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Out of Pod Experience

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What is the avatar above you thinking?

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Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9081 - 2015-09-03 01:00:02 UTC
I'm not sure, but I think he's trying to be a smart boy and making fun of me. Not sure, but seems like it.... Ah what the hell! ::cuff, erp, doof. Oof::
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#9082 - 2015-09-04 02:21:31 UTC
If I squint really hard, I can make laser beams come out my eyes.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9083 - 2015-09-04 10:18:20 UTC
You would tell me if there was a hair out of place wouldn't you? No...of course you wouldn' would let me STAND HERE LOOKING LIKE AN IDIOT, WOULDNT YOU!!!! Where's my mirror? Phew, now...what were we talking about again?
Projak Dynamo
Pro Synergy
#9084 - 2015-09-06 23:09:57 UTC
Does this background suit me, does it make my red hair look magnificent...WELL DOES IT?

The Pro Synergy Pilot is not just a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost, in the blackness of space, he will find it. If it has been destroyed, he will loot and salvage it. If it is in his way, he will move it. If he is lucky he will be podded 20 jumps from home, for this is the closest he come to being hero.

Tanner Twaggs
Riemannian Manifold Torus
#9085 - 2015-09-07 00:04:03 UTC
My wife

At what point do you just stop and say, Did i just do that

Takumi Kaito
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9086 - 2015-09-07 05:44:02 UTC
Oh god, did I really do what I think I did last night?
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#9087 - 2015-09-07 22:04:49 UTC
I don't have to listen to your jabbering, for I am superior to all others. One day, this will dawn upon the minds of all pilots everywhere, and they will bow down and worship me.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Chancellor Dantius Palpatine
Amarr Empire
#9088 - 2015-09-08 15:33:37 UTC
"I wonder what I could say that the avatar above me is thinking"
Tank Murdock Jnr
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9089 - 2015-09-08 18:51:55 UTC
It's colder than I thought out...wish I'd worn something under this robe.

When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading 'Guns and Ammo', masturbating in your own you just stop and go, 'Wow! It is amazing how f*cking crazy I really am!'?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#9090 - 2015-09-08 19:45:47 UTC
Hello, this is my face, and it's so large it takes all your frame! Mwahahahah!

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Tank Murdock Jnr
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9091 - 2015-09-08 19:51:03 UTC
Man, that guy has a huge face.

When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading 'Guns and Ammo', masturbating in your own you just stop and go, 'Wow! It is amazing how f*cking crazy I really am!'?

Tanner Twaggs
Riemannian Manifold Torus
#9092 - 2015-09-08 20:14:28 UTC
Little children

At what point do you just stop and say, Did i just do that

Radni Tokila
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9093 - 2015-09-08 20:44:07 UTC
Is... Is that a spider?!
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#9094 - 2015-09-08 21:35:15 UTC
It's now a dead spider. Heh heh hehe.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#9095 - 2015-09-08 22:25:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Principessa, principessa... guardami, principessa...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9096 - 2015-09-09 16:03:49 UTC
Give me that thing, give me that, give me, give me that...thing, give me that, give me, give me that, give me give me give me that!


Give me that thing, give me that, give me, give me that...thing, give me that, give me, give me that, give me give me give me that!


Give me that thing, give me that, give me, give me that...thing, give me that, give me, give me that, give me give me give me that!


Give me that thing, give me that, give me, give me that...thing, give me that, give me, give me that, give me give me give me that!


Please just give me that thing? Please?

That thing....GIVE ME THAT THING!
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9097 - 2015-09-09 23:38:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
Sweet and Sour, Honey Mustard, Chipotle BBQ, Tangy BBQ, Spicy Buffalo, Sweet Chili, Hot Mustard, or Creamy Ranch? Or just no sauce at all? Why does choosing the sauce always ruin my McNuggets experience?
Amber Hills
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#9098 - 2015-09-10 04:47:02 UTC
I don't think these McNuggets are made from chicken...
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#9099 - 2015-09-10 04:55:40 UTC
And what do you think you're looking at, eh?

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#9100 - 2015-09-10 06:34:54 UTC
Her face is over there... but, whatever.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you