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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Jili Tonari
#241 - 2015-08-08 00:16:32 UTC
Utari Onzo wrote:

Do you undock? I'm trying to find GalNet records of you actually engaging in some combat against the 24th. Can't find any. Can't find anything at all infact.

Really? You really want to go there?

I'll let you in on something they didn't tell you in school honey. Kill records don't matter.

We meet in space. I shoot you, you shoot me. One of us loses a ship. Maybe a pod and a clone and some wetwear. We wake up, buy a new ship rinse and repeat.

You boys and your toys measure your manhood by the amount of pretty explosions you can make. You want to blow up my ship so you can feel like a man? Name the time and system. I faced far worse at the hands of real Amarr and your silly pretender @ss ain't got nothin on them.

You know what matters to me? During your little "Peace Conference" I sat outside that station for like 20 minutes to deliver that "present."* And you wouldn't come out to play. Me. Barely a nugget and you wouldn't undock to get my present until a long time later when you had your friends to do it.

So don't talk to me about kill records or honor or courage. I already got you number. You blow me up 50 to 1 and I'm still the winner, because you can blow up my gear, but you can't silence my voice. And as long as there is one living Matari to say no to your slaver bullsh*t, we Matari win.

I got tons of isk. How many of my ships you need before your b@lls drop?

*The present was a can of garbage and some half dead slavers and a Khumaak. Boy here thought it was a bomb or somethin. Just a message. No abolition, no peace.

P.S. Much love for the Matari for takin the high road against the demon tower thing. Speak the Word brothers and sisters.

“Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves.”

Anyanka Funk
#242 - 2015-08-08 01:19:28 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Gonna need some good demon wranglers.
Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#243 - 2015-08-08 01:40:29 UTC
Jili Tonari wrote:

I'll let you in on something they didn't tell you in school honey. Kill records don't matter.

You can take my pod.

You can take my ship.

You can take my modules.

You can take my systems.

You can take my people.

But you will never be able to take away my right to local communications and the IGS!

Minmatar Pride.


Jaret Victorian
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#244 - 2015-08-08 01:46:25 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
I can guarantee that any slaves going through patient intake with LDRBC will be given free, informed, consentful choice of where and how they would like to be discharged from our facilities.

Hey, this is a nice turn of events.
Anyanka Funk
#245 - 2015-08-08 01:53:06 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:

But you will never be able to take away my right to local communications and the IGS!

Unless you get banned.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#246 - 2015-08-08 01:59:50 UTC
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Gonna need some good demon wranglers.

We're good at bottling demons.

Let us know when you're ready to have yours taken care of.
Anyanka Funk
#247 - 2015-08-08 02:57:49 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Gonna need some good demon wranglers.

We're good at bottling demons.

Let us know when you're ready to have yours taken care of.

I'll be ready as soon as you send a corp invite.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#248 - 2015-08-08 04:34:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Jenneth
Jili Tonari wrote:
Really? You really want to go there?

I'll let you in on something they didn't tell you in school honey. Kill records don't matter.

We meet in space. I shoot you, you shoot me. One of us loses a ship. Maybe a pod and a clone and some wetwear. We wake up, buy a new ship rinse and repeat.

You boys and your toys measure your manhood by the amount of pretty explosions you can make. You want to blow up my ship so you can feel like a man? Name the time and system. I faced far worse at the hands of real Amarr and your silly pretender @ss ain't got nothin on them.

You know what matters to me? During your little "Peace Conference" I sat outside that station for like 20 minutes to deliver that "present."* And you wouldn't come out to play. Me. Barely a nugget and you wouldn't undock to get my present until a long time later when you had your friends to do it.

So don't talk to me about kill records or honor or courage. I already got you number. You blow me up 50 to 1 and I'm still the winner, because you can blow up my gear, but you can't silence my voice. And as long as there is one living Matari to say no to your slaver bullsh*t, we Matari win.

I got tons of isk. How many of my ships you need before your b@lls drop?

*The present was a can of garbage and some half dead slavers and a Khumaak. Boy here thought it was a bomb or somethin. Just a message. No abolition, no peace.

P.S. Much love for the Matari for takin the high road against the demon tower thing. Speak the Word brothers and sisters.

Ms. Tonari?

It's true that some people will listen, regardless of whether a pilot is a killer.

It took me a little while to learn this, but ... others won't.

I guess a lot depends on whom you're trying to reach.

If I may, a couple observations:

* you cannot credibly claim to be a monster hunter if you never hunt;

* if the guns are silent, but voices are raised in angry argument: that is peace.

Combat between capsuleers is ... difficult to become accustomed to. You seem to minimize the costs, but a lot of capsuleer warfare is economic at its core-- an attempt to exhaust an enemy's resources. Watching valuable assets (and personnel) vanish is ... painful.

Overcoming that, and learning to engage thinking, calculating foes with similar resources, is a process. A common maxim is that a pilot should lose thirty ships before considering herself proficient.

If you require a sparring partner, I am willing to help. I usually don't accept duels; I don't much like artificial limitations or feel that I owe an opponent that sort of opportunity. But from you, I would accept such a challenge, if circumstances allow.

Tech one frigates, no special faction modules of any sort. Contact in advance would be appreciated, and may be more likely to allow the duel to proceed.

I cannot guarantee your safety from other PY-RE pilots outside the context of the duel, so please fly carefully if you visit our territory.

You've implied that you're a monster hunter, Ms. Tonari. If you wish to learn to hunt us for real ... I'm willing to be your first mark.
Nova Sanguinem
#249 - 2015-08-08 05:46:14 UTC
Do you undock? I'm trying to find GalNet records of you actually engaging in some combat against the 24th. Can't find any. Can't find anything at all infact.

Obviously a deep cover spy, congratulations you probably just got her executed or banished.

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Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#250 - 2015-08-08 07:41:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Andreus Ixiris
Scherezad wrote:
I've seen worse, Mr. Nauplius.

For your chains and collars, we've clips and cutters for breaking.

For your drugs and abuse, we've restoratives for taking.

For your implants and jails, we've paths to prompt prisoners' escaping.

For your demons and imps, we've prayers for their unmaking.

We've brought back the dead and broken our own demons at Lai Dai Research Biomedical and Cybernetic, Mr Nauplius. We've pulled whole, healthy minds out of nightmares, and excised the nightmares from broken minds. We've mapped souls and scaffolded dreams. Dreams like, yours, Mr. Nauplius, dark dreams. We've mapped them, and charted them, and carefully melted them away, leaving pockets of mild confusion and contentment in their wake.

It's not I who should fear you, Mr Nauplius.

It's you who should fear me.

Holy crap.

Remind me never to upset Scherezad.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#251 - 2015-08-08 07:44:18 UTC
I am interested that this particular situation has been resolved in a more novel fashion than is usually the case.

Normally, what happens is this:

Nauplius puts up one of his temples and announces that he is sacrificing Minmatar, thousands of them.
Minmatar pilots Loudly Complain that this is a Sign of the Unrighteousness of the Amarr religion, and that the Imperial pilots should sort it out.
The Imperial pilots announce that they will be dealing with it.
The Minmatar Loudly Complain that they weren't invited, and Moan Greatly that these were Minmatar people, and it is their Right to deal with the situation.
The Imperial pilots say that they do not trust the Minmatar in a ceasefire.
The Minmatar Loudly Complain about how they are being mistreated, Woe, woe is the poor Minmatar, untrusted by the Evil Amarr who are So Cruel.
Meanwhile, the Imperial pilots attack the Temple, a handful of Minmatar ships appear to take pot-shots.
The Minmatar pilots Loudly Complain again that they weren't invited, and Moan Greatly that when they went to look at the Temple after it was reinforced, they were attacked by some non-involved Imperial pilots who were unaware of the Temples very existence. Woe, woe is the poor Minmatar, sorely oppressed in this fashion.
During the time in which the Temple is reinforced, the Minmatar Loudly Complain that they have not been approached by the Imperial pilots regarding the transfer of any rescued people.
When the Temple exits reinforcement, the Imperial pilots again form up to attack it and finally destroy it.
The Minmatar pilots Loudly Complain again that they weren't invited, and threaten to show up anyway.
The Imperial pilots destroy the tower and rescue any survivors, a handful of Minmatar ships appear and take pot-shots.
A Minmatar industrial ship turns up unannounced and claims to be there to rescue the survivors, after the tower has been destroyed and the attacking Imperial fleet has dispersed. It gets shot down by uninvolved Imperial pilots. The Minmatar Loudly Complain that they were Betrayed. Woe, woe is the poor Minmatar.
The Imperial pilots report on the IGS that the rescuees are being treated in hospital.
The Minmatar Loudly Complain about not being involved in the treatment process. Woe.
And then Nauplius announces a new Temple has been put up.

So, I am somewhat pleased to learn that at least some of this Tedious Minmatar Moaning has been cut off before it can start.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#252 - 2015-08-08 07:53:46 UTC

Dr. Scherezad,

As per our discussion via telecom with you earlier we have contracted you, on behalf of House Rkard, some supplies that you and your medical staff can use to attend to the wounded and for rehabilitation of recovered passengers.

We henceforth describe to you what is provided:

  1. 2,000 units of Antibiotics, we assume this should suffice for a 2-2.5 week supply for an estimated ~1,500 people.

  2. In addition for patients requiring immediate emergency care, 100 package units of Nanites

  3. 9,000 units of Frozen Food, 2,000 12-packs of Quafe Ultra cans

  4. For mental rehabilitation, 10 units of C3-FTM acid which can be used by any well-equipped medical facility to produce a neuroprotective drug, as well as a single Neurovisual Analyzer which may assist you or any psychiatrist on the grounds for neuropathic diagnosis and treatment. The Neurovisual Analyzer comes in a fairly large shipping container so we would suggest receiving it at a dock or similar industrial reception wharf.

  5. 20 Holoreels of assorted Amarr and Caldari dramas. as well as a few choice Minmatar soap operas of our choosing> There will be 1,500 people around at your medical facility and most of the time they will have very little to do.

  6. 2 tamed Fedos who can provide some comfort and ease the rehabilitation of suffering patients

  7. Additionally, we make no assumptions about the capability of yourself and your medical staff in dealing with recovery and rehabilitation of abused slaves. As such, we send to you a Mr. Arganius Ticirda, an experienced and respectable Slave Handler from House Rkard's own ranks. He is instructed to spend as much time as necessary with you and your staff as a consultant. He is knowledgeable in slave control methods and complications, even those of an illicit and immoral kind that our House does not employ, and he will assist and advice you as you see fit. As compensation, we have offered him an early retirement with a generous financial and medical package for his assistance with this task.

  8. We have also sent 10 Emancipated Slaves from our House to accompany and assist Mr. Tircida. These men and women can add their unique perspective and knowledge, which will hopefully be of assistance to you.

  9. Lastly, we have included in a Secure Container 50 4-week samples of the Controlled Substance you know as Vitoc. The samples are medical grade, meaning that they come unactivated and with a limited, adjustable DNA reagent programmer. We do not know Nauplius's particular Vitoc specie, but you will have some limited relief against its effects in your worst-affected patients. The Secure Container is provided so that the Controlled Substance can be stored in your medical facility with some protection from theft and tampering. We will convey the password for the Secure Container in a private email to you.

For the Vitoc we have acquired a provisional license for medical use in your name which can only be transferred on a per sample basis to your immediate staff only. The aforementioned Mr. Tircida can train you and your staff in activating and administering the drug if you are not able. Note that Mr. Tircida is not specifically named in the provisional license.

We request that you be careful when transferring this right. Any abuse of the Controlled Substance may be legally actionable by The State and The Empire.

We provide these to you in a Gallente Planetary Vehicle accompanied by 10 Marines who will guard the aforementioned Mr. Tircida's passage, and provide you with any security needs you may have during this challenging rehabilitation.

We wish we could assist you, but we have no experience or expertise in your world. We appreciate what you are doing and wish you luck.


veiled and bound

my origin story (on eve-backstage)

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#253 - 2015-08-08 07:58:43 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have summoned them.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Utari Onzo
#254 - 2015-08-08 09:08:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Utari Onzo
Jili Tonari wrote:
Utari Onzo wrote:

Do you undock? I'm trying to find GalNet records of you actually engaging in some combat against the 24th. Can't find any. Can't find anything at all infact.

Really? You really want to go there?

I'll let you in on something they didn't tell you in school honey. Kill records don't matter.

We meet in space. I shoot you, you shoot me. One of us loses a ship. Maybe a pod and a clone and some wetwear. We wake up, buy a new ship rinse and repeat.

You boys and your toys measure your manhood by the amount of pretty explosions you can make. You want to blow up my ship so you can feel like a man? Name the time and system. I faced far worse at the hands of real Amarr and your silly pretender @ss ain't got nothin on them.

You know what matters to me? During your little "Peace Conference" I sat outside that station for like 20 minutes to deliver that "present."* And you wouldn't come out to play. Me. Barely a nugget and you wouldn't undock to get my present until a long time later when you had your friends to do it.

So don't talk to me about kill records or honor or courage. I already got you number. You blow me up 50 to 1 and I'm still the winner, because you can blow up my gear, but you can't silence my voice. And as long as there is one living Matari to say no to your slaver bullsh*t, we Matari win.

I got tons of isk. How many of my ships you need before your b@lls drop?

*The present was a can of garbage and some half dead slavers and a Khumaak. Boy here thought it was a bomb or somethin. Just a message. No abolition, no peace.

P.S. Much love for the Matari for takin the high road against the demon tower thing. Speak the Word brothers and sisters.

Alright, I'm enjoying a nice coffee while reading this.

Ms Jenneth is right, you want to talk about coming for us, the Amarrian militia, and hunting us as monsters it helps if you actually, you know, hunt us? Instead you pontificate loudly while doing absolutely nothing at all. Atleast Matar Ronin organised something recently. Where's your backbone while your brethren undock, fly and die? Why are you not at their side trying to take back the two systems we recently reclaimed? Kill reports don't mean jack in terms of some stupid competition, but it does tell me if you bother to put money where your gob is for lack of a better word and actually stand side by side with your fellows.

As for the PPC, I had no need to entertain you. We'd just had a Chair murdered, and outside of the pod I'm not an idiot allowing any riff raff to deliver things to my person using rather vague and mysterious language about what it is. I was docked up and in the facility, you could have come in and handed it over to the facility staff without needing to eject it in space like the refuse that spills out of your mouth on a good day. Oh, and as far as investigations concluded those slavers were licenced and operated on behalf of the Empire as per CONCORD laws that your precious Republic ratified.

Ms Tonari, you talk a great talk about doing things, and seem to want to act as the mouth piece of the Matari. I'm not asking for glorious honourable combat 1v1 at the sun, nor trying to compare kill reports as if the numbers themselves mean anything, I just take Matari who actually are a threat to my vessels and crews a lot more seriously. Take up Ms Jenneth's offer to learn, and perhaps you'll be one of those.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

TK Corp
#255 - 2015-08-08 12:57:32 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have summoned them.

It's ok, we were already here, and pretty well rampaging.
Jev North
#256 - 2015-08-08 13:03:44 UTC
Bhaalgoons on the loose.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

TK Corp
#257 - 2015-08-08 13:15:23 UTC
Sold mine off, I'm afraid. I prefer the mind-numbing insanity of a good shield-tanked Ashimmu with an oversized prop mod. Really, you haven't lived until you've hotdropped a cruiser build that shouldn't exist on top of some poor bastard in a fast frigate only to watch him cry as he suddenly has no capacitor and can't move...

... and then you just warp off, laughing.

Catch and release interceptors, it's the next big thing!
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#258 - 2015-08-08 13:55:14 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
What a terrible, terrible day. Unbound demons are rampaging through the physical plane.

Why don't you lay off that hallucinogen, before you start running away from non-existent somethings in public in your small-clothes.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#259 - 2015-08-08 14:23:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Sinjin Mokk
Goldfinch wrote:

Dr. Scherezad,

As per our discussion via telecom with you earlier we have contracted you, on behalf of House Rkard, some supplies that you and your medical staff can use to attend to the wounded and for rehabilitation of recovered passengers.

We henceforth describe to you what is provided:

  1. 2,000 units of Antibiotics, we assume this should suffice for a 2-2.5 week supply for an estimated ~1,500 people.

  2. In addition for patients requiring immediate emergency care, 100 package units of Nanites

  3. 9,000 units of Frozen Food, 2,000 12-packs of Quafe Ultra cans

  4. For mental rehabilitation, 10 units of C3-FTM acid which can be used by any well-equipped medical facility to produce a neuroprotective drug, as well as a single Neurovisual Analyzer which may assist you or any psychiatrist on the grounds for neuropathic diagnosis and treatment. The Neurovisual Analyzer comes in a fairly large shipping container so we would suggest receiving it at a dock or similar industrial reception wharf.

  5. 20 Holoreels of assorted Amarr and Caldari dramas. as well as a few choice Minmatar soap operas of our choosing> There will be 1,500 people around at your medical facility and most of the time they will have very little to do.

  6. 2 tamed Fedos who can provide some comfort and ease the rehabilitation of suffering patients

  7. Additionally, we make no assumptions about the capability of yourself and your medical staff in dealing with recovery and rehabilitation of abused slaves. As such, we send to you a Mr. Arganius Ticirda, an experienced and respectable Slave Handler from House Rkard's own ranks. He is instructed to spend as much time as necessary with you and your staff as a consultant. He is knowledgeable in slave control methods and complications, even those of an illicit and immoral kind that our House does not employ, and he will assist and advice you as you see fit. As compensation, we have offered him an early retirement with a generous financial and medical package for his assistance with this task.

  8. We have also sent 10 Emancipated Slaves from our House to accompany and assist Mr. Tircida. These men and women can add their unique perspective and knowledge, which will hopefully be of assistance to you.

  9. Lastly, we have included in a Secure Container 50 4-week samples of the Controlled Substance you know as Vitoc. The samples are medical grade, meaning that they come unactivated and with a limited, adjustable DNA reagent programmer. We do not know Nauplius's particular Vitoc specie, but you will have some limited relief against its effects in your worst-affected patients. The Secure Container is provided so that the Controlled Substance can be stored in your medical facility with some protection from theft and tampering. We will convey the password for the Secure Container in a private email to you.

For the Vitoc we have acquired a provisional license for medical use in your name which can only be transferred on a per sample basis to your immediate staff only. The aforementioned Mr. Tircida can train you and your staff in activating and administering the drug if you are not able. Note that Mr. Tircida is not specifically named in the provisional license.

We request that you be careful when transferring this right. Any abuse of the Controlled Substance may be legally actionable by The State and The Empire.

We provide these to you in a Gallente Planetary Vehicle accompanied by 10 Marines who will guard the aforementioned Mr. Tircida's passage, and provide you with any security needs you may have during this challenging rehabilitation.

We wish we could assist you, but we have no experience or expertise in your world. We appreciate what you are doing and wish you luck.

In addition to this, I've imported a few slave specialists, a science team, a squad of marines to assist security and several hundred TCMCs. I'll offer my own personal expertise for the week to assist the individuals that have implanted chips in their recovery. We may not be able to fully remove any existing TCMC systems, and those that have been suffering from TCMC abuse are going to need a lot of assistance, but I'm confident we can provide treatment for the greater percentage of them.

I will also offer my services as a Chaplin for those who request spiritual guidance in the Amarr faith.

Finally, I'm the executor of a new corporation. I'm still aggressively hiring personnel for a great many positions in a part of the Empire that is not as picky about a common person's birthright. Any of the survivors who want to relocate to Khanid will be transported, housed, given employment and assistance in becoming citizens (free or controlled, their choice) of the Kingdom of Khanid.

*Edit: In reading the above: Can we stop enabling the terrorists and stay on point with the subject at hand? Thank you.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#260 - 2015-08-08 15:03:39 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Holy crap.

Remind me never to upset Scherezad.

Cranial Neurology is so much more dramatic when you use metaphors, isn't it?