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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Character Bazaar Rules & Resources

First post
CCP Falcon
#1 - 2015-07-29 13:58:57 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Falcon
In an effort to reduce the amount of character scams, GM workload and player frustration, the following changes are being made to the announcements concerning character sales or auctions for ISK. No other form of trade is sanctioned or supported.

  • The 'For Sale/Auction' post must be made by the character being offered. This is being added to prevent scams for characters that have been misrepresented, banned, non-existent, etc. An exception to this rule is if multiple characters are being offered by the same person. You are allowed to include the selling information for all characters in a single thread provided that you prove your ownership of the characters by having them confirm the sales in the thread. All other rules apply normally to the character sale.

  • You must disclose whether or not the character being sold has a negative balance in its wallet and the amount. As the ISK received for the character sale is transferred directly to the character for sale, that character gets in virtually all cases a positive ISK balance. It's up to the seller to remove only so much ISK as that the character is still in the plus prior to transfer.

  • You must disclose if there are kill rights on the character for sale. Kill rights you possess on other characters are to be treated as assets and not included in the character listing.

  • The character being sold must receive the ISK for the purchase and only ISK. Characters may not be sold in exchange for items.

  • Please note that if a character has a negative ISK balance that character cannot be transferred until it has a positive amount of ISK.

  • The sell post must reflect the character correctly, posting that the character you're selling has more skillpoints or ISK than it actually has is a bannable offence. Similarly, a seller must disclose whether jump clones are located in 0.0, lowsec or highsec space and may for example not claim the character for sale character is able to fly ship X or Y when that is clearly not the case.

  • You may not extract skillpoints from a character after it has been advertised for sale. Character sales threads must accurately represent the character's state. Extracting skill after a character has been advertised for sale will be considered character sales scamming, and reprimands will be issued as such.

  • Items cannot be listed among the character's valuable assets, only skills, implants and reputation. You are buying/selling the character ONLY and nothing else. Ships and items can be readily bought or sold on the market for ISK.

  • You may only bump threads ONCE Per day. Date is determined by the date on the forum, not the date where you live. An exception is made for posts made to finalize a sale. You may reply to the threads with bids or questions regarding the character/s. All other posts are off topic and will be removed. Answering posts of this nature will be counted as your daily bump.

  • The new owner of the character may NOT pass himself off as any previous owner.

  • The character for sale must be from an active account, you cannot trade characters from/to inactive accounts.

  • The character being sold must be in an NPC corporation at the time of posting, and for the entire duration of the sale/auction thread being active.

  • Characters on trial accounts or not older than 14 days may not be sold or transferred to other accounts.

  • The selling of accounts is prohibited, characters may only be sold individually.

  • The owner of the character being sold is responsible for paying CCP the character transfer fee.

  • Prior to leaving a corporation, the character to be sold MUST send a corp-wide EVE mail stating that they are going to be sold and will be leaving for an NPC corporation.

  • When a character is sold, the buyer must modify the topic title to reflect this to help other forum patrons know what characters are still available.

  • Lottery style sales are not permitted. Auctions and buyouts are the appropriate method for selling a character.

  • All scams involving character transfers are strictly prohibited, and are a bannable offence.

  • The ISK that a buyer sends when attempting to purchase a character is considered to belong to him until such a time as the character being purchased has been delivered to the account of his choosing. If the character sale is not completed, the ISK must be returned in full to the potential buyer.

  • Whenever a character is transferred before the seller has moved the ISK received from the sale to another one of their characters, the Customer Support team will return that ISK to the rightful owner. The buyer cannot expect to receive both the character and the ISK that they paid to purchase it.

  • All character transfers have a 10 hour waiting period for security reasons.

  • Down-payment plans are not supported by CCP Customer Support. As a seller, you are agreeing to a certain amount of ISK only, which is to be paid in one payment. Once again, any forms of scams regarding character sales are strictly prohibited.

  • All skill training must be paused before transferring the character as characters can not be transferred while having an active skill queue.

  • The location of the character must be disclosed and whether it is in high security, low security, null sec or wormhole space. You must also state if the character is in space or in a station.

  • Accounts can only be involved in one character transfer at a time. If either the sending or the receiving account have an ongoing character transfer, other transfer attempts will fail.

  • Accounts that have been previously banned for macro use are not eligible for character sales.

  • Customer Support will not remove bounties placed on characters either as part of a sale, or after they've been transferred to a new owner.

  • [*] The sale of characters with SKINs is permitted, and prices...

    CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

    Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3