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New direct PvP option (Matchmaking style)

First post
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#21 - 2015-07-15 18:08:54 UTC
I have an idea. You could invite people to an in-game channel for people who want to participate in an arena, then you could set up your arena somewhere.
Callum GGibson
#22 - 2015-07-15 18:12:52 UTC
xxdeathxx thebeaver wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start.

Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own.

This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it.

Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

This isn't your xbox or some train ride game, this is a sandbox game.. you make content, your not given it on a spoon. Roll

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!
Callum GGibson
#23 - 2015-07-15 18:13:57 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I have an idea. You could invite people to an in-game channel for people who want to participate in an arena, then you could set up your arena somewhere.

Thank you, that actually sounds like a good idea!Big smile
Harry Forever
#24 - 2015-07-15 18:17:45 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Harry Forever alt trolling again ...

nope, actually more people seem to like the idea... sad now?
Vadik Volkov
#25 - 2015-07-15 18:18:11 UTC

People who have played EVE for a decade do not want this game to change on the "PVP" side. They have an advantage and want to keep it that way. They want a cycle of new players with a lack of knowledge to pray on for as long as the game goes on. That is fun to them.

My advice would be to find a way to play EVE that you enjoy until CCP understands how much money they could make by changing the current "PVP" system. It is not changing anytime soon. There is a Sovereignty issue that is way too important.
Harry Forever
#26 - 2015-07-15 18:18:38 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
This one time a guy asked for instancing in Eve. It sounded a lot like this but it probably wasn't you, but it could be.. its really hard to tell.. and no that wasn't a 'nerf alts' comment or a 'post with your main' comment because hey that would be hypocritical of me although this is more of my main now than my main which I guess is an alt because this is my main now. Anyways if you want matchmaking I hear there is this one game where theyre going to do that but you may need to wait until 2031 or later when it finally comes out for beta. Speaking of beta, I was at a garage sale this weekend and I saw one for 5 bucks, and I almost bought it, but it didn't have any movies with it so I figured it wasn't worth it. I think I made a good decision on that. I did buy an endtable though. it was a little rough, but I went ahead and rubbed it down with some teak oil and it made it look like 45% better, and now I put my printer on it, which is nice. But you know what else is nice? Pie. Pie is nice. I could go for a nice slice of warm apple pie right about now. MMMMMmmmm. Hold on one moment while I type a quick email to Lindy. Ok, I sent it off. I told her that I demand a pie from grandma or else there will be consequences. dire consequences. ok, I got an email back and she said she will ask but no promises. I guess thatll have to do. dammit, now pie is all I can think about. I wonder if the snack machine has one of those ghetto hostess pies in there. Maybe artificial apple in stale sugar frosting covered crust will tide me over. probably not. Oh.. WARTHUNDER! Didn't that have matchmaking and instancing in it? Im sure it still does. I haven't played that in sooo long. I should check that out again sometime. I think I still have some of that premium bird currency left. time to go freemium for a day and make my planes giant American flags while I friendly fire my way to victory. never not shoot blues.

a lot of nothing again, you should keep your posts compact like in the past, nobody comes past line number 1 anyway
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-07-15 18:19:43 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!

Excuse me, the other way to learn is to ask questions, grasp an understanding, make adjustments and then come at the topic.

By dropping an eye bleeding block of text, and then going off the deepend about how you can not learn, will get you no where.

Now, would you like to try again?
Callum GGibson
#28 - 2015-07-15 18:21:24 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:

People who have played EVE for a decade do not want this game to change on the "PVP" side. They have an advantage and want to keep it that way. They want a cycle of new players with a lack of knowledge to pray on for as long as the game goes on. That is fun to them.

My advice would be to find a way to play EVE that you enjoy until CCP understands how much money they could make by changing the current "PVP" system. It is not changing anytime soon. There is a Sovereignty issue that is way too important.

This isn't changing PvP in Eve, simply enhancing the new generations skills in PvP. Eve Online has seen a drop in player activity over the years, so surely having a more experienced audience is a lot better. That is what my ideas goal is to do
Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#29 - 2015-07-15 18:21:30 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I have an idea. You could invite people to an in-game channel for people who want to participate in an arena, then you could set up your arena somewhere.

Preferably outside of this game.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2015-07-15 18:24:09 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:

People who have played EVE for a decade do not want this game to change on the "PVP" side. They have an advantage and want to keep it that way. They want a cycle of new players with a lack of knowledge to pray on for as long as the game goes on. That is fun to them..

You sir are incorrect.

Time in grade and sp has absolutely nothing to do with prowess in PvP or success in this game.

Callum GGibson
#31 - 2015-07-15 18:24:37 UTC
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!

Excuse me, the other way to learn is to ask questions, grasp an understanding, make adjustments and then come at the topic.

By dropping an eye bleeding block of text, and then going off the deepend about how you can not learn, will get you no where.

Now, would you like to try again?

I certainly will, and I have for a fact learned much about this, however in my experience warp gate camps and battleships roams do not help me getting out there and finding a similar sized ship, as others in my scenario, feel just the same way. Fine, keep your advantage of skills and ISK, but I will not become someones killboard entry for nothing!
Callum GGibson
#32 - 2015-07-15 18:27:15 UTC
Nicolai Serkanner wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
I have an idea. You could invite people to an in-game channel for people who want to participate in an arena, then you could set up your arena somewhere.

Preferably outside of this game.

There has been a decline in players attending New Eden, is this possibly why? Newbies either being gate camped or repeatedly killed, or even for that matter getting out to mine ore!?
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#33 - 2015-07-15 18:27:58 UTC
I think you just described SiSi...
Callum GGibson
#34 - 2015-07-15 18:29:35 UTC
And more crucially, it will be vital to get more pilots out there to fight, mine and plunder to get those indicies filled up. This is where veterans can just roll over people IMO.
Vadik Volkov
#35 - 2015-07-15 18:30:35 UTC
I do not disagree with your ideas, nor the ideas from others, or my own if I cared to share them in regards to "PVP". My point is that right now with all the sovereignty crap CCP is pushing "PVP" is not an issue. If "PVP" became an issue in the future there will be such a push of "No CCP, don't change my HULK SMASH method of killing other ships!"

The vast majority of EVE players who participate in the elimination of other players ships want a continued cycle of players who know absolutely nothing about EVE player vs. older-player combat. It is a money making tool for the veteran of EVE. When you want to change what they feel is perfect there will be a large backlash.

Many of the excuses of this will be;
1. You are stupid and out of touch with the "player base" of EVE
2. Sandbox
3. Sandbox
4. If you don't like it play another game.

None of those excuses address what you are talking about. There needs to be a change to keep new players around longer. To bring them up to speed with how the game works NOW, not ten years ago.
#36 - 2015-07-15 18:31:54 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:
I do not disagree with your ideas, nor the ideas from others, or my own if I cared to share them in regards to "PVP". My point is that right now with all the sovereignty crap CCP is pushing "PVP" is not an issue. If "PVP" became an issue in the future there will be such a push of "No CCP, don't change my HULK SMASH method of killing other ships!"

The vast majority of EVE players who participate in the elimination of other players ships want a continued cycle of players who know absolutely nothing about EVE player vs. older-player combat. It is a money making tool for the veteran of EVE. When you want to change what they feel is perfect there will be a large backlash.

Many of the excuses of this will be;
1. You are stupid and out of touch with the "player base" of EVE
2. Sandbox
3. Sandbox
4. If you don't like it play another game.

None of those excuses address what you are talking about. There needs to be a change to keep new players around longer. To bring them up to speed with how the game works NOW, not ten years ago.

Here... have my tinfoil hat..
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#37 - 2015-07-15 18:32:08 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!

Excuse me, the other way to learn is to ask questions, grasp an understanding, make adjustments and then come at the topic.

By dropping an eye bleeding block of text, and then going off the deepend about how you can not learn, will get you no where.

Now, would you like to try again?

I certainly will, and I have for a fact learned much about this, however in my experience warp gate camps and battleships roams do not help me getting out there and finding a similar sized ship, as others in my scenario, feel just the same way. Fine, keep your advantage of skills and ISK, but I will not become someones killboard entry for nothing!

Another tip, there are plenty of folks that has played this game for quite a while that are willing to help. However, once someone comes off like an arse, throwing their toys out of the pram, that ends very quickly.

Now, from what i tried to pull out of you, it seems your awareness of other avenues may be a bit off or your lack of information is limiting you.

Now if someone is running a BS roam..oh god that is tasty right there, when I read that, i got all excited because that right there is a prime for the pushing in the ****.

As for Gate camps and what not, there is a very easy way in working around those and causing heart burn.
Callum GGibson
#38 - 2015-07-15 18:35:05 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:
I do not disagree with your ideas, nor the ideas from others, or my own if I cared to share them in regards to "PVP". My point is that right now with all the sovereignty crap CCP is pushing "PVP" is not an issue. If "PVP" became an issue in the future there will be such a push of "No CCP, don't change my HULK SMASH method of killing other ships!"

The vast majority of EVE players who participate in the elimination of other players ships want a continued cycle of players who know absolutely nothing about EVE player vs. older-player combat. It is a money making tool for the veteran of EVE. When you want to change what they feel is perfect there will be a large backlash.

Many of the excuses of this will be;
1. You are stupid and out of touch with the "player base" of EVE
2. Sandbox
3. Sandbox
4. If you don't like it play another game.

None of those excuses address what you are talking about. There needs to be a change to keep new players around longer. To bring them up to speed with how the game works NOW, not ten years ago.

I may be a newbie, but I'm learning Eve fast, not PvP, but Eve, by god I can and will argue right up to the CCP headquaters about this. Unless you (other veterans in this thread), have only the four things this man has listed to say, then stop, because I'm not listening, and seriously, give me a good reason, and mabye, just mabye, I'll actually sit and listen to you, it's called mutual respect! Shocked
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#39 - 2015-07-15 18:36:24 UTC
As an EVE PvP legend and expert on the topic I say this: No
Callum GGibson
#40 - 2015-07-15 18:38:00 UTC
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
Callum GGibson wrote:

Excuse me, but every single aspect of live learned is either given to you on a spoon, or harshly beaten into you. Either way, being killed repeatedly is not the answer, as I feel like I'm getting alot of bad responses from experienced capsuleers, I'd like to hear from others similar to me!

Excuse me, the other way to learn is to ask questions, grasp an understanding, make adjustments and then come at the topic.

By dropping an eye bleeding block of text, and then going off the deepend about how you can not learn, will get you no where.

Now, would you like to try again?

I certainly will, and I have for a fact learned much about this, however in my experience warp gate camps and battleships roams do not help me getting out there and finding a similar sized ship, as others in my scenario, feel just the same way. Fine, keep your advantage of skills and ISK, but I will not become someones killboard entry for nothing!

Another tip, there are plenty of folks that has played this game for quite a while that are willing to help. However, once someone comes off like an arse, throwing their toys out of the pram, that ends very quickly.

Now, from what i tried to pull out of you, it seems your awareness of other avenues may be a bit off or your lack of information is limiting you.

Now if someone is running a BS roam..oh god that is tasty right there, when I read that, i got all excited because that right there is a prime for the pushing in the ****.

As for Gate camps and what not, there is a very easy way in working around those and causing heart burn.

Coming off as an arse am I? Well there, how supporting of a newbie that doesn't know the game! Clearly it works two ways then!