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EVE General Discussion

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First post
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#121 - 2012-01-03 19:43:57 UTC
so what

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#122 - 2012-01-03 19:45:45 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
so what

Can't sew what, you sew buttons silly.

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#123 - 2012-01-03 19:46:30 UTC
Troffle translators.

The most obvious problem in inter-racial communicatiohn is the troffle difference. all the major races in eve speak their own troffle and all attempts to make one the linguah francah have failed because of stubbornness ovah accepting any one troffle as the dominant one. amaaarish, the troffle of the laaargest empire, is obviously the most commohn troffle, especially as most minmataaars alsoh speak the troffle. but the gallenteans refuse to acknowledge amaaarish as the official troffle in inter-racial communications as they don’t fancy to giz the amaaarr empire the political prestige that would folloh. ohn the uhthah hand, the troffle of the gallente federatiohn (gallentean) is by faaar the most commohn jiffy troffle, laaargely because of their jolly influential entertainment industry. but the caldaaari ahzloohtlee refuse to speak gallentean and the amaaarrians aaare alsoh not toohh keen ohn it for the same reasohn that the gallenteans won’t speak amaaarish.

This means that most high-profile discussions between representatives of the empires, such as in the numerous inter-racial organizations, rely heavily ohn interpreters. but in one field the troffle ah luverly chap knows has become irrelevant and the field is that of ah space captain.

The unique nature of the capsule with its sophisticated neural rigging gives ship captains the optiohn to link their minds to all kinds of computah systems, which they can use to their advantage. one of these devices that is todeay ah standaaard feature in all capsules is the translator module.

The translator module is ah softwaaare module that is ah paaart of the communicatiohn system of the ship. it intercepts all incoming communications and translates them intoh the troffle preferred by the captain. the first translators were pretty lousy by today’s standaaard, they could simply translate written communications and frequently messed up the text. but the latest versions aaare able to translate voice as well as text and have become jolly spiffing at projecting moohd-swings, slang, baaarmy accents and such, for ah neaaar perfect translatiohn. with the steady increase in cyber-implants these translators have begun appeaaaring outside the capsule as well and many predict that within ah few yeaaars translators will make the debate ovah which troffle should prevail in inter-racial communicatiohn ah futile one. Jolly good show old bean!

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

#124 - 2012-01-03 19:47:03 UTC
Jamaican Herbsman
I Love You Mary Jane
#125 - 2012-01-03 19:48:10 UTC
I think I'm going to win
Rocks and Roll Inc
#126 - 2012-01-03 19:48:10 UTC
maybe me
Lady Leaf
I Love You Mary Jane
#127 - 2012-01-03 19:49:15 UTC
no, me
Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#128 - 2012-01-03 19:49:45 UTC
Jamaican Herbsman wrote:
I think I'm going to win

no you aren't.

And also, loving Mary Jane won't help you much as everyone knows she loves Peter Parker :D

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#129 - 2012-01-03 19:50:13 UTC
Serpent’s coil

the warld ay eve has hud its shaur ay turmoil an' grief in its lang history. fur centuries space travel has bin th' n'rm an' in every nook an' cranny extraordinary things can be foond, each wi' its ain rich backgroond story fur th' whys an' when it cam intae existence. a body only has tae ken whaur tae swatch tae fin' them. th' lang treks ben mirk an' boss space main seem lonely, but th' oasis ay life at th' end ay th' line mair than make up fur it. every city visited in thes vest warld, every coontry, every planit has its ain unique customs an' fables frae some lang tint pest. an' some frae a mair recent, violent a body.

If ye visit th' vilinnon system in th' gallente federation ye main hear abit th' serpent’s coil. th' coil isnae somethin' th' locals ur prood ay an' th' federation woods raither ken naethin' ay it. fur in th' serpent’s coil agents ay th' notorioos serpentis corporation hae gart themselves welcome. ance th' coil was knoon by a much simpler nam - lookit post 7-0z. built durin' th' gallente-caldari war it acted as a military ootpost against maraudin' caldari ships. when th' war ended th' purpose fur mannin' th' base ended, tay. a token force was kept thaur fur puckle years, afair th' station was abandoned completely. at 'at time local authorities hud hopes ay turnin' th' system intae a minin' haven, but those hopes waur quickly dashed when th' serpentis corporation occupied th' noo derelict military base. th' move was a stunnin' effrontery tae th' federation, but serpentis hud timed their move weel. a new federal administration was comin' intae power an' it took them several months tae sort themselves it. by 'at time serpentis was firmly entrenched an' when puckle half-hearted attempts tae dislodge them failed, th' federation adopted a policy ay ignorin' th' problem - th' vilinnon system was tay under-developed an' insignificant in their een tae warrant a large military operation. th' serpent’s coil was thaur tae bide.

The location ay th' coil is ay stoatin interest tae astrophysicists. th' military base is located close tae some huir uv a peculiar rock formations floatin' in space. rumors aboond abit their origin, equally divided atween natural explanations fur th' phenomenon an' th' mair intriguin' ones - 'at th' huge rock boolders ur th' result ay some strange experiment noo lang forgotten. th' truth abit th' strange rock formation main aye remain oan th' rumur level while th' coil remains in th' hans ay th' serpentis corporation, which uses th' auld military station as a distribution base fur its illegal merchandise. naturally, it isnae huir uv a fond ay scientists, sightseers ur other space toorists. some say it is coz serpentis discovered th' secrets ay th' coil an' want tae keep them fur itself. naethin' strange abit 'at. trespassers bewaur.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

#130 - 2012-01-03 19:50:52 UTC
*More Spam*
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#131 - 2012-01-03 19:52:26 UTC
Post mortem

the shower sprayed warm water on 'er crouchen form. rivulets of water ran dowl 'er face an' into 'er clobber, soaken them. she rocked back an' forth, coolen 'er back on the metal wall, then warmen it up agen frum the shower's downpour. various sensations ran through 'er body, the foremost of weege was tiredness. she doy knoo whether ter attribute that ter adrenaline backwash after the night's events, or if it was merely the usual mental exhaustion frum worken in the minen colonoys. she felt loike she cud crouch the'er forever, washen everythen awoy. eventually the clinginess of 'er clobber began ter madden 'er, so she rose an' stripped them off, droppen them where she stood. she glanced dowl an' noticed the tendrils of blood, weege were weaven their woy frum the clothen pile an' into the suff. she sighed, an' combed 'er fingers through 'er hair. a noise sounded, somewhere afar, afar off. she ignored it, closen 'er eyes an' turnen 'er face towards the jet of water. the noise continued; a buzzen, grinden sound, loike floys in a jar. atira rubbed 'er temples. the noise was supplanted by knocken, fust saft, then hammeren. "all roight, boffle, all roight, all roight, I gid up!" she said an' turned off the shower. squeezen the drops ert of 'er hair, she stalked ert of the bathroom an' into the corridor wiouten even botheren ter pick up a toil. she glared through the peephole in 'er front door, then opened it. there stood caleb, 'er co-worker. caleb an' atira were cops in the minen colony's local police force, an' their partnership 'ad miskin forged in its white-hot crucible. it took a special kind of keffle ter lus in this job, ter learn 'oo ter apply the colony's specialized an' often brutal form of justice. an' it took a special kind of keffle ter back yaouw up while yaouw learned the ropes. caleb looked dowl at 'er body, then up agen into 'er eyes. his face showed naaa expression, naither surprise nor interest. police partnerships excluded every other kind. "what?" she said. "figured i'd mek sure yaouw weren't doen anythen noggen yedded." "such as?" "keepen the evidence around. concocten a story that's guin ter sound implausible. yaouw tell me." ee paused. "you're drippen on the flower." she looked dowl, grunted, then walked back into the bathroom. she heard caleb *** in, closen the door behind him. ee followed 'er, trapesin' into the bathroom, an' fer just a fraction of a second she felt a pang of nervousness over the wool situation. but ee doy spare 'er a second glance, stalken instead ter the shower an' turnen off the water, then looken dowl an' gawken at the pile of clobber. "i'm guin ter catlick them," she said. "you be'ah," ee said. "an' not while yom in them, or all yom doen is spreaden his blood over yaouw." "look, fer blartin ert loud, relax." "where's the body?" she walked in front of him an' stood the'er, maulers on hips. "hey!" she said. "do yaouw trussen me or not?" "it's not a question of trussen, an' yaouw doy even need an answer ter that. it's a question of professionalism. we did what we did, an' we yav ter clane up after ourselves, or there'll be beef." "i knoo all this. I just needed ter clear me yed. i'm not a machine loike yoo miskin," she said, in a tone that was half frustration, half grudgen admiration. he nodded. "did yaouw at leus tek care of the body?" "yeah, incinerator. i'm glad I started weightliften agen. the jed am so sad." "you knoo I ood yav *** with yaouw, but I 'ad ter mek sure we were covered. alibis doy just mek themselves up," ee said. she smiled, put a donny on his shoulder. "i knoo. I appreciate it, caleb." "anytime. noo oot ployz wrap yourself in a damn toil or summat?" she loffed at that, raisen 'er maulers. "okoy, okoy. roight awoy, sir." she went into the bedroom ter hunt fer fresh clobber, an' heard his voice shouten after 'er, "what abart the wammel tags?" "in the kitchen!" she shouted back, an' heard him walk the'er. she pulled on sum indoors clobber an' went ter the kitchen, where she crack caleb standen stock still, gawken at a dinky metal bowl. it contained a pair of wammel tags, their metal varnish partly eaten awoy. "he was a pirate?" caleb asked. "yeah. spotted the tags roight before haulen him into incineration. bostin chops, too. they can withstan' explosions, so I doy dare leave them. i'll get sum acid frum the chemlab tomorrer." "what is it with these guys?" caleb said, half ter himself. "even when they're tryen ter loy loo, they get into beef. doy we tek dowl tewthree loike him, lus month?" atira paused, thought. "yes ... yeah, I fink it was tewthree." "serves them roight. I doy knoo why they crop up eya, but nobody threatens an officer. doy knoo where it ood end if we let that happen." "do yaouw ... d'ya ever wonder if we've gone too afar?" she said. caleb looked at 'er. "no," ee said. "no?" "if it weren't fer us, this place wouldn't even exist. it would've torn itself apart. yaouw knoo as well as I does that the type of keffle who guz ter werk in these colonoys taint the type of keffle likely ter yav a stable family loife or personality. these people yav higher thresholds fer everythen, includen pain an' cruelty. normal human beings yaouw can reason with, sometimes, but these guys woo understan' unless yaouw bellile them sound. an' sometimes yaouw yav ter goo furder. this guy followed us around, ee threatened yaouw, an' ee provoked a foight. we cawn stond fer that sort of chops eya, an' this guy, ee was a nobody. ee woo be missed." ee took hold of 'er shoulders an' stared directly into 'er eyes. "don't ever doubt yourself, okoy? they can feel that. it doesn't matter what yaouw does, or 'oo afar yaouw go; what matters is that yaouw react an' yaouw doy ever flinch. yoo miskin never wrong. remember that. yoo miskin never wrong. " she returned his gawk, an' nodded. "thanks. I needed that." "all roight. yaouw guin ter be okoy over eya?" "sure. just need ter dissolve this an' it'll all be gone." "okoy. bostin."

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#132 - 2012-01-03 19:52:37 UTC
caleb rubbed the back of his neck an' sighed. "listen, tek care of yourself. i'm gonna yed back, mek sure we were somewhere else. see yaouw later." "thanks, caleb," she said, as ee caggy. after ee was gone, atira rested anent the kitchen counter fer a while, breathen deep an' sloo. she still felt in a dark rantan, but the worst of it 'ad ebbed awoy. caleb's presence was enough; his clarity of purpose focused 'er own. the doorbell buzzed agen. atira loffed, walked over ter the front door an' opened it, getten ready ter tell caleb she wouldn't strip fer him a second toyme. by the toyme she'd pulled the handle an' begun ter swen the door open, she realized that she really doy knoo who was on the other side, an' almost slammed the door in the face of a rather intimidated-looken geezer. "atira malkaanen? sorry, am I interrupten?" ee asked. "yes ter the fust, naaa ter the second," she said, looken him up an' dowl. ee was a middle-aged geezer, with naither the build nor the dress of a moy-un worker, an' looked quite harmless. still, she reflected, so 'ad others. "i'm a resource inspector," the geezer said. "my nerm is johan serris. as yaouw moy knoo, there've miskin sum concerns abart possible water leakage in the arae. we've 'ad an absolute bugger of a toyme tryen ter find the source, though, an' we'm reduced ter looken at anny suspect blip in ar readings, naaa matter 'oo insignificant. uh, yav yaouw noticed anythen leaken in yaw apartment?" "i was in the shower," atira said. "would that does it?" johan sighed, an' looked downcus. "ah. arr, I believe it ood." he fiddled a bit with the hem of his coat, then noticed himself an' swiftly placed his maulers in his pockets. "did yaouw want summat else?" atira said. "well ... I knoo this is a bit of a myther, but moight I tek a luke around, just fer appearances' sek? if I cor tell me boss I gave this an inspection, even a cursory 'un, he'll yav me yed." atira hesitated, but decided that she moight as well let the geezer tek a luke rather than arouse anny kind of suspicion, however dinky. "sure, help yourself" she said an', before ee cud respond, immediately walked ert of soight an' into the kitchen, where she soundlessly took the murdered man's wammel tags an' put them in 'er pocket. johan followed, silently looken around. "you keep this place pretty natty," ee said. "well, yaouw knoo us chicken," she said with forced cheer. johan nodded an' smiled, showen that ee doy . ee followed 'er into the kitchen an' looked around, his gaze passen over the empty metal bowl wiouten pause. ee turned an' stepped into the liven room, crack nothen of interest in the'er, took a quick pick into the bedroom an' withdroo wiouten comment. "well, I fink we'm bostin eya," ee said an' clapped his maulers, smilen the wide smile of someone who doesn't wanna be where ee is. atira nodded, smiled back an' walked towards the corridor, expecten johan ter folloo 'er. ee did, but as they passed the bathroom ee said, "oh, mustn't forget!" an' before she cud boffle him he'd ducked inside an' taken a luke. she rushed after him, thinken up distractions, but by the woy ee froze up she saw that it was too late. "what on earth is this?" ee asked. she was filled with an urge ter tek this lickle geezer an' put his yed through the wall, but fought it dowl, an' quickly troid ter fink of an excuse. "i doy believe this," ee said. yav yaouw miskin washen clobber in the'er?" she 'ad the sense ter luke at the ground, feignen deference an' biten 'er lip ter 'oid the smile that wanted ter break ert. "... arr," she managed at lus. "yes, I yav. exactly. gods, 'oo embarrassen." "ms. malkaanen, while I doubt that this habit of yourn 'as anythen ter does with the water leaks, it sure taint helpen. we yav industrial washeroys eya that'd tek care of yaw laundry in naaa toyme. why doy yaouw use them? why ood yaouw possibloy wanna waste water an' does this in yaw own um?" while ee was talken johan 'ad miskin gawken at 'er. ee noo glanced back at the pile of clobber, just in toyme ter notice a tiny thread of blood weave its woy frum it an' dowl the suff. his eyes widened, an' ee turned ter atira ter soy summat, but this toyme she was ready. she dropped 'er voice a bit an' said, "there was an accident. i'm early." johan's chops shut with a click. ee blinked a couple of times, an' his adam's opple bobbed up an' dowl. then ee said, "roight. okoy. crackin. I fink we'm done eya. err, if it happens agen, I ... well, nevermind. yaouw does what yaouw need ter does." she smiled demurely. "thank yaouw. I wull." the inspector med his exit an' atira closed the door behind him. she peered through the door's keyhole, an' once she saw that ee 'ad caggy, she leaned anent the door an' breathed deeply. that, she thought, 'ad miskin a lickle too close, though thankfully she noo 'ad someone who'd likely vouch fer 'er innocence if it came ter that. she combed 'er fingers through 'er hair agen, pullen at it ter break the knots. somedoy she'd get a comb. perhaps she'd even get sum moisturizer fer 'er face, weege was droid up by the water. be ladylike. keep things properly ordered, an' not just drop them anywhere. loike caleb, who roight noo was busy ensuren both their alibis fer haven murdered a geezer. it was, she mused as she went into the bedroom, quite unfair that she should yav ter ploy on people's faith in 'er loike that. she knelt in front of 'er clobber cupboard, opened it an' reached deep inside, grabben hold of a dinky box that was hidden behind shoes an' coats. it was sad, an' its contents clinked as she pulled it ert. she removed its lid an' dropped the dogtags onto all the others. people 'ad too much faith, these days.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#133 - 2012-01-03 19:53:07 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Serpent’s coil

the warld ay eve has hud its shaur ay turmoil an' grief in its lang history. fur centuries space travel has bin th' n'rm an' in every nook an' cranny extraordinary things can be foond, each wi' its ain rich backgroond story fur th' whys an' when it cam intae existence. a body only has tae ken whaur tae swatch tae fin' them. th' lang treks ben mirk an' boss space main seem lonely, but th' oasis ay life at th' end ay th' line mair than make up fur it. every city visited in thes vest warld, every coontry, every planit has its ain unique customs an' fables frae some lang tint pest. an' some frae a mair recent, violent a body.

If ye visit th' vilinnon system in th' gallente federation ye main hear abit th' serpent’s coil. th' coil isnae somethin' th' locals ur prood ay an' th' federation woods raither ken naethin' ay it. fur in th' serpent’s coil agents ay th' notorioos serpentis corporation hae gart themselves welcome. ance th' coil was knoon by a much simpler nam - lookit post 7-0z. built durin' th' gallente-caldari war it acted as a military ootpost against maraudin' caldari ships. when th' war ended th' purpose fur mannin' th' base ended, tay. a token force was kept thaur fur puckle years, afair th' station was abandoned completely. at 'at time local authorities hud hopes ay turnin' th' system intae a minin' haven, but those hopes waur quickly dashed when th' serpentis corporation occupied th' noo derelict military base. th' move was a stunnin' effrontery tae th' federation, but serpentis hud timed their move weel. a new federal administration was comin' intae power an' it took them several months tae sort themselves it. by 'at time serpentis was firmly entrenched an' when puckle half-hearted attempts tae dislodge them failed, th' federation adopted a policy ay ignorin' th' problem - th' vilinnon system was tay under-developed an' insignificant in their een tae warrant a large military operation. th' serpent’s coil was thaur tae bide.

The location ay th' coil is ay stoatin interest tae astrophysicists. th' military base is located close tae some huir uv a peculiar rock formations floatin' in space. rumors aboond abit their origin, equally divided atween natural explanations fur th' phenomenon an' th' mair intriguin' ones - 'at th' huge rock boolders ur th' result ay some strange experiment noo lang forgotten. th' truth abit th' strange rock formation main aye remain oan th' rumur level while th' coil remains in th' hans ay th' serpentis corporation, which uses th' auld military station as a distribution base fur its illegal merchandise. naturally, it isnae huir uv a fond ay scientists, sightseers ur other space toorists. some say it is coz serpentis discovered th' secrets ay th' coil an' want tae keep them fur itself. naethin' strange abit 'at. trespassers bewaur.

Are you actually writing these or are you cheating and using some sort of program or webpage doohicky?

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Mr Duffo
#134 - 2012-01-03 19:54:12 UTC
**** in my asss

Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir!

Never forget! #OICXmassacre2014

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#135 - 2012-01-03 19:54:49 UTC
Soo how many pages do we need to get to before this is classified as a threadnaught?

And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Tallianna Avenkarde
Pyre of Gods
#136 - 2012-01-03 19:55:38 UTC
Oh well worknight is over going to have to check it later and see how far we got


And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep on the road to hell.

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#137 - 2012-01-03 19:57:16 UTC
I've had enough to be honest... going to log into eve and shoot some ships.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Trigg Dogg
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#138 - 2012-01-03 19:58:46 UTC
sten mattson
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#139 - 2012-01-03 20:04:00 UTC


Elessa Enaka
#140 - 2012-01-03 20:04:40 UTC
Solhild wrote:
Selinate wrote:
what is it with the english and making pudding out of meat and animal byproducts?

Mmmm lard Big smile

I lol'd hard

Devour to survive, so it is, so it's always been Eve is a great game if you can get past all of the asshats....