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Why High Sec Gankers?

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Meloddy Sev
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-08-20 11:57:55 UTC
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because high level elite players think this game should be played a certain way?

It's an open world, with many layers to it, with many ways to play. It's the reason I started playing.

Pissing off new players who are trying to farm isk only discourages them. It discourages them from paying $15 a month.

That only hurts the game, CCP loses money. If you like the game, don't troll people because you THINK the game should be played a certain way.

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.
412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-08-20 12:27:31 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because high level elite players think this game should be played a certain way?

It's an open world, with many layers to it, with many ways to play. It's the reason I started playing.

Pissing off new players who are trying to farm isk only discourages them. It discourages them from paying $15 a month.

That only hurts the game, CCP loses money. If you like the game, don't troll people because you THINK the game should be played a certain way.

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.


Thanks for sharing

A True Champion of High Security Space

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#3 - 2015-08-20 12:59:24 UTC
Come on...we get enough legit anti-CODE tears here without having to sock puppet more.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2015-08-20 13:04:17 UTC
Also... **** or GTFO.
No, seriously.
Okay, maybe not.
You do realize you have tools available to you that will enable you to prevent this from happening, right?
Granted, there will be effort and vigilance involved, but you can actually prevent these kind of things from happening on your own, without outside help.

For free and stuff... you have already apparently learned how to watchlist. This is good. Paying attention to local also good.
Paying attention to D-Scan is bestest.
I'll let you figure the rest out.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2015-08-20 13:16:10 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because James 315 is the savior of Highsec and Eve Online is a sandbox MMO.


Meloddy Sev wrote:

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

Sounds to me like you're learning; WL an enemy of sorts, adapting to your environment and surroundings with making necessary alterations to your strategy that best prolong your chance of survival.

Meloddy Sev wrote:

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.

I've never been a fan of players in any game saying, "if [insert selfish request here] doesn't happen then I'll leave!!" It's a sign that instead of figuring out how to play the game you would rather have the developers do it for you.

Adapt or die.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-08-20 13:17:11 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because high level elite players think this game should be played a certain way?

It's an open world, with many layers to it, with many ways to play. It's the reason I started playing.

Pissing off new players who are trying to farm isk only discourages them. It discourages them from paying $15 a month.

That only hurts the game, CCP loses money. If you like the game, don't troll people because you THINK the game should be played a certain way.

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I had no idea this "new order" organization was around, doing terrible things to CCP customers. I'll make sure this type of gameplay is stomped out soon, so we can all go back to farming ISK while watching Netflix.

Also check your safety. If its set to green, you cannot be attacked in highsec.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-08-20 13:17:30 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because high level elite players think this game should be played a certain way?

It's an open world, with many layers to it, with many ways to play. It's the reason I started playing.

Pissing off new players who are trying to farm isk only discourages them. It discourages them from paying $15 a month.

That only hurts the game, CCP loses money. If you like the game, don't troll people because you THINK the game should be played a certain way.

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.

Have you explored the options available to defend yourself? I would expect any hardcore PC gamer to fully investigate all the avenues available to oneself before heading to a forum to complain. For instance when i started eve i spent days educating myself on how to fit ships and even more to understand why they are fit in such ways.

Mining is no different there is plenty of information out there to help you survive gank attempts.
Republic Military School
#8 - 2015-08-20 13:18:15 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled.

Grasshopper, the first step to avoid being trolled is to not set yourself up to be trolled.

Sometimes you hit the bar and sometimes the bar hits you...

Hadrian Blackstone
Yamato Holdings
#9 - 2015-08-20 13:23:00 UTC
It's like you can set your watch by these CODE alt posts.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#10 - 2015-08-20 13:37:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronson Hughes
OP: If you are seriously interested in learning how to deal with the threat of suicide gankers, I suggest you try the New Citizens Q&A Forum. (EDIT2: The reason I suggest this isn't because people here don't know or are unwilling to help, it's that you'll likely get far less trolling there than here.)

As for why, the only answer I can provide is "Why not?" EvE is an open game, and people can play how they wish. Just as players are free to set up protection rackets like CODE. and others, players are also free to stand up against them and fight. To date, nobody who has chosen the latter option has been organized enough to be successful, but it's not because they weren't free to try.

It all boils down to understanding the game mechanics and using them in such a way that you have the advantage. If you learn how to fit and fly your ship (and which ships to fly), you should be largely safe from suicide gankers.

EDIT: One solid piece of advice for any miner: don't use any barge other than a Procurer or a Skiff unless you're comfortable enough with your abilities to avoid suicide gankers before they land on top of you. Using any other barge before you reach that point is all but begging to get ganked. Mind you, you may still get ganked in a Procurer or Skiff, but you'll be a tougher target requiring more resources to take down.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Black Pedro
#11 - 2015-08-20 13:43:43 UTC
Hadrian Blackstone wrote:
It's like you can set your watch by these CODE alt posts.
No, her killboard checks out.

So OP, while there are several possible personal motivations as why Agent Zopiclone may be ganking you, the reasons why the New Order was founded are a matter of public record. The Father and Protector of Highsec, our Saviour James 315, has written them down in many of our sacred texts, primary of which is the Code itself. Perhaps next time you are mining, you can listen to the audio version of the Code. I recommend all miners do this so they can keep their hands on their keyboards, and eyes on their ships and local as is mandated by the Code as most recoil in horror over the slight drop in ISK/hour they would suffer when I tell them that they have to dock up even to read the Code. AFK mining is not allowed - full stop.

If that doesn't answer all your questions or if it piques your interest to learn more about what motivated James 315 to found the New Order, more of the Saviour's thoughts can be found in the various manifestos, blog and forum posts which are collected at the following URL:

But in a nutshell: Eve is an open world, yes, but that also means other players get to play in New Eden as they like. Criminals are explicitly allowed in the game - ganking is not an exploit (or "cheese" in your words) but an intended game mechanic the developers expect you to deal with. The New Order is just providing the risk the developers intended for their to be in highsec when they envisioned the game.
Laphroaig Inc.
#12 - 2015-08-20 13:56:36 UTC
hisec is a cesspit full of self proclaimed tossers and carebears. Seriously, get out of HiSec.

Have a look at a newbie friendly 0.0 corp, like for example: KarmaFleet.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-08-20 13:59:49 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

No one is bullying you, they are just playing the game the way they want to. No one's trying to make you play a certain way, you are simply choosing to ignore the nature of EVE, and what the game is intended to be. Your solution to this problem is to learn from your losses. If people are quitting over this, then they were always going to quit anyway, because that's EVE.

On the other hand, your OP is, indeed, trying to tell people how they should play, and your attempts to 'other' those who blow up spaceships in a game about blowing up spaceships is a form of bullying itself, where you're trying to shame people out of blowing you up, instead of trying to blow them up as well. No one with a modicum of experience in EVE is going to fall for that, or feel any shame about exploding your virtual goods, so take a chill pill and HTFU.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Bellatrix Invicta
#14 - 2015-08-20 15:11:10 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Why are people playing in such a cheesy way? Attacking slow defenseless mining ships, then extorting the players for a marginal fee so it won't happen to them again? Why? Why has a virtual mafia taken over the game, "The New Order of Highsec". They aren't the only ones either.

Because high level elite players think this game should be played a certain way?

It's an open world, with many layers to it, with many ways to play. It's the reason I started playing.

Pissing off new players who are trying to farm isk only discourages them. It discourages them from paying $15 a month.

That only hurts the game, CCP loses money. If you like the game, don't troll people because you THINK the game should be played a certain way.

I lost 2 Retrievers in two days, would have lost more but I just stop mining when my assailant logs on. It's a real pain to be on edge when I'm mining trying to relax in real life, and I get trolled by some virtual gang who thinks their way of playing the game is the only way.

We're all grown ups, there's no need to be bullies.

But what do I know, I'm just a noob to this game...I'm also a hardcore PC gamer, and I have options where I can spend my money. I'd like to spend it on this game, but won't if I keep getting trolled. I'm one guy, one guy who's out spoken, and I promise my thoughts are shared by other players.

1. What do you know? If you're a newbro it's up to you to learn the game.
2. What does being a "hardcore PC gamer" have anything to do with EvE Online? I myself play a VICIOUS round of Crusader Kings II but I do not mention it here. Why? No bearing.
3. "If I don't get my way, I'll leave!!!" - Bye. We have no room or patience for entitled players like you. Make your own sandbox.
4. Learn to D-Scan, learn to watch local, learn to be observant and you won't lose ships. Well, you probably will but it's because we're that good.
5. Ganking Is Good

And lastly, quit trying to get people to play the game the way you want it. The object of this game is to make spaceships explode. Yours were chosen for that activity. It isn't our fault you choose to fly one with no guns.

If you think you've won, think again.

The CODE always wins.

Revis Owen
Krigmakt Elite
#15 - 2015-08-20 15:22:18 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
I'm also a hardcore PC gamer

Hardcore gamers don't cry like you're doing over PvP in a PvP MMO.

Hardcore gamers also know what Eve is, and what they're potentially exposing themselves to by subscribing.

GTFO "hardcore gamer"!

Agent of the New Order If you do not have a current Mining Permit, please contact me for issuance.

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#16 - 2015-08-20 15:31:27 UTC
I was tempted to make a case of this but then I realized that would only legitimize this troll post

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Lady Ayeipsia
#17 - 2015-08-20 16:40:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Ayeipsia
Simple solution is to relocate. CODE is not that big of an entity. There are ample places in hi sec they do not reach.

Alternatively, mining missions. They generate isk through I.p. rewards for mining mission junk. For the right corp it can pay well, plus you are not at an asteroid belt easily warped to. Generally, CODE would need a prober to reach you, which does not happen often.

Edited to add:
You have already posted though. Many will view this as a sign you are greifable. You may want to change occupations or lay low for a while as people are a pain.
Meloddy Sev
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-08-20 17:47:22 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:

As for why, the only answer I can provide is "Why not?" EvE is an open game, and people can play how they wish. Just as players are free to set up protection rackets like CODE. and others, players are also free to stand up against them and fight. To date, nobody who has chosen the latter option has been organized enough to be successful, but it's not because they weren't free to try.

Yes, this. I choose the latter, I see other miners, spineless, 'carebears' you are all calling them? They've even tried to get me to pay the extortion fee to be 'safe' while mining. No thanks. I'm going to fight, but I suck, for now. I'll get better at combat, but I'm going to fail in the process, going to lose lots of ships, I'll need lots of isk, which I'll mine mine for. Having trouble with the first combat security mission I'm doing in the game.

I don't want to be a cry baby, I had my fill searching this forum yesterday and got tired of reading those posts of complaining.

Thanks for the hints to keeping myself safe. Learning curve is huge on EVE, it's easier learning Photoshop, I'll keep at it.
McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#19 - 2015-08-20 18:00:37 UTC
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Bronson Hughes wrote:

As for why, the only answer I can provide is "Why not?" EvE is an open game, and people can play how they wish. Just as players are free to set up protection rackets like CODE. and others, players are also free to stand up against them and fight. To date, nobody who has chosen the latter option has been organized enough to be successful, but it's not because they weren't free to try.

Yes, this. I choose the latter, I see other miners, spineless, 'carebears' you are all calling them? They've even tried to get me to pay the extortion fee to be 'safe' while mining. No thanks. I'm going to fight, but I suck, for now. I'll get better at combat, but I'm going to fail in the process, going to lose lots of ships, I'll need lots of isk, which I'll mine mine for. Having trouble with the first combat security mission I'm doing in the game.

I don't want to be a cry baby, I had my fill searching this forum yesterday and got tired of reading those posts of complaining.

Thanks for the hints to keeping myself safe. Learning curve is huge on EVE, it's easier learning Photoshop, I'll keep at it.

It's a steep learning curve but the ball is in your court despite what the cry babies say. It's trivially easy to keep yourself safe in highsec with the right knowledge and effort.

There's a saying in highsec, "If there weren't any idiots there wouldn't be any ganks".

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Bellatrix Invicta
#20 - 2015-08-20 18:34:07 UTC
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
Meloddy Sev wrote:
Bronson Hughes wrote:

As for why, the only answer I can provide is "Why not?" EvE is an open game, and people can play how they wish. Just as players are free to set up protection rackets like CODE. and others, players are also free to stand up against them and fight. To date, nobody who has chosen the latter option has been organized enough to be successful, but it's not because they weren't free to try.

Yes, this. I choose the latter, I see other miners, spineless, 'carebears' you are all calling them? They've even tried to get me to pay the extortion fee to be 'safe' while mining. No thanks. I'm going to fight, but I suck, for now. I'll get better at combat, but I'm going to fail in the process, going to lose lots of ships, I'll need lots of isk, which I'll mine mine for. Having trouble with the first combat security mission I'm doing in the game.

I don't want to be a cry baby, I had my fill searching this forum yesterday and got tired of reading those posts of complaining.

Thanks for the hints to keeping myself safe. Learning curve is huge on EVE, it's easier learning Photoshop, I'll keep at it.

It's a steep learning curve but the ball is in your court despite what the cry babies say. It's trivially easy to keep yourself safe in highsec with the right knowledge and effort.

There's a saying in highsec, "If there weren't any idiots there wouldn't be any ganks".

This. It is easier for you to keep safe from me than it is for me to hunt you, scout you, warp to you, engage you, and warp off. It isn't MUCH harder to do all of that but it is.

Get a permit, fit tank, Fly Compliant and you're set.

If you think you've won, think again.

The CODE always wins.

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