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Intergalactic Summit

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Empress Jamyl I is dead.

TK Corp
#101 - 2015-08-23 21:46:07 UTC
So the official statement by the Chamberlain and the announcement of succession trials isn't enough?
Tabris Katz
The Forgotten Children
#102 - 2015-08-24 02:24:09 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
So the official statement by the Chamberlain and the announcement of succession trials isn't enough?

In dark times some people will believe any theory (no matter how wild) over sound evidence to the contrary.
Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#103 - 2015-08-24 04:33:43 UTC
Gaufres wrote:
Until I see a State Funeral and a Body, and an Official Pronouncement from the Theology Council that she actually died, I am going to assume Empress Jamyl is still alive and accessing the situation. The Drifter forces think they have killed her, let them drop their guard.

The Theology Council does not handle matters of state like this.
The Imperial Chamberlain has already made his statement on the matter and declared the coming succession trials.
Leon Zhost
EVE University
Ivy League
#104 - 2015-08-24 04:44:35 UTC
Praise Yetamo. Here in Gulfondi the bars of the Republic Fleet station are still filled with Sebs and Brutors and Vheks drinking and celebrating the death of this damn woman. And I'm buying them all the next round.

She got what she deserved. And before any Gallente intellectuals try telling me that I'm being insensitive, let me remind you that millions of my people are still dying in chains in that prison of an empire. I celebrate the downfall of any Amarr who has profited off the suffering of my brothers and sisters. I just wish the Drifters had put a leash around her neck first.

Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#105 - 2015-08-24 04:46:11 UTC
Gaufres wrote:
Until I see a State Funeral and a Body, and an Official Pronouncement from the Theology Council that she actually died, I am going to assume Empress Jamyl is still alive and accessing the situation. The Drifter forces think they have killed her, let them drop their guard.

Earlier today, members of the summit had a publicly broadcast meeting to discuss the events that unfolded Saturday. Representatives of the elite corporation that controls the fluid routers stated undeniably that Jamyl was indeed dead. Network capsule link had confirmed she was in command of the pod controlling the seraph and that said pod was destroyed but had no concious transfer occur.

The full recording of the summit can be found on this independent public holonet.

Note however they also say that their investigation so far has yielded no clues to the corpse's location. Only that it's location is "Unknown"

It is tragic, but the representative statements are informed enough that I would call it undeniable. They also address that the previous connection signals that people found through locators was a glitch in the neocom system that can occur.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Hendar Attor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2015-08-24 05:08:10 UTC

I understand that our peoples, the Minmatar and Amarr, have had our "differences". I certainly hold no love for the Amarr people myself.

But I wish to offer my condolences. Empress Sarum was a leader, the only one in hisec I felt I could respect. The news of her death shocked me, saddened me, and, were it not for my own obligations to my comrades, I would gladly take up arms and assist in avenging it.

As it is, I will... pray for her, and you. Or try to. I've... I don't really have a whole lot experience with this whole "religion" thing.
Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#107 - 2015-08-24 07:21:20 UTC
Hendar Attor wrote:

I understand that our peoples, the Minmatar and Amarr, have had our "differences". I certainly hold no love for the Amarr people myself.

But I wish to offer my condolences. Empress Sarum was a leader, the only one in hisec I felt I could respect. The news of her death shocked me, saddened me, and, were it not for my own obligations to my comrades, I would gladly take up arms and assist in avenging it.

As it is, I will... pray for her, and you. Or try to. I've... I don't really have a whole lot experience with this whole "religion" thing.

As one of the very few matari to express not only a non-hostile opinion, but indeed a positive one, you have my gracious thanks.
Math'ra Hiede
Trinity's Vanguard
#108 - 2015-08-24 07:49:38 UTC
Lord Kailethre wrote:
Hendar Attor wrote:

I understand that our peoples, the Minmatar and Amarr, have had our "differences". I certainly hold no love for the Amarr people myself.

But I wish to offer my condolences. Empress Sarum was a leader, the only one in hisec I felt I could respect. The news of her death shocked me, saddened me, and, were it not for my own obligations to my comrades, I would gladly take up arms and assist in avenging it.

As it is, I will... pray for her, and you. Or try to. I've... I don't really have a whole lot experience with this whole "religion" thing.

As one of the very few matari to express not only a non-hostile opinion, but indeed a positive one, you have my gracious thanks.

I as well, find this tone a refreshing and welcome one.

I know not of you pilot, but I wish you well for your grace and kindness, I think many pilots, of all heritages should take note of this man.