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Merge Archeology and Hacking

First post
A Big Enough Lever
#81 - 2015-07-28 16:47:42 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
instead of merging these into one, they should be made more distinct from each other.

this gets my vote


I want to see an archaeology minigame like digging trenches!

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#82 - 2015-07-28 18:18:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Friggz

The main detractors to this idea are saying "They are two seperate things, so just make them seperate and different."

Let me pose a hypothetical to you. Let's say that Archeology didn't exist. There are no relic sites and no Archeology skill. There is only Hacking and Data sites. This is all you've ever known.

Now, pretend I came onto these forums and suggested a new type of exploration, called Archeology. It will use a skill that works identically to hacking. It will use a module that works identically to hacking. It will use sites that work identically to hacking. It will a mini-game that works identically to hacking.

I imagine your responses would be "Why does this need to be in the game?" Or "What does this add?" Or even "Does exploration really need 2 different types of modules?"

Everyone is saying "Make them seperate" but I haven't seen anyone provide a good reason for why we need 2 seperate types of exploration sites in the first place. It's just that there's always been 2, so it feels like there should still be 2. But then, realize if the situation was reversed and there was only 1, absolutely no one would be saying we need 2 different modules and sites that work exactly the same way.

Ah, but of course you wouldn't want that, and you don't want that. You want them to be different. The problem is they aren't different, and making them different is essentially adding new content. Adding content is always good, but there is no reason why CCP can't merge them now, and then add new content later that uses the same sites, skills, and modules. Why not? They've done it before. There is no difference between seperating them or making them the same and then adding new content later, except that one makes life much better right now and the other maintains a poor status quo.

Another counter-arguement is that having 2 modules is some type of choice or meaningful decision, but it's not. If I have a door in front of me and 2 keys and 1 works and 1 doesn't, I'm not making a meaningful decision, I have to use the key that works. Maybe fitting decisions would have been an interesting choice in the past, but with how cheap and easy mobile depots are, all you would be doing is adding a bit of tedium as the explorer drops their depot and refilts.

In short, this is a solid suggestion and I don't see any reason made thus far as to why we need 2 redundant skills and modules.
Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#83 - 2015-07-28 19:23:52 UTC
Chance Ravinne wrote:
All right let's face it: There are no meaningful differences between these skills. They take a significant time for new players to train, but don't offer significantly different risks or benefits, except that data loot is mostly garbage.

Yet die hard explorers feel compelled to carry and or fit both modules around, even though they result in identical minigames and mechanics.

Hell, some newer exploration sites, like Ghost Sites, don't even care which module you use!

So let's end the charade. Merge both skills into Hacking, make all current data and relic sites "hacking" sites and just make things simpler and less arbitrarily silly.

This means less arbitrary training time, fewer wasted ship midslots, and no need to explain why "archeology" is a computer hacking game. The side bonus is hacking "data" sites wont be as bad since the training and fitting requirements being halved adds some value to your day.

Give people Hacking to whichever level of the two existing skills is higher, and give them the lower skill's SP as freely distributable bonus SP. Whaddya think?


So I take it you hate the exploration profession? Because this is a good way to **** it over even more. Rubicon really screwed it up by making it accessible to everyone almost at day 1. Before then, scanning took skill. I spent days learning to scan, and months learning to scan well. It was something to put on my resume: not everyone back then had the time nor desire to learn how to wrestle with the scanning system.

This created opportunity. Because it was hard to do, fewer people were doing it. Because fewer people were doing it, the gains from running the sites went up due to scarcity. ALSO, because fewer people were interested, there was actually a small market for being a cartographer. I got hired a few times in my early days to go around a chain of systems, scan down the sites, bookmark the ones my employer was looking for, and then sell them the bookmarks. I developed a skill, and turned it into isk.

Now, everyone and their dog can scan. It's trivial. And hence, the market for it crashed. You came into the game (if this is your first character, anyways) after all this happened. You didn't have to experience all your skills and knowledge becoming suddenly worth a lot less than before. You didn't really see the price devaluation of your loot hanger, nor that fewer and fewer people would pay for bookmarks anymore.

Having two skills is not "good difficulty", granted. It's an artificial barrier, since both hacking and archeology rely on the same mini game. But removing it would remove a further factor in scarcity, meaning someone who would have passed the sites over before now does them and gets the loot from them. The more loot being generated, the less worth it has. You might think archeology for T2 salvage is a good source of income, but before Ruibcon, it was a ******* gold mine. What it is now is a joke compared.

Instead, differentiate more between the two. Give better rewards, and tweak the mini game so that the hacking is noticeably different from the salvaging. Expand on it.

Salvaging should have the chance to give faction parts. And not just Guristas or Sperpentis or whatever pirate faction is in your area, you should also find Navy and NPC corporation wreck sites for variety's sake.

Hacking should have the chance to give faction blueprints. You're hacking secure databases, and you should have the potential to find much better rewards than now.

And for ****'s sake, make it harder to scan the higher value loot sites. Because right now, it's trivial. Make it harder and give better rewards.

To be completely honest, I don't think exploration will ever recover from Rubicon. Not in the direction CCP is taking it. But your idea is just one more nail in it's coffin.
Haatakan Reppola
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#84 - 2015-07-28 19:32:10 UTC
Dont merge them so people need to use 2 mid slots, what about changing them to low slots?
Right armor tankers would hate that...
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#85 - 2015-07-28 19:43:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Friggz
It is true that making things more accessible leads to more people doing them, which in generally leads to reduced profits if the activity isn't an isk faucet.

However, I don't think this change signficiantly impacts accessiblity. Most people are only doing Relics and not Data sites anyway, and for those players the accessiblity has not changed at all. Even if the player does want both skills to IV before doing exploration for some reason, it's 4 extra days. It would really only matter to new players.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2015-07-28 20:13:53 UTC
Garai Nolen wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Have you run the sleeper caches? ... The reason for the two modules is as I stated previously: enforced fitting choices.

If I'm exploring, non-combat, I only fit a data analyzer if I have spare fitting I already don't care about. The current state of data sites makes the fitting argument irrelevant. Sleeper caches would be a great potential exception, except... combat. Any ship capable of solo'ing them is already facing refit downtime and carrying a mobile depot. Fitting choices lose relevance when you can refit anywhere within 60s and already have to anyway in order to switch between combat , hacking, and travel roles....

That's interesting as I solo all the sleeper caches whenever I find them without the need to refit, refit can help if you know which resists to shift to for the next damage type but to be honest I don't normally bother as it isn't necessary in the right ship.

Time is a factor on these sites, if you don't want someone coming in and despawning the site or worse triggering the nastiness then you'd better be quick.
Terra Chrall
#87 - 2015-07-28 20:32:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Terra Chrall
Friggz wrote:
It is true that making things more accessible leads to more people doing them, which in generally leads to reduced profits if the activity isn't an isk faucet.

However, I don't think this change signficiantly impacts accessiblity. Most people are only doing Relics and not Data sites anyway, and for those players the accessiblity has not changed at all. Even if the player does want both skills to IV before doing exploration for some reason, it's 4 extra days. It would really only matter to new players.

T2 module currently require lvl V so all those people with Arch V and Hack III/IV are weaker against the hardest hacking sites. If they merged and lowered T2 requirements, then all the data sites just got easier for those players. Skills at III or IV and T1 modules will fail on harder cans. Let the people that chose to invest in Hacking keep an advantage over those that did not. If people don't care about data sites then the merger will not make a huge impact, true. But then why bother making a change at all, leave well enough alone and let people keep skipping the data sites.

I rarely find the new sites. When I do, I'm often deep into unfriendly territory, and it is not the time I want to risk losing my ship to a sleeper cache. But if I did find one close to home, having good skills in both give me an advantage over someone that didn't train both to V.

If we really want to merge the 2 skills then make it the same SP as Arch V + Hack V and keep the lvl V requirement for T2 modules. Anyone not already 2x V will need to train up to use the T2 module again. This simplifies things while forcing people to decide if they want to be able to use T2 or not. I have said it earlier, I would rather a new module be made that does both data/relic sites and has Arch V and Hack V as requirements to use. This changes nothing for those only doing relic sites now unless they have already trained Hack V. If so then they can upgrade to the new module and do either site type for 1 mid slot.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2015-07-28 21:40:07 UTC
Rather than merge the modules it would be better I think to merge the sites, have the sigs show up as a new sig name and have them conatin both data and relic cans for different purposes, with the data cans giving BPC's and such along with better access to better cans, and the relic cans giving parts and loot.

The hacking game isn't intended to be a major brain test but rather a time sink to put you at risk. Make it take too long and the risk becomes unbalanced, make it require too much focus and you turn sites into death traps in lower sec space. There's nothing wrong with the current system in my opinion, just the sites need to be improved.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#89 - 2015-07-28 22:25:11 UTC
I would have to politely disagree.

As it stands, right now the modules require 2 spaces in the mid slots. And it takes some consideration when fitting your ship. Most ships, if you want to fit 2 such modules, really sacrifice some tank and or mobility in the process.

If you combine 2 modules into one, some of the fitting problems go away, and it becomes easier and faster to do the data sites.

For example. passive tank nighthawk in C5 sleeper sites for ninja method. You have to choose what module to fit, because you cant fit 2 of them or your tank will fold. You have to choose what to nonja - talocan or the data cans. if you combine 2 modules into one, suddenly its possible to hack both the talocan AND the scattered data cans easily. There are more cases.

I wont go into specifics, just trust me, in some cases the combination of two modules into one will make site running easier and faster, meaning a change in relative isk income and an impact in EVE economy. this has to be studied.
Garai Nolen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#90 - 2015-07-28 22:49:37 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Garai Nolen wrote:
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Have you run the sleeper caches? ... The reason for the two modules is as I stated previously: enforced fitting choices.

If I'm exploring, non-combat, I only fit a data analyzer if I have spare fitting I already don't care about. The current state of data sites makes the fitting argument irrelevant. Sleeper caches would be a great potential exception, except... combat. Any ship capable of solo'ing them is already facing refit downtime and carrying a mobile depot. Fitting choices lose relevance when you can refit anywhere within 60s and already have to anyway in order to switch between combat , hacking, and travel roles....

That's interesting as I solo all the sleeper caches whenever I find them without the need to refit, refit can help if you know which resists to shift to for the next damage type but to be honest I don't normally bother as it isn't necessary in the right ship.

Time is a factor on these sites, if you don't want someone coming in and despawning the site or worse triggering the nastiness then you'd better be quick.

I guess my point was simply that fitting for these just isn't a problem for explo cruisers in general. I imagine the Limited Sleeper Cache makes frigate fitting somewhat interesting, the same way trying to fit a covops frig for ghost sites can be pretty tight. So yeah I accept that for a few situations when you are forced into frigates and sites have interesting/unique mechanics, there can be some non-trivial fitting decisions. Except for ghost sites the frigate tradeoffs would exist even post merge, since you can already use either analyzer type. Generally I don't think those cases are providing sufficient gameplay value to justify not merging these skills.
Shadowbane Syndicate
#91 - 2015-07-29 00:06:33 UTC
I can dig it. Also make data sites not suck so hard.

Oderint Dum Metuant

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2015-07-29 01:01:55 UTC
Aralieus wrote:
Also make data sites not suck so hard.

Please do tell how?

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Luscius Uta
#93 - 2015-07-29 05:42:50 UTC
Supporting this idea, I have both skills at V and it was annoying to basically train the same thing twice. Sadly, I don't remember if CCP ever merged skills (on the contrary, they are more likely to separate them - Destroyers, Battlecruiser, Scout drones) so I don't have any hopes.

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2015-07-29 08:45:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Corraidhin Farsaidh
Garai Nolen wrote:

I guess my point was simply that fitting for these just isn't a problem for explo cruisers in general. I imagine the Limited Sleeper Cache makes frigate fitting somewhat interesting, the same way trying to fit a covops frig for ghost sites can be pretty tight. So yeah I accept that for a few situations when you are forced into frigates and sites have interesting/unique mechanics, there can be some non-trivial fitting decisions. Except for ghost sites the frigate tradeoffs would exist even post merge, since you can already use either analyzer type. Generally I don't think those cases are providing sufficient gameplay value to justify not merging these skills.

In hisec it's not such an issue as you can drop the depot for swapping out (though I don't, I'm happy with the fits I have) but in lo and null sec this becomes much more of an issue, especially since dropping a depot is a red flag for scanning down in those areas.

My point is that rather than removing skills and choices the gameplay should be enhanced to make exploration richer and give more meaning to having the two skills. As for training both skills to V right now trust me, having done so gives me a huge advantage ion the sleeper caches over someone who hasn't. You would be very lucky to clear a standard site on tech I analyzers I think.

My suggestion for an improved explo experience would be that hacking sites contain both data and relic cans that contain loot, but also contain data cans that control the environment in the same way that the sleeper caches use them. Successful hack opens up new areas, drags in more cans, switches of/on damaging effects etc. Also there should be escalations but you need to successfully hack every can in the site to trigger them.

Basically enrich the gameplay rather than dilute the existing game.

I 100% agree with those who have suggested that faction items be built from BPC's and loot from these sites too, this would improve the market, exploration and industry all in one hit.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#95 - 2015-07-29 10:06:04 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
Also make data sites not suck so hard.

Please do tell how?

Make data sites drop the raw materials we use to make implants. Then have the LP stores and loot drops stop providing complete implants - but rather only sell the BPC for the implants.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2015-07-29 10:41:27 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
Also make data sites not suck so hard.

Please do tell how?

Make data sites drop the raw materials we use to make implants. Then have the LP stores and loot drops stop providing complete implants - but rather only sell the BPC for the implants.

Currently implant parts come from PI so I'd keep it that way for those, I'd have the data sites drop parts for Faction modules instead, with relic sites providing other parts and BPC's. Make the data sites drop the less rare items and the BPC's (they are data after all) and the relic sites drop the more rare items and maybe BPC's too to balance the sites.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2015-07-29 11:00:05 UTC
Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
instead of merging these into one, they should be made more distinct from each other.

this gets my vote


I want to see an archaeology minigame like digging trenches!

I'll need a faction beard and pipe to improve my success chances.
Dino Zavr
Shadow Owls
#98 - 2015-07-29 11:49:23 UTC

Scripting the unified analayzer for different can types is a very good idea, moreover, this may lead to further diversification like manufacturing cans (bpcs), science cans (datacores), materials.. etc implement the system like of those little pesky catch-me-if-u-can flying away containers
The suggestion to make better sites harder to scan is, actually, a proper idea.
When I arrive at highsec relic site i OFTEN discover there already are let's say Cheetah and Imicus racing to reach the last can first.
On the other side, I still had not faced huge competiton while clearing Standard Sleeper Cache alone in my Startious.
Why, you might ask? It takes some skills to scan down Sleeper cahces and complaints "why the heck i gain only 84% at a data site?" are very much common in the Russian help channel where I hangout most of my ingame time.
Contemporary situation with exploration is that the most of highsec signatures are accessible with astero frigate and all skills at 2 which takes about one day training, sure this is great for New Players Experience, but on the other hand it actually does not provoke newbies investing their time to train skills up to level 5 and to implement some thinking to fit their exploration ships.
Introduction of Sleepers cache sites was a step in the prpoer direction. Imho the entire exploration now requires some "rebalancing"(tm) signatures strenths and sites complexity to become something motivating to reward good skills and well-tuned fits, well, like Sleeper cahes.
The idea of escalating exploration sites into expeditions is also great.
I'd also like the entire site to despawn in 10..15 minutes after first warp-in.

Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2015-07-29 12:04:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Spugg Galdon
Chance Ravinne wrote:
All right let's face it: There are no meaningful differences between these skills. They take a significant time for new players to train, but don't offer significantly different risks or benefits, except that data loot is mostly garbage.

Yet die hard explorers feel compelled to carry and or fit both modules around, even though they result in identical minigames and mechanics.

Hell, some newer exploration sites, like Ghost Sites, don't even care which module you use!

So let's end the charade. Merge both skills into Hacking, make all current data and relic sites "hacking" sites and just make things simpler and less arbitrarily silly.

This means less arbitrary training time, fewer wasted ship midslots, and no need to explain why "archeology" is a computer hacking game. The side bonus is hacking "data" sites wont be as bad since the training and fitting requirements being halved adds some value to your day.

Give people Hacking to whichever level of the two existing skills is higher, and give them the lower skill's SP as freely distributable bonus SP. Whaddya think?

Hey Chance,

I've been thinking about your initial post into the thread and the way that it is put forward is bothering me.

This post is simply lobbying for support of what appears to be your idea or at least an idea put forward to you by someone close to you. Although, generally speaking, this isn't actually an issue, the problem comes when we look at human behavior. The fact that you are a member of the CSM means that when you speak, people are going to listen. They will also probably say things and act differently simply because you are a CSM member (although, you were popular and semi famous in EvE before you were elected) to potentially fall in your favour.

I think you really should have presented this issue in a far more open and unbiased format. You really shouldn't have made a suggestion that has such a binary answer. This should have been put forward in a far more structured fashion that spoke from both sides of the (percieved) issue and probably spoke about the hacking profession as a general whole.

I do know that you mean well but I do think people have "odd" behavior on these forums when it comes to replying to or getting a reply from a "Dev"/"CSM"/"GM" ticker.
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#100 - 2015-07-29 14:39:28 UTC
Spugg Galdon wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
All right let's face it: There are no meaningful differences between these skills. They take a significant time for new players to train, but don't offer significantly different risks or benefits, except that data loot is mostly garbage.

Yet die hard explorers feel compelled to carry and or fit both modules around, even though they result in identical minigames and mechanics.

Hell, some newer exploration sites, like Ghost Sites, don't even care which module you use!

So let's end the charade. Merge both skills into Hacking, make all current data and relic sites "hacking" sites and just make things simpler and less arbitrarily silly.

This means less arbitrary training time, fewer wasted ship midslots, and no need to explain why "archeology" is a computer hacking game. The side bonus is hacking "data" sites wont be as bad since the training and fitting requirements being halved adds some value to your day.

Give people Hacking to whichever level of the two existing skills is higher, and give them the lower skill's SP as freely distributable bonus SP. Whaddya think?

Hey Chance,

I've been thinking about your initial post into the thread and the way that it is put forward is bothering me.

This post is simply lobbying for support of what appears to be your idea or at least an idea put forward to you by someone close to you. Although, generally speaking, this isn't actually an issue, the problem comes when we look at human behavior. The fact that you are a member of the CSM means that when you speak, people are going to listen. They will also probably say things and act differently simply because you are a CSM member (although, you were popular and semi famous in EvE before you were elected) to potentially fall in your favour.

I think you really should have presented this issue in a far more open and unbiased format. You really shouldn't have made a suggestion that has such a binary answer. This should have been put forward in a far more structured fashion that spoke from both sides of the (percieved) issue and probably spoke about the hacking profession as a general whole.

I do know that you mean well but I do think people have "odd" behavior on these forums when it comes to replying to or getting a reply from a "Dev"/"CSM"/"GM" ticker.

I hope people listen. and that instead of trying and failing to make data and relic different they just combine them. CCP has a track record of not updating things they put into place even if broken or useless so giving them just 1 system to monitor and update vs having 2 the first option is the right way to go. Look at data now currently its a separate system and it is worthless outside of very specific sites that I'm not even sure can be run solo without changing fits (I always change fits or run alts have't tried solo with no depot)