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Galatea - Issues

First post
Yngvar ayShorn
Einheit X-6
#201 - 2015-08-26 12:31:23 UTC
gascanu wrote:
patched "fine" for me:
"fine"= if i moved the mouse over the patching client it was working fine: when i moved the mouse 2-3 times out of the launcher window client just went instant frozen; so i moved the mouse over the instaler window got the game patched and working in <5'
i'm using windows 7
hope this will help someone

Same here.
Moved mouse in the frame of the launcher, the patch was installed successfully.
Moved mouse out of frame, it frozen.

Strange things going on.. What?

+250.000 Skillpunkte für neue Accounts mit meinem Link!  -->> Klick mich <<-- -- Minmatar FactionWar --

Resa Moon
New Eden Miners Association
#202 - 2015-08-26 12:31:46 UTC
After DT stuck on Initializing. About 20 minutes ago, restarted launcher and it patched and am now ingame.
#203 - 2015-08-26 12:40:13 UTC
launcher stuck at initializing.
deleting .../eve/launcher/cache and restarting the launcher fixed the problem for me
Teko Tedeko
#204 - 2015-08-26 12:40:33 UTC
My launcher keeps getting stuck at "Initializing.." and running from the .exe gives me an incompatible build error.

I tried the option of downloading the patch file and importing it into the launcher. The launcher responded with "Client ready" but I still get an incompatible build error when launching the .exe.

I tried the option of running rescache.exe. I'm thinking it looks like many files are corrupted. Screen shot:

It's downloading 42,669 of the possible 63,958 files. (Slowly)

I hope that helps.
Myst3rious En1gma
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#205 - 2015-08-26 12:46:04 UTC
I have uninstalled/re-installed multiple times, ran rescache multiple times, cleared cache, tried launching directly from eve.exe files and evefile.exe, ran repair.exe, used the repair tool in the launcher window all to no avail. My launcher states that the client is ready(patch download was never an issue) and yet when I input credentials the launcher moves to "Launching..." status for 20-30 seconds and then...nothing, returns to "Play" status in launcher window. smfh, sent my latest log files to ccp a couple of hours ago and awaiting their sage advice though with the number of complaints/issues I've seen posted yet today I doubt spaceship pew is in my future yet again today. This is day 2 CCP, we need to talk...
CCP Redundancy
C C P Alliance
#206 - 2015-08-26 12:52:51 UTC
Teko Tedeko wrote:

I tried the option of running rescache.exe. I'm thinking it looks like many files are corrupted. Screen shot:

It's downloading 42,669 of the possible 63,958 files. (Slowly)

According to the screenshot it looks like you have 0 corrupt files, and are just downloading missing files. You probably don't need to do that.
Provincia Septim
#207 - 2015-08-26 12:56:28 UTC
A solution that helped me, and dont ask my why it worked, was to switch language settings.

As soon as I switched it took me 30 seconds for the client to update and get in the game. I did have to restart the client afterwards but I havent had an issue since.

Hope this helps someone.
Ark Zxr
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#208 - 2015-08-26 13:22:33 UTC
Still cant update the client, Tried running eve repair tool and responds with this,

safemode = False
datapiles = ()
downloadFolder = None
cleanupDownloadData = True
downloadThreads = 5
whitelist = []
ignore = []
(1/7) Downloading index: Initializing ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyo", line 81, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyo", line 93, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyo", line 192, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyo", line 330, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 152, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyo", line 435, in GetInfo
Leontes Hakaari
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#209 - 2015-08-26 13:34:25 UTC
I am having the issue where the black screen is happening when I launch the game after the launcher,

I tried updating the game and it is still occurring. I occasionally get the intro movie with no sound and no way to skip past it (using Esc key, etc...) There is a small round loading indicator in the left most bottom corner of the screen however it isn't doing anything.

I sent in a support ticket and haven't heard anything yet. Just wanted to see if anything has changed on this yet, I really want to play today.

Thanks Devs for all you do!
Thane Kuvora
Crossfire Mining and Manufacturing
#210 - 2015-08-26 13:38:07 UTC

Don't know how you did it CCP but I'm able to get back in now. Thank you!
Magister Allen
#211 - 2015-08-26 13:42:18 UTC
After 3 tries, and having the same loader issues others experienced upthread, I was finally able to log in.

I undocked to start a mission, warped to mission and became stuck, unable to move or even warp back to the station, although I could still rotate the camera around my ship.

After a few minutes, I took a chance and shut down EVE...yeah, I know, insane with my ship in space at a mission location, but I had no choice. I logged back in...which is very slow, by the way, was insta-warped back to the mission location and became stuck again. This occurred 3 times before I gave up. Note that I am on a Mac and because I was unable to log out had to force quit the game.

Also, after logging in, I noticed that everything now has a slight lag.

I think I will give up for a while until whatever this is is sorted out by CCP.
CCP Redundancy
C C P Alliance
#212 - 2015-08-26 13:46:02 UTC
We've just made a number of changes to try and ease the issues.
If you've been having launcher issues up to now, please give it another shot.
Tasteless Spacebbq
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#213 - 2015-08-26 13:52:17 UTC
Infinite Destruction
The Brotherhood MC
#214 - 2015-08-26 13:52:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinite Destruction
Once again unable to update my launchers after a patch. Same thing happened yesterday and after a few hours of fruitless effort suddenly they started working normally.

Today, same BS all over again. I've got 6 clients set up (and the same 6 set up on a different computer) - in each and every case when I open the launcher it freezes at "Initializing" and after a long delay spits an error message that reads:

The Server you are connecting to could not be reached.
Please check your internet settings and restart the EVE Launcher.

The URL that could not be reached was:

I tried running the Repair.exe. It tells me there is a newer version and would I like to update it. I say yes. It starts doing it's thing and then it quits with an error message.

I tried reinstalling the launcher using the link on the Customer Support page. After a dozen tries the file finally downloads from the "cdn" site. I run it, it completes and runs the launcher.

Which then sits there frozen at "Initializing" until throwing the same error message as before.

It's the exact same story for each copy of the client, on each computer.

It appears that the entire problem has something to do with the "cdn" site and the programs being unable to access the files from there.
What was changed with this latest Galatea "expansion" I don't know, but the problems didn't start until yesterday's expansion update and today's patch.

(Have tried re-launching various clients 8 times since the last CCP notice - no change - same issue, same error message each time).
Leontes Hakaari
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#215 - 2015-08-26 14:00:18 UTC
CCP Redundancy wrote:
We've just made a number of changes to try and ease the issues.
If you've been having launcher issues up to now, please give it another shot.

Any luck on figuring out the black screen on startup yet?
Ark Zxr
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#216 - 2015-08-26 14:02:56 UTC
I've cleared launcher cache several times and tried running the repair tool, No luck with getting any update for my client and cant log in,
Jhebbal Khan
Galactic Trade-Science Organization
#217 - 2015-08-26 14:36:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jhebbal Khan
No change for the launcher or for the repair tool.

Tried reinstall, still no change.
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#218 - 2015-08-26 14:50:29 UTC
Today's first bug out of the undock...

In mission combat areas, shows many things marked with the hashed edged box as Destructable Object is marked on things such as Debris and Snake Shaped Asteroid that are not destroyable. This is on both the overview tabs along with the items themselves in space. I can target, but I cannot damage with any turret or any drone (wanted to see if i could make debris into debris-bitlets then salvage the bits! nope). This will cause some irritation in missions where destroying a certain object is part of the completion process as every single thing in the area is marked so the real target is blending into the overview clutter and graphics in space. The clutter appearance when warping in from Everything marked (and mostly marked incorrectly) does not help with focus.

Did submit a bug report, now wondering when the newest sniffed out bug will get smooshed back to correct operation.

Day two of "I'm one lucky gal", no Launcher issues..... yet!


Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Infinite Destruction
The Brotherhood MC
#219 - 2015-08-26 14:52:48 UTC
Somehow someone must have figured it out as I see there are 19k(+) logged into the game now.

Almost 4 hours of repeated attempts to patch, trying to get the Repair.exe to actually run, reinstalling the launcher, clearing caches and rebooting with no luck.

I suppose I should say "InB4 all the gankers start whining that they are being denied soft targets because so many potential victims are unable to patch and log in" !

Marla Singor
Jack's Complete Lack Of Surprise
Just let it happen
#220 - 2015-08-26 14:57:31 UTC
Problem continues stuck on Download at 11.2%.
But it does verify the recourse files now.