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Why is it like this?

First post
Salvos Rhoska
#81 - 2015-08-06 10:22:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
The only consistent way to 'compete for the node' would be to able to both play the minigame at the same time also.

However that turns EVE into a clickspam twitch game of how fast can you click nodes and what your ping is, which is not what EVE is about.
Being able to loot the can would be even sillier, as that would be even more a twitch fest ping dependant game.

So, please propose a non loot spew, non twitch/ping fest mechanic. And it 'might' have some merit if you can actually devise a suitable mechanic.

Agreed and well said.

Notable though that it would only be twitch spam if there is a competitor.

Most of the time it would be only you at your leisure in HS where the loot is **** (which indirectly is actually a result of relic/data nodes not having conpetition except the superficial of who reaches it first. Its not rational to improve the loot quality without adding more competition or difficulty to the task).

Im ambivalent on S-timer.
Its not a requirement to raise competition on HS relic/data nodes, though I do think it offers more sandbox and options.

So lets brainstorm a way to add more competition to HS data/relic nodes (which would also justify better loot, even noobs dont bother with relic sigs which litter HS), in a way that doesnt **** off the twitch-impaired, doesnt overcomplicate, and may or may not include suspect timer options to liven things up a bit also for new players in HS.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#82 - 2015-08-06 10:31:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
So lets brainstorm a way to add more competition to HS data/relic nodes (which would also justify better loot), in a way that doesnt **** off the twitch-impaired, doesnt overcomplicate, and may or may not include suspect timer options to liven things up a bit also for new players in HS.

Sudoku puzzles with a .5 char/s typing speed limit? P

The easiest solution would of course be a return to the old module-timer based hacking, but that was so marginally different from “just be first on the can” that it's not really a useful alternative. It was also boring.

More seriously, that question seems to boil down to “minigame or no minigame?” Any competitive minigame will by necessity be twitch-based: complete it quicker than the opponent and win, but how do you construct a minigame in EVE without turning it into a clickfest? On the other hand, without a a minigame, how would you construct a “competition” in a meaningful way such that it doesn't just turn right back into being a question of getting to the can first?
Salvos Rhoska
#83 - 2015-08-06 10:52:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
An interactive minigame where you hack the same matrix from opposite ends gainst a competitor when they analyze the node you are on would have been great, but since this only really applies to HS where you cant simply blow the competition up, its too much to expect CCP to bother with.

Two options I see are either:
1) Multiple players can analyze node, and whoever completes first, wins. Skills/builds augment this.

2). Simplified loot spew system of 1-2 cans, where the original tapper has rights, and thief goes suspect if they nab it first.
The s-timer is necessary in this case, or otherwise the original tapper has no way to engage the thief.
The twitch required for this is no more than what is required to loot a standard wreck. Select, open cargo, loot.

I expect CODE would have an enormous interest in a side business of selling exploration licenses in the latter.
No license? Yoink! "Whatcha gonna do, bad boys bad boys"

As has been said, and agreed, this is specific to HS.
And also has been said, and to which I agree, in HS its a noob activity.
But I firmly think increased competition by means of either of the above would liven up the game also for these players positively so they feel some thrill in HS too. Also, increasing competition/risk is the necessary compromise to make the loot more desirable, or HS exploration may become as dead as HS combat anoms and ratting. Flashies are very exciting to new players and prompt them to learn more and maybe even balls it and engage, not just at the node, but also those who encounter the flashy in transit.

I dont know figures of how many HS explorers there are, but I do see that HS data sites ARE being cleared regularly as I pass through systems again looking for combat sigs, so there is a substantial demand. Relic sites however... Even noobs soon learn to skip them.
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#84 - 2015-08-06 12:05:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Unezka Turigahl
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS exploration may become as dead as HS combat anoms and ratting.

HS anoms are not dead at all. They are farmed big time for a ridiculous number of private 4/10s and 5/10s to run in hisec. It is completely broken. There is no point to actually scanning for 4/10s in hisec when you can just spam hideaways and refuges to get bookmarks to your own private little sites. CCP needs to make hideaways give 3/10 expeditions, not 4/10. And they need to reduce the chances of escalation. They should also add a third room to the 4/10 so that it takes longer to complete, allowing for a higher chance of being scanned down by other players.

Another option would be to turn expedition 4/10s and 5/10s into normal scannable signatures as soon as a player activates the gate. (maybe make it happen in hisec only)
Salvos Rhoska
#85 - 2015-08-06 12:21:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
HS exploration may become as dead as HS combat anoms and ratting.

HS anoms are not dead at all. They are farmed big time for a ridiculous number of private 4/10s and 5/10s to run in hisec. It is completely broken. There is no point to actually scanning for 4/10s in hisec when you can just spam hideaways and refuges to get bookmarks to your own private little sites. CCP needs to make hideaways give 3/10 expeditions, not 4/10. And they need to reduce the chances of escalation. They should also add a third room to the 4/10 so that it takes longer to complete, allowing for a higher chance of being scanned down by other players.

Another option would be to turn expedition 4/10s and 5/10s into scannable signatures as soon as a player activates the gate.

I see your point, and I always run combat anoms while simultaneously probing for combat sigs in that system for exactly this reason (and to allay a bit of boredom in HS and hear my guns fire and stuff exploding).

Ive been away for a bit and dont know if occurance of escalations has changed, but ive not had many as of yet.
If they are as frequent as you say, I agree with you, as the bread and butter of high sec combat exploration is in the sigs in safe space anyways and very (perhaps too) lucrative. Depending on where you operate, they can be more efficient than following escalation chains down long paths that require time and refits.

Ive read that anoms pile up in HS islands, and think that might be what you are experiencing in part, rather than running specific low traffic circuits in HS and nabbing combat sigs as they pass through those in their dispersal.

On the otherhand, its great that escalations tempt players out of HS past LS thresholds. And great for HS island players to make short trips to escalations in neighbouring LS.

Good points, but perhaps a matter for another thread, as this one is one HS data/relic nodes and how/if to make them more competetive.
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#86 - 2015-08-06 12:25:28 UTC
Hal Morsh wrote:

Now, back to the topic. Why was suspect removed from highsec sites.

Because loot spew was removed and because it really serves no purpose, as has been pointed out you compete by hacking faster or by being there first, do you think industrialists compete with suspect timers? do you think miners compete with suspect timers? do you think incursion runners compete with suspect timers?

You know where this is going :P
Salvos Rhoska
#87 - 2015-08-06 12:41:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Cypherous wrote:
You know where this is going :P

Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites where more competetive?

We already know that relic sites are ignored, and data site profits are low.

We can accept that as the status quo, or we can find a way to offset better loot with more competition.

Do you see what I mean?

Atm, making HS data drops better would result in more traffic, but not more inherent competition actually at the node.
Basically, more people would farm HS data, and true, create more competition between themselves.

But dont you think its rather boring at HS data sites?
One person will almost always arrive before the other, and there is no direct competition except analyzing the nodes left at the site.

Wouldnt it be more interesting and engaging if you can race to analyze the same node faster thatn your competitor?
Wouldnt it be more exciting to either suspect the competition will try to steal the 1can spew and you can then attack them, or inversely to steal the can and profit (if you can make survive transit) or hope you are attacked?

I dont think either of these detracts from the current system.
Instead, it improves it in ways that matter, and can also justify better drops.

The twitch element is marginal.
In a hack race, its just the same thing as usual, just faster, like speed chess.
To loot 1-2cans, its the same twitch as to loot a wreck. Approach, select, open cargo, loot.

See what I mean?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#88 - 2015-08-06 12:44:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Cypherous wrote:
You know where this is going :P

Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites where more competetive?
What does that have to do with anything he said?

Really, I have to ask, what is it with your fascination to ask completely unrelated and tangential questions to people who aren't discussing the same thing you are? Why do you feel this constant need to drag the conversation off topic?
Salvos Rhoska
#89 - 2015-08-06 13:20:37 UTC
Whats wrong with asking an interested party:

"Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites where more competetive?"


Its a begnign, simple and open question.
He can answer however he wants.
Also, note I addressed it to him, not you.
If I want to ask you something, I will refer to you by name.

Its also the core question of the thread, or atleast my own position in it.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#90 - 2015-08-06 13:24:20 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Whats wrong with asking an interested party:

"Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites where more competetive?"
It's off-topic.

Now, I understand that you really want to discuss the structure, nature, and means of competition in highsec exploration, and that's an interesting topic, but it's a topic for a different thread. Maybe you should start one.
Salvos Rhoska
#91 - 2015-08-06 13:37:45 UTC
Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites were more competetive?

And yes I really want to discuss the structure, nature and means of competitive HS exploration, (which I have demonstrated and done rather than try to complicatr individual posters in irrelevant rhetoric) all of which is pertinent and germane to OPs position as I see it.

I think OP would agree with me.

Tippia, my dear, despite years of effort, you still are not a mod.
You dont have the authority to delineate what is ontopic and what isnt.

If you dont like my posts, nobody is forcing you to twist your knickers on them, especially as they are not even addressed to you.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#92 - 2015-08-06 13:43:58 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites were more competetive?
Excellent question, but not really the topic of this thread. The topic of this thread is, to quote the OP:
Hal Morsh wrote:
Now, back to the topic. Why was suspect removed from highsec sites.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:
You dont have the authority to delineate what is ontopic and what isnt.
Yes I do, by virtue of being able to read what the OP — the one who created the topic — says the topic is. It's not what you want it to be, which is why I'm suggesting that maybe a new thread on your preferred topic is in order. We've even tried to suggest this to the OP, but he just goes back to wanting to talk about his precious theft-triggered S-flags.
Salvos Rhoska
#93 - 2015-08-06 13:59:33 UTC
Your entire line of argument and attack is entirely off-topic.
And I think that is deliberate on your part.

The topic is not to discuss whether its content is off-topic, which is the only thing you are doing.
Catch 22 there, my dear Tippia.

My reading of OPs topic differs from yours, and I maintain it is germane and relevant to my own question in this thread:

Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites were more competetive?

OPs position obviously is he would want s-timer theft mechanics reinstated, so he agrees with this question as per his OP, and hence is relevant to it.

TLDR: The person shouting at others that they are off-topic, is infact themselves demonstrably persistently off-topic.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#94 - 2015-08-06 14:06:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
My reading of OPs topic differs from yours

So when the OP says
Hal Morsh wrote:
Now, back to the topic. Why was suspect removed from highsec sites.
…you read that as him asking about competition — a word that appears nowhere in his description of the topic or in the OP — rather than suspect flagging — something that appears in almost every post he makes. That would explain a lot of the problems you're having with actually responding to what people say rather than to your feverish and wholly inaccurate dreams of what you wish they were saying.

There's a reason why I keep saying that you should stay away from the strawmen, you know. It's because you are utterly and completely incapable of not making them because you are very obviously functionally illiterate and have to make up nonsense to respond to on your own.

Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites were more competetive?
What does that have to do with s-flagging? And why do you keep asking about a position that no-one in the thread holds (since it's not really a part of the topic)? Why can't you keep on topic or just create a thread that discusses what you want to discuss? The button is right there; just click that one instead… why is that so difficult for you?
Nero Fazione
#95 - 2015-08-06 14:21:21 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
My reading of OPs topic differs from yours

So when the OP says
Hal Morsh wrote:
Now, back to the topic. Why was suspect removed from highsec sites.
…you read that as him asking about competition — a word that appears nowhere in his description of the topic or in the OP — rather than suspect flagging — something that appears in almost every post he makes. That would explain a lot of the problems you're having with actually responding to what people say rather than to your feverish and wholly inaccurate dreams of what you wish they were saying.

There's a reason why I keep saying that you should stay away from the strawmen, you know. It's because you are utterly and completely incapable of not making them because you are very obviously functionally illiterate and have to make up nonsense to respond to on your own.

Would it be bad if HS data/relic sites were more competetive?
What does that have to do with s-flagging? And why do you keep asking about a position that no-one in the thread holds (since it's not really a part of the topic)? Why can't you keep on topic or just create a thread that discusses what you want to discuss? The button is right there; just click that one instead… why is that so difficult for you?

You're both off topic.

In before lock P
Salvos Rhoska
#96 - 2015-08-06 14:29:12 UTC
Tippia, after all these years, still pretending to be a moderator.

Me stating my reading of OPs position and core concern is not strawman, anymore than your attempt to frame your own reading of it is. We interpret it differently. I dont dispute ypur interpretation, but when all ypu do is yell "off topic" it rrally begs the question what you think you are achieving.

You must be great fun at parties yelling "off topic" at everyone around you :)

As a demonstrable result of your actions, this thread for the last two pages is you yelling "off-topic", when I have contributed and discussed specifically ontopic on the germane issues with several independant posters.

My question is simple, and related to OP.

Would it be so bad if HS data/relic nodes where more competetive?

This does not preclude OPs position that s-timers would be required.
I have said directly that I am ambivalent on that, and have presented 2 options on how to make it more competetive, and outlined at length why more competetion would be a good thing.

Your best was some Sudoku model. Hmm...
Sunshine and Lollipops
#97 - 2015-08-06 14:45:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Tippia, after all these years, still pretending to be a moderator.
No. Still just demonstrating at least a level basic literacy, unlike you.

Me stating my reading of OPs position and core concern is not strawman
I didn't say it was. That's just you reading what you want to read rather than what's actually written.

My question is simple, and related to OP.
Your question is simple, at best tangential to the OP, and ultimately pointless since you're questioning a position no-one holds. Why is it so hard for you to discuss the actual topic — you know, s-flagging? Why do you have such difficulties creating a thread to discuss the tangent you want to go on? Is it because your question has already been answered by everyone (except, funnily enough, the OP) and no-one is picking it up as a result, so you know that it such a thread would be DOA?

Hell, you only went on this pointless tangent because you desperately wanted to prove something I said was “false”, which you immediately failed to do — as always — because you failed to read what was actually written — as always. Now you're clinging to it in an equally desperate attempt to prove your silly misreading was accurate, which you most likely will fail to do as well…

…or you could just go back on topic and discuss the reasons why s-flagging was removed from data/relic sites.
Salvos Rhoska
#98 - 2015-08-06 15:21:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Tippia wrote:

…or you could just go back on topic and discuss the reasons why s-flagging was removed from data/relic sites.

Fair enough.

The opportunity for flagging was ultimately negated by the over-riding change that loot spew was removed and substituted with the loot remaining in the node specifically and inviolably for the original analyze process completer, for them to access and loot.
No loot spew + inviolable access to the nodes loot= S-timer no longer exists.

The reason for this was primarily because loot spew was pissing off enormous amounts of explorers (for various reasons, most of which I dont agree with, but is not important here, but which I can elaborate on at length if asked).

Fair enough answer?

Now that that is out of the way, may I ask to indulge the readers, with the benefit of what has already been said in this thread, to consider the following question:

Would it be so bad if HS data/relic nodes were more competetive?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#99 - 2015-08-06 15:27:54 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Fair enough answer?
Yes. We already knew all of that.

Would it be so bad if HS data/relic nodes were more competetive?
No-one has argued that it would be.
Salvos Rhoska
#100 - 2015-08-06 15:31:45 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Fair enough answer?
Yes. We already knew all of that.

Would it be so bad if HS data/relic nodes were more competetive?
No-one has argued that it would be.


Then as I already presented earlier, how can we achieve that?