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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#181 - 2015-08-07 05:47:08 UTC
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Either way, tomorrow, the slaves will still be slaves. The Minmatar people are too weak to do anything about it per usual. The Sani Sabik, what there are of us, may not even raise a finger to help a weaker fellow believer. The Amarrians will continue to pick on the runts like Nauplius instead of doing anything about bigger threats like goons.

Has anyone ever told you that you're very annoying, and have a similar effect on people as a fedo with a digestive problem?

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#182 - 2015-08-07 06:47:06 UTC
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Either way, tomorrow, the slaves will still be slaves. The Minmatar people are too weak to do anything about it per usual. The Sani Sabik, what there are of us, may not even raise a finger to help a weaker fellow believer. The Amarrians will continue to pick on the runts like Nauplius instead of doing anything about bigger threats like goons.

Do I sense a bit of good ol' Grrrr forming...?

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#183 - 2015-08-07 07:03:49 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:

It's your history I was commenting on. I know my history, Gramps.

Commenting on things you have no understanding of. How many of this butcher's towers have you taken action against? How many slaves have you saved from his Heresy?
Our actions have been reported on openly, and are clear to even the most cursory glances. Unless of course you can't see them through bloodlust.

Go and learn a little about who has done what before trying to act tough in front of your friends. Maybe take notice of why none of your alliance-mate's comments are condemning us for lack of action.

Anyanka Funk wrote:
Either way, tomorrow, the slaves will still be slaves. The Minmatar people are too weak to do anything about it per usual. The Sani Sabik, what there are of us, may not even raise a finger to help a weaker fellow believer. The Amarrians will continue to pick on the runts like Nauplius instead of doing anything about bigger threats like goons.

I understand your fears, there are some terrible things out there in space. We will, as usual, do our best to protect the cluster from them. To ensure your safety, I recommend you turn yourself in to the nearest re-education center. Faith will always be your best shield against those nasties

Admiral of PIE Inc., Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris (See 'PIE Public' for recruitment)

Honorary Fabricator-General of the Imperial Navy

Chosen by God to serve the Empire.

TK Corp
#184 - 2015-08-07 07:09:55 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Do I sense a bit of good ol' Grrrr forming...?

It doesn't matter.
Mizhara Del'thul
#185 - 2015-08-07 09:34:02 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Respectfully, and with me speaking as someone with absolutely no authority over anything much, and hopefully not talking out of turn: we've been known to work with the TLF in temporary alliances. I don't think we make any kind of practice of turning on temporary allies.

I have lossmails that would indicate otherwise, along with comms logs.
Jev North
#186 - 2015-08-07 10:14:32 UTC
You've roused my curiosity. If any of that is recent or about more than IGS point-scoring, please forward them to me or any other PY-RE diplomat.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Hoi Andrapodistai
#187 - 2015-08-07 11:30:45 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:

"Save" is a subjective term here. You'll still put them in chains until they develop Stockholm syndrome or their children have forgotten what it means to be Minmatar. As outright disgusting, vile, and delusional as Nauppie's practices are, they are actually the lesser of the two evils.

See, so-called "Amarr Loyalists"? Even the filthy Minmatar subhumans whose welfare you seem to value above all else would rather you stay away and allow my slaves to be sacrificed than perform your pathetic acts of mercy (which, I repeat, would also have the effect of unbinding the demon soldiers already brought into this plane).
Mizhara Del'thul
#188 - 2015-08-07 11:42:40 UTC
Jev North wrote:
You've roused my curiosity. If any of that is recent or about more than IGS point-scoring, please forward them to me or any other PY-RE diplomat.

You'll forgive me if I want as little as possible to do with Sansha, ex-Sansha and a staggering amount of pirates pretending to be mercenaries, other than at projectile weapon engagement ranges or as a host at Accorded Neutral Ground at Deck23.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#189 - 2015-08-07 11:50:45 UTC
Scherezad wrote:

I'll instead be setting up a trauma and recovery centre in the 24th Logistics station nearby. Those in the operation will be told where it is. We will be conducting secondary triage in cooperation with the Crusade Medical Corps and will be taking on all brain trauma, head trauma, and severe psychopathy/mental distress cases. Please route all evacuees of this nature to remote hospital LDMT Utuusi.

All of my slaves are by the standards of the secular world severe mental cases. They have been chained. Collared. Stuffed full of Vitoc. Whipped. Mauled. Chipped up with TCMCs. They are brainwashed, indoctrinated with their own sub-humanness and fear of Hell. They are little more than zombies.

There is nothing left for you or anyone else to save. The only purpose these filthy creatures normally serve is that after a ritual consecration they are made a worthy sacrifice onto a holy and righteous God. But in the case of this Demon Summoning Temple, they also serve to give Demon Legionnaires a taste of the Blood of the Brutor, the Blood of the Sebiestor, and the Blood of the Vherokior. Go away and do not interfere with this divine purpose. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#190 - 2015-08-07 12:28:51 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
All of my slaves are by the standards of the secular world severe mental cases.

How appropriate for you.

Nauplius wrote:
They have been chained. Collared. Stuffed full of Vitoc. Whipped. Mauled. Chipped up with TCMCs. They are brainwashed, indoctrinated with their own sub-humanness and fear of Hell. They are little more than zombies.

There is nothing left for you or anyone else to save. The only purpose these filthy creatures normally serve is that after a ritual consecration they are made a worthy sacrifice onto a holy and righteous God. But in the case of this Demon Summoning Temple, they also serve to give Demon Legionnaires a taste of the Blood of the Brutor, the Blood of the Sebiestor, and the Blood of the Vherokior. Go away and do not interfere with this divine purpose. Amen. Amarr Victor.

Chains can be broken. Collars removed. VITOC managed. Wounds healed.

TCMCs...ah, now that's my department. TCMCs were originally designed to alleviate and cure the effects of mental illness. Better than any psychopharmacology, TCMCs can take the worst cases and bring new hope. Yes, many have given them a bad reputation due to ignorance, sloppy management and numerically small amounts of abuse. But rest assured, any Matari rescued will be healed, given a new life and provided with every opportunity for happiness. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Death is unnecessary.

And your Red God cannot prevent this.

And here in my hand, I hold a very special TCMC. It has YOUR name on it Nauplius.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#191 - 2015-08-07 12:38:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalaratiri
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Jev North wrote:
You've roused my curiosity. If any of that is recent or about more than IGS point-scoring, please forward them to me or any other PY-RE diplomat.

You'll forgive me if I want as little as possible to do with Sansha, ex-Sansha and a staggering amount of pirates pretending to be mercenaries, other than at projectile weapon engagement ranges or as a host at Accorded Neutral Ground at Deck23.

Writing mail is hard.

You don't even have to talk to us! It's great!

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Mizhara Del'thul
#192 - 2015-08-07 12:49:21 UTC
Feel free to visit Deck23 should you wish to engage in discourse of any sort. Even you are not deemed unwelcome on Accorded Neutral Ground. Any official diplomatic contact with Pyre is not an option, though. I am sure you can understand that while PIE might tolerate it as an entity, we can not.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#193 - 2015-08-07 13:09:15 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Feel free to visit Deck23 should you wish to engage in discourse of any sort. Even you are not deemed unwelcome on Accorded Neutral Ground.

Does that include me, Ms. Del'thul, or just the Matari members?
Mizhara Del'thul
#194 - 2015-08-07 13:13:17 UTC
Minmatar only, unless vouched for and escorted by a Minmatar guest in good standing.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#195 - 2015-08-07 13:18:33 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Minmatar only, unless vouched for and escorted by a Minmatar guest in good standing.

Meaning one with an established history, or just one that hasn't messed anything up yet?

(In other words, could Val or Kalaratiri bring me along?)
Tabor Murn
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#196 - 2015-08-07 13:28:11 UTC
This is certainly the last place I'd expect to see a Minmatar venue advertised.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#197 - 2015-08-07 13:29:35 UTC
Tabor Murn wrote:
This is certainly the last place I'd expect to see a Minmatar venue advertised.

Well-- the original topic doesn't seem worth not-derailing, so....
Mizhara Del'thul
#198 - 2015-08-07 13:34:30 UTC
Val has been a good guest adhering to the Accords. If she vouches for you and escorts you, it would be acceptable. But be aware, your behaviour would be her responsibility, and consequences for breaking the accords would be hers to bear. If you care for her, honor that.
Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#199 - 2015-08-07 13:34:32 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:

"Save" is a subjective term here. You'll still put them in chains until they develop Stockholm syndrome or their children have forgotten what it means to be Minmatar. As outright disgusting, vile, and delusional as Nauppie's practices are, they are actually the lesser of the two evils.

See, so-called "Amarr Loyalists"? Even the filthy Minmatar subhumans whose welfare you seem to value above all else would rather you stay away and allow my slaves to be sacrificed than perform your pathetic acts of mercy (which, I repeat, would also have the effect of unbinding the demon soldiers already brought into this plane).

We would rather you die in a fire after canceling your clone, too. But we have learned to live without some of the things we want.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Jev North
#200 - 2015-08-07 14:25:50 UTC
I don't believe we're able to dishonor agreements with a party which won't even deal with us diplomatically, so I think our business is concluded anyway. Aggrieved third parties are still encouraged to check in with the diplomatic corps.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.