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The Book of Bob

Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2015-07-28 19:49:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Orob Ninebands
Erica Dusette wrote:
He meant 'thread'.

Do you actually live and base your operations from wormhole space? If so I'd be a little more careful throwing your feather-weight around and leveling personal insults at all and sundry who don't agree with your gimmick. Pretty sure you're not making many friends or followers right now.

Yes, we do. And if you will look and see, the insults were leveled at me first. I have every right to respond when attacked. You guys seem to miss the fact that you started throwing stones first. And all over a stupid roleplay thing....
Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2015-07-28 20:16:26 UTC
Ok, I'm going to try to sort this for you guys as one last attempt. You can take it or leave it.

I live in w-space.

No, I do not have as much experience as some other folks, my character isn't that old.

Yes my KB sucks. I fly solo a lot, I fight outnumbered nearly all the time. My ships explode. I don't care. I have fun. I build more ships, I go out and explode them too.

I take all bait.

I take nearly all fights, and if I don't, its because I'm in the middle of trying to get something else accomplished.

You jump into my hole with 6 T3s + logi + commandship + curse + HIC, yes, I will come out in a single domi and try to take one of you down with me and fail hilariously. Thats how I play when I don't have guys online to fleet up. Thats what I enjoy, fights.

My experience is in SMALL wh corp that generally can't field many ships at one time, but we still try and I think that is better than sitting in a POS.

This Prouentibus Bob thing is RP. Nobody is trying to **** all over the established wh tradition, we are simply roleplaying a cult of sorts. I mistakenly thought that since it related to Bob and WH, that I should put it in here.

I WAS NOT trying to **** everyone off by doing that.

I'm a volatile person in my own right and when I get attacked I attack back if I am justified. This applies in-game and in RL. I don't take BS from anyone. Yes, this can be detrimental to me in-game.

Maybe I was trolled to death in here, I'm not sure anymore. I can tell you that it FEELS like you guys have taken something way more seriously than you should have because you failed to see it for what it actually is.

I do what I want, and railing on me for it makes no difference to me. I tried to address the point about "cultural appropiation" because I thought that was a valid point, but obviously that was of no use.

This feels like some kind of really twisted Shia vs. Suni style conflict that makes no sense to me. Its just RP.

If I have totally missed that part or indeed even all of your reactions have been IC, then I apologize.

Hate me if you want, I'd rather you didn't but even if you do I'll still be in w-space, I'll still be me, and I'll still enjoy playing this game.

If anyone wants to have an actual reasonable discussion about your gripes, then I would be happy to engage you.

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#83 - 2015-07-28 20:17:28 UTC
I keep having these moments, like "Should I actually try and help these guys, or just let it go and watch the trainwreck from distance?". I keep posting though ... might have something to do with the fact power just went out at work, right as my alts hit 30% shield on a pos they're sieging (#bringing solo back).


Anyway, I believe you made a bad move coming at the Bob thing in the way you have. Kalel's suggestion in your IGS thread about just creating a random diety would have worked much better. A lot of WH'ers couldn't care less about the Bob thing, others take it more serious, many are tired of it. But whatever way you look at it Bob is a part of the culture and community in w-space. Bob is not yours to take, reinterpret and then claim to be 'your' thing where everyone else is a scrub if they don't tow the line of your personal lore or indeed if they attack it. Meeting hostility or being trolled was absolutely inevitable with what you've done. *shrugs*

Your intentions were awesome, the execution ... not so.

Not all (or even many) wormholers are roleplayers. But they don't **** on others' who do either. Some of the best people in EVE live in wormholes. I've been in WHs and RP'd within this community for years and have maybe been attacked twice ever for being a roleplayer. The reason I manage to get at least a little respect is because I embrace the culture and live the WH life, from solo to small gang, T3 blobs to cap ganks, sieges and evictions. My characters do the actions to match their talk. You embrace the WH lifestyle and show people you're at least semi-competent and you'll find they in turn will often embrace (and even enjoy!) your characters and their RP. You've done quite the opposite though.

So where would I advise going from here? I really dunno, but any direction other than the current one.

Wormholers hate talk and no action, as much as they do NPC alts. Just the way the culture is. Gank a cap then post a Bob-inspired epiphany that came after or during it and maybe more will listen.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#84 - 2015-07-28 20:20:57 UTC
dusette can we jihad his hole since I missed the last eviction :c

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2015-07-28 20:33:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Orob Ninebands
Erica Dusette wrote:
I keep having these moments, like "Should I actually try and help these guys, or just let it go and watch the trainwreck from distance?". I keep posting though ... might have something to do with the fact power just went out at work, right as my alts hit 30% shield on a pos they're sieging (#bringing solo back).


Anyway, I believe you made a bad move coming at the Bob thing in the way you have. Kalel's suggestion in your IGS thread about just creating a random diety would have worked much better. A lot of WH'ers couldn't care less about the Bob thing, others take it more serious, many are tired of it. But whatever way you look at it Bob is a part of the culture and community in w-space. Bob is not yours to take, reinterpret and then claim to be 'your' thing where everyone else is a scrub if they don't tow the line of your personal lore or indeed if they attack it. Meeting hostility or being trolled was absolutely inevitable with what you've done. *shrugs*

I feel like you are still failing to recognize that what you call claiming Bob to be "our" thing is RP. That's what a cult would do, claim that they have the only truth, the only god, etc. It is all just backstory for an RP thing we are trying to do. And maybe I made a mistake by not laying out the point of the RP thing in the first place. Prouentibus Bob is not going to be a part of the w-space community. It is about Drifter incursions and f-ing with the Amarr RPers. Bob is a cool concept with squat for lore. We aren't trying to squash the w-space tradition, we are creating a k-space and Thera dwelling religious extremist group that claims to be the only ones with the truth, as ALL RELIGIONS DO, as I have said before and looks up to w-space.. This isn't about trying to change the story in w-space. Bob in w-space is not conducive to serious RP however.

What I see is a "Wormholers believe this and that crazy cult believes this other thing" situation. This wasn't meant to be remolding of w-space culture, this was meant to be a seperate thing. A seperate thing with actual lore that people can read and roleplay, which I don't see w-space ever doing (and I'm not saying they should).

So, yeah, I'm not a "l33t PVP" guy? So what? Young character, newer player, so what? That has nothing to do with any of it.

I acknowledge that if we had picked a different god, then this shitstorm would not have resulted.

Anyway, the trigger is pulled, we are doing our thing. We will no longer respond to tears from the w-space community as that is proving to be self-defeating.

We have no bad blood toward the w-space community.
Candi LeMew
Division 13
#86 - 2015-07-28 20:36:01 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
dusette can we jihad his hole since I missed the last eviction :c

You gotta find the hole and pay for everything though. These dank sieges are expensive.


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#87 - 2015-07-28 21:10:10 UTC
Orob Ninebands wrote:
I feel like you are still failing to recognize that what you call claiming Bob to be "our" thing is RP.

No, I believe I understand what you are aiming to achieve just fine, and I recognize RP when I see it. You're merely failing to recognize what you've done poorly and why it's been so poorly received. I'm trying to give you a little insight.

Orob Ninebands wrote:
What I see is a "Wormholers believe this and that crazy cult believes this other thing" situation. This wasn't meant to be remolding of w-space culture, this was meant to be a seperate thing.

Well sure, but you didn't go about it that way. You rocked into a party where nobody recognises or knows you, and starting shitting up the place and throwing your weight around. On day 1 even you were in Trinket's thread carrying on without any provocation.

Orob Ninebands wrote:
So, yeah, I'm not a "l33t PVP" guy? So what? Young character, newer player, so what? That has nothing to do with any of it.

The thing with the wormhole community is about respect. A few well known and respected folks have done the Bob thing before to a small degree, and that's been well received because of who they are. Not just anyone can show up and start preaching their thing within a community to whom they are strangers. There are many ways to get respect in a community, being seen and taking part in stuff like it's forum, discussions regarding w-space development, and yes even being successful at pvp.

You needed a degree of some respect before you took on this topic with your chest puffed out.

Or you can do it as you have done, but don't complain when the heat is on you lol

Orob Ninebands wrote:
We will no longer respond to tears from the w-space community as that is proving to be self-defeating.

Honestly there's no tears here in this thread or the others from anyone but yourselves.

You'd be able to see that if you knew this community at all. But you continue to demonstrate that you truly don't.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#88 - 2015-07-28 21:24:03 UTC
Candi LeMew wrote:
Andrew Jester wrote:
dusette can we jihad his hole since I missed the last eviction :c

You gotta find the hole and pay for everything though. These dank sieges are expensive.

ugh that's mega work

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2015-07-28 21:42:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Orob Ninebands
Erica Dusette wrote:
Orob Ninebands wrote:
I feel like you are still failing to recognize that what you call claiming Bob to be "our" thing is RP.

No, I believe I understand what you are aiming to achieve just fine, and I recognize RP when I see it. You're merely failing to recognize what you've done poorly and why it's been so poorly received. I'm trying to give you a little insight.

Orob Ninebands wrote:
What I see is a "Wormholers believe this and that crazy cult believes this other thing" situation. This wasn't meant to be remolding of w-space culture, this was meant to be a seperate thing.

Well sure, but you didn't go about it that way. You rocked into a party where nobody recognises or knows you, and starting shitting up the place and throwing your weight around. On day 1 even you were in Trinket's thread carrying on without any provocation.

Orob Ninebands wrote:
So, yeah, I'm not a "l33t PVP" guy? So what? Young character, newer player, so what? That has nothing to do with any of it.

The thing with the wormhole community is about respect. A few well known and respected folks have done the Bob thing before to a small degree, and that's been well received because of who they are. Not just anyone can show up and start preaching their thing within a community to whom they are strangers. There are many ways to get respect in a community, being seen and taking part in stuff like it's forum, discussions regarding w-space development, and yes even being successful at pvp.

You needed a degree of some respect before you took on this topic with your chest puffed out.

Or you can do it as you have done, but don't complain when the heat is on you lol

Orob Ninebands wrote:
We will no longer respond to tears from the w-space community as that is proving to be self-defeating.

Honestly there's no tears here in this thread or the others from anyone but yourselves.

You'd be able to see that if you knew this community at all. But you continue to demonstrate that you truly don't.

All points taken.


1) You are defining "the wormhole community" as being a select few people who know each other and happen to hang out on the forums. That is a very select few among the total number of w-space residents. You don't know the people in my corp either, or my previous corp (possibly the CEO), nor most of the pilots in the larger groups (Low-Class, etc.). You are self-proclaiming yourselves to be "the wormhole community" which is some serious elitist BS that I completely reject. The wormhole community is made up of everyone in w-space.

2) I do take part in discussions about w-space development. Granted, not with you guys and not on the forums for two simple reasons: a) I have generally avoided the forums because have found them to be generally a haven of shitposting trolls, much like reddit. And b) because before I go throwing my opinion into the appropriate places on the forums regarding w-space, I'd like to know as much as possible about it. My two-cents generally works the same way as most wormhole residents: we have CEOs, etc., we discuss with them and they take all of that into consideration when they involve themselves in discussions with the people they are better connected to than your average line member. Most people in wormholes aren't directly involved in those kind of discussions as they don't get invited to things like the wormhole Roundtable Skype, etc. Yet those line members are still part of the community.

3) Yes, I understand that PVP is respected. However, not everyone is great at PVP and most people have to learn to get good at it. Choosing not to respect someone because they are still in that learning curve is elitist BS. Not respecting someone who tries and doesn't quit even though the die constantly is elitist. Not respecting someone, like me, who fights most of the time completely outnumbered and outgunned, but still comes back for more and enjoys the process in spite of the losses is elitist. The WH folks that I have come in contact with, who I consider to be damned good wormholers (I won't name names because I don't want to drag them into anything), people I'm sure you know who they are, express respect for things like determination, guts and desire to learn and improve. THOSE are the people I find worthy of respect, not shitposting trolls who like to use KB as some pointless measure of someone. A KB measure wins vs. losses, nothing more. It says nothing about the person.

4) The thing regarding Trinket was an RP comment. Looking back on it, probably not the right section for RP, but nonetheless, thats what it was. Now I see that the result of that was his friends that are forum lurking trolls decided to be butthurt for him and exact revenge. Whatever.

5) You claim no tears, but that is BS. "Cultural appropriation" was most definitely tears. You guys can deny it all you want, but several of your comments reveal the very real butthurt, so don't give me that no tears crap. I recognize that there was a lot of trolling, yes, but there was butthurt there too.

Anyway, now I know the w-space forums have a few shitposting trolls with superiority and relevance complexes. No big deal, I'll just bear it in mind for future.

Too bad you trashed my image of Isogen5, I really respected you guys as I have met some of the Isogen5 folks and they are excellent people. Now I just have to try to not color my opinion of the entire corp based on a few d-bags. Same goes for the rest of you.
Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2015-07-29 07:08:57 UTC
The problem as I see it is:
1) first you come out of nowhere, with zero history, RPing agressive cultists who redefine exisiting niche religion
2) then some people "RP you back", basically attacking your cult, as one might expect from a real religion when such a cult shows up
3) finally you throw a hissy fit what a shitlords and scrubs we are, totally losing the track of the RP line

Did you seriously expect that we would pat you on your back and support your endeavour? If you want to RP this, then the old religion thrashing the splinter group is the most natural reaction imaginable. Plus you come across as an overly aggressive git, which isnt helping things either.

What you should have done:
1) do at least some basic background research into Bob (I mean the real community Bob, not some text on forums)
2) approach wormholers knowledgeable in Bob, lore, RP, etc (like Rhavas for example) and talk to them about this before pissing everybody off
3) get history, talk to people of wspace, get support
4) hash out proper approach for your RP project
5) make public annoucements

You could have made use of wormholers, the community could have helped you significantly in this if you were a bit smarter about it. Instead you chose to antagonize your biggest potential resource.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#91 - 2015-07-29 08:49:42 UTC
You know, Orob, I'd finally thought you'd gained a sliver of insight and composure, but I come back later to find you've edited your post with a ton of the same rambling denial of any attempt to give insight lol

My first instinct was correct and I should have just let your trainwreck play out on it's on.

But then I got to this gem...

Orob Ninebands wrote:
Too bad you trashed my image of Isogen5, I really respected you guys as I have met some of the Isogen5 folks and they are excellent people. Now I just have to try to not color my opinion of the entire corp based on a few d-bags. Same goes for the rest of you.

You see, what happens when you end up calling one of the few people that actually try to give you some constructive insight a 'd-bag' then start rambling on about their corp too, is that you lose another person who would have liked to see your RP workout somehow. Can never be enough RP/RPers even in w-space imo. But now you just have yet another person who can't wait to see your 'project' fall apart.

Maybe you should appoint someone else to post publicly?

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#92 - 2015-07-29 12:52:42 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:

3) finally you throw a hissy fit what a shitlords and scrubs we are

I mean he's not wrong

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#93 - 2015-07-29 12:55:50 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:
Maybe you should appoint someone else to post publicly?

I accept this challenge. For a one time donation of 5 (five) billion isk to "Andrew Jester" I will become the spokesperson for this terribly misunderstood group~

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2015-07-29 13:52:13 UTC  |  Edited by: MooMooDachshundCow
Dude, Orob, bro. For the love of Bob listen to Axloth. He's trying to help you.

Don't **** on Erica, she's cool, respected around these parts, and more than anything not a "d-bag" (unless the d means diamonds in which case maybe?).

The fact that you misconstrued so much about the posting in this thread/forum tells me that you have much yet to learn about the WH culture, but that's ok. Nobody expects a newbie to show up any other way. It's just people also expect those newbies to show a little deference, which you don't.

Anyway, I figured I could get a rise out of you, and I was right. Like 4 pages of correctness. I mean, REALLY? Anyone that knows me would know I was joking. The only tears you've gotten from me so far are tears of joy when I laugh at the ridiculousness of your writings with my friends BTW.

Like yeah, it's just a game, but if you take a dump on someone else's fun, they'll return the favor. So far you've been pretty entertaining, but I feel the novelty wearing off.

It's not too late to apologize to the lady. If you wanna salvage some semblance of dignity you might wanna.

Either way, I'm gonna keep having fun. Whether that fun is at your expense is your own choice.

"cultural appropriation" - lol. You newfags will believe anything.

Yeah, well, it's just like my opinion, man.

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#95 - 2015-07-29 13:54:25 UTC
this guy got ethered in like 3 threads. Know when to take the L and give up

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2015-07-29 14:37:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Orob Ninebands
Alright, I'll say this and then shut the f up.

You guys obviously trolled the living hell out of me. Hat off to you for that.

Yeah, I have a really hard time sometimes distinguishing between trolling vs. RP vs. real butthurt and the lines get really blurry. So, I guess I have to take you guys at your word that it was all trolling.

The fact that it was trolling AND you felt that I inappropriately went about this RP thing (which I assume is actual fact) is rather confusing when you throw out stuff like "cultural appropriation", which to me is a pretty serious charge, and hard to see that as trolling. You say it was, so I accept that.

Yes, I got butthurt. Good job I suppose, considering that was your goal from what you are saying. I don't hold that against you.

I apologize for thinking I was in a real argument when I seem to be the only one who was.

As far as the stuff regarding established lore and culture, sure, I get what you are saying. I DID try to get in touch with Proc, for example. In fact, Proc finally responded to me, but the shitstorm had already started. We wanted to build off of the established stuff, but it was really hard to find, we don't know who is the recognized authority, my attempts to ask people went nowhere. In the end, we looked at what we COULD find, realized that the story didn't mesh terribly well with the CCP lore in some ways, and as this wasn't meant to be a WH RP group exactly, more meant for Drifter incursions, Amarr counter-RP and other k-space focused stuff, we went with the angle that this was a cult with its own take on things, thinking it didn't matter since the focus wasn't actually w-space.

The "wormhole community" comments felt very elitist, as there are many in w-space that are not known, and personally I still consider them to be part of the community. Maybe not known members, but members none the less. I stand by that.

I'll say it, Jester is a PL character so feels very much like he is here to just start crap. Which would be fine if I had understood that I wasn't actually having a real debate of any kind.

I wasn't looking for w-space support for the project, so maybe I never should have posted anything about it in here in the first place. It wasn't something I expected the WH community to get behind anyway, it was meant to be content for k-space and also to encourage k-spacers to venture into w-space.

Do I think ridiculous trolling when it is obvious the other person is taking you seriously is a d-bag thing? Yes.
Am I any less of a d-bag by lowering myself to personal insults? No.

So yeah, I shouldn't have lowered myself to personal insults, especially since it seems the insults thrown at me were not serious, at least at first. Maybe they are now :)

So, I apologize for the personal insults. Don't hurl them at me in the first place though, please. And maybe we define personal insult differently and some of what I took as personal insult was not meant that way.

You guys are confusing as all hell, just realize that.

And keep in mind, we DON'T know each other, so I don't necessarily know when I am just being f-ed with. I've met a lot of a-holes in my time, and many in this game. Enough that I tend to take a-hole treatment at face value, which obviously, I can't always do in this particular realm.

If I can buy you an apology beer in person sometime, it would be my pleasure. If you think I'm a d-bag, well, I can certainly understand that too.

For what its worth...
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#97 - 2015-07-29 14:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrew Jester
you aren't getting paid by the word friend)) brevity is the soul of wit

Orob Ninebands wrote:
I'll say it, Jester is a PL character so feels very much like he is here to just start crap. Which would be fine if I had understood that I wasn't actually having a real debate of any kind.

read up on your history fam

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2015-07-29 22:23:42 UTC
Orob Ninebands wrote:
As far as the stuff regarding established lore and culture, sure, I get what you are saying. I DID try to get in touch with Proc, for example. In fact, Proc finally responded to me, but the shitstorm had already started. We wanted to build off of the established stuff, but it was really hard to find, we don't know who is the recognized authority, my attempts to ask people went nowhere. In the end, we looked at what we COULD find, realized that the story didn't mesh terribly well with the CCP lore in some ways, and as this wasn't meant to be a WH RP group exactly, more meant for Drifter incursions, Amarr counter-RP and other k-space focused stuff, we went with the angle that this was a cult with its own take on things, thinking it didn't matter since the focus wasn't actually w-space.

The "wormhole community" comments felt very elitist, as there are many in w-space that are not known, and personally I still consider them to be part of the community. Maybe not known members, but members none the less. I stand by that.

I'll say it, Jester is a PL character so feels very much like he is here to just start crap. Which would be fine if I had understood that I wasn't actually having a real debate of any kind.
Try reading this if you havent yet. Its not perfect, but generally good enough.

Check out this blog if you havent yet and definitely try to get in touch with its author. Afaik the most lore-knowledgeable wormholer of all, ever.

You can also try talking to ISD Lunaire Elois.

And in general, if you are interested, try to talk to people who are BOTH active in wh community and have been around for long time. Bitter ex-wormholers, isolated hermits and wide-eyed greenhorns can easily mislead you.

I understand the elitist comment, but it probably comes from the small size and tight-knit nature of the community. I guess it breeds very strong us-them sentiment. Both good and bad.

And for the love of Bob, simply ignore Andrew Jester, just like everybody else does. Don't even bother.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#99 - 2015-07-29 23:18:35 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:
And for the love of Bob, simply ignore Andrew Jester, just like everybody else does. Don't even bother.

yo you should look up what hypocrisy means, you'll thank me in the future

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Orob Ninebands
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2015-07-30 00:10:32 UTC
And Jester,
I did a little research on you as you suggested.
I apologize for my erroneous assumption.

Lots of advice to ignore you though :)