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Experienced Merc's / Gankers food for thoughts....

Hogs Collective
#1 - 2015-09-07 22:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Drakhr
Ok, so I've had a little think in what I want to do in EVE and I would really like to set up my own courier services for the EVE'rs out there.

1st of all, I would just like to say, I'm abig fan of ganking for the EVE community, it brings in the right elements to a sandbox MMO and offers that sense of danger as soon as you undock, that being said, I would like to mitigate as much ganking on our services. With the threat of gankers / merc's / war dec's to contend with I would like to gather your field of knowledge and experienced opinion if the following could possibly be achieved.......

To mitigate ganking for my Corp could I,

1.) Work with Gankers, to not be targeted by them by offering them free services / Monthly payment ??
Or would they receive my Isk and gank me anyway.....

2.) If the above was to be diplomatically possible, would CODE or the likes of be willing to support my services?
i.e, any rogue solo gankers to be targeted and cleared from our trade routes?

3.) How much is it going to cost me to achieve this diplomacy?

I believe there is still a market out there for courier service and potentially with the right diplomacy to the right people could bring in a lot of ISK for both parties.

A.) You gank our competition
B.) We are, at best, safe guarded or at least awkward to be targeted.
C.) The Courier persons have a potential safe haven whilst trading away and pay a little ISK for your support

I know there is already great courier corps out there such as FROG and Push X, but I'm not sure they use diplomacy to mitigate ganking as they use their alts in NPC corps.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Cheers!!

relocation LLC.
#2 - 2015-09-08 04:27:03 UTC
Drakhr wrote:
Ok, so I've had a little think in what I want to do in EVE and I would really like to set up my own courier services for the EVE'rs out there.

1st of all, I would just like to say, I'm abig fan of ganking for the EVE community, it brings in the right elements to a sandbox MMO and offers that sense of danger as soon as you undock, that being said, I would like to mitigate as much ganking on our services. With the threat of gankers / merc's / war dec's to contend with I would like to gather your field of knowledge and experienced opinion if the following could possibly be achieved.......

To mitigate ganking for my Corp could I,

1.) Work with Gankers, to not be targeted by them by offering them free services / Monthly payment ??
Or would they receive my Isk and gank me anyway.....

2.) If the above was to be diplomatically possible, would CODE or the likes of be willing to support my services?
i.e, any rogue solo gankers to be targeted and cleared from our trade routes?

3.) How much is it going to cost me to achieve this diplomacy?

I believe there is still a market out there for courier service and potentially with the right diplomacy to the right people could bring in a lot of ISK for both parties.

A.) You gank our competition
B.) We are, at best, safe guarded or at least awkward to be targeted.
C.) The Courier persons have a potential safe heaven whilst trading away and pay a little ISK for your support

I know there is already great courier corps out there such as FROG and Push X, but I'm not sure they use diplomacy to mitigate ganking as they use their alts in NPC corps.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Cheers!!


Join code?, as far as I know code. doesn't gank the ships moving their gank ships.

And I'm not sure code. has any "blues".

Goons gank a ton too.....i would just say buy a permit and hope for the best.

Hogs Collective
#3 - 2015-09-08 07:40:48 UTC
pushdogg wrote:

Join code?, as far as I know code. doesn't gank the ships moving their gank ships.

And I'm not sure code. has any "blues".

Goons gank a ton too.....i would just say buy a permit and hope for the best.

Cheers for the reply Dogg, I'll send out an email to the relevent parties tonight, see what diplomacy could be arraged.

On Topic, I'm not getting much feed back from the Merc / Gankers here, can this thread be moved to a more approprate area of forums so i can get more answers?

Cheers o7
Domino Vyse
Good Sax
#4 - 2015-09-08 08:10:46 UTC
I can organise escorts for your haulers.

And by that I mean hookers and/or armed guards.

Mail me.
Abiding Ormolus
#5 - 2015-09-08 10:03:13 UTC
Why not ask some of the people at red frog or pushX and see how they operate..cause afaik they still courier and sti do it in freighters so they must be doing it right

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Hogs Collective
#6 - 2015-09-08 10:09:34 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
Why not ask some of the people at red frog or pushX and see how they operate..cause afaik they still courier and sti do it in freighters so they must be doing it right

Yeah, I'll log on after work tonight and see who i can get in touch with. Never ran a Corp before, I'll learn gradually :)

Thank you!
Herb Men
#7 - 2015-09-08 10:47:04 UTC
Heaven is just as safe as the undock of burn jita. Your idea may work if you remove the heaven and never mention safe.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Hogs Collective
#8 - 2015-09-08 10:57:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Drakhr
StonerPhReaK wrote:
Heaven is just as safe as the undock of burn jita. Your idea may work if you remove the heaven and never mention safe.

Thank you for correcting my spelling, it was meant to say Haven.

If i remove Safe, it would be derogatory to my main aim of the thread and then would not achieve such things. I respect there will no doubt, ganking going on thats standard procedure, I'm simply trying to make enough ally's to mitigate the amount of it.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#9 - 2015-09-08 20:39:29 UTC
It's relatively easy to not get ganked in hisec if you fly smart and bring friends. Proper piloting will provide far better results than attempting to reach a diplomatic solution with groups that you have absolutely zero leverage with.

Use insta-dock and insta-undock bookmarks, use scouts, use intel channels, use ABs/MWDs to get DSTs/Orcas into warp sooner, use a webber to get your freighters into warp sooner, etc. The vast majority of those who get ganked are ones who either avail themselves of none of these tools, or do but somehow mess them up.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#10 - 2015-09-09 06:09:33 UTC
I have done everything you are worried about.
The ganking community is much smaller than the war dec community.
New "merc" corps show up every day and diplomacy with all of them is silly and non profitable.
This makes out of corp haulers essential which makes standings harder.
Ganking haulers can be a fast paced endeavor and a good target will still get killed usually before you figure out if its "blue".

Bronson gave good advice.
Use in game channels and mailing lists as well.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.