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Starting skills levels should increase for new players

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#221 - 2015-07-25 17:56:58 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The only one on that list that might be worth pushing to V early is Drones and even then only because of the massive 25% boost in drone effectiveness this allows.
Drones V might be one of the worst "V" requirements in the game right now. Combine that boost with the Interfacing III that invariably comes right after getting Drones V, and you end up with a 1.625x difference. And that's ignoring the T2 access that comes along with Drones V.

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

Tippia wrote:
V:s are only ever required to unlock T2 equipment, and by very definition, that stuff isn't basic.
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).
Sunshine and Lollipops
#222 - 2015-07-25 19:46:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Aerasia wrote:
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

No really.

To be able to beat your opponent you generally need to do one or more of the following: out-damage, out-tank, or out-fly the opponent. Slapping a ton of T2 equipment (with the appropriate support skills) on your ship gives you some advantage in each area — somewhere between 10–50% more, damage being the easiest one to boost. As a very broad rule of thumb, unlocking all that T2 equipment roughly doubles your training time. The thing is, you can get a ~100% boost in all three areas in almost no time at all: just bring a friend.

And even that rests on the assumption that you made the grave tactical error of going like for like, rather than being intelligent in both your target and equipment selection. If you're going to hunt frigates, why fly a frigate yourself? A very tiny amount of additional training will open up cruiser and destroyer builds that will shred frigates like a cat in a catnip factory.

What you need to do either of this is knowledge and/or connections; what you don't need is millions of SP poured into T2-unlocking lvl V-skills.
Ginger Barbarella
#223 - 2015-07-25 20:24:46 UTC
Haven't read the entire thread, but maybe return to the pre-Apoc new character theme? Specs based on racial bloodline and school choices... Just really try to avoid the Achura bias. ;-)

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

All Kill No Skill
#224 - 2015-07-25 22:16:36 UTC
Painkill3r wrote:
Webvan wrote:
Likely they are doing the tutorial, mission agents and maybe the epic arc. Couple-few weeks.

I would wager that even incompetent newbs would only need 2-3 days to do that content.

Unless they changed it from a couple years ago when I ran a low SP alt through. Couple hours a night, did the tutorial, all the career agents and then the epic (just like the system directs you to do) and it took almost three weeks. That's about intended time, at least if you even want a slight chance to take the last boss on your own as it helps to have some SP to do that. If it's still basically the same, to do it in 2 days, that's like 16hrs a day... and know what you are doing and maybe have a ship a newbie wouldn't have. If it's that easy now, something really should be nerfed. EVE would be getting to the point of being like a rail shooter.

I'm in it for the money


McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#225 - 2015-07-25 22:35:51 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
Aerasia wrote:
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

Extreme comparison. You'll be hard pressed to win fights using a drone boat with Drones III and Light Drone III. On the other hand something like a Rifter with Gunnery III and Small Projectile III can scram kite other brawlers into an inevitable loss.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Tzu Wu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#226 - 2015-07-25 23:00:34 UTC
I've been saying for a little while now that truly new characters(1 per account?) should start with anywhere from 4-10m sp, wherever CCP grades it as feasible. The fitting skills take the longest and while they are useful, are a big drawback for new players. I know a lot of my fellow bitter vets will disagree because they don't want people to have it "easier" than they did but this would be a huge attraction for new blood, which is sorely needed in EVE.
Caldari State
#227 - 2015-07-25 23:04:10 UTC
Webvan wrote:

Unless they changed it from a couple years ago when I ran a low SP alt through. Couple hours a night, did the tutorial, all the career agents and then the epic (just like the system directs you to do) and it took almost three weeks.

Depends on a lot of variables, but the basic idea of cheesing through it involves training drones to III up front and, preferably, picking gallente as your race to save a few hours of cross-training. You should be able to plug all the career missions down in a few hours and SOE is only marginally more time consuming per mission with the major time sink being travel between the agents which you can do afk. I've never lost one of my noobtristans to ganks, but YMMV. It's very easily doable in a 2-3 hour a night stint over a weekend and the knowledge required to make that kind of time isn't that hard to find.
Eleygen I'cey
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#228 - 2015-07-25 23:19:19 UTC
Painkill3r wrote:
Webvan wrote:

Unless they changed it from a couple years ago when I ran a low SP alt through. Couple hours a night, did the tutorial, all the career agents and then the epic (just like the system directs you to do) and it took almost three weeks.

Depends on a lot of variables, but the basic idea of cheesing through it involves training drones to III up front and, preferably, picking gallente as your race to save a few hours of cross-training. You should be able to plug all the career missions down in a few hours and SOE is only marginally more time consuming per mission with the major time sink being travel between the agents which you can do afk. I've never lost one of my noobtristans to ganks, but YMMV. It's very easily doable in a 2-3 hour a night stint over a weekend and the knowledge required to make that kind of time isn't that hard to find.

As a brand new player it took me under a week playing less than 3 hrs a day to finish all the career missions but exploration. While I didn't want to do SOE so I cant tell how long that would take he is vastly over estimating the content for anyone who is has played anything slightly close to EvE.
Caldari State
#229 - 2015-07-25 23:30:30 UTC
Eleygen I'cey wrote:

As a brand new player it took me under a week playing less than 3 hrs a day to finish all the career missions but exploration. While I didn't want to do SOE so I cant tell how long that would take he is vastly over estimating the content for anyone who is has played anything slightly close to EvE.

The exploration missions are the most trivial given they can be done with no skill training at all, just knowledge of how to move scan probes. SOE should be equally trivial as gallente since you've got a free tristan that can do everything up to dagan without breaking a sweat.

But yes, I certainly agree he's over-estimating the time one would get content out of these missions, if you read how to deal with them efficiently, which is something most EVE players would suggest newbies do. At the point of completion here you've got a lot of options, but they are not as widely published, hence my earlier post about how the post-career-and-SOE low sp activity list ought to be collated somewhere.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#230 - 2015-07-26 00:29:54 UTC
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
Aerasia wrote:
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

Extreme comparison. You'll be hard pressed to win fights using a drone boat with Drones III and Light Drone III. On the other hand something like a Rifter with Gunnery III and Small Projectile III can scram kite other brawlers into an inevitable loss.
Drones is definitely ahead of other T2 unlocks in terms of raw power jump. The other weapon skills will be narrowing that gap as CCP completes tiericide though. As we lose Meta 4 modules, just being able to fit T2 at all will become a basically unmatchable boost. Take a look at Hobgoblin II vs. Augmented Hobgoblin on the market: Who is going to suggest to a new player trying to make up for a lack of skills by flying with 30M worth of light drones in the hold?
All Kill No Skill
#231 - 2015-07-26 01:11:31 UTC
Eleygen I'cey wrote:

As a brand new player it took me under a week playing less than 3 hrs a day to finish all the career missions but exploration. While I didn't want to do SOE so I cant tell how long that would take he is vastly over estimating the content for anyone who is has played anything slightly close to EvE.
Sure, that's about right for the career agents at a few hours an evening, being doing one each evening there. If you look at this, you can see that the epic has a lot to it, many missions, and you travel to all four empires, lots of traveling. It takes time. That's pretty much the intention, a trial account last a few weeks, which is about how long it takes especially if that player is doing a few other things along the way like trying to figure out the markets etc.


The whole SP "think of the newbies" imo is pretty moot, just makes the whole intro thing obsolete by becoming way too easy. And if they just jump into low or null with a corp on day 1, just dumping 10m SP on them (or whatever) is only going to frustrate them even more since reason/skill hasn't caught up with SP yet. Just means bigger ships to lose, rather than little affordable ones, though at least for corps they may even replace those.

I had no problems starting EVE with even less than they get now. What does that say for the type of players you guys want in the game? Will it always be easy for them? Will that make them stick around? What about the people that like a challenge, but find EVE having become so boringly easy even from first impressions? Don't want those around, just the ones looking for easy going social gaming?

meh, EVE isn't for everyone, and should remain targeting the types of players they have always done. Otherwise, it winds up being a game for no one. You just don't change a game after pre-launch concept and final publish, you just alienate your existing playerbase and wind up never replacing them. That's not a theory, it's been played out time and time again with other games. Make it easy, to get people to stick around that like things easy, so they will later whine to make everything easy. Not a good plan.

I'm in it for the money


Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#232 - 2015-07-26 01:58:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Aerasia wrote:
Tippia wrote:
The only one on that list that might be worth pushing to V early is Drones and even then only because of the massive 25% boost in drone effectiveness this allows.
Drones V might be one of the worst "V" requirements in the game right now. Combine that boost with the Interfacing III that invariably comes right after getting Drones V, and you end up with a 1.625x difference. And that's ignoring the T2 access that comes along with Drones V.

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

Tippia wrote:
V:s are only ever required to unlock T2 equipment, and by very definition, that stuff isn't basic.
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

Errr what? Drones does not boost damage, but boosts the number of drones you can control. Many drone skills got nerfed in the summer of 2014.

Drone interfacing went from a 20% boost in drone damage/level to 10%. However, the total damage at the "end game"--i.e. training drone interfacing to V--is the same, but with the difference based on the new skill multiplier being put into the drone's base damage--i.e. you start out with more damage and each level of drone interfacing gives considerably less of a bonus than before.

Light and medium drone operation is where combat drone operation went meaning you don't get nearly as much bang for your skill point "buck" as one once did.

In effect, drones already went through a type of tiericide.

Further, a 5% bonus/level for the light drone skill and then a 5% bonus for the medium drone skill is right in line with how all guns work. Saying this is OP or bad indicates neither of you actually have a drone based character.

Might want to get a bit current on things here....


From my version of Evemon:

For the skill Drones:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Logging in to check the description in game (don't rely on Evelopedia, it can be dated).

Copied directly from the game:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Drone interfacing:

--Allows a captain to better maintain his drones. 10% bonus to drone damage and drone mining yield per level.

Edit II:

Not even sure how this 1.625x multiplier worked pre-Drone change? So, I have drones 5 which gives a 25% boost. I have drone interfacing III which gives a 60% do we get to a 165% boost? Looks to me that it is an 85% boost or 0.85. Or by 1.65 do you mean a 65% boost?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#233 - 2015-07-26 02:11:03 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Eleygen I'cey wrote:

As a brand new player it took me under a week playing less than 3 hrs a day to finish all the career missions but exploration. While I didn't want to do SOE so I cant tell how long that would take he is vastly over estimating the content for anyone who is has played anything slightly close to EvE.
Sure, that's about right for the career agents at a few hours an evening, being doing one each evening there. If you look at this, you can see that the epic has a lot to it, many missions, and you travel to all four empires, lots of traveling. It takes time. That's pretty much the intention, a trial account last a few weeks, which is about how long it takes especially if that player is doing a few other things along the way like trying to figure out the markets etc.


The whole SP "think of the newbies" imo is pretty moot, just makes the whole intro thing obsolete by becoming way too easy. And if they just jump into low or null with a corp on day 1, just dumping 10m SP on them (or whatever) is only going to frustrate them even more since reason/skill hasn't caught up with SP yet. Just means bigger ships to lose, rather than little affordable ones, though at least for corps they may even replace those.

I had no problems starting EVE with even less than they get now. What does that say for the type of players you guys want in the game? Will it always be easy for them? Will that make them stick around? What about the people that like a challenge, but find EVE having become so boringly easy even from first impressions? Don't want those around, just the ones looking for easy going social gaming?

meh, EVE isn't for everyone, and should remain targeting the types of players they have always done. Otherwise, it winds up being a game for no one. You just don't change a game after pre-launch concept and final publish, you just alienate your existing playerbase and wind up never replacing them. That's not a theory, it's been played out time and time again with other games. Make it easy, to get people to stick around that like things easy, so they will later whine to make everything easy. Not a good plan.

You are starting to sound like me. P

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#234 - 2015-07-26 02:19:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
baltec1 wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Avvy wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

You'd decide, prior to even playing the game, what you wanted to do.

Bad idea, you're asking people that have never even played the game to decide what career they would like to do before they even know what they are like.

Yes, that was how it was back in 2007 and 2008 (maybe even 2009). It was a bad design since people didn't have a clue about the game.

I'd say turn that on its head. Start the game, start the NPE (if you are a brand new player) then once you get some idea of how the game works, offer new players a set of "carreers" or "paths", e.g.,

PvP pilot,

Whatever you pick will result in some SP going into predetermined skills, with a bundle left over for the player to then allocate, possible after another tutorial/discussion on skills and how things can be "stacked", e.g. racial hull bonuses for racial guns or racial EWAR, etc., to help the player learn the skill system and how bonuses work in the game.

If the player insists on flying Caldari hulls with Minmatar guns hopefully he'll learn of his mistake soon and adapt and move on.

If you are not a brand new player and want to skip the NPE, fine...go right to the career/path selection process. New players can do this too if they wish (who knows maybe they have a mentor in game already).

The problem here is you a treating EVE like other MMOs. We don't have classes here, you can be anything.

Well, the only issue is....this IS how Eve used to work. Pick a "career" get your SP put into certain skills. I know, I did it twice in 2007. First time for a miner, found out how horribly boring it was, second time did a combat oriented pilot and never looked back. Since I started Gallente, it pumped a crap ton of SP into drones.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Caldari State
#235 - 2015-07-26 02:36:51 UTC
Webvan wrote:

The whole SP "think of the newbies" imo is pretty moot, just makes the whole intro thing obsolete by becoming way too easy. And if they just jump into low or null with a corp on day 1, just dumping 10m SP on them (or whatever) is only going to frustrate them even more since reason/skill hasn't caught up with SP yet.

I concur with the assessment that additional sp isn't going to boost player retention, but I think we should refrain from needless hyperbole when making our point. Rise floated the idea of ~1m sp and that's pretty easy to cite.

Teckos Pech wrote:
First time for a miner, found out how horribly boring it was, second time did a combat oriented pilot and never looked back. Since I started Gallente, it pumped a crap ton of SP into drones.

It would be interesting to see how player retention broke down by race/skill training choices. Gallente ships, particularly drone hulls, give a lot more options to new players without much sp expenditure. I imagine a lot of young caldari miners don't stick around by comparison.
All Kill No Skill
#236 - 2015-07-26 03:16:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Painkill3r wrote:
I concur with the assessment that additional sp isn't going to boost player retention, but I think we should refrain from needless hyperbole when making our point. Rise floated the idea of ~1m sp and that's pretty easy to cite.

Just recycling a number someone else dropped in a few posts above mine Blink
Yeah, I actually take the time to read their posts and concerns Smile

Tzu Wu wrote:
should start with anywhere from 4-10m sp

And that's now, what about for next time?
I just see a lot of bomber alts. Which is fine, if you actually train for one and not just chant "think of the newbies".

And Pain, you do see it in the OP's post. It's frigs now then cruisers later. It really does open a can of worms no matter how one tries to dodge it. But from myself going through it, and listening to newbies talk about it, I just see no issue. It's not just tossing a few people a little extra SP, content needs to be changed. Right now, all that works as intended.

I'm in it for the money


Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#237 - 2015-07-26 06:05:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Teckos Pech wrote:
Aerasia wrote:
Tippia wrote:
The only one on that list that might be worth pushing to V early is Drones and even then only because of the massive 25% boost in drone effectiveness this allows.
Drones V might be one of the worst "V" requirements in the game right now. Combine that boost with the Interfacing III that invariably comes right after getting Drones V, and you end up with a 1.625x difference. And that's ignoring the T2 access that comes along with Drones V.

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

Tippia wrote:
V:s are only ever required to unlock T2 equipment, and by very definition, that stuff isn't basic.
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

Errr what? Drones does not boost damage, but boosts the number of drones you can control. Many drone skills got nerfed in the summer of 2014.


From my version of Evemon:

For the skill Drones:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Logging in to check the description in game (don't rely on Evelopedia, it can be dated).

Copied directly from the game:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Drone interfacing:

--Allows a captain to better maintain his drones. 10% bonus to drone damage and drone mining yield per level.

Edit II:

Not even sure how this 1.625x multiplier worked pre-Drone change? So, I have drones 5 which gives a 25% boost. I have drone interfacing III which gives a 60% do we get to a 165% boost? Looks to me that it is an 85% boost or 0.85. Or by 1.65 do you mean a 65% boost?

I think you might be misinterpreting what they were discussing here.

Drones V does boost damage but it's not bonused damage.

That is, the boost comes because you can do more damage with more drones as opposed to bonused damage (eg. Drone interfacing) which allows you to do more damage with the same number of drones.

Being able to use 5 drones as opposed to 4 or 3, etc. definitely increases your damage and in my reading of that discussion, I think that's what they were referring to.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#238 - 2015-07-26 06:06:38 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Not even sure how this 1.625x multiplier worked pre-Drone change? So, I have drones 5 which gives a 25% boost. I have drone interfacing III which gives a 60% do we get to a 165% boost? Looks to me that it is an 85% boost or 0.85. Or by 1.65 do you mean a 65% boost?

It's post-drone change: +25% for having a fifth drone, +30% for DI III yields 1.25×1.3 = 1.625, i.e. a 62.5% boost.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#239 - 2015-07-26 06:17:40 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Not even sure how this 1.625x multiplier worked pre-Drone change? So, I have drones 5 which gives a 25% boost. I have drone interfacing III which gives a 60% do we get to a 165% boost? Looks to me that it is an 85% boost or 0.85. Or by 1.65 do you mean a 65% boost?

It's post-drone change: +25% for having a fifth drone, +30% for DI III yields 1.25×1.3 = 1.625, i.e. a 62.5% boost.

1. Assuming there is the bandwidth.
2. No different than a hull with 5 guns for the gun bunnies.
3. Gun bunnies don't have to train to use more guns, they get as many guns as their ships PG/CPU and slots allow.

Really, I don't see the drones are OP claim here. Nice reach though, but not quite.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#240 - 2015-07-26 06:20:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Aerasia wrote:
Tippia wrote:
The only one on that list that might be worth pushing to V early is Drones and even then only because of the massive 25% boost in drone effectiveness this allows.
Drones V might be one of the worst "V" requirements in the game right now. Combine that boost with the Interfacing III that invariably comes right after getting Drones V, and you end up with a 1.625x difference. And that's ignoring the T2 access that comes along with Drones V.

I'm actually not really looking forward to the weapon Tiericide for that reason. At least right now you can get spendy and go Meta 4 to keep on par with a module's stats, but drones don't catch up on DPS until Meta 8 and those costs get out of hand really quickly. Whether it's by giving the skill by default, or just reworking the 'unlock' - having a level V that is a 25% performance boost itself, unlocks a further 50% boost skill, and grants access to a 20% boost module/equip ... that's a bit nuts.

Tippia wrote:
V:s are only ever required to unlock T2 equipment, and by very definition, that stuff isn't basic.
I'd disagree with this, at least for combat. Drones aren't the only system to have that kind of snowballing bonus, and having the ability to T2-fit a combat frigate is pretty much cost of entry for PvP (the advice of 'go suicide tackle' aside).

Errr what? Drones does not boost damage, but boosts the number of drones you can control. Many drone skills got nerfed in the summer of 2014.


From my version of Evemon:

For the skill Drones:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Logging in to check the description in game (don't rely on Evelopedia, it can be dated).

Copied directly from the game:

--Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.

Drone interfacing:

--Allows a captain to better maintain his drones. 10% bonus to drone damage and drone mining yield per level.

Edit II:

Not even sure how this 1.625x multiplier worked pre-Drone change? So, I have drones 5 which gives a 25% boost. I have drone interfacing III which gives a 60% do we get to a 165% boost? Looks to me that it is an 85% boost or 0.85. Or by 1.65 do you mean a 65% boost?

I think you might be misinterpreting what they were discussing here.

Drones V does boost damage but it's not bonused damage.

That is, the boost comes because you can do more damage with more drones as opposed to bonused damage (eg. Drone interfacing) which allows you to do more damage with the same number of drones.

Being able to use 5 drones as opposed to 4 or 3, etc. definitely increases your damage and in my reading of that discussion, I think that's what they were referring to.

Yes, and at say small hybrids 1 can you fit just 1 gun? No? Shocking. So at level 1 you can fit 5 guns! Why at level 1 you get a 500% increase in DPS. Clearly the small gun skills are just too OP. Roll

Let me be clear here. I have to train a skill for about 8+ days to get to use 5 drones whereas the gun bunnies train a skill for about 15 minutes and can use as many guns a they can fit on the ship...yet drones are OP.

I can understand complaints about say the ishtar with its drone bonuses and some of the drones it can use, but drones in general...Roll

Edit II:

And even if I train Drones to II do I get a 50% increase in DPS? No.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online