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Empress Jamyl I is dead.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#81 - 2015-08-22 10:49:53 UTC
When the succession has played out, one of two things is going to happen.. Either the Drifters are going to target the next emperor, and the next and the next, in which case it will be the institution of the emperor that is under attack. In which case we must wonder why neither the Sanmatar, President Roden, or any megacorporate CEOs are targeted...

Or of course those people COULD be targeted which would raise the question of why the Drifters are so apparently militarily inept as to think that killing a head of state is a fatal blow to the whole faction...

Or they will not attack anyone else, in which case it was clearly Empress Jamyl personally who was their target. That is the most interesting scenario of all, because it would imply that her late majesty posed a unique threat to them.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#82 - 2015-08-22 10:53:12 UTC
Darkon Gatland wrote:
Lord Kailethre wrote:
Darkon Gatland wrote:
Nameira Vanis-Tor wrote:
Rust In Peace you Imperial Majesty...and may your whole Empire swiftly follow!

The Empire is everlasting. Our enemies should live in fear of our Devine retribution.

Firstly it's Divine.
Secondly stop shitting up this thread with your fanaticism. There is a time and place for zeal, this is not it.

The Empress has been slain! You would do nothing in the face of this outrage?!

There are people in this thread who are looking for any ammo they can get to put our people, our empire, in a place that makes us appear as monsters, as violent fanatics who are bent on dominating and damaging others.

Now is a time for mourning, not a time for anger.
That can come later.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2015-08-22 10:59:39 UTC
Stitcher wrote:
When the succession has played out, one of two things is going to happen.. Either the Drifters are going to target the next emperor, and the next and the next, in which case it will be the institution of the emperor that is under attack. In which case we must wonder why neither the Sanmatar, President Roden, or any megacorporate CEOs are targeted...

Or of course those people COULD be targeted which would raise the question of why the Drifters are so apparently militarily inept as to think that killing a head of state is a fatal blow to the whole faction...

Or they will not attack anyone else, in which case it was clearly Empress Jamyl personally who was their target. That is the most interesting scenario of all, because it would imply that her late majesty posed a unique threat to them.

Verin, you're back! Finally! Now we can start making some real progress on this. Get in contact with me - there's work to be done, if you're interested.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Feu dAstres
Nox Draconum Holding Corp
#84 - 2015-08-22 11:33:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Feu dAstres
While Jamyl was Empress, she is also a capsuleer.

While she can no longer serve as Empress, she can return to lead fleets as a capsuleer.

I will watch for the appearance of Jamyl d'Arc.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#85 - 2015-08-22 12:05:26 UTC
What... does she have to do with Ms Shaalira... ?
Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#86 - 2015-08-22 20:49:57 UTC
I am heartbroken by this news.

Bring your possibles.

Rauour Engil
Rabies Inc.
#87 - 2015-08-22 21:04:35 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
I really hoped that she will return, as she did it before. Unfortunately, the Empire stated otherwise.
Sad day indeed.

She died... even if she comes back she is no longer Empress... Sacred Flesh and all ?

I don't want to.. well.. upset anyone.. but there's a potential debate about sacred flesh if you roll back to her becoming Empress in the first place, and, well, she died with Slave implants in her head so, certainly had the capacity to be cloned, or her consciousness preserved in a VR similar to the sleepers. That's the case isn't it or have I been reading works of fiction?
Shaddam Daphiti
Amarr Empire
#88 - 2015-08-22 21:11:35 UTC
Rauour Engil wrote:
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
I really hoped that she will return, as she did it before. Unfortunately, the Empire stated otherwise.
Sad day indeed.

She died... even if she comes back she is no longer Empress... Sacred Flesh and all ?

I don't want to.. well.. upset anyone.. but there's a potential debate about sacred flesh if you roll back to her becoming Empress in the first place, and, well, she died with Slave implants in her head so, certainly had the capacity to be cloned, or her consciousness preserved in a VR similar to the sleepers. That's the case isn't it or have I been reading works of fiction?

Capsule compatibility and Cloning are two separate things, while capsuleer implant tech allows for neural transcription to a clone.. such a process is not actually required to be Capsule compatible.

Were she cloned... Blasphemy aside, Under Amarr law she would no longer be either Empress or Heir.. she would be someone else.
Amarr Empire
#89 - 2015-08-23 01:50:04 UTC

End of Time. I'm not fanatic, I'm just a servant by Her Majesty the Empress Jamyl Sarum I. It's time to leave this world to me. YC111 to YC117.12.10 20:00

Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#90 - 2015-08-23 07:39:17 UTC
I mourn the untimely death of a spectacular woman and ruler. Whatever her true motives were for doing so, she had done more against Amarr's culture of slavery than any Emperor or Empress before her. I doubt it'll be anytime soon that we'll see another head of the Empire with whom we'll have such a chance of resolving Amarr's slaving practices as we did with here. From her moderating presence on the Amarrian state to her remarkable feats of statesmanship, Jamyl was a woman I am not afraid to say I admire.

I rejoice at the blow struck to the Empire, the death of its Empress, and the death of a woman who possibly has singlehandedly killed more Matari than any person living or dead. I will mock and revile the name of the woman who, through her hubris in obtaining, using, and hiding her forbidden superweapon, nearly caused the Blooders to wield unfathomable power and who did cause the sacrifice of a caravan and the death of Seyllin. She caused the wormholes--how ironic that Drifters killed her!

I pray we'll work together to secure us against the threat of the Drifters. To be honest? I'm terrified. It's beyond comprehension that they could execute the head of the Empire in Safizon. Where was CONCORD? Could they have even done anything?

If there's one answer I want, it's: "Why the Empress?"

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Tabris Katz
The Forgotten Children
#91 - 2015-08-23 09:23:51 UTC
Terranid Meester wrote:

I urge our Federation leaders to make good with agreement and an alliance with these Drifters.
We can come to an understanding with them!

Come to an understanding with Drifters? Are you mad?! From my understanding they aren't even capable of communication because of their implants. How can we hope to communicate with them? From what I've seen the only interactions the Cluster has had with the Drifters has been aggression (justified or unjustified) and cold silent scanning.

Either way, I agree Andreus Ixiris. The Gallente Federation needs to stand with the Amarrian Empire in this time of need, in fact I feel that all four nations should stand together against this new threat. We don't know the Drifters numbers or their objectives. Right now evidence would suggest they Empire is main target but, the Federation, the Republic or even the State could be next? Why wait until one nation is destroy? Why not strike as one might hammer with the force all four nations behind it?

With that said, the Empire is morning and we should all give them a wide berth. As for myself, my in-laws (whom are Amarrian) have invited me to suspend my personal investigations and join them at their estate on Sigga IX for a funeral service honoring the Empress. I intend to be there.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#92 - 2015-08-23 09:33:22 UTC
Rauour Engil wrote:
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
I really hoped that she will return, as she did it before. Unfortunately, the Empire stated otherwise.
Sad day indeed.

She died... even if she comes back she is no longer Empress... Sacred Flesh and all ?

I don't want to.. well.. upset anyone.. but there's a potential debate about sacred flesh if you roll back to her becoming Empress in the first place, and, well, she died with Slave implants in her head so, certainly had the capacity to be cloned, or her consciousness preserved in a VR similar to the sleepers. That's the case isn't it or have I been reading works of fiction?

They said she is dead...
At the same time she was flying a capsule, not being a captain in a bridge. Everyone saw it.

Religious debates aside. If she is dead, it means capsule operation was disrupted. Was it the effect of Drifter weapons? Concerning thought, isn't it?

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#93 - 2015-08-23 09:41:29 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Rauour Engil wrote:
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
I really hoped that she will return, as she did it before. Unfortunately, the Empire stated otherwise.
Sad day indeed.

She died... even if she comes back she is no longer Empress... Sacred Flesh and all ?

I don't want to.. well.. upset anyone.. but there's a potential debate about sacred flesh if you roll back to her becoming Empress in the first place, and, well, she died with Slave implants in her head so, certainly had the capacity to be cloned, or her consciousness preserved in a VR similar to the sleepers. That's the case isn't it or have I been reading works of fiction?

They said she is dead...
At the same time she was flying a capsule, not being a captain in a bridge. Everyone saw it.

Religious debates aside. If she is dead, it means capsule operation was disrupted. Was it the effect of Drifter weapons? Concerning thought, isn't it?

Capsule technology and cloning are NOT the same thing.
You can fly a capsule without having ever cloned before. In fact all of the heirs of the last succession trials were capsule pilots. None were clones.
TK Corp
#94 - 2015-08-23 09:50:32 UTC
Tabris Katz wrote:
Terranid Meester wrote:

I urge our Federation leaders to make good with agreement and an alliance with these Drifters.
We can come to an understanding with them!

Come to an understanding with Drifters? Are you mad?! From my understanding they aren't even capable of communication because of their implants. How can we hope to communicate with them? From what I've seen the only interactions the Cluster has had with the Drifters has been aggression (justified or unjustified) and cold silent scanning.

Don't be daft. They can generate CONCORD-compliant IDENT codes. Thus, they're capable of transmitting data. That's communication. They can communicate with us, we can communicate with them. They just don't want to.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#95 - 2015-08-23 11:43:36 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Verin, you're back! Finally! Now we can start making some real progress on this. Get in contact with me - there's work to be done, if you're interested.

Would it upset you terribly if I'm not?

It has nothing to do with you old friend but I have only finite energies and attention, which is already spread wide and shallow over far too many projects. I simply lack the time and capacity to take on any more.

Not to seem complacent, but in the twelve-and-counting years of the Empyrean age, we've faced apparently existential threats on what seems like an almost annual basis, and I've learned the humility to not assume that I will be able to single-handedly rescue the human race from this month's dire peril.

I'm not a leader: I'm an engineer, an investor, a source of wealth and resources and occasionally good advice. If it's all the same to you, I will prefer to stay in that role for now.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2015-08-23 11:57:13 UTC
Existential threats? Not really. We haven't faced anything this big before. I'm trying to work a lot of angles here, and I need a lot of help doing it. I don't think I can save the world all by myself, Verin - that's why I need friends.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Rauour Engil
Rabies Inc.
#97 - 2015-08-23 17:36:30 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Existential threats? Not really. We haven't faced anything this big before. I'm trying to work a lot of angles here, and I need a lot of help doing it. I don't think I can save the world all by myself, Verin - that's why I need friends.

So, people have pointed out that capsule and cloning tech are different which I thought was well understood but during the last succession she didn't commit ShatholSyn did she? Was there ever any proof as to how she got away from that situation? I remember there might have been a rumour that she had been cloned? Honestly I don't remember the details as I was living in unfortunate circumstances at that time in Delve, and, it's not my interest in provoking a theological debate I'm just wondering if she's really dead and if she was/is all she seemed? If she was considered a possible existential threat by SoCT then perhaps that's why the drifters specifically targeted her?

As I mentioned I was living in Delve when all of this started. Actually I was a captive and stuck planetside in the service of some of those that died in T-IPZB when the Empress first tested the Isogen-5 based weapon. No one knew what the hell had happened and I wasn't in a position to know anything tactical but I wonder what CONCORD's Inner Circle and SoCT actually know now about her?
TK Corp
#98 - 2015-08-23 17:38:15 UTC
Rauour Engil wrote:
during the last succession she didn't commit ShatholSyn did she? Was there ever any proof as to how she got away from that situation? I remember there might have been a rumour that she had been cloned?

From what I've found in the records, she was listed as having committed ritual suicide, yes. Which is why her return was considered a miracle by some, and evidence of cloning by others.
Rauour Engil
Rabies Inc.
#99 - 2015-08-23 18:07:12 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Rauour Engil wrote:
during the last succession she didn't commit ShatholSyn did she? Was there ever any proof as to how she got away from that situation? I remember there might have been a rumour that she had been cloned?

From what I've found in the records, she was listed as having committed ritual suicide, yes. Which is why her return was considered a miracle by some, and evidence of cloning by others.

and if she did die, didn't get cloned, and subsequently came back, then she certainly would be an existential threat to the way we understand life.... generally :)
Just Keep Hanging On
#100 - 2015-08-23 20:04:48 UTC
Until I see a State Funeral and a Body, and an Official Pronouncement from the Theology Council that she actually died, I am going to assume Empress Jamyl is still alive and accessing the situation. The Drifter forces think they have killed her, let them drop their guard.