable company doesn't lower their prices.

WTF do you whiners honestly expect CCP to do? They're not going to put a hard cap on what people can charge. If they lowered the IRL price of PLEX, there is no guarantee people buying PLEX from CCP would sell them any cheaper. If PLEX are selling reasonably fast for 1.2B, there's no reason for sellers to lower the price.


Even if you Plex your account you are still paying CCP for your game time. All Plex came from CCP, therefore all Plex is a monthy sub paid to them whether some noob paid it for you or you go on a Monthly plan.

In fact, CCP gets MORE cash from Plexers than they do monthly subs.

So stop being so ignorant. No one is "Pirating" plex from CCP.

LOL talk about ignorant. Your time playing <> money for CCP. You are paying the person you bought the PLEX from for your playing time. People subbing with PLEX bought from Jita are not contributing to CCP's bottom line.
Market McSelling Alt
#331 - 2015-09-17 22:00:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Market McSelling Alt
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I'm sure CCP is losing all kinds of sleep over freeloaders threatening to quit. It's like threatening to stop pirating cable if the cable company doesn't lower their prices.

WTF do you whiners honestly expect CCP to do? They're not going to put a hard cap on what people can charge. If they lowered the IRL price of PLEX, there is no guarantee people buying PLEX from CCP would sell them any cheaper. If PLEX are selling reasonably fast for 1.2B, there's no reason for sellers to lower the price.


Even if you Plex your account you are still paying CCP for your game time. All Plex came from CCP, therefore all Plex is a monthy sub paid to them whether some noob paid it for you or you go on a Monthly plan.

In fact, CCP gets MORE cash from Plexers than they do monthly subs.

So stop being so ignorant. No one is "Pirating" plex from CCP.

LOL talk about ignorant. Your time playing <> money for CCP. You are paying the person you bought the PLEX from for your playing time. People subbing with PLEX bought from Jita are not contributing to CCP's bottom line.


You have to buy Plex from CCP. Don't be stupid

What you are saying is ignorant. It would be akin to saying you don't support Kraft foods when you buy a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese from your local grocery because you paid that grocery directly. Ignorant.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Eternal Frontier
#332 - 2015-09-17 22:04:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Incorrect, All that happens with plex is that another dude has paid someone else's sub for the reward of in game currency. If all plex users leave then CCP lose the £16.99 times however many plex users left.. So, financially they are worth lots. Never turn your nose up at real cash just because it was generated by someone who has difficulty affording the sub.

I said "rather worthless", not "entirely worthless".
Im not thumbing my nose at PLEX dependant players. I am one myself.

Your extreme of ALL PLEX consumers leaving is an abstraction that is irrational and leads to false conclusions, as would be the abstractions that "if" nobody buys PLEX, sub, nor plays the game altogether.

The point I was making in the section you quoted, was that all PLEX has been paid for to CCP with RLM.
But. There is a huge hoarded stockpile of these ingame that is being withheld from the market because the more PLEX they buy up off of it, the more the value of their stockpile increases. These PLEX are currently appreciating in value, but denying the game of player content.

This moots your argument, because no matter how many players are importing PLEX into the game, if the majority of those are bought up by stockpilers, those PLEXs are NOT PAYING FOR ANYONE ELSES SUB. They are merely sitting in a station, getting more and more expensive the more of them there are.

The primary value in PLEX dependant accounts/players, is the content and activity they enrich the game with.
Yes, their sub is paid for by another, and they provide funny money for it, but this is also further reciprocated in equity to the game as a virtual player interactive universe by their activity in it, rather than their absence. 0 is 0, is nothing. 1 is something.

The stockpiled PLEX is not subbing anybody. Do you understand what I am saying?

Its legit. Its fine. Well done, whoever has done so. Makes sense. Perfect EVE victory.
Im not saying CCP should interfere, nor whining.
Im just trying to figure out why the situation is as it is.
And this is the conclusion to which Ive come as detailed in this and other posts.

Ok, so people use plex as an investment buying low then selling high. I'm sure you're aware this type of investment has a time limit and I don't think people will hold on to plex at this point. At some point the stockpile will be sold and used to plex accounts.

How are you faring with affording plex? will you find 1.3b and rising hard to achieve every month? What will you do if you can't achieve it or find it time consuming?

If plex users are finding it hard then this must be listened to.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Eternal Frontier
#333 - 2015-09-17 22:07:30 UTC
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I'm sure CCP is losing all kinds of sleep over freeloaders threatening to quit. It's like threatening to stop pirating cable if the cable company doesn't lower their prices.

WTF do you whiners honestly expect CCP to do? They're not going to put a hard cap on what people can charge. If they lowered the IRL price of PLEX, there is no guarantee people buying PLEX from CCP would sell them any cheaper. If PLEX are selling reasonably fast for 1.2B, there's no reason for sellers to lower the price.


Even if you Plex your account you are still paying CCP for your game time. All Plex came from CCP, therefore all Plex is a monthy sub paid to them whether some noob paid it for you or you go on a Monthly plan.

In fact, CCP gets MORE cash from Plexers than they do monthly subs.

So stop being so ignorant. No one is "Pirating" plex from CCP.

LOL talk about ignorant. Your time playing <> money for CCP. You are paying the person you bought the PLEX from for your playing time. People subbing with PLEX bought from Jita are not contributing to CCP's bottom line.


You have to buy Plex from CCP. Don't be stupid

What you are saying is ignorant. It would be akin to saying you don't support Kraft foods when you buy a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese from your local grocery because you paid that grocery directly. Ignorant.

Here we go, someone is paying attention. This is refreshing.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#334 - 2015-09-17 22:07:51 UTC
Aaron wrote:

Go ahead and ignore the plex users man, this path leads to nowhere.

Tsk tsk man what would a plex user like you do without plex buyers (from CCP) like me?

Those plex users are guests of plex buyers, not much more.

And since the value of isk is sinking, you have to grind harder to get those plex.
Remember you play with money others laid out for you.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#335 - 2015-09-17 22:07:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Market McSelling Alt wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Market McSelling Alt wrote:

In fact, CCP gets MORE cash from Plexers than they do monthly subs.

The last figures I saw were that CCP get somewhere between 25-33% of their income from PLEX. Do you have a more recent source?

No, I mean Plex is at least $15 a piece and in some currencies more.

Monthly subs can get as low as $11 with multi month discounts and even lower with buddy and power of 2.

I didn't mean macro sense, sorry.

$15 for a PLEX ... thats super cheap. The RL price differences for PLEX are huge. PLEX costs €19,95 ($22,77) here (Austria) and i think its the same (not sure though!) for all European countries. So if you move just 100km, into Hungary where people earn a lot less and 1€ is worth almost twice as much ... around €40 ($46) for a PLEX.
Eternal Frontier
#336 - 2015-09-17 22:11:32 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
Aaron wrote:

Go ahead and ignore the plex users man, this path leads to nowhere.

Tsk tsk man what would a plex user like you do without plex buyers (from CCP) like me?

Those plex users are guests of plex buyers, not much more.

And since the value of isk is sinking, you have to grind harder to get those plex.
Remember you play with money others laid out for you.

I'm not a plex user. I can see the path were headed on and I can see we are going to alienate the plex user. I am passionate about this because I know this is/will have an effect on numbers in the game.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#337 - 2015-09-17 22:14:07 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
Aaron wrote:
If plex users are finding it hard then this must be listened to.

Ever considered that i have to work to earn the money that i pay for plex?

I find it somehow strange if one says he likes EvE but he will stop if he can not play for free.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#338 - 2015-09-17 22:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Anne Dieu-le-veut
Market McSelling Alt wrote:


You have to buy Plex from CCP. Don't be stupid

What you are saying is ignorant. It would be akin to saying you don't support Kraft foods when you buy a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese from your local grocery because you paid that grocery directly. Ignorant.

Kraft got their money whether the store sells that mac and cheese or not. You are spending real money buying mac & cheese from the store. Your comparison would be like me giving bottle caps or some other barter to the store for the mac and cheese.

Suppose CCP lowered the price of PLEX to equal the exact cost of a sub...who says people paying cash for PLEX would either buy more or sell it for less? If people are willing to pay 1.2B for one, that's what it's going to sell for.

Aaron wrote:
How are you faring with affording plex? will you find 1.3b and rising hard to achieve every month? What will you do if you can't achieve it or find it time consuming?

If plex users are finding it hard then this must be listened to.

Why? Sellers set the ISK price for PLEX, not CCP. Why do you feel entitled to dictate how much fake money someone wants for something someone paid real money for?
Eternal Frontier
#339 - 2015-09-17 22:23:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
La Rynx wrote:
Aaron wrote:
If plex users are finding it hard then this must be listened to.

Ever considered that i have to work to earn the money that i pay for plex?

I find it somehow strange if one says he likes EvE but he will stop if he can not play for free.

Yes, the RL cost should be lowered to benefit you which I think will guarantee you more long term sales due to there being more people in game.

So you could buy 2 plex for £19.98 and sell them for 650m to 800m which is approx 1.6b for 2 months game time.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#340 - 2015-09-17 22:24:59 UTC
Aaron wrote:
Here we go, someone is paying attention. This is refreshing.

Lot's of people have been paying attention to what you've been say Aaron. Just a lot disagree with the causation that you are pushing.

Provide some real information and not just "this is it" and I'm sure people will reconsider what you are saying. At the moment, in the absence of any solid logic from your argument, the logic is worked through by each person on their own and it seems many conclusions just don't match yours.