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War Dec System Needs To Change.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#41 - 2015-07-30 08:05:51 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

There's plenty of reason. Your ideas are not only terrible(seriously, lay off the drugs), they go against the core values of EVE Online.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2015-07-30 09:13:16 UTC
Sitting Bull Lakota wrote:
... all for the price of a 14" pepperoni pizza and breadsticks.


Dammit you just made me hungry

On the More SP= Better argument that's utter rubbish, I have ~35 mil SP no and a 12mil combat focused pilot would most likely kill me in BC or BS combat, in frigate or destroyer combat we'd be evenly matched as we would both have all tech II fit ships, or I could equally match them in two of the tech III destroyers. And there is the point, we would be evenly matched because we both have maxed out skills for those hulls even though I have roughly 3x more SP. If you take a fleet of maxed out frigate pilots into the shattered WH's you can only meet other pilots in the same class frigate with probably the same maxed out skills no matter what the SP disparity of the pilots overall.

As for wardecs I agree they need changing but entirely disagree with the OP's proposals to do so. The changes need to be tied to the new structures and worked around those.
Iam The Flash
#43 - 2015-07-30 09:51:09 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

There's plenty of reason. Your ideas are not only terrible(seriously, lay off the drugs), they go against the core values of EVE Online.

Yeh u need to grow up, i haven't done drugs since college n that was 18 years ago, i don't drink either, so get a clue

code member against war dec changes, what a surprise.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#44 - 2015-07-30 09:54:17 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:

Yeh u need to grow up, i haven't done drugs since college n that was 18 years ago, i don't drink either, so get a clue

You're high right now, aren't you? It's okay to admit it, admitting that you have a problem is the first step to getting help.


code member against war dec changes, what a surprise.

I opposed things like this long before I was in CODE, and if that alliance folds tomorrow I will continue to oppose it. Because they are bad for the game, and are only proposed out of pure, disgusting selfishness.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Iam The Flash
#45 - 2015-07-30 10:25:42 UTC
Oh so u think that new players should be driven out of the game non stop by idiots like you?

I.e griefer alliances doing everything they can to gank n kill people non stop?

Excellent job mate, well done, why don't ccp just turn all high sec in null then

let's do that

you're a joke
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2015-07-30 10:29:00 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

Oh and the dude from TPOH - Im in brussels with work for a week, if id have been online n fcing that fleet i'd have owned ur ass so quick ud be wondering what had happend.

get a clue

ahuahauah a omg lol whuwhuwhuwhw that is so funny that is borderline mind damaging.

You probably just managed to get a infinite war manteinance set to your corp now.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2015-07-30 10:30:37 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Sitting Bull Lakota wrote:
... all for the price of a 14" pepperoni pizza and breadsticks.


Dammit you just made me hungry

On the More SP= Better argument that's utter rubbish, I have ~35 mil SP no and a 12mil combat focused pilot would most likely kill me in BC or BS combat, in frigate or destroyer combat we'd be evenly matched as we would both have all tech II fit ships, or I could equally match them in two of the tech III destroyers. And there is the point, we would be evenly matched because we both have maxed out skills for those hulls even though I have roughly 3x more SP. If you take a fleet of maxed out frigate pilots into the shattered WH's you can only meet other pilots in the same class frigate with probably the same maxed out skills no matter what the SP disparity of the pilots overall.

As for wardecs I agree they need changing but entirely disagree with the OP's proposals to do so. The changes need to be tied to the new structures and worked around those.

We have examples well within our ranks. I have more than 150 M sp, but i am not even a quarter as effective or as good as some ofmy corp members with 30M sp.
But I am still far far better than anything the corp of the OP has deployed yet :)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#48 - 2015-07-30 10:37:41 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
Oh so u think that new players should be driven out of the game non stop by idiots like you?

I think that CCP themselves has conclusively shown that killing new players is one of the best things you can do to drive positive player retention.

And I also think that anyone who quits this game because they are allowed to lose is no big loss.


I.e griefer alliances doing everything they can to gank n kill people non stop?

Killing other players is not "griefing", period. The rules permit it, and it's intended gameplay. Deal with it.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2015-07-30 10:42:23 UTC
And lets be lear. THE OP is complainign becaue his corp lost navy vexors, maelstroms and Sleipnirs .

If you are flying a sleipnir you are NOT a noob SP wise.

I personally avoid killing clearly very new characters, and when it is a couple months old I do not forget to send him an eve mail explaining what he did wrong.

How much good advice the veterans on the OP corp gave to his newer members? Clearly not much.. because undocking a mining barge and warping it to the middle of a fight would not happen otherwise.

I am 100% sure than I have tought a lot mroe about eve to new players than all these whiny corp leaders that jsut come to the forums saying his corp should not be the target of wardecs. THEY are the cancer of this game, not us.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2015-07-30 10:46:00 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
Oh so u think that new players should be driven out of the game non stop by idiots like you?

I.e griefer alliances doing everything they can to gank n kill people non stop?

Excellent job mate, well done, why don't ccp just turn all high sec in null then

let's do that

you're a joke

It is no where like null. Were were paid and had to pay money to e able to war dec you. We have to find you, and local is warning 100% of time when we get into system. Your members on other hand are completely unable to notice flashy red signs in local and warp of. Even worse they are compeltely unable to talk within corp to realize that a fight is goign on and they warp pve ships into the same place.

Your corp shown an huge amount of incompetence. Face it... What drive people away from the game is being lead by a horrible CEO and corp members that cannot even car to warn their mates that they should not do certain things.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2015-07-30 10:47:23 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

There's plenty of reason. Your ideas are not only terrible(seriously, lay off the drugs), they go against the core values of EVE Online.

Yeh u need to grow up, i haven't done drugs since college n that was 18 years ago, i don't drink either, so get a clue

code member against war dec changes, what a surprise.

Again an amazing show of ignorance of yours. Code does not wardec. Changes to wardec would not impact them at all.

You cannot expect to be taken seriously when you manage to show complete lack of knowledge of the game.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Fredegar Hohenstaufen Corporation
Holy Arumbian Empire
#52 - 2015-07-30 10:55:42 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.
Really griefer alliance? I'm in a corporation full of less than a month old pilots who've never experienced EVE... hell, a lot of them haven't even looked at it before.
We're currently dealing with 12 war declarations right now and the new players seem to be handling the situation and enjoying the game just fine.

Quite simply, everyone is picking holes because the restrictions you propose would completely ruin the war system and make it possible and stupidly easy for too many corporations/alliances to become immune to real declarations.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2015-07-30 11:16:59 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:

This would in effect make "mercs" an actual play style as they would have to get out of hubs and look for their targets. I.e what real mercs do.

Idk, we've been doing that all the time regardless of having 50 decs some times. And unlike Marmite and such we did not only gank you, we took fights against you, and came to your lowsec. And the players don't look all new. Maybe they need a little coaching, but they seemed like they had an idea of what they were doing when they came in a gang for us.

I'm not gonna argue about the war deccing mechanics in eve. In fact there are some aspects I don't like about them either. But instead of bitching you should try to figure out how to adapt. Maybe you should think of this as practice for your noobs considering you can't find **** in null. Frankly, if you were living in an active null area you'd probably be seeing the same results as in highsec right now.

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Karra Masamune
Intelligence Operation NetCorp
#54 - 2015-07-30 12:40:45 UTC
I do agree war decs need to change but, capping number of decs is like saying lets cap number of sov systems alliance can hold or amount of POS they can use for moon mining, etc etc...

Wars are easy to avoid, you leave corporation / create new one, move members (sure you lose ability to place POS for a week). Dec cost is 50 mill (up to 500 mill), creating new corporation is 1.7 mill, it is between 2941.18%-29411.76% more expensive to declare war then to avoid it, sure it's annoying to move people especially for larger corporations but I did see up to 100 people or so swap corporation in a day.

On other hand creating alliance is 1 bill (on top of 40 days of useless skills), where you don't get any benefits except that you are pulled in war together and delayed alliance chat (usually you can't see how many people are online). You don't have alliance bookmarks, access to alliance POS (except hiding in shields), or alliance hangar, but you do get 2 mill tax per month per corporation in alliance. Still cost of creating one is 62507.81% higher then creating new corporation, where Dec cost is still between 50 and 500 mill.

To fix some parts of it would be to bump cost of creating new corporation to lets say 250 mill (new people will mostly join existing corporation, where they can learn about eve, instead of creating their own). On top of that I would add tax that is paid by corporation for each member that joins (one time) lets say 5-10 mill so that people are more inclined to protect it, hide in wh space, fight, hire mercs or even pay surrender.

With changes to cost of creating corporation and joining, wars could be more expensive, but still less then cost of creating new corporation, lets say decs would be between 125-500 mill (50% cost of new corporation + additional cost for every subscribed member over 51 etc..) .

There should be more of a benefit of owning alliance in high sec, for example alliance office hangar (with better way of limiting who can take what and logs of who put what in and took what out etc.), shared POS access for whole alliance, maybe even things like alliance insurance that is slightly cheaper, etc.

Regarding surrender, if accepted it should make alliance/corporations unable to declare war against that specific alliance/corporation that did surrender for at least 1 month if not 3 months.

Issue with NPC corporations and this is a bit more complicated to fix, mostly incursion runners and some missions runners lose isk on tax (LP not included), where traders, site runners, miners, explorers aren't affected by it as they hunt for loot and not bounties. Even if NPC tax is increased only few type of players would be affected by it. So one of the possible fixes maybe a bit extreme for it would be limitation to market, trade between players and contracts to lets say only rookie systems. That way people would be forced to be in corporation, they would have reason to fight for it, to hire mercs, to negotiate deals, hide in wh, join null alliance, etc... I'm sure there still would be a way to work around all this but at least it would be much more annoying then it is.

This kind of change would probably alienate some people from game, but at same time it would be more of a sandbox game as NPC corporations would be only there for standings, missions and to protect newbys.

Obviously this idea needs more work but it's much better then stuff like "Lets start capping stuff I don't like that aren't even related to what I do, because I can't find where to PVP in null." and maybe stop blue balling everyone around you. If anything bunch of high sec people did move to null because of high sec wars as they feel safer in null...
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#55 - 2015-07-30 13:10:34 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Your corp shown an huge amount of incompetence. Face it... What drive people away from the game is being lead by a horrible CEO and corp members that cannot even car to warn their mates that they should not do certain things.

Corp leadership is more influential on NPE than wardecs and ganking. New players can enjoy a war Dec, Even On the losing side, when lead by CEOs who are not awful.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2015-07-30 13:12:50 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

Oh and the dude from TPOH - Im in brussels with work for a week, if id have been online n fcing that fleet i'd have owned ur ass so quick ud be wondering what had happend.

get a clue

Just be carefull not to drop the soap.

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#57 - 2015-07-30 13:23:04 UTC
Karra Masamune wrote:

To fix some parts of it would be to bump cost of creating new corporation to lets say 250 mill (new people will mostly join existing corporation, where they can learn about eve, instead of creating their own). On top of that I would add tax that is paid by corporation for each member that joins (one time) lets say 5-10 mill so that people are more inclined to protect it, hide in wh space, fight, hire mercs or even pay surrender.

Social Corp plugBlink

Start one for free!

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Iam The Flash
#58 - 2015-07-30 13:54:05 UTC
Ju0ZaS wrote:
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

Oh and the dude from TPOH - Im in brussels with work for a week, if id have been online n fcing that fleet i'd have owned ur ass so quick ud be wondering what had happend.

get a clue

Just be carefull not to drop the soap.

Rest assured that if i wasn't in Brussels with work, u'd have lost ur silly sansha ship in seconds, there was no qualified fc online, u got lucky, end of story

Get a clue griefer
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2015-07-30 14:33:22 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
Ju0ZaS wrote:
Iam The Flash wrote:
The replies are about what i expected. Griefer alliances picking holes for no reason.

Oh and the dude from TPOH - Im in brussels with work for a week, if id have been online n fcing that fleet i'd have owned ur ass so quick ud be wondering what had happend.

get a clue

Just be carefull not to drop the soap.

Rest assured that if i wasn't in Brussels with work, u'd have lost ur silly sansha ship in seconds, there was no qualified fc online, u got lucky, end of story

Get a clue griefer

You're so cute...

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Alexander McKeon
Caldari State
#60 - 2015-07-30 14:33:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexander McKeon
Member of a hardcore carebear alliance checking in with a simple question: what was the last time any of the dec corps stood and fought against a 20-30 man fleet, as opposed to docking up in order to maintain KB efficiency stats?

Regarding the topic: let's face it, 50m is nothing more than random pocket change on a corporation level, and a competent individual could finance a dozen wars per week without working too hard at it. Paying 50m to effectively shut down a corp full of newbies who are just learning the game is *not* good for EVE's longevity, and yet happens all the time.

Scenario A) Wardec corp attacks casual hisec corp who are bad at eve, they loose stuff and are encouraged to not play for a week and may eventually quit the game before they learn it well enough to stick with it. This is not good for new player retention, which we as a community desperately need. As it stands, wardec mechanics are working against this goal and should be revised (though not eliminated).

Scenario B) Wardec corp engages a similar sized entity who do stuff in hisec and do weekend pvp roams in low. The defender gets their ships over to hisec and engages the wardeccers who stand and fight even if victory isn't certain. Good fun is had by everyone; this is the Unicorn Scenario.

Scenario C) Wardec corp engages a large pvp-capable entity which dispatches small fleets to patrol active areas. Wardec corp docks up in order to preserve their KB statistics, no pvp occurs, and for a very modest isk cost and no actual fighting you've forced a much larger group to stop ordinary operations in lieu of suffering losses they're smart enough to avoid, costing them many times the wardec fee. This sort of asymmetrical risk v. reward is poor game design and keeping control over the war entirely in the aggressor's hands doesn't help either. I shouldn't have a "pay isk to prevent [300 man hisec corp] from doing normal hisec stuff" button.

Looking at the killboards of several major wardec corps, it's quite clear that the risk incurred through the act of a declaration against most targets is miniscule relative to how much they kill. I for one am a fan of a slightly more balanced equation.

What I'd like to see; when a corporation declares war, a greatly increased wardec fee is put into escrow and their HQ system (which must be in hisec) spawns command nodes which can be fought over in a manner similar to nullsec ones. If the defenders succeed in node capture events, the dec ends immediately and they get a period of immunity in addition to the entire dec fee for their troubles.

Should the war end by the attackers not renewing it, they get 90% of the isk put into escrow back. Against defenders unable or unwilling to fight, this would function exactly like the current system. It would however provide an incentive not to declare war against entities which you are completely unable to contest in an open fight, and possibly create additional conflict spots at the command nodes. Punishing attackers who have neither the ability nor intention to actually fight against organized resistance would eliminate much of the poor game design currently present, and might even lead to interesting scenarios where a bunch of brave newbies band together against the 'evil' corps stopping them from mining and missioning, learning some pvp in the process and increasing how attached they are to EVE.

I feel that such a system would eliminate the feeling of helplessness and lack of control many hisec corps cite as reasons for disliking wardec mechanics.