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Carrier suggestion!

Mai Khumm
#1 - 2015-09-16 14:21:09 UTC
Day 1 Page 16 of the CSM minutes...

Right above CCP Kitteh it mentions that Capital rebalance will be announced at EVE Vegas.

My only suggestion will continue to be, Allow Carriers (and Carriers only) into Highsec. With restrictions similar to bombers and dictors.

Arrow Prevent any Capital module from being activated.
Arrow Prevent the use of Fighters.
Arrow Restrict the amount of drones deployed to 5.

Besides that, I'd like to see what else is in store!
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#2 - 2015-09-16 14:44:28 UTC
Then what is the point of them in High sec? Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec into areas of space where they can live with less or without rules imposed on them by High sec.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#3 - 2015-09-16 15:19:19 UTC
I've brought up the idea of limited access of caps (not supercaps) to hisec in the past. I think it could work eventually, but with the current state of hisec it would just be bad.

So, let me ask you: without being able to activate any capital-class modules, use fighters, or use more than 5 drones...what would be their purpose in hisec? They would either end up being glorified, super-safe haulers (which is a bad idea), or nullsec blocs would just use them to cut across hisec in relative safety (which is also a bad idea).

If you want to allow capitals in hisec, you need to give them good reasons to be there. Your proposal presents no good reasons.


Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Mai Khumm
#4 - 2015-09-16 15:40:24 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Then what is the point of them in High sec? Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec into areas of space where they can live with less or without rules imposed on them by High sec.

Going on this logic of...

"Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec."

...then remove all Orcas and Freighters and Jump Freighters from Highsec. Because they're drawing factors to make people move from Highsec!

Also, keep in mind that Carriers, a Dreadnought or 2, with the odd Super (last Burn Jita a NAdot pilot was doing laps at Jita 4-4 until CCP moved it.) already exist in Highsec. You just can't sell them or undock when at war.
Mai Khumm
#5 - 2015-09-16 15:45:47 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
I've brought up the idea of limited access of caps (not supercaps) to hisec in the past. I think it could work eventually, but with the current state of hisec it would just be bad.

So, let me ask you: without being able to activate any capital-class modules, use fighters, or use more than 5 drones...what would be their purpose in hisec? They would either end up being glorified, super-safe haulers (which is a bad idea), or nullsec blocs would just use them to cut across hisec in relative safety (which is also a bad idea).

If you want to allow capitals in hisec, you need to give them good reasons to be there. Your proposal presents no good reasons.


I suggested these changes to go along with potential changes that's being announced.

Not knowing what's in store for them could change their roles for the future. Which could possibly give them useage in Highsec.

But let's look at their current iteration shall we?

Highsec Care Bears could easily use them for PVE. With these poke could make it so they're not OP and prevent nodes from crying.

Also, there's alot of players who don't have interest in anything but Highlsec because of their playstyle who would love to fly a Carrier. Even if it's over glorified, people will still like it. But if you want to discuss useless ships in the game, there's a long ass list of them!
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-09-16 15:48:36 UTC
Yeah I totally woulda just autopiloted my caps across high sec instead of spending days jumping across New Eden :/

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Tabyll Altol
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2015-09-16 15:50:01 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Day 1 Page 16 of the CSM minutes...

Right above CCP Kitteh it mentions that Capital rebalance will be announced at EVE Vegas.

My only suggestion will continue to be, Allow Carriers (and Carriers only) into Highsec. With restrictions similar to bombers and dictors.

Arrow Prevent any Capital module from being activated.
Arrow Prevent the use of Fighters.
Arrow Restrict the amount of drones deployed to 5.

Besides that, I'd like to see what else is in store!

No got to lowsec/wh/0.0 we don´t need more players stuck in highsec we need them in the other parts of eve.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2015-09-16 16:03:40 UTC
The same logic does not follow through for freighters and Orcas as these ships have a purpose, specifically freighters, that is only achievable in High sec: moving around of goods in large quantities with limited resources, while not having defensive capabilities. This is not the purpose of the other capitals, their purpose is fighting on their own.
The capitals that exist in high sec were built there and left there when it was possible to build them in High sec. Or they were moved there by GMs for players who had unsubbed for a long time in an unfavorable location. Their limited presence in High sec is in no way comparable to what you want them to be able to do.

Mai Khumm wrote:
Highsec Care Bears could easily use them for PVE. With these poke could make it so they're not OP and prevent nodes from crying.

Also, there's alot of players who don't have interest in anything but Highlsec because of their playstyle who would love to fly a Carrier. Even if it's over glorified, people will still like it. But if you want to discuss useless ships in the game, there's a long ass list of them!

This would require for missions to be ungated. Missions below L5, however, are gated specifically to not allow capitals in them as it would make running these missions way too easy and would remove risk from prolonged exposure to space because sub-caps need longer to run them.

That is too bad for them, but if they do want to see big ships, they ought to get to riskier places. If they like it enough, they do go there and settle there (or at least an alt, as so many people do) to fly their beloved capital ships. If they do not like it enough to go to Low sec or Null sec, there is no point in giving them something they do not deserve to have.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#9 - 2015-09-16 16:10:45 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Highsec Care Bears could easily use them for PVE. With these poke could make it so they're not OP and prevent nodes from crying.

Also, there's alot of players who don't have interest in anything but Highlsec because of their playstyle who would love to fly a Carrier. Even if it's over glorified, people will still like it. But if you want to discuss useless ships in the game, there's a long ass list of them!

You may want to check the PvE effectiveness of 5 unbonused drones. Without access to fighters or drone control units and limited to 5 drones (as you suggested), carriers would be an absolutely horrible choice for PvE content. They warp slowly, they would kill things slowly, and, aside from having an absolutely massive buffer, wouldn't tank any better than battleships (worse, actually, because of their massive signatures).

I understand that there is a large swath of players who will never leave hisec. I don't think they should have to and I support opening hisec up to additional content to make their lives more interesting. This includes, potentially, capitals in hisec. But what you proposed wouldn't make hisec any more interesting outside of comedy killmails, and it would break the travel restrictions implemented in Phoebe.

Not doing any good plus doing harm = bad change.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Icarus fall
What Shall We Call It
#10 - 2015-09-16 16:13:36 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
I've brought up the idea of limited access of caps (not supercaps) to hisec in the past. I think it could work eventually, but with the current state of hisec it would just be bad.

So, let me ask you: without being able to activate any capital-class modules, use fighters, or use more than 5 drones...what would be their purpose in hisec? They would either end up being glorified, super-safe haulers (which is a bad idea), or nullsec blocs would just use them to cut across hisec in relative safety (which is also a bad idea).

If you want to allow capitals in hisec, you need to give them good reasons to be there. Your proposal presents no good reasons.


a much better tank bowhead. that can also run poor man links
Mai Khumm
#11 - 2015-09-16 16:21:20 UTC
Tabyll Altol wrote:

No got to lowsec/wh/0.0 we don´t need more players stuck in highsec we need them in the other parts of eve.


I strongly believe that the reason people are "stuck" in Highsec is because they enjoy that playstyle OR real life prevents them from the time sink needed to live elsewhere. Not so much of a specific ship class in Highsec...
Mai Khumm
#12 - 2015-09-16 16:29:23 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Mai Khumm wrote:
Highsec Care Bears could easily use them for PVE. With these poke could make it so they're not OP and prevent nodes from crying.

Also, there's alot of players who don't have interest in anything but Highlsec because of their playstyle who would love to fly a Carrier. Even if it's over glorified, people will still like it. But if you want to discuss useless ships in the game, there's a long ass list of them!

You may want to check the PvE effectiveness of 5 unbonused drones. Without access to fighters or drone control units and limited to 5 drones (as you suggested), carriers would be an absolutely horrible choice for PvE content. They warp slowly, they would kill things slowly, and, aside from having an absolutely massive buffer, wouldn't tank any better than battleships (worse, actually, because of their massive signatures).

I understand that there is a large swath of players who will never leave hisec. I don't think they should have to and I support opening hisec up to additional content to make their lives more interesting. This includes, potentially, capitals in hisec. But what you proposed wouldn't make hisec any more interesting outside of comedy killmails, and it would break the travel restrictions implemented in Phoebe.

Not doing any good plus doing harm = bad change.

Just as I said earlier and in the OP. Capitals are getting a "rebalance" So we don't know exactly what's going to happen with them for another few weeks. With excess drones on the field killing nodes they could get a limit of drones and a buff to drone damage. Akin to Gursista ships. Their Bays will be getting poked heavily aswell, so they might not be as effective as moving Cargo/ships around anymore. Only CCP and CSM knows for sure.

These suggestions are to go with potential changes to the ships/class. Which is the point that a few people aren't getting...
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#13 - 2015-09-16 16:36:05 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec into areas of space where they can live with less or without rules imposed on them by High sec.


Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#14 - 2015-09-16 17:00:24 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
These suggestions are to go with potential changes to the ships/class. Which is the point that a few people aren't getting...

I got that, I just assumed that you wanted to make these changes now instead of waiting.

If you want these changes to go along with the upcoming capital re-balance...why ask for them now?

Also, why ask for this when you have no idea what the capital re-balance will hold?

Let's wait and see what CCP has in store for capitals before we try inserting any other changes.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2015-09-16 17:06:36 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Then what is the point of them in High sec? Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec into areas of space where they can live with less or without rules imposed on them by High sec.

You think people are in low/null/WH space just because they can use cap there and not in HS?
Deaf Armada
#16 - 2015-09-16 17:20:20 UTC
Why would we want to see Carrier in high sec?

Second, why Dreadnought isn't allowed to high sec?
Icarus fall
What Shall We Call It
#17 - 2015-09-16 17:26:18 UTC
unidenify wrote:
Why would we want to see Carrier in high sec?

Second, why Dreadnought isn't allowed to high sec?

a much better tank bowhead. that can also run poor man links

allow dreads but don't allow siege mod activation.
Persephone IX
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2015-09-16 17:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Persephone IX
Well if you allow carriers in High sec, inevitably you will have to allow Dreads as a means to counter their spidertank.

Your restrictions render the carrier a bit useless. No cap modules activation? Then why did I skill them up to lvl5?
Preventing the use of Fighters in High sec would be like preventing the use of fighters bombers in Low sec, no one would back that. Preventing fighters would also mean my skills are useless in High sec. How about no scripted HiC point in Hai sec. Wont work.

Though your idea of Capitals in High Sec will certainly get more people interested in getting them/Building them and bring prices down + moar killmails, the actual nature of the beast would be very difficult to control in that space. Unless ofc CCP comes up with a Tier 2 carrier that could fit the role you might be envisioning. Seriously doubt that though.

CCP, Can I Haz My Stuff?

Leto Aramaus
Frog Team Four
Of Essence
#19 - 2015-09-16 17:54:38 UTC
Such a useless suggestion...

Everyone has already explained the reasons why I think this.

No capital mods? What's the point? Also makes for another arbitrary mechanics rule that makes no sense.

No fighters? What's the point?

Just... what's the point?


What is it???
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#20 - 2015-09-16 18:15:47 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Then what is the point of them in High sec? Capitals should not be allowed in High sec as these are some of the drawing factors to move people out of High sec into areas of space where they can live with less or without rules imposed on them by High sec.

You think people are in low/null/WH space just because they can use cap there and not in HS?

No, I do not think that and have not said that. I underlined the important part.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

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