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Multi-monitor support in Crucible

Bakagaijin Industries
#1 - 2011-12-22 03:15:29 UTC
I'm returning from a long absence to the world of EVE and I was disappointed to discover that I cannot properly play on three monitors the way I used to.

Most of the time it looks like this:

When I open certain windows that have rendered previews in them (like the fitting menu) it looks like this:

Everything is "zoomed in" and buttons are offset so I can't even close the window half the time.

Is there a fix coming for this soon?

I'm sorry if this bug has already been reported or discussed, I was unable to find a thread where someone was experiencing the same thing.
Usurper Draconis
#2 - 2012-01-03 18:14:32 UTC
Add me to the list of people having this issue.

The fittings and browser screens throw this off. Worked fine before Crucible.

Please fix asap.

Usurper Draconis
#3 - 2012-01-05 19:25:16 UTC
This issue STILL exists with the latest 1.0.4 patch.

Usurper Draconis
#4 - 2012-01-12 16:39:02 UTC
Any updates on when this will be fixed?