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New direct PvP option (Matchmaking style)

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Callum GGibson
#1 - 2015-07-15 17:38:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Callum GGibson
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start.

Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own.

This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it.

Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-07-15 17:40:12 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start. Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own. This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it. Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

Dude, for all that is holy and just...PARAGRAPHS


Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3 - 2015-07-15 17:41:17 UTC

you want this go on sisi, keep this out of tq
Raith Crimson
#4 - 2015-07-15 17:41:40 UTC


my ideas are my own and have no reflection on the ideas of my current corp / alliance.

excuse my terrible typing.

Vadik Volkov
#5 - 2015-07-15 17:44:50 UTC
The second you propose an idea relating to another, or many, other games the community majority will vilify you for it. The players who "PVP" want it to stay as it is. It is unfortunate, but meh, what you going to do. If the idea you propose has merit, the first thing you will hear is SANDBOX! SANDBOX!, like EVE is actually this player molded thing.
Cyber SGB
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#6 - 2015-07-15 17:46:20 UTC
Yes, you can ask your corp mates about every little thing. Fight with corp members to learn different aspects of pvp. If you can't, then, find another corp. Frankly, if they are unhelpful, **** them.

Learn pvp by going into Low Sec and doing it. There is no better teacher than experiencing the real thing.

I write Kindle books. Visit my author page.

CerN Frostwolf
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-07-15 17:50:11 UTC
Yes!! PVP without risk. That is exactly why I play EVE! /s
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-07-15 17:51:03 UTC
Vadik Volkov wrote:
The second you propose an idea relating to another, or many, other games the community majority will vilify you for it. The players who "PVP" want it to stay as it is. It is unfortunate, but meh, what you going to do. If the idea you propose has merit, the first thing you will hear is SANDBOX! SANDBOX!, like EVE is actually this player molded thing.

Yeah, kind of like all these peeps trolling in with a great idea to change everyone else's game to suit theirs...crazy isn't it?
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-07-15 17:51:26 UTC
Cyber SGB wrote:
Yes, you can ask your corp mates about every little thing. Fight with corp members to learn different aspects of pvp. If you can't, then, find another corp. Frankly, if they are unhelpful, **** them.

Learn pvp by going into Low Sec and doing it. There is no better teacher than experiencing the real thing.

I think he's actually trolling. Though it's a sign of what kind of people are currently around, infecting the game with their addiction. I really hope CCP realizes that these are no customers the game actually supports, unless they want to turn it into an arcade game in the medium future.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Harry Forever
#10 - 2015-07-15 17:51:57 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start. Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own. This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it. Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-07-15 17:54:56 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Except that it is you who does not understand, not them. You come with an idea and you get the response you deserve and not the response you expect.

If you could just TRY and consider that your idea is BAD it would help! Pretending to have one other's viewpoint helps a lot when you propose ideas, you know? That's what you are missing here, the viewpoint of others!

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Harry Forever
#12 - 2015-07-15 17:58:48 UTC
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Except that it is you who does not understand, not them. You come with an idea and you get the response you deserve and not the response you expect.

If you could just TRY and consider that your idea is BAD it would help! Pretending to have one other's viewpoint helps a lot when you propose ideas, you know? That's what you are missing here, the viewpoint of others!

how would a sociopath understand a gamer, we all know the social aspect for you guys is most important because its your primary weapon, however people like me just want to fly spaceships and fight
#13 - 2015-07-15 18:02:19 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Except that it is you who does not understand, not them. You come with an idea and you get the response you deserve and not the response you expect.

If you could just TRY and consider that your idea is BAD it would help! Pretending to have one other's viewpoint helps a lot when you propose ideas, you know? That's what you are missing here, the viewpoint of others!

how would a sociopath understand a gamer, we all know the social aspect for you guys is most important because its your primary weapon, however people like me just want to fly spaceships and fight

People playing eve aren't gamers, except you eh? GTFO .. just stop posting while your ahead.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2015-07-15 18:03:04 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Except that it is you who does not understand, not them. You come with an idea and you get the response you deserve and not the response you expect.

If you could just TRY and consider that your idea is BAD it would help! Pretending to have one other's viewpoint helps a lot when you propose ideas, you know? That's what you are missing here, the viewpoint of others!

how would a sociopath understand a gamer, we all know the social aspect for you guys is most important because its your primary weapon, however people like me just want to fly spaceships and fight

Not sure how would you understand an EvE gamer. Tell us.
White Ops
#15 - 2015-07-15 18:03:37 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
however people like me just want to fly spaceships and fight
Why do you need a group for that? Just fly around and fight v0v
Callum GGibson
#16 - 2015-07-15 18:04:37 UTC
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

I came up with a simular idea regarding a simple fleeting-up tool for newcomers its running in the ideas section of the forum right now maybe check it out, I even posted about an aren mode a year ago, I thought it would be a good starting point as well for newcomers and stuff, however most of the people here will not understand it, be prepared to get some dull comments, still thumbs up from my side, I still think it would be a good thing for the game
Except that it is you who does not understand, not them. You come with an idea and you get the response you deserve and not the response you expect.

If you could just TRY and consider that your idea is BAD it would help! Pretending to have one other's viewpoint helps a lot when you propose ideas, you know? That's what you are missing here, the viewpoint of others!

I absolutely understand your viewpoint there, but since the very recent changes, I think it's going to be absolutely essential that more people learn how to fight and defend thier systems, rather than just "float" around, not actually being able to be part of a fleet long enough to learn anything as you are typically shot down and well, their goes the classroom eh!? Not, no never to replace actual PvP in Eve, just as a hub for new borns to learn in, without the drama. Seriously, you cannot take in information when every single change in your monitor causes you to jump to the nearest station in fear of being 1 shotted. Even veterans could use this against freinds or whatever in an enclosed arena, a fight to the death.
xxdeathxx thebeaver
Short Bus Syndicate
#17 - 2015-07-15 18:04:48 UTC
Callum GGibson wrote:
Since I've already got an idea out about Eve Online, hells lets talk about another one! Well if anyone reading has remotely played online games in the form of consoles (I'm thinking Xbox Live), you'll know that you'd choose which type of game mode you want to participate in, and the magical bots at Microsoft will join you into a game waiting in lobby to start.

Now since Eve is largely about PvP, or even the most important aspect of the game, why isn't there a matchmaking option to connect to other players (regardless of location) based on the same skills, to fight in a pre-built area (or shall I say "Arena"), with whatever ships are allowed for that game (Battleship bash or Frigate frenzy IDK), which would cut out the frustration (I've came across it!) of being bombarded by insanely larger ships than your own.

This would allow the progression of direct PvP skills such as tackling, while fleets are a good option to actually find what it's like with sweaty, grumpy FC's screaming into their mics for a scout! (And also the RAW exictement). To conclude, as a fairly new player to PvP combat (Thank you Vas Enyo!), I cannot exagerrate how much I want to lock up another Atron or Kestrel with similar modules and go at it.

Eve Online I'm finding has a rather harsh learning curve, and quite seriously, I'd like a little push when pedaling up the hill, and I believe this could be a small, effective solution to teach or even give an insight to "numbskulls", like myself on what Eve Online PvP is really like. Really, I can't ask my corp members questions about every little thing!

This isn't your xbox or some train ride game, this is a sandbox game.. you make content, your not given it on a spoon. Roll
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#18 - 2015-07-15 18:05:41 UTC
This one time a guy asked for instancing in Eve. It sounded a lot like this but it probably wasn't you, but it could be.. its really hard to tell.. and no that wasn't a 'nerf alts' comment or a 'post with your main' comment because hey that would be hypocritical of me although this is more of my main now than my main which I guess is an alt because this is my main now. Anyways if you want matchmaking I hear there is this one game where theyre going to do that but you may need to wait until 2031 or later when it finally comes out for beta. Speaking of beta, I was at a garage sale this weekend and I saw one for 5 bucks, and I almost bought it, but it didn't have any movies with it so I figured it wasn't worth it. I think I made a good decision on that. I did buy an endtable though. it was a little rough, but I went ahead and rubbed it down with some teak oil and it made it look like 45% better, and now I put my printer on it, which is nice. But you know what else is nice? Pie. Pie is nice. I could go for a nice slice of warm apple pie right about now. MMMMMmmmm. Hold on one moment while I type a quick email to Lindy. Ok, I sent it off. I told her that I demand a pie from grandma or else there will be consequences. dire consequences. ok, I got an email back and she said she will ask but no promises. I guess thatll have to do. dammit, now pie is all I can think about. I wonder if the snack machine has one of those ghetto hostess pies in there. Maybe artificial apple in stale sugar frosting covered crust will tide me over. probably not. Oh.. WARTHUNDER! Didn't that have matchmaking and instancing in it? Im sure it still does. I haven't played that in sooo long. I should check that out again sometime. I think I still have some of that premium bird currency left. time to go freemium for a day and make my planes giant American flags while I friendly fire my way to victory. never not shoot blues.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

#19 - 2015-07-15 18:07:11 UTC
But Xbox is cool.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-07-15 18:08:13 UTC
Harry Forever alt trolling again ...

I'm my own NPC alt.

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