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New Dev Blog: DUST 514 Closed Beta Signup Now Live

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#321 - 2012-01-04 04:41:01 UTC
Zeigfryd Omegas wrote:
no PC - no play.

that is all.

Sorry to burst the PC-centric bubble, but CCP they thinks Dust 514 being on the PC would take players from Eve online. It's pretty scary to me, as a newcomer to this community, who is excited about Dust 514 to find that some think that "Oh, this'll kill CCP," and the like.Your game is changing and growing beyond the willingness some of you have to access these new areas of growth. You'll need to find a way to grapple with it because what CCP is trying to do is unprecedented, and while I will gripe and critique about technical mishaps that might or will happen with Dust 514, I stand by the Dust 514 project because of the vision they have.

"Our PC only game universe is reaching out to different gamers." Do you know of the gameplay possibilities this will bring? The massive influx of new blood and ideas will only enrich the universe of Eve including the obviousness that ground combat creates an entirely new level of depth to the Eve experience. CCP is attempting to break the mold of the relationship between games and gaming genres, you should do some research and figure out how much work they're doing and what they see the future of gaming to be, and maybe you won't fall prey to becoming an anachronism to the video gaming industry and see the immense opportunities Dust 514 can yield.

As the Deputy Director of Seraphim Initiative, I am apparently part of a minority that sees the potential of the immense contribution that both Eve and Dust players can bring to the Eve world. In an interview with Magvets, I stressed the need for modesty and humbleness for the experience that the Eve community has, as a community that stands apart from other gaming communities, but so far, I've been shown that I overestimated the maturity, opportunism, and tenacity of the Eve community, and if this is a representation of the welcome that FPS newcomers to New Eden will see when Dust 514 releases, and it will release, I see dark times ahead for us. As a gaming community, we need to rally together, call CCP out on bad calls, but embrace change, as that is the only way to prosper, for CCP financially, and therefore your core game, Eve Online, and the gaming industry as a whole.

Aegis Stormborn
Naga Please.
#322 - 2012-01-04 04:43:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Aegis Stormborn
Ledain Moruse wrote:
no PC - no play.

that is all.

Many already agreed, im doing the same.
Even if i have a xbox360 myself, shooters = PC, that is all.

Cool story bro, but there is plenty of actual data out there stating otherwise.

Let's take a look at Call of Duty Black Ops Sales by gaming platform. (COD Black Ops is the highest selling COD title to date and I believe COD is the most successful FPS gaming series but I didn't actually check that, I think we can all agree it's in the top 2 or 3).

PC Sales: 1.32 million
PS3 Sales: 11.23 million
XBOX Sales: 13.25 million

We can clearly see that console sales outpaced PC sales in our example by about 18.5 to 1. Even if you want to get technical and disregard your argument of console vs PC and just call it PS3 vs. PC you are still at an 8.5 to 1 sales rate.

Ledain Moruse wrote:
EDIT is saying: While console love boys and girls may say, who cares that we are saying this. They do care sooner or later, marketing would be doing a fail job if they do not watch the feedback on the console only decision closely.

No we don't care, and CCP doesn't either because they have probably taken a look at some actual data as we just did and saw that consoles are the way to go regardless of whether you personally like them or not.

Ledain Moruse wrote:
Im going to take a wild completely uneducated guess and say, that 1/4th of the possible customers will not buy Dust514.

Fixed it for you.

Ledain Moruse wrote:
That is the ppl like me and many others stating, no pc no play.

Again, you can whine all you want. It's not going to change anything.

Ledain Moruse wrote:
To ignore that fact, would be a obvious marketing desaster for anyone with 5th grade math knowledge.

Good night, good fight!

I'd be willing to bet you don't know the first thing about marketing seeing as you couldn't do some very simple market research that would show you that your premise is completely off base. Bonus points for misspelling disaster while trying to suggest that someone with a different viewpoint is lacking some basic knowledge from grade school.

One last thing before I GN and GF.

There are around 60,000 planets in the EVE universe. Even if you take out the ones that aren't theoretically able to have mercs on them you are left with over 40,000 planets. If I recall correctly the most people ever on Tranquility at once was around 60,000. So even on a good day, you only have about 1.5 people per planet. Pretty sure you can't fight yourself, as it would ruin the gaming experience. This thing has to be on PS3 (or XBOX but they wouldn't do it) in order to have a big enough player base to fill the planets and make it work.


If you do a little bit of research or use a little bit of deductive reasoning and common sense you can figure out that not only will putting DUST on the PS3 not kill the game, it is the only way it could work.


Terra Mikael
#323 - 2012-01-04 04:44:00 UTC
Why even release on PS3? PS4 is widely believed to be released in the late 2012 to mid 2013 (pretty much every sony console has been released 6 years apart from the next, PS3 was introduced in 2006)

If eve was released as a console game it would have been shelved long ago. Surely you must uderstand that releasing on a console means it will be a short lived portion of the universe...but then again your visions have always been short term, CCP...
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#324 - 2012-01-04 05:00:42 UTC
Terra Mikael wrote:
Why even release on PS3? PS4 is widely believed to be released in the late 2012 to mid 2013 (pretty much every sony console has been released 6 years apart from the next, PS3 was introduced in 2006)

Why limit yourself to early adopters? PS3 has an established playerbase.
Terra Mikael wrote:
If eve was released as a console game it would have been shelved long ago. Surely you must uderstand that releasing on a console means it will be a short lived portion of the universe...but then again your visions have always been short term, CCP...

Considering how incredibly different the gameplay is between dust and eve, noting that one would probably have failed on a particular platform has no relevance whatsoever to the other. You may as well assert that fish are flawed because dogs can't survive underwater for long periods of time.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#325 - 2012-01-04 05:02:32 UTC
Ifly Uwalk wrote:
no PC - no play.

that is all.

needed to be said again
#326 - 2012-01-04 05:04:34 UTC
\o/ PS3 updated and fingers crossed..

hope all this waiting worth it. P

**Too Proud to Beg, Too Stubon to Try **

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#327 - 2012-01-04 05:16:46 UTC
anyone know if they started the beta yet?Big smile or at least know when they will start to release it
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#328 - 2012-01-04 05:24:22 UTC
Sylthi wrote:
Man, 10 days after the original post and ONLY 16 pages.

I can remember back when threads blew up to 16 pages in under 10 minutes back before CCP pi_ssed everybody off and Hillmar dared them to quit.

Hello??? CCP??? You there??

Does the IN-activity of this thread tell you how much LACK of interest there is in DUST for the community as a whole?

It should.

Personally, I couldn't care less about Dust, no matter the platform. I ALREADY pay CCP WAY too much for WAY to little of a game.

Sign up for Dust BETA?? That offer actually did give me a good chuckle. I mean, I ALEADY play in one CCP Beta, and it's not even that good, it's called: EVE. I guess I could try one of their products for free..... but, I would have to actually believe they are going to make something out of Dust when they have already made such a mess out of Eve. Oh, and having a PS3 would help, but, I am NOT going to buy a PS3 for ONE game. Sorry CCP, the money-well that I have been for you for going on 8 years is starting to dry up for you. You SHOULD be concerned about that, but I KNOW you're not.

I don't know about the "humbler" part Hillmar promised, but we are already at the "smaller" part of CCP; and it looks like its getting even smaller every day.

Peace all.

I know I could be ignoring stupid posts like this, but I feel I must point out their idiocy...

As I said in my post on page 15, people are acting like CCP is only trying to target the EvE community with Dust. The EvE community isn't the world. Even if no EvE player buys Dust (which isn't going to happen) they will still get customers who DO NOT PLAY EVE. There are 55.5 million PS3s and even if 100,000 end up buying it, that will be a success. The FPS market is dominated by consoles (as pointed out by someone above me) so it is only logical to take advantage of that. Xbox is crap and refused Dust so PS3 was the only other option.

As for the comment about this thread not turning into a threadnaught, why is that relevant? There are other websites on the internet aside from the EvE-O foums Roll

Soyuz Logistics
#329 - 2012-01-04 05:48:51 UTC
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Keatro wrote:
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
asking myself about ccp resources applied to this beta consolecrap and are taken away from flying in space EVE to go bughunting when that crap goes live

Negative nancy. CCP have stepped up their game, and people still act like Christmas grinches. The dust team has always been the same, and will stay the same when the beta goes live.

still resources taken away from EVE,for something not needed ,its not about spaceships!!!

No resources have been taken away from EVE. CCP cancelled their upcoming Vampire: masquerade MMO to put all their focus on EVE and DUST
Galian Kile
Pulling The Plug
#330 - 2012-01-04 06:28:20 UTC
Kasidis wrote:
Sylthi wrote:
Man, 10 days after the original post and ONLY 16 pages.

I can remember back when threads blew up to 16 pages in under 10 minutes back before CCP pi_ssed everybody off and Hillmar dared them to quit.

Hello??? CCP??? You there??

Does the IN-activity of this thread tell you how much LACK of interest there is in DUST for the community as a whole?

It should.

Personally, I couldn't care less about Dust, no matter the platform. I ALREADY pay CCP WAY too much for WAY to little of a game.

Sign up for Dust BETA?? That offer actually did give me a good chuckle. I mean, I ALEADY play in one CCP Beta, and it's not even that good, it's called: EVE. I guess I could try one of their products for free..... but, I would have to actually believe they are going to make something out of Dust when they have already made such a mess out of Eve. Oh, and having a PS3 would help, but, I am NOT going to buy a PS3 for ONE game. Sorry CCP, the money-well that I have been for you for going on 8 years is starting to dry up for you. You SHOULD be concerned about that, but I KNOW you're not.

I don't know about the "humbler" part Hillmar promised, but we are already at the "smaller" part of CCP; and it looks like its getting even smaller every day.

Peace all.

I know I could be ignoring stupid posts like this, but I feel I must point out their idiocy...

As I said in my post on page 15, people are acting like CCP is only trying to target the EvE community with Dust. The EvE community isn't the world. Even if no EvE player buys Dust (which isn't going to happen) they will still get customers who DO NOT PLAY EVE. There are 55.5 million PS3s and even if 100,000 end up buying it, that will be a success. The FPS market is dominated by consoles (as pointed out by someone above me) so it is only logical to take advantage of that. Xbox is crap and refused Dust so PS3 was the only other option.

As for the comment about this thread not turning into a threadnaught, why is that relevant? There are other websites on the internet aside from the EvE-O foums Roll

I agree. I had this same discussion with a friend of mine when MW3 got released. 10% of their sales was PC. The other 90% WAS CONSOLES!!!!!!

So yes, this is a good move on CCP's part to expand their market horizons towards the console customer base.
Dnaltrop Nogero
#331 - 2012-01-04 07:10:42 UTC
PS3 ready to go, Application entered, But I am not a Playstation + Member.

Give me something to do while the Wife and kids are asleep and I have the house to myself..... Please.
Tom Hagen
Twilight Empire
#332 - 2012-01-04 07:47:31 UTC
I wonder if we ever gonna see DUST player complain about EVE being PC exclusive.
Surely this is something for CCP to look into. I mean we cant expect people to buy a PC to play EVE.

Or if you don't want to own a PS3 its working as intended, don't play the game and stop whining about it!!
Galactic Deep Space Industries
Brave Collective
#333 - 2012-01-04 07:55:07 UTC
if only i was 12 and owned a ps3 to I would try it. I am hoping ccp will realize that only us pc players will make dust 514 epic, the console gamers are to sold on cod to give a **** about anything else.

Please ccp - dust 514 belongs on the pc, its the only way its gonna work.

My EvE Online  PEW PEW  My YouTube Videos

Caldari State
#334 - 2012-01-04 08:17:04 UTC
Jasomon wrote:
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Keatro wrote:
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
asking myself about ccp resources applied to this beta consolecrap and are taken away from flying in space EVE to go bughunting when that crap goes live

Negative nancy. CCP have stepped up their game, and people still act like Christmas grinches. The dust team has always been the same, and will stay the same when the beta goes live.

still resources taken away from EVE,for something not needed ,its not about spaceships!!!

No resources have been taken away from EVE. CCP cancelled their upcoming Vampire: masquerade MMO to put all their focus on EVE and DUST

Sorry about that ,just was irritated about some idiot Flying in Space only people in other Forum post ,now i know for sure how ridiculous those people sound

Although i am an only PC guy and wished it could come to PC, i wish you guys a fun game.

And most of all some in info ,when the betakeys are handed out,ccp silence is a common thing these days


Die Gallier - Abt. Zivilisten
#335 - 2012-01-04 08:35:58 UTC  |  Edited by: 5NAK3 PLI55K3N
Terra Mikael wrote:
Why even release on PS3? PS4 is widely believed to be released in the late 2012 to mid 2013 (pretty much every sony console has been released 6 years apart from the next, PS3 was introduced in 2006)

If eve was released as a console game it would have been shelved long ago. Surely you must uderstand that releasing on a console means it will be a short lived portion of the universe...but then again your visions have always been short term, CCP...

We all know how bugfixing works by CCP. CCP would use the time until PS4 to bugfix the game to get a playable version on PS4 ;)

My PS3 also collecting dust for a long time. The worst expirience ever for me was to buy MW4 on PS3. Wow! I tryed really hard to understand the guys who play a shooter on a console but never get it. PS3 is nice for Jump'n run with the kid's or games like Grand Tourismo but the sales on consoles tells a other story ;)

PS: my opinion is that the most of all console player's who play a shooter never get a pc to work without help or ever understand what eve is.
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#336 - 2012-01-04 08:54:35 UTC
What's the reason that DUST 514 will not be released on Xbox 360 or PC you ask? You fear that the audiences of PS3 players are mere children jacked up on too much ritalin and mountain dew to protect your precious planets?

Fear not my finely-feather-brained friend! I seem to recall hearing a statistic somewhere that PS3 players have a higher IQ on average than Xbox players. That's possibly because there's more people on Xbox, but I'm thinking it's cause PS3 brings in a more mature audience.

Obviously I cannot produce the statistics, but I can share personal experience. I've played both PS3 and Xbox and my online experience has varied significantly between the two. XBox Live is full of children and trailer trash who have jail bait girlfriends - coincidentally, this is not much different from World of Warcraft. They all feel they have to be a big bad solo but-kicking ******* to overcompensate for... something. ;)

PS3, on the other hand, is for the sophisticated gentleman who is willing to strategize. I say, we're better off.

As for PC, well... you saw the statistics above. There's not much to explain there. More people will buy a console FPS game than will buy a PC FPS game.
And don't get me started on the whining!! Look at these forums, they're riddled with it! What a mess...
Hate to bring your hopes down, but after looking at the evidence, I'd say PS3 is the perfect place for DUST 514.

Now, obviously, we can't route out all of the retards.... so here's a simple fix for you.

DON'T HIRE THEM!! Make exclusive contracts for elite organizations like Morsus Mihi or Ushra'Khan. I know for a fact that they've already started recruiting DUST players. And I know they're hard core enough that they won't accept the ritalin corps into their ranks.

Just a thought ;)
Nyla Skin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#337 - 2012-01-04 09:07:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyla Skin
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Terra Mikael wrote:
Why even release on PS3? PS4 is widely believed to be released in the late 2012 to mid 2013 (pretty much every sony console has been released 6 years apart from the next, PS3 was introduced in 2006)

Why limit yourself to early adopters? PS3 has an established playerbase.

PS2 used to be the more popular and played-at console well after introduction of PS3.

I am active eve subscriber and I have a ps3. I dont know if Ill still bother with this though. I think I have forgotten my PSN password :S

In after the lock :P   - CCP Falcon

Titus R
Exhumer Industries
#338 - 2012-01-04 09:20:58 UTC
Ifly Uwalk wrote:
no PC - no play.

that is all.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#339 - 2012-01-04 09:35:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirradog
Any chance Xbox 360 will get a run? Make it PC CCP, do us all a favor.
Old Owl
Random Private Corp
#340 - 2012-01-04 09:49:09 UTC
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
Ifly Uwalk wrote:
no PC - no play.

that is all.

True story bro.
