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Capital production start up cost

Lane Wyeth-VII
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-07-27 22:45:17 UTC
What would you say is a good starting point for these and what it would cost/how long before it paid for itself

I understand its not the best idea to try and solo these but I have time to kill and it would be a cool goal to work towards
Selaria Unbertable
Bellator in Capsulam
#2 - 2015-07-27 23:04:02 UTC
Depends on what exactly you want to build. Freighters/Orcas or rather Dreads/Carriers in low sec? Will you build with a single character or using multiple to speed things up?
Depending on those factors, the BPOs alone will be several billion isk. Materials for a single Capital are somewhere between 600M for an Orca and 2.3B for a Dread.
Construction time is around 10 days in a station, capital parts can be finished faster, depending on how many BPOs you have and how many you need.
When will it pay off? Hard to say, depends in the market, but the margins for most of those capitals are around 10-15% if you start with minerals and build the parts yourself. Takes quite a while until a single BPO pays off (several months I'd guess), longer if you factor in the costs for the component BPOs.
On the upside, most capitals sell before the next batch is finished, you don't have much to do between batches, the only really annoying thing is hauling all those minerals (and flying the ships to their trade hub).
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#3 - 2015-07-27 23:09:12 UTC
Depends on what capital(s) you want to build, and at what volume.

The biggest problem with capital production is the logistics of obtaining materials.

Figure out what you want to build, then look into how much material is needed, and its volume.
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#4 - 2015-07-28 09:06:46 UTC
In terms of the market for combat orientated capital ships I think the market is still quite slow. I base this off sales of BPC parts needed to make those ships as well as the sov changes . I have no axe to grind on this one as I don't make capital ships for combat. A lot of null-sec people are still waiting to see how the sov changes will pan out so they are apparently in high sec suicide ganking the residents.

With the non combat capitals there is still liable to be a stockpile from before the ore and Zyd/Mega nerfs so it may not be economic to get involved in building them yet and make a profit. But with so many freighters etc still being downed by bored null-sec people there is a need for replacements.
Kyra Lee
#5 - 2015-07-31 13:39:54 UTC
You can easily do capital building solo as multiple people in S&I have stated before. I would suggest starting with the Orca and using bpc packs. These can be picked up fairly cheap in Jita and sometimes Amarr. These packs should include all the bpcs you need for components and the ship itself. This will also help you determine if the work is worth it for you. It takes lots of capital to purchase all of the minerals you need for a cap ship and a decent amount of hauling as well, but you can subcontract that part out if you want.

Once you have enough capital built up to purchase a BPO I would look into buying the cap component bpos and start researching them. Getting a single component BPO to ME 9 will take about 2 months and around 5 mil ISK. The cost difference in materials on ME9 vs ME10 is about 100k ISK per item built. Its up to you if you want to put in the 2 months and 6mil ISK to reach ME 10.

After you have all your cap part bpos researched and the available funds I would work on purchasing and researching a cap ship bpo. Use some calculators to determine the proper ME level for where you are building and the time you want to put into it. For example; for an Orca being built in a station there is no benefit to researching ME9 or ME10, but if you are in a POS there is a benefit to researching all the way to ME10 although it is marginal at best vs the time and isk spent.

Lastly get some sort spreadsheet or program to help you out. you can obviously build your own as well if you want. I personally use IPH-ISK Per Hour that is linked in this forum. It can help you determine what hub to buy and sell your items in and whether its cheaper to buy the components or build them yourself.

Capital building requires lots of capital and time for the initial investment but can be a good ISK generator once you get going with it.

Good Luck,
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#6 - 2015-08-01 04:02:01 UTC
I'll just echo the others:

It's not a problem at all doing capital production solo.

The biggest challenge of capital production is getting a sufficient volume of minerals to your build location. Think carefully about that first.

Start by using BPCs, not BPOs. BPOs will be a massive outlay for something you might not actually like doing. So start by buying BPCs from contracts. You can always buy the BPOs later once you have profits to re-invest and know if capital production is right for you.

Good luck!