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Starting skills levels should increase for new players

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2015-07-22 21:57:00 UTC
I think new players should be introduced to remaps. AND those remaps made free for a short period of time.

Essentially if they aren't free players won't use them for fear of using a limited resource, but if you don't teach new players to use remapps you're just having them waste training time.


I do think it's kind of silly that there are "skills that you will never regret training" though. But at least they aren't as bad as learning skills where the "best recommendation" was to use your first account to raise money to buy a max learning skill character. While learning learning skills litterally put your character advancement on hold, for insanely long term goals.

I also think it would have a very bad down side of removing core skills. Right now when someone is asking for advice I can ask them where they are going and direct them to core skills that get them there faster and it never be bad advice. Which means that the player has time to actually learn the game while having the goal(that's pretty medium term).
Net 7
#102 - 2015-07-22 22:48:59 UTC
Honestly, i think what needs to happen is the old char creator mechanic needs to be brought back.

When i started eve in 2004 it went something like this:

pick your race (get base racial skills, like frig 1)

pick blood line (get additional skills and lvls base don blood line, now frig is at 3)

pick your 'professtion' (get new skills and lvl based on professtion, frig is now 4)

if you picked the correct comination, you coudl start the game being just shy the skills for 2t guns, an AF, and a few minor skills, in about a day or two you could be rocking.

You could also have started a hauling alt that could use a mamoth with t2 cargo expandors

you could of made a miner with t2 mining lazors.

This is a better way to give an advantage to players when they start, and also makes your choices again have consequences.

Also they used to give new players a 30 day 100% training bonus. So in your first month you trained skills 100% faster.


OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#103 - 2015-07-23 04:39:40 UTC
Just read that piece from Crossing Zebras.

If Iunderstand well, the most recent addition to the CSM, Gorski, is pushing for an increase in skill points for new players.
I do not necessarily agree on the power grid to level 5, and would rather see a racial frigate to level 4, but I believe this is a good discussion that the CSM is having.

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#104 - 2015-07-23 04:52:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
somehow posted to wrong thread.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2015-07-23 05:31:27 UTC
I know I'm going to get shouted at for this, but here's my thoughts..

Give all new players all the skills that would give them Mastery Lvl 2 or 3 for all T1 frigates of their race.

Why you ask?
Because it's enough skills to start having fun and try out things. There's nothing more off-putting for new players than the long wait to have fun. The T1 frigates are entry points to the meta games within EVE, it makes no sense to make a new player wait endlessly to try out these various roles.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#106 - 2015-07-23 05:31:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Saisin wrote:
Just read that piece from Crossing Zebras.

If Iunderstand well, the most recent addition to the CSM, Gorski, is pushing for an increase in skill points for new players.
I do not necessarily agree on the power grid to level 5, and would rather see a racial frigate to level 4, but I believe this is a good discussion that the CSM is having.

If every one is going to start with Power Grid Management and CPU Management 5 might as well just remove the skills and set everyone to 5.

How about this, new characters get no remap for the first 2-6 months. None. After that they can have the standard 2 remaps.

All attributes are set equal (short change Charisma at 18).

Give all new players 100% training boost for 1 month for the skill categories, engineering, electronics, drons gunner, missiles, navigation, shields, spaceship command, targeting (i.e. where you find most of your "core" skills). Other skill categories can be trained, but only at normal speed.

The lack of remap is to keep new players from screwing themselves over and getting stuck with a crappy distribution of attrributes. And they'll likely be training skills with different primary and secondary attributes, so a uniform distribution of attributes is probably best for them for awhile. After all, we have to protect these special snowflakes from themselves. Roll

If I did the math right, these little delicate flowers will have about 962,000 SP at the end of their first month. Probably took me 2x as long and I spent alot of that time training learning skills, but I guess you young people these days are just too fragile.

Let me know if any of you need to be tucked into bed, or need me to turn on the night light.


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#107 - 2015-07-23 05:37:19 UTC
I dont know who has the most SP in the game but just to make a point lets say they have 300mil. If CCP were to decide to give us all 300mil SP this would be a huge loss to that person that had 300mil since we didnt earn / pay for those SP like the 300mil guy did.

For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount. Im for giving new players more starting SP not to get them closer to us because that isnt fair, but to assist them with those core skills.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#108 - 2015-07-23 05:48:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Suppose Bob starts playing Eve and loves it. He tells Frank to start so they can play Eve together. Frank dithers around for a couple of weeks, but lucky Frank he joined just after the "extra SP/Boosted training/whatever"

Poor Bob is f*cked in the ass though because he joined earlier...even though on an SP basis in 6 months they'd be pretty much at the same place. But now, Frank is going to have 15% more SP than Bob at the 6 month point.

At point do you start f*cking players over? know..curious about this fine point.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2015-07-23 05:51:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Banana1x
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount.

I really don't like these kind of responses; they're childish and don't consider the barrier for a newer player to have fun. Assisting new players has no detrimental effect on you other than your sense of entitlement.
Playing EVE should be fun and newer players shouldn't be subjected to a rite of passage or extended periods waiting for skills to complete. We're all here to play with internet spaceships and harvest tears; without new players, our collective pool of harvestable tears will dwindle.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#110 - 2015-07-23 05:54:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Banana1x wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount. Im for giving new players more starting SP not to get them closer to us because that isnt fair, but to assist them with those core skills.

I really don't like these kind of responses; they're childish and don't consider the barrier for a newer player to have fun. Assisting new players has no detrimental effect on you other than your sense of entitlement.
Playing EVE should be fun and newer players shouldn't be subjected to a rite of passage or extended periods waiting for skills to complete. We're all here to play with internet spaceships and harvest tears; without new players, our collective pool of harvestable tears will dwindle.

It is the same barrier that has always been there. And what about the guy who started 2 months before this change? 3 Months? The day before?

Talk about child like reasoning...nobody has thought about this though have they.

If you "grandfather" in older, but still new characters what is the cut off point and how to you justify to those who are on the **** end of that cutoff point?

Edit: Actually that "barrier" is smaller than it was, IMO. First off IIRC we did not have attribute remaps. We also had learning skills so the first few weeks were often spent training those.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2015-07-23 05:56:10 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Banana1x wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount. Im for giving new players more starting SP not to get them closer to us because that isnt fair, but to assist them with those core skills.

I really don't like these kind of responses; they're childish and don't consider the barrier for a newer player to have fun. Assisting new players has no detrimental effect on you other than your sense of entitlement.
Playing EVE should be fun and newer players shouldn't be subjected to a rite of passage or extended periods waiting for skills to complete. We're all here to play with internet spaceships and harvest tears; without new players, our collective pool of harvestable tears will dwindle.

It is the same barrier that has always been there. And what about the guy who started 2 months before this change? 3 Months? The day before?

Talk about child like reasoning...nobody has thought about this though have they.

If you "grandfather" in older, but still new characters what is the cut off point and how to you justify to those who are on the **** end of that cutoff point?

I don't care and neither should you. What I do care about is new players.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#112 - 2015-07-23 06:01:57 UTC
Banana1x wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Banana1x wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount. Im for giving new players more starting SP not to get them closer to us because that isnt fair, but to assist them with those core skills.

I really don't like these kind of responses; they're childish and don't consider the barrier for a newer player to have fun. Assisting new players has no detrimental effect on you other than your sense of entitlement.
Playing EVE should be fun and newer players shouldn't be subjected to a rite of passage or extended periods waiting for skills to complete. We're all here to play with internet spaceships and harvest tears; without new players, our collective pool of harvestable tears will dwindle.

It is the same barrier that has always been there. And what about the guy who started 2 months before this change? 3 Months? The day before?

Talk about child like reasoning...nobody has thought about this though have they.

If you "grandfather" in older, but still new characters what is the cut off point and how to you justify to those who are on the **** end of that cutoff point?

I don't care and neither should you. What I do care about is new players.

I am talking about "new" players fool. If you do this in say, September...why screw over a guy who joined in August or July? Want them to quit?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#113 - 2015-07-23 06:06:08 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
i dont believe a new player became an effective fleet tackler in a few days with 0 knowledge of the game.

i dont think skillpoints will make any difference to new players who dont know what the skillpoints are for, more information would be better

You can do a lot in this game quickly if you try. Maldiro was only a couple hours old when i understood what point was, webbing, what abilities rats in -0.7 space might have, how to avoid gate camps, what would constituted a good system to farm in in -0.7 space, what defenses i could use in my venture. I farmed all day in -0.7 space and made one misjudgment, the logistics of moving ore from where i mined it to highsec. Months later i abandoned the ore i mined that first day but still proud of what i accomplished in a few hours.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#114 - 2015-07-23 06:07:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
And how long before people are back here whining some more about SP and barriers to fun?

As I noted early on people trained learning skills, and IIRC the second tier learning skills were Rank 3. Meaning you had to spend a fair amount of time on them. Most people would train Rank 1 skills to 5 then the Rank 3 skills to 4. If my memory is correct and I did the math right we are talking almost 2 months worth of training.

Edit: Redid the math, more like 40 days for learning skills.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2015-07-23 06:09:02 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

I am talking about "new" players fool. If you do this in say, September...why screw over a guy who joined in August or July? Want them to quit?

Again, I don't care and neither should you. You have it stuck in your head that an advantage to someone in the future is now also a disadvantage to others just before. It's called being selfish, you should stop that and be an adult.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#116 - 2015-07-23 06:17:09 UTC
Banana1x wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

I am talking about "new" players fool. If you do this in say, September...why screw over a guy who joined in August or July? Want them to quit?

Again, I don't care and neither should you. You have it stuck in your head that an advantage to someone in the future is now also a disadvantage to others just before. It's called being selfish, you should stop that and be an adult.

No, it is called being fair. A guy who joins once this change goes live will have, somewhere near 2x the XP of the guy who joined just before. Early on that kind of skill differential is pretty significant. Down the road it wont make as much of a difference, but that same argument applies between current "vets" and current "new" players.

But good job shooting yourself in the foot. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#117 - 2015-07-23 06:23:59 UTC
Banana1x wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
For the same reason im against giving essentially free SP to new players unless the rest of us get the same amount.

I really don't like these kind of responses; they're childish and don't consider the barrier for a newer player to have fun. Assisting new players has no detrimental effect on you other than your sense of entitlement.
Playing EVE should be fun and newer players shouldn't be subjected to a rite of passage or extended periods waiting for skills to complete. We're all here to play with internet spaceships and harvest tears; without new players, our collective pool of harvestable tears will dwindle.

You do know that EVERY player in the game is currently being, "subjected to a rite of passage [for] extended periods of [time] waiting for skills to complete". I can say this with absolute certainty since not a single player has all EVEs skills trained and so we are all still waiting for that next skill barrier to fall so we can take that next step up in EVE.

I would address the rest of the fail in your post but CCPs servers dont have the free memory for me to make a post that long.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2015-07-23 06:27:44 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

No, it is called being fair. A guy who joins once this change goes live will have, somewhere near 2x the XP of the guy who joined just before. Early on that kind of skill differential is pretty significant. Down the road it wont make as much of a difference, but that same argument applies between current "vets" and current "new" players.

But good job shooting yourself in the foot. Roll

Let's agree to disagree and move on, I'm of the opinion nobody will care cause I sure won't.

My thoughts (as I stated earlier) are:
Banana1x wrote:

Give all new players all the skills that would give them Mastery Lvl 2 or 3 for all T1 frigates of their race.

There's no skillpoints as new players wouldn't know what to do with them, just unlock the skills.

No doubt you think this is even worse, so tell us your master plan.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2015-07-23 06:30:37 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

You do know that EVERY player in the game is currently being, "subjected to a rite of passage [for] extended periods of [time]

I'm well aware. But we're talking about NEW players and that rite of passage does not need to be there from day 1. I believe we would have higher player retention if that barrier was lowered. And the fact that this thread exists means so do CCP.
Kaybella Hakaari
State War Academy
Caldari State
#120 - 2015-07-23 06:54:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaybella Hakaari
They need to take a very hard look at implants and/or jump clones.

+5s make training happen a lot faster, but are very painful to lose and encourage people to not wormhole dive, fight in wars, or poke around the scarier parts of the universe.

I saw one set of +6s in a contract in Jita. Once.

They could have done a lot worse with skills:
They could have made it a grindy type of thing where you stare at an NPC all day to make them go up a few points.
They could have made it necessary to get Vs in just about everything to be serious. IIIs and IVs are enough to cut it, but Vs are obviously better.
They could have made skill training linear, instead of diminishing returns: IVs take a little over a day, Vs take 6, and the advanced versions of skills have ridiculous multipliers on them for very little game (advanced [weapon] spec, I'm looking at you) which makes them really Chinese finger traps and not that important to push over even I.