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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Crimson Nirnroots
Compliant Munitions
#1801 - 2015-09-13 13:41:25 UTC
I play on the beach. I'm that shady douche selling Antimatter to tourists. What I like best about the beach?

I can dip my toes into the water, or wade out (but not too far). It's a little scary at times, cause I know there are sharks about, but if I remain vigilant I might get back to shore, or swim to another part of the ocean before they sever my femoral.

Sometimes I can daytrip into a current that can take me very far out to sea, but I always know the way back to shore. I find that the beach is just about the right size. It's always there.

If we expand it too much, where would all the sharks go? A beach with no water is just a desert.

Antimatter, now with more Nirnroots.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1802 - 2015-09-13 15:17:10 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Im not sure how a 25% increase in PLEX prices since last fall at this time is related, but definately something has changed in player behavior.

And that is something I have noted too. There is a somewhat of a relation with the plex though.

The biggest thing I think is lack of goals. This is why we had the sov changes and jump changes. When Null was "won" it caused a considerable drop in player activity.

Then CCP announced and revved up the start of the sov changes. It spiked back up, but is falling off again. Changes are not finished though. My activity stoppage around that time was completely due to sov being "won" Less the win, but more the fact it was so fast and easy to get anywhere to "win" making sov space feel about as expansive as a FPS arena....

There is only two reasons I have suddenly become active really in game and on forums. One is the live events. An adaptive and integrated story that is continually progressing essentially revitalizes the downtime (time not logged in) interest. When in game and playing, stuff is able to be chatted with others. Drifters present the potential of a PvE that offers a fun and excitement of PvP Sov experience without the stress working in sov space can cause.

The second is the sov changes. I mentioned stress. Well eve is a game that I can come in and by playing properly in the eve universe, I can make my own pace and just have some fun in the sandbox. But at the same time, the sov changes are becoming very inticing if we can beta the bugs out with how it plays. The fact that it is not advantageous to be smaller and mobile for border skirmishes, but will be bringing a tactical role to capitals, that just makes my day.

Right now though, there is no goals or anything people can shoot for. Eve sov wars for a TPK of the alliance should be for good reasons, not just a quick GF. Work to build up, work to tear down.

The plex side, that has caused an indirect change in gameplay. One that is still better than the alternative issues of RMT farming and the legal issues with it. It essentially changed the isk farming from a small group of illegal players, to now plague the greed of legit players. People HAVE to farm for plex, suddenly the good ol sub isn't good enough. 1b plex is "cheap" and as time has progressed since the introduction, many people want to play just off them but still a limited number of players willing to spend the bucks for the quick isk flux.

So a large volume of farm players with alts is needing supply from non farm players like me or new players wanting shiny before they learn what eve is about. That is something we really got to get drilled into a new player. One sub, one plex, one gank. That is all CCP will get when a player sees a bil isk for 20 bucks, loads up a faction frigate in their first week then gets popped. They quit. That one plex sale now cost them who knows how many months of subs.

Want more plex sales and more retained new players? We gotta get a warning to players so they KNOW that ships are easily lost and they don't come back. This way, they buy/sell plex, but over time and paying subs to fund having fun. Not ruin their fun. Eventually market will find that balance point.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Salvos Rhoska
#1803 - 2015-09-13 16:25:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Im increasingly of the opinion that the effect of PLEX traders on the market is more pervasive than often thought, or was previously the case due to other mitigating factors in preceeding years.

I think since about August 2014 till atleast June 2015 (and somewhat therafter) a large part of PLEX on the market has been bought up and stockpiled, rather than consumed by end-users.

Its been withheld from the market, to a 20-25% increase between August/June, and now being released only at quantities sufficient to atleast maintain the 1bil mark, and probably a substantial part of that revenue is re-invested into buying more PLEX for the stockpiles whenever its available cheaper.

I dont think profit is the core motivation in this, although certainly it involves some. There is some other longer term motivation at work.

The ISBoxer handicap alone should have dramatically reduced PLEX demand. No doubt it did, but since its not readily apparent on the price history, I surmise someone took advantage of that drop in demand to immediately and persistently buy up the cheaper PLEX.

Activity levels have dropped, which should entail both reduced demand and supply, depending on how you argue it.
Its unclear what kind of player activity has dropped, but summa summarum, it rationally, probably, should have kept PLEX stable, since you are losing both isk PLEXing accounts, as well as RLM PLEXing accounts, in (for the sake of argument) equal amounts.
One caveat to that would have been a sudden massive spontaneous upswing in multitraining behavior, but that is not really likely, hasnt telegraphed itself in anyway (socially or statistically).

PLEX at 1 billion certainly prompts more IRL purchase of PLEX into the market, but when weighed against the profits of an entity that has already managed to increase its PLEX stockpile value by 20-25% since last August, buying those up, whilst selling a few, results in largely the same status quo. Except that since they are still buying/stockpiling more than they sell, they still starve the market, and very effectively can prevent a drop in the price. They may loose 100k so per unit when buying it off the market, but that is nothing compared to the latent profit of their stockpile, and furthermore when they buy it off the market for stockpiling it, they starve the market even further, offsetting competition and increasing demand for that which they already hold in probably thousands of units of PLEX.

PLEX will ALWAYS sell. Even if they lose 100k buying one up, they make it back when someone buys their listed PLEX at 100k more above that. +/-, and in advantage, the market remains at their price. The price increment is incidental, since their stockpile of thoudands of units has already appreciated 20-25%.

So, considering the ISBox hit, the reduced activity figures (new/old, plexed or subbed), and the small incentive for buying more PLEX with IRL money (which apparently has been shown to not increase nor decrease IRL PLEX purchases substantially), its price should have remained stable or even have dropped. It did not. It increased 20-25%. Why is that?

I think some entity just had gotten so super-rich, and no longer had anywhere else to pump its huge surpluss fiscal leverage into for worthwhile profits, that it decided to buy and dominate the PLEX market. Just because it can, and because its a logical and expedient progression once your infrastructure is built/secured and you have astronomical income/assets with nowhere to put it to use.

As an extension of capitalism, as control of the means of production, once you have that, your remaining challenge is to control the socio-economic means of existance necessary for those who actually man the production (both yours and that of competitors). Isk is, in many ways, like company funny money. You can only use it in company stores. PLEX, however, is like oxygen/food/water/shelter all rolled into one, for thr people working to make enough funny money to purchase PLEX, so as to survive.

To paraphrase my favorite sci-fi author, as relevant to EVE:

-He who controls the PLEX, controls the universe.
One Man Isk Printing Machine
#1804 - 2015-09-13 16:52:46 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

To paraphrase my favorite sci-fi author, as relevant to EVE:

-He who controls the PLEX, controls the universe.

Well except for the problem that Plex is not finite per se. It happens to be injected into this game from outside the universe of Eve.

It's relative value in game is only what other people are willing to pay for it, and that amount can be greatly effected by game changes. Its supply is effected by how much people are willing to spend of their personal discretionary budget on a video game.

There is no real market fundamentals here when you really think about it. Potentially unlimited supply, potentially shifting valuation. Even the utility the user gets from it changes (training, game time, charity).
Salvos Rhoska
#1805 - 2015-09-13 17:09:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Xenom7 wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

To paraphrase my favorite sci-fi author, as relevant to EVE:

-He who controls the PLEX, controls the universe.

Well except for the problem that Plex is not finite per se. It happens to be injected into this game from outside the universe of Eve.

It's relative value in game is only what other people are willing to pay for it, and that amount can be greatly effected by game changes. Its supply is effected by how much people are willing to spend of their personal discretionary budget on a video game.

There is no real market fundamentals here when you really think about it. Potentially unlimited supply, potentially shifting valuation. Even the utility the user gets from it changes (training, game time, charity).

1) PLEX is finite, in the amount that it is ingame, as only increased by purchase from outside of it, and decreased by its consumption. But if an entity in EVE buys up, stockpiles, and witholds that PLEX from the market, its finite quantity available for use, is reduced even further. Buying a PLEX does not consume it. It retains its value.

2) Its relative value ingame is a result of supply and demand. Again, if an entity buys up vast quantities of PLEX, supply is reduced, against demand, leading to increased value per unit of their stockpile.

3) Its price is not severely affected by how much people are prepared to pay for PLEX. For two reasons. A) It has been shown that an increase or decrease in the ingame value of PLEX does not substantially affect how many units of PLEX people buy with IRL. B) When PLEX prices rise, less people stay ingame to buy them with isk, which offsets and counterbalances the amount of players who then are motivated to buy PLEX for profit sale ingame. Its +/-. They roughly equal each other out.

4) The central idea I am trying to get across, is that when an entity has enough assets to buy up a substantial part of the ingame PLEX, and withhold it from the market, this increases its value as a factor of reduced supply. The more of this you can do, the more profitable it gets, and the more PLEX you can continue to buy, and withold, which again results in higher prices. Sooner or later, thevalue of your stockpile is so appreciated that buying more and more PLEX off the market becomes more and more rational, becuase not only do you then own that PLEX, but by depriving it off the market, you increased its value.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1806 - 2015-09-13 17:18:59 UTC
On topic of PLEX, I have an interesting concept that might be worth looking into. I am away from any means to get and check the markets else I would do it.

What does the plex market look like? Was there huge spikes in buys, etc? I am curious about price fixing now...

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1807 - 2015-09-13 18:38:54 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

The ISBoxer handicap alone should have dramatically reduced PLEX demand. No doubt it did, but since its not readily apparent on the price history, I surmise someone took advantage of that drop in demand to immediately and persistently buy up the cheaper PLEX.

I don't disagree that market manipulation by plex buyers is going on (many of those doing it have openly admitted to doing so), but it is worth pointing out that there has been a significant counter-balance to the ISBoxer reduction in those buying PLEX off the market for isk, that I believe has heavily reduced the amount of players buying them for real money. What is that counterbalance?

Capital changes.

Ask yourself, when have you ever bought a PLEX with cash to sell on the market? I don't doubt a few people have never done it, but I would wager heavily that there are three main purchase-reasons.

The first is game start-up; isk generation begins at a trickle, and starting off with a PLEX-worth of isk in the pocket is certainly going to soften the slog at the start. I'll openly admit to having done this myself. First thing I did when i joined the game was buy a PLEX and turn it in to isk for a set of +5 learning implants, and burned the change in to skillbooks.

The second type of buyer is the kind with literally no in-game isk generation. Drop a PLEX, fund your PVP for a month. I can certainly understand this mindset as frankly ratting sucks, and I absolutely refuse to ever do it again. Fortunately I built up a bank of isk for vanity purchases, and I can now happily live off SRP, but if I wasn't in a group that gave me that luxury I would have to decide whether to spent £ or spend the time ratting and hating my life.

Lastly, there is the "big purchase". Someone who just rats a bit, relies on SRP to replace lost ships, and maybe dabbles in the market can fund the occasional vanity-pirate-battleship or carrier, but has to seriously knuckle down if they want to get into a Super. I can easily imagine quite a number of Supercaps are bought via PLEX selling. And since Pheobe, Supercapitals have been hit hard; between the Jump Changes (not that I'm bitching about that - I own an Aeon, but I thoroughlly agree power projection had to get hamstrung), and the sov changes (note, that since fighters can't attack POS, literally every structure Supercarriers could attack are now gone), its unlikely that anyone who didn't already have a Super has much motivation to get one. I believe that this is causing a significant drop in people spending RL cash for PLEX.
Salvos Rhoska
#1808 - 2015-09-13 19:09:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:

1) New players, when doing it wisely, can use the Buddy system to recoup most if not almost all the value of a PLEX IN ADDITION to their sub. So not only do you get 1month for your sub, you also get 1bil+ isk. Certified Buddies are currently offering as much as 1050m. If you Buddy with your own alt account, you generate a free PLEX for yourself.

I can't speak to how many new players are aware of this, but its hugely beneficial for them.
You never needed to buy that PLEX. Sub+Buddy would have been enough to get time, accelerators, and isk.

2) This is the largest PLEX importer, for sure. Probably most of the EVE PLEX economy rides on the shoulders of these players in terms of how much PLEX is introduced into the system.

3) I understand your angle on supercaps, but I'm having difficulty believing people would actually spend that much IRL money for a pixel spaceship. The RLM cost is just insane, when converted inefficiently through PLEX sales ingame. Same goes for the Character Bazaar, which also have characters in that same price range.

Imo, characters that aquire these ships, are typically corp affiliated, and it is enough for the corp that they are loyal and can fly the ship, inorder for them to finance it for them in isk/production. The corp primarily wants the supercap pilot/player, the isk cost of sourcing a ship for him to fly is secondary to that, and can be done ingame without IRL expense. Ships are replaceable, capable/loyal pilots are far harder to come buy.

If anything, that organisation will liquidate some of its stockpiled PLEX assets, if necessary, inorder to fund the sourcing of that ship. The pilot is far more valuable than the ship.

In either case, no RLM is used. Just existing ingame assets.

Take for example, the Imperium.
The isk/asset/production capacity of this organization is astronomical (no pun intended). Absolutely mind-boggling.
Just as a point of reference, 2014 Fanfest Economics presentation showed that in EVE roughly 70 titans are produced in every quarter (and as another point of reference, B-R5RB destroyed "only" 75 Titans). Now figure how many of those are being built in Imperium space.

If you are a loyal corpie that has skilled so far as to be able to fly a supercap well, I have no doubt that a ship can be provided to you by your organization, at no RLM cost, or that alteast it would be replaced for you when lost in action for the corps purposes.
Galactic Rangers
#1809 - 2015-09-14 07:50:44 UTC
Xenom7 wrote:
Webvan wrote:
Xenom7 wrote:
Sure Plex is a luxury. So is Eve Online.

So what do you propose we do about it? Because it doesn't matter what "should be" or "shoudn't be". It matters what is. And right now people who depend on PLEX to sub game time are being left in the dust.

EVE isn't for everybody?
To play EVE is to adapt, sacrifice, even at times lose. PLEX is just a part of that reality. There is no what can "we do about it?" here, not w/o ruining what the game is which would be far worse a situation.

Oh no, don't misunderstand what I was trying to state here. I don't care what the price of Plex is. If it was super cheap I would probably use it, but I am more than happy to pay for a year at a time for a much reduced price from CCP.

I was asking because I see Jennaside post very direct and definitive arguments for and against things, normally belittling the way others feel and want to operate. But I rarely see suggestions for how to fix it.

I was just trying to see if Jennaside, or anyone for that matter had a solution to the conundrum that we have now in the Plex market.

conundrum ?

it's a live market run by real people, supply and demand dictate prices. what part of that is a conundrum ?

if you can't afford it then i guess you can't buy it, tuff luck, work harder to earn more isk.

i don't hear any people who use plex suggest buying one every 2 months and halfing the cost to 25 cent a day to keep running.
they are not interested in paying full stop. for whatever reason they think EVE is free to play using plex, when it is not, someone is paying CCP for the months sub.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1810 - 2015-09-14 12:13:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Xenom7 wrote:
Webvan wrote:
Xenom7 wrote:
Sure Plex is a luxury. So is Eve Online.

So what do you propose we do about it? Because it doesn't matter what "should be" or "shoudn't be". It matters what is. And right now people who depend on PLEX to sub game time are being left in the dust.

EVE isn't for everybody?
To play EVE is to adapt, sacrifice, even at times lose. PLEX is just a part of that reality. There is no what can "we do about it?" here, not w/o ruining what the game is which would be far worse a situation.

Oh no, don't misunderstand what I was trying to state here. I don't care what the price of Plex is. If it was super cheap I would probably use it, but I am more than happy to pay for a year at a time for a much reduced price from CCP.

I was asking because I see Jennaside post very direct and definitive arguments for and against things, normally belittling the way others feel and want to operate. But I rarely see suggestions for how to fix it.

I was just trying to see if Jennaside, or anyone for that matter had a solution to the conundrum that we have now in the Plex market.

Sooo, wait, just to be clear, you're asking me if i have a solution to a problem that I think isn't a problem?

And if others feel 'belittled' by me pointing out simple reality, their real issue is with that reality, not me. If what someone 'feels' is stupid and the way they want to operate is even stupider (example : getting addicted to PLEX...PLEXdiction is no laughing matter), yep, I'm going to point that out and damn if they don't like it lol.
#1811 - 2015-09-14 14:53:51 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
for whatever reason they think EVE is free to play using plex, when it is not, someone is paying CCP for the months sub

The free-stuff generation has a very broad definition of what a human right is. I assume gaming is in there somehow.
Retribution Holdings Corp
#1812 - 2015-09-14 15:57:35 UTC
nothing useful to read perhaps thread has run its course
Alavaria Fera
#1813 - 2015-09-14 16:30:20 UTC
ImYourMom wrote:
nothing useful to read perhaps thread has run its course

The Discussion in General (in General Discussion) has run its course

long ago~

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1814 - 2015-09-14 16:39:01 UTC
Xenom7 wrote:

I was asking because I see Jennaside post very direct and definitive arguments for and against things, normally belittling the way others feel and want to operate. But I rarely see suggestions for how to fix it.

I came to the same conclusion, only with lots observed anger in her postings. (hate)

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Salvos Rhoska
#1815 - 2015-09-14 17:23:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
People who provide no content, claiming the thread has no content.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1816 - 2015-09-14 18:43:14 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
Xenom7 wrote:

I was asking because I see Jennaside post very direct and definitive arguments for and against things, normally belittling the way others feel and want to operate. But I rarely see suggestions for how to fix it.

I came to the same conclusion, only with lots observed anger in her postings. (hate)

If you think that's anger, it means you haven't seen anger (not surprising in our bubble warped western world these days). But you're right about hate, I hate stupid.
Salvos Rhoska
#1817 - 2015-09-14 18:55:13 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Have you subbed?
Have you bought PLEX with RLM?

I dont mean to infer anything by your answer, just interested in player behavior in terms of these two elements.

By way of reciprocation for that, I myself have subbed my first account for 90 days, and an alt for 90 days, for a total of 60e, in total.

Therafter Ive been able to keep these and subsequent accounts PLEXed with ingame isk revenues.
Ive never bought PLEX with RLM.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1818 - 2015-09-14 19:07:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

Have you subbed?
Have you bought PLEX with RLM?

I dont mean to infer anything by your answer, just interested in player behavior in terms of these two elements.

By way of reciprocation for that, I myself have subbed my first account for 90 days, and an alt for 90 days, for a total of 60e, in total.

Therafter Ive been able to keep these and subsequent accounts PLEXed with ingame isk revenues.
Ive never bought PLEX with RLM.

This month I payed cash for 2 accounts and plex'd the other 2, because I needed isk for a special project with some buddies (wormhole + Armor machs and Lokis supported by a couple RR Nestors = Small scale invasion Big smile), but usually I plex all 4 accounts.

The rise in plex prices have cut into my isk revenues for sure, but that's ok, challenges are what make a game a game. For me, it's part of the game to figure out how to stay above a rising price curve while still doing combat based PVE only (no market or indy stuff for me).

Edit, I haven't bought a plex with real life money for about 3 years now.
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1819 - 2015-09-14 19:11:06 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
La Rynx wrote:
Xenom7 wrote:

I was asking because I see Jennaside post very direct and definitive arguments for and against things, normally belittling the way others feel and want to operate. But I rarely see suggestions for how to fix it.

I came to the same conclusion, only with lots observed anger in her postings. (hate)

If you think that's anger, it means you haven't seen anger (not surprising in our bubble warped western world these days). But you're right about hate, I hate stupid.

That adds selfloathing...

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Amarr Empire
#1820 - 2015-09-14 19:18:01 UTC
LULZ u r all right mates, but...
I'm sad too, eve is diyng, but there's nothing to do... i've "jumped the subscription 2 months ago and i'll never renew this one.

There is no rule or mechannics to discuss... counting the multi-accounts player (2, 3, 4 woth 1) eve is dead... multi-accounts are even a stupid eve exclusive from years.

But, anyway there is no rule to discuss: SIMPLY EVE COST TOO MUCH ... The euro price is a robbery, and the plex price seems like a joke... so, CCP, enjoy your money... enjoy the money wasted developing unuseful game or demo or whathever... payed from us. It's time to think about it CCP, and stick Y 15 Eur/mo into Y....

o7 !