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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Cain Aloga
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#301 - 2015-08-11 18:27:52 UTC
Haruchai Khan wrote:
Dr Scherezad,

I have received permission from my superiors to help your project. If you can supply DNA samples and/or identifiable personal metrics I will be able to run them through our missing persons database. If any are from the Metropolis region, we will be able to identify them. Other regions will be dealt with via the republic Justice Department records - which are not as complete as those for Metropolis, but nonetheless offer some avenues of inquiry.

I am required to make it clear that if any persons are identified as free-born Minmatar, they must be returned to the custody of the Republic once their treatment is considered sufficient for them to travel safely. I know we can trust you in this regard.

I may be able to forward information along through the Brutor Tribal Network. The Clans may be able to identify any lost or missing Kin. All information will of course be treated as confidential and be granted the respect it deserves.

While our warriors fight for our people's freedom, we in turn should fight for our people's prosperity.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#302 - 2015-08-11 19:15:45 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
Why does everyone keep bumping this thread?

So Nauppie can see his work being undone.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#303 - 2015-08-11 19:38:33 UTC
Our hopeful escapee has been scooped up and returned to his bed. Thank goodness that Security's still using their bean-baggie bullet things. Hairline fracture and bruises, not a big concern.

Lord Sinjin Mokk wrote:

I think we can avoid having that number double...but yes, things are certainly thin.

It's been a while since I had my ribs cracked by someone. I guess it's a lesson in hubris. All the same, I'll double the amount of security personnel and double again the social supports.

I'll send you a report later today on my findings concerning the TCMCs and how to best remove or repair them And I have a friend down in the Kingdom who can check records there on IDing some of our guests.

Don't forget to eat and sleep. We can't have you falling all over the place.

Thank you for the help with everything, Lord Mokk - you've got our gratitude. I'm going to be in the computer lab on Deck 3 this afternoon if you need me. Might get a nap in, if I'm able to. I'll forward along my network analysis results when I get them.

Dr Valerie Valate wrote:
what is the ethnicity of the patients ? Is it all Brutor, like Nauplius seemed be suggesting ?

We haven't checked. Despite the common belief that there are easily distinguishable "races" of humans, when it comes down to the genome it's actually very difficult to determine descent. It's not important, and we don't have time or resources to spare to it. Hopefully the identification efforts will dig up these details, but it's not a priority for us right now.

Mr Haruchai Khan wrote:
I have received permission from my superiors to help your project. If you can supply DNA samples and/or identifiable personal metrics I will be able to run them through our missing persons database. If any are from the Metropolis region, we will be able to identify them. Other regions will be dealt with via the republic Justice Department records - which are not as complete as those for Metropolis, but nonetheless offer some avenues of inquiry.

I am required to make it clear that if any persons are identified as free-born Minmatar, they must be returned to the custody of the Republic once their treatment is considered sufficient for them to travel safely. I know we can trust you in this regard.

Fantastic, thank you. I'll forward along a confidentiality agreement so that we can get you the data. For all involved who receive these documents - it's very important that all individuals who have access to the data co-sign this document. We use a QSHA2.56 encryption on your signatures, if you're worried about security.

As for repatriation, we take our role as guardian very seriously. We prefer to provide all of our outgoing patients the freedom to choose their point of departure from our care. In the case of those judged to be unfit for self-determination, in the case of cognitive issues or age, we prefer to contact their families to allow them this choice. Where we are unable to get contact with the family, we rely on corporate or government organizations able to provide guardianship. So! For those of Republican citizenship, they would be repatriated to the destination of their choice should they wish it, or are free to choose another option. If they're unable to make that choice on their own, we would contact their families, or a Republican adult care organization.

Speaking of, I don't know any of those. Can you help us get in contact with an organization that can do that?

I hope this is satisfactory to your superiors. Our ethics board and legal department agree that we are unable to provide much flexibility in this policy outside of specific negotiations.

Mr Cain Aloga wrote:
I may be able to forward information along through the Brutor Tribal Network. The Clans may be able to identify any lost or missing Kin. All information will of course be treated as confidential and be granted the respect it deserves.

Thank you Mr Aloga. I'll forward along the confidentiality documentation to you. It seems likely that there are a lot of Brutor tribe members amongst our patients, so you may have your work cut out for you.

Speaking of a lot of work, I have a lot of work to do! I will provide updates as they arrive.
Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#304 - 2015-08-11 19:47:26 UTC
Scherezad wrote:

Dr Valerie Valate wrote:
what is the ethnicity of the patients ? Is it all Brutor, like Nauplius seemed be suggesting ?

We haven't checked. Despite the common belief that there are easily distinguishable "races" of humans, when it comes down to the genome it's actually very difficult to determine descent. It's not important, and we don't have time or resources to spare to it. Hopefully the identification efforts will dig up these details, but it's not a priority for us right now.

Oh, I see.

I was curious as to whether Queen Synthia and my cousin's Sebiestor Brain Research project would have had data that would be of use to you, what with all their brain images and the like. Of course, those were Sebiestor brains, and the people Nauplius were getting his hands on were all Brutor, I think, though I'm not sure. So, Sebiestor brain maps might not be all that helpful anyway.

Was just a thought.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Hoi Andrapodistai
#305 - 2015-08-11 21:43:23 UTC
I sacrifice Brutor. I sacrifice Sebiestor. I sacrifice Vherokior. I hate them all, and God hates them all. I specifically wrote in the original post that "Brutor" could be substituted for other bloodlines, and my Demon Summoners did just that before they were destroyed.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#306 - 2015-08-11 21:47:27 UTC
Oh, and I believe that all the filthy Minmatar subhumans used in the Demon Summoning Temple were obtained from Hasiari VIII - Moon 4 - Ammatar Consulate Bureau.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#307 - 2015-08-11 22:15:27 UTC
Uh, well. That makes things easier.

... Thank ... you?
Haruchai Khan
#308 - 2015-08-13 09:51:53 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
Fantastic, thank you. I'll forward along a confidentiality agreement so that we can get you the data. For all involved who receive these documents - it's very important that all individuals who have access to the data co-sign this document. We use a QSHA2.56 encryption on your signatures, if you're worried about security.

The necessary authorisations have been granted.

Scherezad wrote:
As for repatriation, we take our role as guardian very seriously. We prefer to provide all of our outgoing patients the freedom to choose their point of departure from our care. In the case of those judged to be unfit for self-determination, in the case of cognitive issues or age, we prefer to contact their families to allow them this choice. Where we are unable to get contact with the family, we rely on corporate or government organizations able to provide guardianship. So! For those of Republican citizenship, they would be repatriated to the destination of their choice should they wish it, or are free to choose another option. If they're unable to make that choice on their own, we would contact their families, or a Republican adult care organization.

Speaking of, I don't know any of those. Can you help us get in contact with an organization that can do that?.

There are, sadly, few such. Rather a great deal of money was diverted to construct weapons of war rather than rebuilding social services. Our leaders think that the act of freeing people is the end of the matter, perhaps as such glory is newsworthy and rehabilitation is much less so. The hard work of re-integration is largely left to the tribes and families, which is a romantic notion that does not take account of the severe trauma many newly freed people experience. Far worse is the treatment of those who have adopted the faith of their one-time masters.

There are however, some independent charities, as well as some highly experienced tribal circles. I shall draw up a list of those of which I am aware, though these tend to be either Vherokhior or Metropolitan in affiliation. The Ancestors Circle may know many more.

Of course, I shall also inform the official and savagely underfunded Republic care services, if only to watch the look of horror cross their faces when faced with actually having to do something.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#309 - 2015-08-13 10:08:29 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
Our hopeful escapee has been scooped up and returned to his bed. Thank goodness that Security's still using their bean-baggie bullet things. Hairline fracture and bruises, not a big concern.

Lord Sinjin Mokk wrote:

I think we can avoid having that number double...but yes, things are certainly thin.

It's been a while since I had my ribs cracked by someone. I guess it's a lesson in hubris. All the same, I'll double the amount of security personnel and double again the social supports.

I'll send you a report later today on my findings concerning the TCMCs and how to best remove or repair them And I have a friend down in the Kingdom who can check records there on IDing some of our guests.

Don't forget to eat and sleep. We can't have you falling all over the place.

Thank you for the help with everything, Lord Mokk - you've got our gratitude. I'm going to be in the computer lab on Deck 3 this afternoon if you need me. Might get a nap in, if I'm able to. I'll forward along my network analysis results when I get them.

Dr Valerie Valate wrote:
what is the ethnicity of the patients ? Is it all Brutor, like Nauplius seemed be suggesting ?

We haven't checked. Despite the common belief that there are easily distinguishable "races" of humans, when it comes down to the genome it's actually very difficult to determine descent. It's not important, and we don't have time or resources to spare to it. Hopefully the identification efforts will dig up these details, but it's not a priority for us right now.

Mr Haruchai Khan wrote:
I have received permission from my superiors to help your project. If you can supply DNA samples and/or identifiable personal metrics I will be able to run them through our missing persons database. If any are from the Metropolis region, we will be able to identify them. Other regions will be dealt with via the republic Justice Department records - which are not as complete as those for Metropolis, but nonetheless offer some avenues of inquiry.

I am required to make it clear that if any persons are identified as free-born Minmatar, they must be returned to the custody of the Republic once their treatment is considered sufficient for them to travel safely. I know we can trust you in this regard.

Fantastic, thank you. I'll forward along a confidentiality agreement so that we can get you the data. For all involved who receive these documents - it's very important that all individuals who have access to the data co-sign this document. We use a QSHA2.56 encryption on your signatures, if you're worried about security.

As for repatriation, we take our role as guardian very seriously. We prefer to provide all of our outgoing patients the freedom to choose their point of departure from our care. In the case of those judged to be unfit for self-determination, in the case of cognitive issues or age, we prefer to contact their families to allow them this choice. Where we are unable to get contact with the family, we rely on corporate or government organizations able to provide guardianship. So! For those of Republican citizenship, they would be repatriated to the destination of their choice should they wish it, or are free to choose another option. If they're unable to make that choice on their own, we would contact their families, or a Republican adult care organization.

Speaking of, I don't know any of those. Can you help us get in contact with an organization that can do that?

I hope this is satisfactory to your superiors. Our ethics board and legal department agree that we are unable to provide much flexibility in this policy outside of specific negotiations.

Mr Cain Aloga wrote:
I may be able to forward information along through the Brutor Tribal Network. The Clans may be able to identify any lost or missing Kin. All information will of course be treated as confidential and be granted the respect it deserves.

Thank you Mr Aloga. I'll forward along the confidentiality documentation to you. It seems likely that there are a lot of Brutor tribe members amongst our patients, so you may have your work cut out for you.

Speaking of a lot of work, I have a lot of work to do! I will provide updates as they arrive.

If it helps and any wish it they can come to any of my PI stations for work and habitation. I prefer to give people their freedom and a chance at a better life than to use automated systems to be honest.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#310 - 2015-08-13 10:13:39 UTC
Haruchai Khan wrote:
Scherezad wrote:
Fantastic, thank you. I'll forward along a confidentiality agreement so that we can get you the data. For all involved who receive these documents - it's very important that all individuals who have access to the data co-sign this document. We use a QSHA2.56 encryption on your signatures, if you're worried about security.

The necessary authorisations have been granted.

Scherezad wrote:
As for repatriation, we take our role as guardian very seriously. We prefer to provide all of our outgoing patients the freedom to choose their point of departure from our care. In the case of those judged to be unfit for self-determination, in the case of cognitive issues or age, we prefer to contact their families to allow them this choice. Where we are unable to get contact with the family, we rely on corporate or government organizations able to provide guardianship. So! For those of Republican citizenship, they would be repatriated to the destination of their choice should they wish it, or are free to choose another option. If they're unable to make that choice on their own, we would contact their families, or a Republican adult care organization.

Speaking of, I don't know any of those. Can you help us get in contact with an organization that can do that?.

There are, sadly, few such. Rather a great deal of money was diverted to construct weapons of war rather than rebuilding social services. Our leaders think that the act of freeing people is the end of the matter, perhaps as such glory is newsworthy and rehabilitation is much less so. The hard work of re-integration is largely left to the tribes and families, which is a romantic notion that does not take account of the severe trauma many newly freed people experience. Far worse is the treatment of those who have adopted the faith of their one-time masters.

There are however, some independent charities, as well as some highly experienced tribal circles. I shall draw up a list of those of which I am aware, though these tend to be either Vherokhior or Metropolitan in affiliation. The Ancestors Circle may know many more.

Of course, I shall also inform the official and savagely underfunded Republic care services, if only to watch the look of horror cross their faces when faced with actually having to do something.

When you say 'underfunded', how underfunded are they, approximately? Maybe something about that can change.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Haruchai Khan
#311 - 2015-08-13 10:23:15 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:

When you say 'underfunded', how underfunded are they, approximately? Maybe something about that can change.

One might hope so, but I can't see the Federation offering us any more of the funds required to set up a functioning state whilst the messages from our leader are still belligerent. Frankly, it astonishes me that they still send us anything after the Elder Fleet fiasco.

And you know what should shame us even more? Many of the freed slaves who still retain their faith are given more help from Amarrian religious charities than their own Republic. There may be ulterior motives, but they act.

Anyway, I digress.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#312 - 2015-08-13 10:51:47 UTC
Haruchai Khan wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:

When you say 'underfunded', how underfunded are they, approximately? Maybe something about that can change.

One might hope so, but I can't see the Federation offering us any more of the funds required to set up a functioning state whilst the messages from our leader are still belligerent. Frankly, it astonishes me that they still send us anything after the Elder Fleet fiasco.

And you know what should shame us even more? Many of the freed slaves who still retain their faith are given more help from Amarrian religious charities than their own Republic. There may be ulterior motives, but they act.

Anyway, I digress.

Oh, who said anything about government help?

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Cain Aloga
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#313 - 2015-08-13 11:45:05 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Haruchai Khan wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:

When you say 'underfunded', how underfunded are they, approximately? Maybe something about that can change.

One might hope so, but I can't see the Federation offering us any more of the funds required to set up a functioning state whilst the messages from our leader are still belligerent. Frankly, it astonishes me that they still send us anything after the Elder Fleet fiasco.

And you know what should shame us even more? Many of the freed slaves who still retain their faith are given more help from Amarrian religious charities than their own Republic. There may be ulterior motives, but they act.

Anyway, I digress.

Oh, who said anything about government help?

I do believe that the three of us are of similar minds on this matter. I am currently in the process of putting my affairs in order (my journey in the Wildlands has left my account in a terrible state) however once I do, my goals are to help strengthen the Republic through infrastructure and economic means.

While our warriors fight for our people's freedom, we in turn should fight for our people's prosperity.

Trenmir Bedala
Bedala Salvage
#314 - 2015-08-13 16:14:29 UTC
You will happy to know with the data you provided and Nauplius' revelation of the origins of many of his slaves, Republic Records in co-operation with Native Freshfood has been able to identify a number of survivors via DNA extracts.

There one slight complication as a handful of families refusing release of the information unless given guarantee the Amarr Empire Holders will not seek reclaim them as property.

This diplomatic matter, not my area.
Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#315 - 2015-08-13 17:21:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Sinjin Mokk
Trenmir Bedala wrote:
You will happy to know with the data you provided and Nauplius' revelation of the origins of many of his slaves, Republic Records in co-operation with Native Freshfood has been able to identify a number of survivors via DNA extracts.

There one slight complication as a handful of families refusing release of the information unless given guarantee the Amarr Empire Holders will not seek reclaim them as property.

This diplomatic matter, not my area.

This is a legal issue.

Any controlled personnel who are the rightful property of Holders within the Amarr Empire are legally bound to present themselves to their Holders as soon as possible to continue their duties. Any Amarr authority within the Empire is legally bound to detain said individuals and return them to their rightful owners.


The people that we are treating are currently guests of the Caldari State. Regrettably, slavery is illegal in the Caldari State. Ergo, these individuals are no longer in Amarr space and do not carry the legal designation of "controlled personnel" (slaves).

Any who freely wish to return to their rightful homes and Houses in Amarr will be provided transportation free of charge through RKCE. Those who wish to stay in Caldari or move elsewhere will have to work that out with the State and LaiDai; though I believe there are a number of corporations who are willing to hire these individuals. RKCE will also be putting in a bid to hire as many of these individuals who wish to work for us, and we will cover the legal fees necessary to make them full common citizens of the Kingdom of Khanid.

As an aside, a Holder who is looking to take these people back through legal or diplomatic channels should be aware that they lost the rights to own these people when they failed to give them adequate protection. In short, if you're too stupid to protect your slaves from a Bloodraider like Nauplius, perhaps you shouldn't be allowed to have slaves in the first place.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#316 - 2015-08-13 18:52:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Andreus Ixiris
Shot in the dark, I know, but if I could get you or an associate a couple of hours in a virtuality, would that help? Remember that even an hour of real time in a tank can technically stretch to something like six days of perceptual time if you have good thought-process management.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Lunarisse Aspenstar
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#317 - 2015-08-13 20:09:53 UTC
The Butcher stated he purchased the slaves from the S.C.C. Markets:

Consequently, the legal issue of Amarr holders is moot. There are none.

This sort of irresponsible and inhumane use of SCC purchased slaves by an irresponsible and insane capsuleer is yet another reason to sign this petition:
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#318 - 2015-08-13 20:39:37 UTC
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:
The Butcher stated he purchased the slaves from the S.C.C. Markets:

Consequently, the legal issue of Amarr holders is moot. There are none.

This sort of irresponsible and inhumane use of SCC purchased slaves by an irresponsible and insane capsuleer is yet another reason to sign this petition:

Actually it's simply another reason to get rid of the idiotic notion of any form of 'legal' slavery. It is a barbaric practice and nothing more. That petition simply tries to legitimize it for certain 'special' people.
Soren Tyrhanos
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#319 - 2015-08-14 02:37:27 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:
The Butcher stated he purchased the slaves from the S.C.C. Markets:

Consequently, the legal issue of Amarr holders is moot. There are none.

This sort of irresponsible and inhumane use of SCC purchased slaves by an irresponsible and insane capsuleer is yet another reason to sign this petition:

Actually it's simply another reason to get rid of the idiotic notion of any form of 'legal' slavery. It is a barbaric practice and nothing more. That petition simply tries to legitimize it for certain 'special' people.

Regardless of your personal feelings any movement to inhibit their sale on SCC markets does impose a series of measures and controls on whom can own slaves ensuring that those who do, governed by the laws of the Amarr Empire as laid down by former Emperor Heideran VII, ensure the slaves are treated with a dignity and care.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#320 - 2015-08-14 02:51:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
With all due respect to His Holiness the former Emperor Heideran VII, proper treatment of slaves should not be credited to him. Appropriate handling of slaves is conducted according to traditions far older than him. And it must be remembered that it was the liberal policies of his subordinates that lead to our involvement with the SCC in the first place.