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Announcement: Demon Summoning Temple Operational

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2015-08-03 07:26:29 UTC
Nauplius, have you been playing too much Macabre, Sacrilege or any holo-game of the Battlemace franchise lately?

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#22 - 2015-08-03 08:40:51 UTC
Demon summoning, eh?

And there I was, thinking that Nauplius was going to take up dairy farming.


Colour me surprised.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2015-08-03 10:31:57 UTC
But seriously, you shouldn't summon demons to this plane - lest you wish to accidentally cause ragnarokk to happen.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Hoi Andrapodistai
#24 - 2015-08-03 11:34:15 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
But seriously, you shouldn't summon demons to this plane - lest you wish to accidentally cause ragnarokk to happen.

Who is to say that the hidden Will of God is that his Chosen, Nauplius, would set in motion the End of Days — called Ragnarok by the slave people — by summoning forth a Demon Legion and binding them to the destruction of the Minmatar?
Hoi Andrapodistai
#25 - 2015-08-03 11:45:27 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Oh man, this could backfire horribly. We all know that for demon summoning you require at least one rock star (and they better be good!) in case the demon disobeys you. And they do that a lot, reportedly.

If they do disobey, challenge them to a rock-off. Thing with demons is that they can't really decline and the terms can be just about anything - from banishment to eternal servitude. However, this can happen to you as well if you lose - that's why your rocker should be real good.

Also, keep in mind, demons love rock. Chances are Bhaalgorn is so good at it he can play a riff so epic it will sunder space and cause another Seyllin or something. Summon with caution - I heard he plays a quad-necked guitar.

You will note that the demon summoning ritual contains many obscure elements — a circle, a triangle, depictions of the Ametat and Avetat, repeating various names of God, and so on. I believe these elements offer sufficient protection against the things you fear — my demons cannot disobey me.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-08-03 12:10:54 UTC
You know what's a running theme with Sani Sabik capsuleers?

Over time, their attempts to obtain the attention of the IGS inevitably get more and more elaborate, grandiose and far-fetched, and yet at the same time more boring. It happened with Revan Neferis, it happened with Cyshade, it happened with what's-her-face from Khanid and once again it's repeating itself with Nauplius. Each and every Blooder becomes more and more desperate for attention and praise, universally fails to obtain it, attempts to settle for villainous infamy and when even that doesn't stick continues to do more and more preposterous things in pursuit of recognition - and none of it is even that fun to watch.

Revan Neferis talked too much and did too little, and while successful at precious little else she was instrumental in setting that as the general trend for Sabik capsuleers. Nauplius manages to somehow be even less charismatic while talking even more and doing even less. Now he's quite literally, without hyperbole, attempting to summon demons from hell and he still can't make it compelling. I can't hate Nauplius. I can't even summon the empathy neccessary to dislike him. Even expending the effort to type this seems to be giving the phalically-challenged, intellectually bankrupt little goon more attention than he's entitled to, but I thought it was worth pointing out that he can't even make cartoonish moustache-twirling villainy the least bit intriguing.

I can understand why he's turning to the supernatural, though - if he wants to be interesting or relevant, he'll certainly need a miracle.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#27 - 2015-08-03 13:24:00 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
You know what's a running theme with Sani Sabik capsuleers?
Each and every Blooder becomes more and more desperate for attention and praise, universally fails to obtain it, attempts to settle for villainous infamy and when even that doesn't stick continues to do more and more preposterous things in pursuit of recognition - and none of it is even that fun to watch.

Well, that's where you're wrong, matey.

I defy your laughable stereotype.

But then, I am the greatest Sani Sabik theophilosopher of the modern age, as Cardinal Graelyn once said to me.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Marcus Gord
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-08-03 13:25:27 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:
Oh man, this could backfire horribly. We all know that for demon summoning you require at least one rock star (and they better be good!) in case the demon disobeys you. And they do that a lot, reportedly.

If they do disobey, challenge them to a rock-off. Thing with demons is that they can't really decline and the terms can be just about anything - from banishment to eternal servitude. However, this can happen to you as well if you lose - that's why your rocker should be real good.

Also, keep in mind, demons love rock. Chances are Bhaalgorn is so good at it he can play a riff so epic it will sunder space and cause another Seyllin or something. Summon with caution - I heard he plays a quad-necked guitar.

If you win, it's safe to assume whatever is played by the winner is the best song in the universe. It may be lucrative to remember how it goes, or you'll be stuck simply playing a tribute to it, which isn't going to be as good by any measure.

In a few moments you will have an experience that will seem completely real. It will be the result of your subconscious fears transformed to your conscious awareness.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#29 - 2015-08-03 13:36:53 UTC
Okay, for once an "Also: Bwahahahaha" would really be redundant.

Nauplius wrote:

Am I not Chosen beyond Chosen? Have I not the right to delve into the dark, occult knowledge; the knowledge forbidden to the lesser folk? If the wayward and liberal Empire will not wage total war against the Minmatar, might I not summon a demon legion to wage that war instead?

Respectively: probably not, no more than anybody else, almost certainly not.

If this were anyone else I'd think it was a weird marketing campaign for rock salt rail charges or something, but it's Nauplius, so ...

Predicted course: he keeps refining his technique, probably in ways that will involve more deaths, growing increasingly frustrated at not having actually summoned a single verifiable demon. Eventually he decides that, being demons, his summoned minions are naturally invisible and intangible, and are out there waging no doubt horrific spiritual destruction upon the Matari.

He declares victory and moves on to something else.
TK Corp
#30 - 2015-08-03 13:41:33 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Predicted course: he keeps refining his technique, probably in ways that will involve more deaths, growing increasingly frustrated at not having actually summoned a single verifiable demon. Eventually he decides that, being demons, his summoned minions are naturally invisible and intangible, and are out there waging no doubt horrific spiritual destruction upon the Matari.

He declares victory and moves on to something else.

And, of course:

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#31 - 2015-08-03 14:00:39 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Predicted course: he keeps refining his technique, probably in ways that will involve more deaths, growing increasingly frustrated at not having actually summoned a single verifiable demon. Eventually he decides that, being demons, his summoned minions are naturally invisible and intangible, and are out there waging no doubt horrific spiritual destruction upon the Matari.

He declares victory and moves on to something else.

And, of course:


Yeah. It just seems ... redundant ... to say when he's talking about bathing in blood and summoning demons, right down to the italics.
Anyanka Funk
#32 - 2015-08-03 14:22:25 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
You know what's a running theme with Sani Sabik capsuleers?

Over time, their attempts to obtain the attention of the IGS inevitably get more and more elaborate, grandiose and far-fetched, and yet at the same time more boring. It happened with Revan Neferis, it happened with Cyshade, it happened with what's-her-face from Khanid and once again it's repeating itself with Nauplius. Each and every Blooder becomes more and more desperate for attention and praise, universally fails to obtain it, attempts to settle for villainous infamy and when even that doesn't stick continues to do more and more preposterous things in pursuit of recognition - and none of it is even that fun to watch.

Revan Neferis talked too much and did too little, and while successful at precious little else she was instrumental in setting that as the general trend for Sabik capsuleers. Nauplius manages to somehow be even less charismatic while talking even more and doing even less. Now he's quite literally, without hyperbole, attempting to summon demons from hell and he still can't make it compelling. I can't hate Nauplius. I can't even summon the empathy neccessary to dislike him. Even expending the effort to type this seems to be giving the phalically-challenged, intellectually bankrupt little goon more attention than he's entitled to, but I thought it was worth pointing out that he can't even make cartoonish moustache-twirling villainy the least bit intriguing.

I can understand why he's turning to the supernatural, though - if he wants to be interesting or relevant, he'll certainly need a miracle.

You're looking for the scope.

I can see why sacrificing Gallente would be problematic now. The only attributes they seem to all share is whininess and poor hygiene.
TK Corp
#33 - 2015-08-03 14:38:40 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Yeah. It just seems ... redundant ... to say when he's talking about bathing in blood and summoning demons, right down to the italics.

So does this mean we can cross the Sani Sabik off of your list of cultures to immerse yourself in?
Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#34 - 2015-08-03 15:00:07 UTC
I have a Number of Criticisms relating to This Topic.

Nauplius wrote:

Preparing the Ritual Space

In the center of the ritual space, place an Altar of God. On one side of the Altar of God, draw a Triangle in consecrated slave blood, a Triangle large enough to contain a demon. Along one side of the Triangle, draw the name Garrulor. Along another side of the Triangle, draw the name Frisceas. Along the third side of the Triangle, draw the name Sefrim. On the other side of the Altar of God, opposite the Triangle, draw a Circle in consecrated slave blood, a Circle large enough to contain the summoner. Along the circumference of the Circle, repeatedly draw the following letters in an ancient script: ὁ τοῦ αἵματος θεός (meaning, the Blood God).

Clothing and Personal Preparation

Wear a robe of golden thread. On one side of robe's chest, draw Ametat the Scepter in consecrated slave blood. On the other side, draw Avetat the Crown.

The Conjuration

Gather a sacrificial blade and an unconsecrated golden goblet and strap an unconsecrated Brutor to the Altar of God (a consecrated Brutor would harm the demon to whom we will be offering the Brutor's blood).

  1. It does not state the Orientation of the Triangle. Is it to Point To the Altar, or Away from the Altar ?
  2. It does not state the Type of Triangle. Is it Equilateral ?
  3. It does not explicitly state the Size of the Triangle. How large is a Demon ? Is it Larger than a Person ? How much Larger ?
  4. It does not state how the Text should be Arranged along the Sides of the Triangle. Is the Text to be Above the Triangle, such that the Triangle underlines it ?
  5. It does not state the Orientation of the Text along the Circumference of the Circle. Should the Text be Above the Circle, or underneath it ?
  6. What kind of Robe ? A Knee length Robe ? An Ankle length Robe ? does the Robe have a Hood ?
  7. It does not state the Orientation of the Drawings of the Ametat and Avetat. Which Direction should they be Pointing ?
  8. It does not state the appropriate Volume for the Goblet. What size should it Be ?

This lack of Detail, means that Reproducibility of this Activity is lacking. It is Not Properly Documented. Therefore, Unscientific.


Demons, being Creatures of God, and thus, given a Place and Purpose by God, would have their Own Schedules of Appointed Work.

Interrupting them, by Summoning them, and Preventing them from carrying out their Appointed Duties, is therefore to Interfere with their God-Appointed Purpose, which is Possibly Blasphemous.


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#35 - 2015-08-03 15:04:06 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Yeah. It just seems ... redundant ... to say when he's talking about bathing in blood and summoning demons, right down to the italics.

So does this mean we can cross the Sani Sabik off of your list of cultures to immerse yourself in?

That was always somewhere between "uncertain" and "unlikely."

I do maintain backups, so the most I'm likely to lose is a few days of time, but I'd rather not have my record of time spent with the Sani be holo footage someone sends me of myself twitching on some apparatus as I'm slowly drained of blood.

I got a close enough look at the Church of the Crimson Savior (who seem to be some of the nicer ones) while I was with SFRIM to make that seem like a likely outcome. Also, since clone blood is apparently considered more pure (maybe kind of like children's blood?), you and I are just the sort of people the Raiders would love to get a hold of.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2015-08-03 15:16:26 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
I have a Number of Criticisms relating to This Topic.

Nauplius wrote:

Preparing the Ritual Space

In the center of the ritual space, place an Altar of God. On one side of the Altar of God, draw a Triangle in consecrated slave blood, a Triangle large enough to contain a demon. Along one side of the Triangle, draw the name Garrulor. Along another side of the Triangle, draw the name Frisceas. Along the third side of the Triangle, draw the name Sefrim. On the other side of the Altar of God, opposite the Triangle, draw a Circle in consecrated slave blood, a Circle large enough to contain the summoner. Along the circumference of the Circle, repeatedly draw the following letters in an ancient script: ὁ τοῦ αἵματος θεός (meaning, the Blood God).

Clothing and Personal Preparation

Wear a robe of golden thread. On one side of robe's chest, draw Ametat the Scepter in consecrated slave blood. On the other side, draw Avetat the Crown.

The Conjuration

Gather a sacrificial blade and an unconsecrated golden goblet and strap an unconsecrated Brutor to the Altar of God (a consecrated Brutor would harm the demon to whom we will be offering the Brutor's blood).

  1. It does not state the Orientation of the Triangle. Is it to Point To the Altar, or Away from the Altar ?
  2. It does not state the Type of Triangle. Is it Equilateral ?
  3. It does not explicitly state the Size of the Triangle. How large is a Demon ? Is it Larger than a Person ? How much Larger ?
  4. It does not state how the Text should be Arranged along the Sides of the Triangle. Is the Text to be Above the Triangle, such that the Triangle underlines it ?
  5. It does not state the Orientation of the Text along the Circumference of the Circle. Should the Text be Above the Circle, or underneath it ?
  6. What kind of Robe ? A Knee length Robe ? An Ankle length Robe ? does the Robe have a Hood ?
  7. It does not state the Orientation of the Drawings of the Ametat and Avetat. Which Direction should they be Pointing ?
  8. It does not state the appropriate Volume for the Goblet. What size should it Be ?

This lack of Detail, means that Reproducibility of this Activity is lacking. It is Not Properly Documented. Therefore, Unscientific.


Demons, being Creatures of God, and thus, given a Place and Purpose by God, would have their Own Schedules of Appointed Work.

Interrupting them, by Summoning them, and Preventing them from carrying out their Appointed Duties, is therefore to Interfere with their God-Appointed Purpose, which is Possibly Blasphemous.


I Do Not Recommend Attempting To Repeat This Ritual, due to the Risk of Accidental Blasphemy through Improper Practice.

There is that, and of course you must bear in mind that it is all bollocks.
Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#37 - 2015-08-03 15:17:09 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

I got a close enough look at the Church of the Crimson Savior (who seem to be some of the nicer ones) while I was with SFRIM to make that seem like a likely outcome.

It is an Unlikely Outcome.

Unless you explicitly Volunteered for Such.

Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#38 - 2015-08-03 15:56:38 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:
Oh man, this could backfire horribly. We all know that for demon summoning you require at least one rock star (and they better be good!) in case the demon disobeys you. And they do that a lot, reportedly.

If they do disobey, challenge them to a rock-off. Thing with demons is that they can't really decline and the terms can be just about anything - from banishment to eternal servitude. However, this can happen to you as well if you lose - that's why your rocker should be real good.

Also, keep in mind, demons love rock. Chances are Bhaalgorn is so good at it he can play a riff so epic it will sunder space and cause another Seyllin or something. Summon with caution - I heard he plays a quad-necked guitar.

You will note that the demon summoning ritual contains many obscure elements — a circle, a triangle, depictions of the Ametat and Avetat, repeating various names of God, and so on. I believe these elements offer sufficient protection against the things you fear — my demons cannot disobey me.

Demons love to disobey people. Why do you think there are no demons or summoners about - most of the latter were killed by the former, who then returned to going about their daily business instead of rampaging through this plane.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#39 - 2015-08-03 16:21:30 UTC
All of this is Quite Silly.
Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#40 - 2015-08-03 19:53:38 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

I got a close enough look at the Church of the Crimson Savior (who seem to be some of the nicer ones) while I was with SFRIM to make that seem like a likely outcome.

It is an Unlikely Outcome.

Unless you explicitly Volunteered for Such.

Respectfully, I got a close look because I got a little bit involved. Before, I never understood how exquisitely personal the conflict between Sani and Amarr is. But I got a sense of it while I was there.

As much as I like to approach things as a neutral observer, it's obvious that I can't remain completely neutral. I'm not a wandering spirit; I leave footprints. Some of those footprints pass through the Empire.

Can you guarantee that neither you nor any of your people would use me as a pawn to attack any friends or loved ones I might have among the Amarr? If I were to put myself in your power, it wouldn't be difficult to do.

It's not as though such things never happen. I've acted as a messenger in that sort of thing before, and don't have much desire to become a message.