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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2015-08-25 11:27:00 UTC
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#22 - 2015-08-25 11:31:02 UTC
Aaah, the traditional late-August Eve is dying thread.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

New Eden Shipwright LLC
#23 - 2015-08-25 11:31:31 UTC
Monthly fee is the problem IMO.
So much free to play competition, and some aren't pay to win.
Not sure how you make the skill training system and free to play compatible tho.
All Kill No Skill
#24 - 2015-08-25 11:41:52 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Holy hell lookat those prices.

And they are on their way up, up and up-up, up.

I'm in it for the money


Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#25 - 2015-08-25 11:42:51 UTC
zzzra wrote:
So much free to play competition, and some aren't pay to win.

EvE is pay to win, or you meant that some free to play are pay to win?

zzzra wrote:
Monthly fee is the problem IMO.

I'm not playing any other MMO, WoW is 15 euro/month. Anybody know other MMO with monthly subscription?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#26 - 2015-08-25 11:46:27 UTC
For someone that wishes to make monthly graphs and use the magic crystal ball even more

The daily max PCU avg grouped by month


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All Kill No Skill
#27 - 2015-08-25 11:52:41 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
zzzra wrote:
So much free to play competition, and some aren't pay to win.

EvE is pay to win, or you meant that some free to play are pay to win?

zzzra wrote:
Monthly fee is the problem IMO.

I'm not playing any other MMO, WoW is 15 euro/month. Anybody know other MMO with monthly subscription?

Yep, still a number of subscription mmo's, even MUDs.
EVE isn't pay to win, you can't buy player skill.

I'm in it for the money


Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#28 - 2015-08-25 11:58:40 UTC
Chribba wrote:

For someone that wishes to make monthly graphs and use the magic crystal ball even more

The daily max PCU avg grouped by month


For me it's rather stable. Players are consolidating accounts, summer, sov changes are being polished, citadels are coming etc. Also there was a nerf to multiaccount playing.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#29 - 2015-08-25 12:04:08 UTC
I'll be back with my alt account in a couple of months. That will turn the tide Cool

PCU like we had in 2007 ? Fine by me, that's roughly the time where I started playing anyways.

Idea when you see people getting bored in League of Legends, DOTA2, World of Warships, World of Tanks ... point them towards EvE. That's at least what worked in the past ...

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Gramps Pljugi
Slugcat Hive Intelligence
Black Rabbit.
#30 - 2015-08-25 12:24:23 UTC
I love the proposal on better marketing, since i do online marketing for a living, i consider the ads Eve online puts out good, but they are not nearly enough of an effort. Im sure their marketing team does their best but its simply not enough.

Blog posts about eve,
Google Banner ads through Adwords (viewed via Adsense by user)
Tv campaign which is well.. out of reach for now :P
A viral marketing campaign involving an Eve player would bring so much spotlight onto the game..

Noone of these are expensive apart from the TV,

Blog posts can be obtained for free if you let a ccp dev be interviewed.
Google costs money, but it can be cheap if you know how to do it, and if their guy/girl who does it is experienced and know a few tricks
Tv is out
Viral campaign can be built for like a few thousand bucks and reach tens or hundreds of thousands of people in gaming community...
Daniela Doran
#31 - 2015-08-25 12:33:43 UTC
Avaelica Kuershin wrote:
Jita Jitara wrote:
I think the following might increase interest:

1) add more regions - more space needed, at least another 5000+ systems for the taking
5) 0.8-1.0 systems: no pirates/gankers allowed at all, 0.5-07 business as usual.
8) mining boats need a stronger tank so that they can withstand the pirate ganks in 0.5-0.7 systems.

1) And yet, when I made the trip to the Titan graveyard, there was no-one in most of the systems I passed through. I think we have enough regions.
5) How to stop pirates and gankers? Disable weapons or get GMs to smack our hands?
8) Some would say the Procurer/Skiff is already too tanky. Me, I've never had my barge ganked*.

Anyway, once I get a new computer (and wired connection) I'll resub my second account and log in more.

*must see about that permit before I mine again ;)

That's because they were AFK cloaked.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#32 - 2015-08-25 12:37:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenshae Chiroptera
La Rynx wrote:
The lowest peak in a 30 day horizon is more interesting:
You can't pay for a shorter period than 30 days.
That is actually something to consider in terms of reaction time. People may well be playing to the end of their subscription (month, three, six, etc) but fully intend to quit over things like Fozzie SOV.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

fenrir mactire
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2015-08-25 12:40:37 UTC
ever since the big alliances decided to farm BRAVE to death the numbers have been dropping like a rock
Daniela Doran
#34 - 2015-08-25 12:42:53 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:
Aaah, the traditional late-August Eve is dying thread.

Traditional? Threads like these were popping up all over the place all summer long. In the summer time???
Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#35 - 2015-08-25 12:44:00 UTC
Gramps Pljugi wrote:
I love the proposal on better marketing

I guess that CCP is putting a little bit of marketing budget aside for Gunjack and Valkyrie ... possibly even for Legion depending on how far those games are advanced. Let's just hope that they don't overstretch themselves again.

I see EvE ads through google ads, but for the rest it's as lacking as you describe.

Interestingly enough, EvE caught my attention through an article in a non-gaming magazine that discussed games that allowed you to not be the Knight in shining armour hero (stereo)type. Never thought I would pay a monthly fee for a game before EvE.

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Jenshae Chiroptera
#36 - 2015-08-25 12:45:09 UTC
Daniela Doran wrote:
Rodj Blake wrote:
Aaah, the traditional late-August Eve is dying thread.
Traditional? Threads like these were popping up all over the place all summer long. In the summer time???
Most of this year since the, "This is EVE" bubble burst.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Daniela Doran
#37 - 2015-08-25 12:51:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniela Doran
Gramps Pljugi wrote:
I love the proposal on better marketing, since i do online marketing for a living, i consider the ads Eve online puts out good, but they are not nearly enough of an effort. Im sure their marketing team does their best but its simply not enough.

Blog posts about eve,
Google Banner ads through Adwords (viewed via Adsense by user)
Tv campaign which is well.. out of reach for now :P
A viral marketing campaign involving an Eve player would bring so much spotlight onto the game..

Noone of these are expensive apart from the TV,

Blog posts can be obtained for free if you let a ccp dev be interviewed.
Google costs money, but it can be cheap if you know how to do it, and if their guy/girl who does it is experienced and know a few tricks
Tv is out
Viral campaign can be built for like a few thousand bucks and reach tens or hundreds of thousands of people in gaming community...

I think it's CCP's intention to keep a low profile. If word gets out to much and somebody from the CIA or internal affairs (or worse the Prime Minister's daughter) starts playing eve and gets ganked mercilessly for no reason, what do you thinks gonna happen to eve?
Astral Azizora
#38 - 2015-08-25 13:01:20 UTC
There are other MMOs and other competitive online games that provide more fun per play session. A lot of EVE time is spent traveling, waiting or searching. You basically get less fun in return for your time investment. The pool of people who are content with that is limited, and as the vets get older they can't be bothered with it any more and prefer something with, dare I say it, more immediate rewards.
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#39 - 2015-08-25 13:06:53 UTC
Do I get a free tinfoil hat for posting in this thread?
Daniela Doran
#40 - 2015-08-25 13:08:33 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
La Rynx wrote:
The lowest peak in a 30 day horizon is more interesting:
You can't pay for a shorter period than 30 days.
That is actually something to consider in terms of reaction time. People may well be playing to the end of their subscription (month, three, six, etc) but fully intend to quit over things like Fozzie SOV.

Fozzie Sov is still in the early stages and CCP seems committed to it. They will probably continue to make tune up changes from here on out until they find the comfort zone that major Alliances mostly agree with and hang their hat on it. Still, that may take time, time that some players don't feel like waiting for and may go on a hiatus like you said.