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EVE General Discussion

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New direct PvP option (Matchmaking style)

First post
Callum GGibson
#41 - 2015-07-15 18:40:30 UTC
This thread has quickly changed from a simple discussion to an absolute riot, please lets not target each others flesh, but our brains. Thats where the mutual discussion comes!
Altirius Saldiaro
#42 - 2015-07-15 18:42:21 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start.

Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own.

This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it.

Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

So you want a lazy button to find your pvp for you? I think you're playing the wrong game, and should return to Xbox Live.
Callum GGibson
#43 - 2015-07-15 18:42:23 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
As an EVE PvP legend and expert on the topic I say this: No

Thank you for your very distinct disapproval! I really do appreciate it. Big smile
Vadik Volkov
#44 - 2015-07-15 18:42:39 UTC

I actually agree with you..........

My thought I am attempting to convey to you is with the sovereignty business going on right now CCP is not in the mindset to alter the New Player issue.

I am by no means a vet by the way. I have 2 years in EVE and a small 20 million Skill Points. I attempted to play the "PVP" game early in my third month of EVE. It left me uninterested as actual PVP in other games was vastly superior. To this day I still play other games for PVP and play EVE for different aspects I enjoy.

If and when CCP wants player input to change the broken system they currently use to keep new players around, I will hash out my thoughts and opinions with you and others who want to see it changed.
Callum GGibson
#45 - 2015-07-15 18:44:00 UTC
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start.

Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own.

This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it.

Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

So you want a lazy button to find your pvp for you? I think you're playing the wrong game, and should return to Xbox Live.

Havent played it for 5 years now, and seriously, no game should have a lazy button. Now your just throwing accusations, and clearly it isn't friendly nor supportive of your argument :/
Callum GGibson
#46 - 2015-07-15 18:45:49 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:

I actually agree with you..........

My thought I am attempting to convey to you is with the sovereignty business going on right now CCP is not in the mindset to alter the New Player issue.

I am by no means a vet by the way. I have 2 years in EVE and a small 20 million Skill Points. I attempted to play the "PVP" game early in my third month of EVE. It left me uninterested as actual PVP in other games was vastly superior. To this day I still play other games for PVP and play EVE for different aspects I enjoy.

If and when CCP wants player input to change the broken system they currently use to keep new players around, I will hash out my thoughts and opinions with you and others who want to see it changed.

Thank you dude, good choice on distinctly not picking sides, I may need to equip my civilian gatling gun out, its getting hot in here! Big smile
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#47 - 2015-07-15 18:47:16 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!

Excuse me, the other way to learn is to ask questions, grasp an understanding, make adjustments and then come at the topic.

By dropping an eye bleeding block of text, and then going off the deepend about how you can not learn, will get you no where.

Now, would you like to try again?

I certainly will, and I have for a fact learned much about this, however in my experience warp gate camps and battleships roams do not help me getting out there and finding a similar sized ship, as others in my scenario, feel just the same way. Fine, keep your advantage of skills and ISK, but I will not become someones killboard entry for nothing!

Another tip, there are plenty of folks that has played this game for quite a while that are willing to help. However, once someone comes off like an arse, throwing their toys out of the pram, that ends very quickly.

Now, from what i tried to pull out of you, it seems your awareness of other avenues may be a bit off or your lack of information is limiting you.

Now if someone is running a BS roam..oh god that is tasty right there, when I read that, i got all excited because that right there is a prime for the pushing in the ****.

As for Gate camps and what not, there is a very easy way in working around those and causing heart burn.

Coming off as an arse am I? Well there, how supporting of a newbie that doesn't know the game! Clearly it works two ways then!

Yes you are coming off that way a bit.

Ifyou want to learn that is up to, if you want to stomp around and grasp at whatever emotional self delusional reasoning to make you feel better, roll on.

Otherwise, all you have to is say, look, I am having issues, how do I do this.

That right there will get you a flood of emails with everything from goat porn to actual solid advice...and you would be surprised to see some of the best players in the game helping you.

Now, again, do you want to try this again?
Callum GGibson
#48 - 2015-07-15 18:47:52 UTC
You know, I actually love this game, the economy, the industry, the FREEDOM!!! However there is this one thing getting in the way...
#49 - 2015-07-15 18:49:25 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
You know, I actually love this game, the economy, the industry, the FREEDOM!!! However there is this one thing getting in the way...

Time and patience?
Jenshae Chiroptera
#50 - 2015-07-15 18:49:45 UTC

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Callum GGibson
#51 - 2015-07-15 18:51:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Callum GGibson
MMM, well I may be too independant to ask every bloody person I see about something, and instead find it out for myself, and possibly find a few surprises along the way, all I'm asking (in reality) is for me to do it without getting podded 5 jumps from home. That is all. xD
Callum GGibson
#52 - 2015-07-15 18:53:18 UTC
vccv wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:
You know, I actually love this game, the economy, the industry, the FREEDOM!!! However there is this one thing getting in the way...

Time and patience?

Yes! Patience especially! Didn't you get that message m8? Time, not so much, alought a lot of time to progress at this rate of podding! Just saying. xD
#53 - 2015-07-15 18:53:52 UTC
This "debate that is going nowhere" is all about the fact that you are too independent, get podded, and don't know everything yet, so you want matchmaking to be implemented into the game?

Troll thread, surely.
Callum GGibson
#54 - 2015-07-15 18:55:34 UTC
vccv wrote:
This "debate that is going nowhere" is all about the fact that you are too independent, get podded, and don't know everything yet, so you want matchmaking to be implemented into the game?

Troll thread, surely.

No, not at all, although why are you still here then? Is it because it effects your enjoyment, over others?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#55 - 2015-07-15 18:56:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Baaldor
Callum GGibson wrote:

MMM, well I may be too independant to ask every bloody person I see about something, and instead find it out for myself, and possibly find a few surprises along the way, all I'm asking (in reality) is for me to do it without getting podded 5 jumps from home. That is all. xD

The thing is, there is a method, that will help you out of that situation.

And I am not suggesting spamming local on "How Do", but maybe find one or two older cranky folks that can help you from time to time.

I was very fortunate as to learn from certain persons that did indeed kick my ass. And I have been blessed with a few personas that helped me along the way.
Callum GGibson
#56 - 2015-07-15 19:00:26 UTC
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

MMM, well I may be too independant to ask every bloody person I see about something, and instead find it out for myself, and possibly find a few surprises along the way, all I'm asking (in reality) is for me to do it without getting podded 5 jumps from home. That is all. xD

The thing is, there is method, that will help you out of that situation.

And I am not suggesting spamming local on "How Do", but maybe find one or two older cranky folks that can help you from time to time.

I was very fortunate as to learn from certain persons that did indeed kick my ass. And I have been blessed with a few personas that helped me along the way.

I do admit, even if they kill, they can give advice, I'm just not saying everyone in a ship worth over 50 mil is a douchbag, just that there MAY be a slightly more Conservative way of doing it. Thats all! Trust me, I'm not an arse! Just an impatient capsuleer looking for an adventure.
Vadik Volkov
#57 - 2015-07-15 19:02:52 UTC
The reality is matchmaking wouldn't effect the game play of any of the vets posting here.

What it would do is prepare the new players for what may be around the corner. This scares the veteran EVE player because they may lose a fight to someone new or a fleet of new players. It may change one of their revenue streams.

Lastly though, and what in my opinion scares them the most is by making the game more inclusive to new players the old vets may also lose the ear of CCP. More changes may be made and it would anger the 100 million skill point vet. The long term player would not be able to cope with a wide arrangement of new solid PVP players. Ones who may take over the game that is their "precious".
#58 - 2015-07-15 19:05:47 UTC  |  Edited by: vccv
I don't go on WoW forums demanding changes that would make me enjoy it more. I'm not calling the record industry to demand songs with lyrics that appeal to me, or call up local artists and tell them they don't paint the way I like, and I sure as hell don't write Martin Scorsese to tell him how I want him to change his methods while demanding respect from the man. Play it, adapt, enjoy, or get off the soapbox. You aren't going to change anything with your tears over being podded all the time and not being able to ask your corp mates all the questions you wish you could because you are just "too independent". You will continue to be podded, you will continue to learn on your own because you can't ask for help, and it will continue to be difficult because you can't adapt. That, is EVE.

No Matchmaking. Make a damn channel.

Just my opinion of course.

Enjoy your "debate" though. I'm off.
Callum GGibson
#59 - 2015-07-15 19:07:13 UTC
To me is sounds like a Dictator thing, you don't want someone taking over your government, so you dont offer political classes or courses. Very simple really! Or a fame thing? Or Domination thing? IDK
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#60 - 2015-07-15 19:07:47 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:

I am by no means a vet by the way. I have 2 years in EVE and a small 20 million Skill Points. I attempted to play the "PVP" game early in my third month of EVE. It left me uninterested as actual PVP in other games was vastly superior. To this day I still play other games for PVP and play EVE for different aspects I enjoy.

Just because you are bad at EVE and don't get the game does not mean they have to change the game. Grow up, EVE is not for everyone. Play those other games you enjoy