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Starting skills levels should increase for new players

Sunshine and Lollipops
#241 - 2015-07-26 06:22:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Teckos Pech wrote:
1. Assuming there is the bandwidth.
2. No different than a hull with 5 guns for the gun bunnies.
3. Gun bunnies don't have to train to use more guns, they get as many guns as their ships PG/CPU and slots allow.
Yes? And?

Really, I don't see the drones are OP claim here.
Correct. No-one has claimed anything of the kind. The discussion is about how Drones V is perhaps the only lvl V you want to train at an early stage due to how much it unlocks.

Yes, and at say small hybrids 1 can you fit just 1 gun? No? Shocking. So at level 1 you can fit 5 guns! Why at level 1 you get a 500% increase in DPS. Clearly the small gun skills are just too OP.
None of what you just said makes any sense. As Scipio said, you seem to misinterpreting what we're discussing here.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#242 - 2015-07-26 06:30:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Teckos Pech wrote:

Yes, and at say small hybrids 1 can you fit just 1 gun? No? Shocking. So at level 1 you can fit 5 guns! Why at level 1 you get a 500% increase in DPS. Clearly the small gun skills are just too OP. Roll
No need to be defensive. No one is attacking you or anything. Just trying to help you understand what they were talking about.

Only one slight error in your post though.

Small hybrids I does not provide a 500% increase in DPS in your example. Going from 0 to 5 guns is not a 500% increase, at least with our current understanding of maths where dividing by 0 is not possible.

In the drone discussion above it was about going from 4 drones to 5. Same would apply if you could go from 4 hybrids to 5 through skills training.

But 0 to 5 isn't 500% more (or more simply, what's 500% of 0? Is a question that makes no sense)
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#243 - 2015-07-26 06:53:48 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
1. Assuming there is the bandwidth.
2. No different than a hull with 5 guns for the gun bunnies.
3. Gun bunnies don't have to train to use more guns, they get as many guns as their ships PG/CPU and slots allow.
Yes? And?

Really, I don't see the drones are OP claim here.
Correct. No-one has claimed anything of the kind. The discussion is about how Drones V is perhaps the only lvl V you want to train at an early stage due to how much it unlocks.

Yes, and at say small hybrids 1 can you fit just 1 gun? No? Shocking. So at level 1 you can fit 5 guns! Why at level 1 you get a 500% increase in DPS. Clearly the small gun skills are just too OP.
None of what you just said makes any sense. As Scipio said, you seem to misinterpreting what we're discussing here.

I disagree, any small gunnery skill will also add 25% damage at V and take just as long as drones V. And you don't have to wait till small gunnery III and train yet another skill to start shooting. That is, if I train drones III, then train light combat drones 1, I can field 3 drones with a 5% damage bonus. A player going for guns with the same amount of time will fit as many guns as he can and have a 15% bonus and be on his way to a 20% bonus. If you are pilot with guns you have just as much incentive if not more to train your gunnery skills than a pilot who is going to go for drones over fact, going for drones over guns early on would be a mistake. I could train drone interfacing to get the same bonus, but that is a rank 5 skill, and will take longer...and I still have just 3 drones.

When all is said and done, training your gunnery skills first over drones is preferable. Once you get to training drones, then okay train drones to V, but it should be further down in the skill queue than your gunnery skills. Hell, even the small gunner spec skills are Rank 3. Unless of course you are going to be a miner where drones will be pretty much your primary form of DPS.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#244 - 2015-07-26 07:01:15 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Avvy wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

You'd decide, prior to even playing the game, what you wanted to do.

Bad idea, you're asking people that have never even played the game to decide what career they would like to do before they even know what they are like.

Yes, that was how it was back in 2007 and 2008 (maybe even 2009). It was a bad design since people didn't have a clue about the game.

I'd say turn that on its head. Start the game, start the NPE (if you are a brand new player) then once you get some idea of how the game works, offer new players a set of "carreers" or "paths", e.g.,

PvP pilot,

Whatever you pick will result in some SP going into predetermined skills, with a bundle left over for the player to then allocate, possible after another tutorial/discussion on skills and how things can be "stacked", e.g. racial hull bonuses for racial guns or racial EWAR, etc., to help the player learn the skill system and how bonuses work in the game.

If the player insists on flying Caldari hulls with Minmatar guns hopefully he'll learn of his mistake soon and adapt and move on.

If you are not a brand new player and want to skip the NPE, fine...go right to the career/path selection process. New players can do this too if they wish (who knows maybe they have a mentor in game already).

The problem here is you a treating EVE like other MMOs. We don't have classes here, you can be anything.

Well, the only issue is....this IS how Eve used to work. Pick a "career" get your SP put into certain skills. I know, I did it twice in 2007. First time for a miner, found out how horribly boring it was, second time did a combat oriented pilot and never looked back. Since I started Gallente, it pumped a crap ton of SP into drones.

It's never had classes that's just something you imposed upon yourself.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#245 - 2015-07-26 07:06:13 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

Yes, and at say small hybrids 1 can you fit just 1 gun? No? Shocking. So at level 1 you can fit 5 guns! Why at level 1 you get a 500% increase in DPS. Clearly the small gun skills are just too OP. Roll
No need to be defensive. No one is attacking you or anything. Just trying to help you understand what they were talking about.

Only one slight error in your post though.

Small hybrids I does not provide a 500% increase in DPS in your example. Going from 0 to 5 guns is not a 500% increase, at least with our current understanding of maths where dividing by 0 is not possible.

In the drone discussion above it was about going from 4 drones to 5. Same would apply if you could go from 4 hybrids to 5 through skills training.

But 0 to 5 isn't 500% more (or more simply, what's 500% of 0? Is a question that makes no sense)

That's true, 0 to 500% is not quite correct, but it does point out that in a training queue, drones is not something you'd want to train to V right away. Go for guns, unless you are a miner or have a bizarre fascination with drones.

And the claim that the 25% boost is "massive" is when relative to having drones IV vs. V. But when compared to guns it is not that massive...if anything it is starting to put drones back on an even footing with guns.

And as for the notion that drones are OP, I was going back to Aerasia post. In particular, this part,

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

As I noted all drone boats are capped at 5 drones. Granting some additional damage bonuses when comparing them to ships that can fit 5, 6, 7 or 8 guns is not out of hand, at least not necessarily.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#246 - 2015-07-26 07:10:33 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

It's never had classes that's just something you imposed upon yourself.

Wait, I have not proposed classes. I said "career"....note the quotes. Basically it is like how character creation once was, but only after the NPE so the new player can make a more informed choice. Possibly with some free SP to help "teach" them how how to allocate SP, and b "teach" it could be by making a bad decision as well.

Past that nothing is restricting the player in what they train.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Sunshine and Lollipops
#247 - 2015-07-26 07:12:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Teckos Pech wrote:
I disagree, any small gunnery skill will also add 25% damage at V and take just as long as drones V.
Not in the same way, no. You're still being confused about what difference we're talking about.

The switch from Drones IV (4 drones) and Drones V (5 drones) means a 25% increase in the number of drones you're fielding, which neatly translates into 25% more damage. Taking the small gunnery skills from IV to V means a 5pp increase of your damage bonus, which neatly translates into 4.1% more damage. They're not the same.

When all is said and done, training your gunnery skills first over drones is preferable.
Yes, and? No-one has really said otherwise. We're saying that Drones is the one skill of those listed earlier that is actually worth taking to V at an early point due to the massive benefits it provides — one of which is the (almost as) massively helpful support skills it unlocks.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#248 - 2015-07-26 07:13:46 UTC
e: qine
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#249 - 2015-07-26 08:03:12 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

It's never had classes that's just something you imposed upon yourself.

Wait, I have not proposed classes. I said "career"....note the quotes. Basically it is like how character creation once was, but only after the NPE so the new player can make a more informed choice. Possibly with some free SP to help "teach" them how how to allocate SP, and b "teach" it could be by making a bad decision as well.

Past that nothing is restricting the player in what they train.

Same thing.

Shoehorning players into "careers" when they enter the game isn't a good thing to be doing.
Yoo Eet Mikakka
#250 - 2015-07-26 11:32:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Yoo Eet Mikakka
I just started up a new character to try out the opportunities and the newbie system's anomalies.

I farmed the Rogue Cloning Facility for a bit, to gather some civilian mods for my Ibis. I ended up putting together two Ibis together, one for mining and one for combat. Both decked out in civilian modules. I ended up with about 80k ISK to start buying skillbooks with.

I started trying to run Guristas Burrows. I had to warp out once or twice to complete them but it was doable. Decided to buy two tech 1 rail guns off the market since my character already had the skills to use them. This made Burrows and Hideaways incredibly easy. Dang, I am uber leet.

I quickly earned over 100k ISK running anomalies in the newbie system. I also looted a Adaptive Invulnerability Field and sold it on the market for 145k ISK. I'm rich!

I got an expedition for a 4/10 from one of the Hideouts. Too bad I can't complete it as a day 1 noob.

Stole some loot from a noob's wreck in one of the anomalies. Other noobs warped in when I was flashy yellow but they didn't want to shoot me I guess.

Eventually I got bored of the noob system and flew over to the career agents. Somehow I magically knew about them even though I am a clueless day 1 noob. (Progression is much faster doing the career tutorial missions of course. But CCP doesn't do a good job of directing you there. There is an opportunity that tells you to open the agent finder to find an agent and get a mission. They should probably hint that you should choose the "career" filter in the agent finder and go to those guys. Maybe they plan to delete the career agents eventually)

Now I've done the exploration and military career agent missions and I'm in a Merlin. No more civilian mods, upgraded everything to T1 and meta 2-3.

I find myself wanting more cap, and powergrid. I can't run a small shield booster more than a minute or so on my Merlin. It's kinda lame that I gotta train some shield skill to lvl 4 before I can start training the skills to boost my passive shield amps. Also kinda lame that I gotta train two skills to 3 before I can train the skills to use normal data and relic analyzers.

But overall I had fun. End day 1.
#251 - 2015-07-26 12:08:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Yoo Eet Mikakka wrote:

I find myself wanting more cap, and powergrid. I can't run a small shield booster more than a minute or so on my Merlin. It's kinda lame that I gotta train some shield skill to lvl 4 before I can start training the skills to boost my passive shield amps. Also kinda lame that I gotta train two skills to 3 before I can train the skills to use normal data and relic analyzers.

But overall I had fun. End day 1.

You need a spare mid-slot, but what I did with my Rifter was use 2 civilian shield boosters. You can run those without worrying much about your cap.

But that's what I find with skills that there are so many of them that it's really slow to get started. I'm just concentrating on combat/core skills, don't know how someone that wants to be a jack-of-all-trades gets on.


I agree there needs to be a link from the start to the career agents, think I just sat in space for around 30 minutes wondering what I should do, until I found those agents.

Edit 2:

I didn't think much of opportunities, they were as boring as reading a manual, whereas career agents was a much more fun way of doing it.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#252 - 2015-07-26 13:52:42 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
And the claim that the 25% boost is "massive" is when relative to having drones IV vs. V. But when compared to guns it is not that massive...if anything it is starting to put drones back on an even footing with guns.

And as for the notion that drones are OP, I was going back to Aerasia post. In particular, this part,

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

As I noted all drone boats are capped at 5 drones. Granting some additional damage bonuses when comparing them to ships that can fit 5, 6, 7 or 8 guns is not out of hand, at least not necessarily.
Which is another misunderstanding.

Drones V is a big step over Drones IV because it unlocks:

  • A 5th drone: 25% more drone DPS
  • Drone Interfacing: 10% more drone DPS per level
  • T2 Drones: 20% DPS boost over T1, ~5% over Empire faction.

Since Drone Interfacing III is a pretty quick train, it's easy to see that as part and parcel of the Drones V train. But really, compared to somebody new you could be forgiven for calculating the difference as 25% for Drones V, 30% for Interfacing V (IV is as long a train as Drones V is, and V is just huge) and 20% for T2 Drones for a total of 1.95x the DPS out of your drones.

As a new player you can get your wallet out to reduce that advantage though. For a bit over 1M ISK/drone, you can upgrade to the Navy versions which cut the equipment bonus from 20% to just 5%. If you've got the deep, deep pockets you can spend 6M ISK/drone and go for Augmented which are on par with T2 (for DPS, they're ahead in some other stats).

My point is that weapons work a bit differently. For most of them you can match T2 stats with Meta 4, so the difference comes down to the weapon skill itself (0.42% more damage) and the specialization skill (2% level, again we'll assume III) for a total of about 1.10x.

One your favorite weapon slot gets the tiericide treatment though, there likely won't be an even DPS option until you get into the higher meta stuff. Training lvl V for your weapons will become slightly more necessary because you can't use Meta gear to catch up to the T2 variants. Well, you can... you'll just end up spending half a billion ISK on a set of FN Blasters.
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#253 - 2015-07-26 13:58:20 UTC
Yoo Eet Mikakka wrote:
I got an expedition for a 4/10 from one of the Hideouts. Too bad I can't complete it as a day 1 noob.

bookmark it, throw it on contracts and see if anyone will buy it

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Caldari State
#254 - 2015-07-26 14:45:02 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
Yoo Eet Mikakka wrote:
I got an expedition for a 4/10 from one of the Hideouts. Too bad I can't complete it as a day 1 noob.

bookmark it, throw it on contracts and see if anyone will buy it

Also worth a mention in the various exploration and mission help game channels. There are usually folks there who will take it and they're pretty good about tossing you back a cut of the rewards as a finder's fee.
Orm Magnustat
Red Serpent Industries
Red Serpent Alliance
#255 - 2015-07-26 15:25:09 UTC
No to the op !
Rose Marie J'Haen-Eriz
#256 - 2015-07-26 15:29:15 UTC
Yoo Eet Mikakka wrote:
I just started up a new character to try out the opportunities and the newbie system's anomalies.


I'm trying to pretend I'm totally new, but even with a new character it's still hard to firewall the experienced player's knowledge.

Investigated an Angel Hideaway in the noob ship and rapidly discovered how fragile they are in unskilled (55k SP) hands.
Cyclical Destruction
#257 - 2015-07-26 16:25:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Zirashi
Obligatory eveiseasy videos show casing 17- and 20-day old characters successfully soloing T2 and faction frigates in null using T1 ships.

Suitonia proves you don't need a year, or even a month for that matter, of SP training to be effective. Don't even need to leave the free trial period.

Looks like a case of Malcanis' Law.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#258 - 2015-07-26 16:54:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
baltec1 wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

It's never had classes that's just something you imposed upon yourself.

Wait, I have not proposed classes. I said "career"....note the quotes. Basically it is like how character creation once was, but only after the NPE so the new player can make a more informed choice. Possibly with some free SP to help "teach" them how how to allocate SP, and b "teach" it could be by making a bad decision as well.

Past that nothing is restricting the player in what they train.

Same thing.

Shoehorning players into "careers" when they enter the game isn't a good thing to be doing.

Ehhh, while I am a firm believer that the 5 level system is the great equalizer between newer and older players, I don't have a huge problem with a more structured NPE that provides a better core set of skills for a particular type of career in EVE. A system designed to give new players a distinct starting point and designed from the ground up to help a new player make sense of how things work in EVE.

I don't even have a big problem with adding in a few more specific basic skills given once the player decides what general career they are most interested in pursuing at first.... although that is a slippery slope as just throwing exp or skills at new players for no reason (or with no distinct purpose) is generally a poor idea.

The only reason why I'm not too upset about the idea, if it is done in a very structured (career oriented) way is for two reasons:
1: If the player decides that career path isn't for him/her, they can easily shift into something else... usually with few wasted skills.
2: Everyone has 3 alts they can start on different paths, the one they tend to gravitate to will end up being their main.

I wouldn't change the sandbox nature of EVE for anything, however I do recognize the massive confusion (due to lack of structure) can be overwhelming to new players, hurting new player retention. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing to ease them into realizing they can actually do anything they like, as opposed to other games, by starting them out with a NPE that seems a little more normal to them.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Caldari State
#259 - 2015-07-26 17:10:56 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

The only reason why I'm not too upset about the idea, if it is done in a very structured (career oriented) way is for two reasons:
1: If the player decides that career path isn't for him/her, they can easily shift into something else... usually with few wasted skills.
2: Everyone has 3 alts they can start on different paths, the one they tend to gravitate to will end up being their main.

My issue with this is that there are really no defined career paths in the sandbox and this is more of a catering to designated alt roles than it is helping new players. A generic 1mil of catch-all base skills is one thing. I don't support it, but I don't think it sets any new precedents. Career based sp does set a new paradigm of quasi-active training and I would hate to see EVE start to go down that path.
Bronopoly Crushingit
Dixon Cox Butte Preservation Society
#260 - 2015-07-26 18:45:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronopoly Crushingit
Zirashi wrote:
Obligatory eveiseasy videos show casing 17- and 20-day old characters successfully soloing T2 and faction frigates in null using T1 ships.

Suitonia proves you don't need a year, or even a month for that matter, of SP training to be effective. Don't even need to leave the free trial period.

Looks like a case of Malcanis' Law.

No, you just need to have a main that's much older and the experience that goes along with it.*

Edit: If we are using that first video as an example.