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EVE General Discussion

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I'm tired of that Mmorpg Communism !

BellaDonna Nyghtshade
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2011-12-31 12:25:07 UTC
iudex wrote:
........ If someone gets spanked by a stronger guy in RL, he doesn't commit suicide as well, just because it's so unfair that there are stronger people than him on earth.

Matey, look around you. There's thin skinned arsehats offing themselves for being called names ffs, nuch less for gettin a beat-down.

Welcome to the pussification of mankind in the name of "equality".
Drew Solaert
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2011-12-31 12:45:16 UTC
Nothing stopping you dropping a few bill on officer mods for your drake to give you that capitalist edge.

I lied :o

Tanya Powers
#63 - 2011-12-31 12:51:35 UTC
Posting to clarify that indeed no one has to be the same, Eve online is the perfect example.

The more you fly Minmatar and Amarr the better you are.

But you can also fly Caldari or Gallente to be different. Lol
Dr Karsun
Coffee Lovers Brewing Club
#64 - 2011-12-31 12:59:36 UTC
Not sure, but I'd bed you'd need at least two years to max out any t2 cruiser skill set...

And at least 3 to max out a battleship skill set.

To max out a carrier skill set you'd need to add another year to the bs skill set.

Do you really think a lot of people are focued enough to actually focus on one particular ship?

"Have you had your morning coffee?" -> the Coffee Lovers Brewing Club is recruiting!

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-12-31 13:25:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Sebastian N Cain
Dr Karsun wrote:
Not sure, but I'd bed you'd need at least two years to max out any t2 cruiser skill set...

And at least 3 to max out a battleship skill set.

To max out a carrier skill set you'd need to add another year to the bs skill set.

Do you really think a lot of people are focued enough to actually focus on one particular ship?

Not to mention you need to learn to fly, too. Someone who has trained most stuff to lvl 3 or 4 and only the most important to lvl5 but has become really good at pvp will kick the ass of a maxed-out guy who only does click orbit and F1 F2 F3 anytime.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#66 - 2011-12-31 13:30:29 UTC
It sounds like the OP wants to have specialization on top of specialization.

Giving the thought a quick twirl through the mind, what if advancing a specific skill beyond level 5 cost you the lost of an equivalent skill starting at level 5 and working down?

As a quick example, you wish to train Missile Launcher Operations to level 6. Besides a slew of skill required to be at level 5 as prerequisites, the sacrificial skill would be Large (Energy, Hybrid, or Projectile) Turret level 5. Once you start training Missile Launcher Operations 6, you ~forget~ Large Turret 5. Perhaps as a role playing spin, since you do not use a skill regularly, it is subtly forgotten. (Real life example - I learned Calculus in college but have not used it for almost twenty years. I remember bits and pieces but overall...) So once Missile Launcher Operations training surpasses the skill points sacrificed, you begin to loose skill points from Large Turret 4 and so on and so forth.

Thus you are no gaining skill points, but shifting them in a sideways motion.

Just a thought.

Oh yea, adding to the non-sunglasses wearing and deranged avatar picture posters.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#67 - 2011-12-31 13:53:06 UTC
ElQuirko wrote:
There's this cool game you should play. It's called EVE Online.

Eve is Real
Trolls are trolling.
And we need think to find a final solution to a goon problem.


CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#68 - 2011-12-31 14:05:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
I kinda like the thread title.

And I also sympathise (a little) with where the op is coming from - it is *relatively* easy to cap out skills in specific ships and not be able to improve them much more after a point (thinking max specialization small guns and manouvering/systems etc skills on frigates). But its more difficult than he makes out and still takes tens of millions of skill points to get all the ancillary skills up.

But I could be persuaded on a third layer of "super-specializations" perhaps for people what want to go that route that maybe need existing spec Vs as a prereq. I can't see it being terribly onerous to the server at large as long as returns are *diminishing* (ie a 1% per level on the super spec) and have it as a function for truly obessive min maxers :)

Would give something for people in search of the absolute best weaponry skills to throw their training into.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#69 - 2011-12-31 15:33:35 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
ElQuirko wrote:
Why can't there be difference in a way that someone who invests more time/energy becomes stronger than others ?
That's more WoW-like. Including all the other crap that calls itself MMO, although they are only a sad excuse.

I think I'm going to try and elaborate on this abit. In Wow, if every player stuck with the game to the final endgame content, they'd level out to an equal level at some point, at least until another expansion. But in Eve, even if my gunnery skills are the same as a toon twice my age, he has other skills that I may not have. Since there is no endgame in Eve, the older players cannot be equalled by players younger than themselves. The only hope a younger player has to equal an older player is if the older player no longer subs and thus can't train the skills.

Now put down the Kool-aid my friend. The only reason that Eve stands out is because it's different from all the other MMOs. Doesn't mean they are all bad because they are different, it just means you have choices.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#70 - 2011-12-31 15:52:54 UTC
Not sure specialisation on specialisation works particualrly well for a couple of reasons.

1. If the multiplier for next specialisation wan't high enough you'd get a rush of bonuses as you 'cracked' each new specialisation level.

2. If the multiplier where too high the skills would be pretty worthless as they would take forever to train.

I totally fail to see why people are being so ignorant about the idea though (learn player skillz, it takes 2 years anyway)

There are people who have played EVE for years and have maxed the skills they are interested in why not throw them a bone and open up skill VI and possible VII, it would hardley be game breaking ( can't believe someone actually thinks giving vets something to train would break the game Roll ).

My point is it's been like it has for 10 years if the game wants to make another 10 years then it's something that will probably need to be addressed sometime or perhaps you'd prefer nothing be done and we all end up generic 'All V' alts.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2011-12-31 15:57:13 UTC
Professor Alphane wrote:
Not sure specialisation on specialisation works particualrly well for a couple of reasons.

1. If the multiplier for next specialisation wan't high enough you'd get a rush of bonuses as you 'cracked' each new specialisation level.

2. If the multiplier where too high the skills would be pretty worthless as they would take forever to train.

I totally fail to see why people are being so ignorant about the idea though (learn player skillz, it takes 2 years anyway)

There are people who have played EVE for years and have maxed the skills they are interested in why not throw them a bone and open up skill VI and possible VII, it would hardley be game breaking ( can't believe someone actually thinks giving vets something to train would break the game Roll ).

My point is it's been like it has for 10 years if the game wants to make another 10 years then it's something that will probably need to be addressed sometime or perhaps you'd prefer nothing be done and we all end up generic 'All V' alts.

Boy, people have barely maxed out Spaceship Command skills on a single alt. Do the math, there's plenty of **** to train and when you're finally done, there's 2 more character slots left.
Valei Khurelem
#72 - 2011-12-31 16:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Valei Khurelem
BellaDonna Nyghtshade wrote:
iudex wrote:
........ If someone gets spanked by a stronger guy in RL, he doesn't commit suicide as well, just because it's so unfair that there are stronger people than him on earth.

Matey, look around you. There's thin skinned arsehats offing themselves for being called names ffs, nuch less for gettin a beat-down.

Welcome to the pussification of mankind in the name of "equality".

This kind of thing isn't equality, it's just another form of discrimination and favourtism.

Girls on this forum can call me sexist for this if they want, but a perfect example is when women ***** and moan about being treated badly in the work place etc. by men because they're women but love it when they're being treated to nice dinners or cheap car insurance purely because they're women. When they have that taken away from them they ***** and moan about how unfair it is that men won't cater to their every need anymore, they're complaining about being treated the same as everyone else, as in, equally.

The facts are that there are many of these so called equality groups who whine for equality but really they only want equality for themselves so they don't have to face hardship, they couldn't give a crap about anyone else, they don't want to be considered equal to everyone else, they just want to be equal amongst themselves, in other words they don't want equality, they want to be treated special at the expense of others.

Me? I want to pew pew anyone with nothing more than a sharp eye and good targeting skills, if I lose in that area then that's fine, I don't want to be given god mode just because I did some grinding a few hours longer than most players can stand. What the OP is talking about is a complete bastardization of the idea of communism and very few people genuinely support the idea anymore, in short, he's talking ****.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#73 - 2011-12-31 16:36:19 UTC
Killstealing wrote:
Professor Alphane wrote:
Not sure specialisation on specialisation works particualrly well for a couple of reasons.

1. If the multiplier for next specialisation wan't high enough you'd get a rush of bonuses as you 'cracked' each new specialisation level.

2. If the multiplier where too high the skills would be pretty worthless as they would take forever to train.

I totally fail to see why people are being so ignorant about the idea though (learn player skillz, it takes 2 years anyway)

There are people who have played EVE for years and have maxed the skills they are interested in why not throw them a bone and open up skill VI and possible VII, it would hardley be game breaking ( can't believe someone actually thinks giving vets something to train would break the game Roll ).

My point is it's been like it has for 10 years if the game wants to make another 10 years then it's something that will probably need to be addressed sometime or perhaps you'd prefer nothing be done and we all end up generic 'All V' alts.

Boy, people have barely maxed out Spaceship Command skills on a single alt. Do the math, there's plenty of **** to train and when you're finally done, there's 2 more character slots left.

Lol yes start a new alt thats th solution isn't it.

And have you considered maybe someone doesn't want to max out EVERY ship some would prefer to specialise, I don't see why 'width' of progression should be ignored because you CAN use your training time if you want to learn to fly a load of ships that you will never use.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Amarr Empire
#74 - 2011-12-31 18:06:26 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Posting to even out the ratio of pilots wearing glasses or some sort.


You sirrah are a gentleman and a scholar.
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."   --H.L. Mencken
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#75 - 2011-12-31 18:43:25 UTC
Ioci wrote:
Player side, if you can train MWD skills indefinite, how fast do you get to go? We had it to a point where nobody could catch us once. How much fun would that be after the first few times? MWD fit a titan to go 20K/ms?

That's a valid point, but i don't say that every skill should be trainable indefinitely. This could be limited to skills that increase the damage or shield/armor hitpoints. I'd even prefer to train a hull hiptoins increase skill instead of training things that i don't use at all. And a diminishing return + higher training time for each skill tier ensure that the advantage is kept tiny. I'm not asking for huge imbalances, a 10-20% sp-based edge in a certain field for years of training is already sufficient to keep that taste of constant progression, which is vital for MMOs imho.

Tippia wrote:
... usual stupid blah blaaaahh....
What the OP is asking for is a way to completely ruin a character and breaking the game, and creating a massive headache for the devs in getting the maths to still work, just because he thinks ...even more blaaaahh...

A simple exponential function is something that creates a massive headache for you ? Did you drop out from school after the 4th grade or what ? Please stop polluting my thread with your foolishness, go troll somewhere else.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#76 - 2011-12-31 20:13:07 UTC
Professor Alphane wrote:
Killstealing wrote:
Professor Alphane wrote:
Not sure specialisation on specialisation works particualrly well for a couple of reasons.

1. If the multiplier for next specialisation wan't high enough you'd get a rush of bonuses as you 'cracked' each new specialisation level.

2. If the multiplier where too high the skills would be pretty worthless as they would take forever to train.

I totally fail to see why people are being so ignorant about the idea though (learn player skillz, it takes 2 years anyway)

There are people who have played EVE for years and have maxed the skills they are interested in why not throw them a bone and open up skill VI and possible VII, it would hardley be game breaking ( can't believe someone actually thinks giving vets something to train would break the game Roll ).

My point is it's been like it has for 10 years if the game wants to make another 10 years then it's something that will probably need to be addressed sometime or perhaps you'd prefer nothing be done and we all end up generic 'All V' alts.

Boy, people have barely maxed out Spaceship Command skills on a single alt. Do the math, there's plenty of **** to train and when you're finally done, there's 2 more character slots left.

Lol yes start a new alt thats th solution isn't it.

And have you considered maybe someone doesn't want to max out EVERY ship some would prefer to specialise, I don't see why 'width' of progression should be ignored because you CAN use your training time if you want to learn to fly a load of ships that you will never use.

Now this is an interesting point, and both sides have validity.

It is true that there can be significant advantages to training up the other two characters on your account, on the other hand everyone instinctively wants their main to truly excel at whatever your main focus is.

I think the game (and player base) is better served by the development of new, and complimentary, area's of game play and their related skills. One example of this was the introduction of T3 ships and their related skills, PI was another. Both added new capabilities to the game, new skills to the game, and complimented existing skills. Indeed they served to give more value to the training of certain existing skills at the same time.

And frankly new (yet related) area's of game play (and equipment) to explore and skill for is ultimately far more interesting that spending huge amounts of time honing a single skill to be 1% better.

When bounty hunting is fleshed out I can easily seeing a new set of skills emerge (along with a completely different aspect of the game to explore).

The same goes for smuggling, black marketeering, comet mining. planetary bombardment, wormhole stabilization, a planetary interaction version designed for moon goo extraction instead of POS mining arrays, remote piloting of fighters/fighter bombers, planetary logistics skills that interact with DUST troops, and the list goes on and on.

I do very much agree with you that there always needs to be new horizons, new things to achieve and explore, new ways to expand the capabilities of your main character. It's just that to me this sort of inter-related development is far more entertaining and worthwhile than simply tacking on an extra level or two to the skill system.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#77 - 2011-12-31 20:23:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
iudex wrote:
I'm a retard
You don't say? Maybe if you stopped for a moment to read what people write instead of dismissing it just because you're not following what's being said…
A simple exponential function is something that creates a massive headache for you ?
You really have no clue what you're talking about do you? Or maybe your handler isn't reading he posts properly to you… Cry

Try reading the part you just quoted in context. Now try pointing out where any mention was made about an exponential function. Hint for the ignorant (viz. you): none was made — you really shouldn't answer your own hallucinations because that will just end in tears. Anyway, yes, it will be a massive headache to adjust things like weapons damage, speed, agility etc. (you know, the things that were discussed in the post in question) if they had to contend with an additional layer of bonuses — they are having significant issues with making it work even with what we already have.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#78 - 2011-12-31 20:30:27 UTC
a newer player can be equal to any older player in any ship, the older player will undoubtedly be able to fly more ships better - but ultimatly one ship has a limit to its useful skillset.

New players must specialise from the get go to be on a par, ship for ship.

Generally a year playing nets a new player at least one solid frigate, cruiser and bc. Providing also that remaps and implants are used to boost the process a bit.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2011-12-31 20:51:48 UTC
iudex wrote:
Ioci wrote:
Player side, if you can train MWD skills indefinite, how fast do you get to go? We had it to a point where nobody could catch us once. How much fun would that be after the first few times? MWD fit a titan to go 20K/ms?

That's a valid point, but i don't say that every skill should be trainable indefinitely. This could be limited to skills that increase the damage or shield/armor hitpoints. I'd even prefer to train a hull hiptoins increase skill instead of training things that i don't use at all. And a diminishing return + higher training time for each skill tier ensure that the advantage is kept tiny. I'm not asking for huge imbalances, a 10-20% sp-based edge in a certain field for years of training is already sufficient to keep that taste of constant progression, which is vital for MMOs imho.

Tippia wrote:
... usual stupid blah blaaaahh....
What the OP is asking for is a way to completely ruin a character and breaking the game, and creating a massive headache for the devs in getting the maths to still work, just because he thinks ...even more blaaaahh...

A simple exponential function is something that creates a massive headache for you ? Did you drop out from school after the 4th grade or what ? Please stop polluting my thread with your foolishness, go troll somewhere else.

It seems you don´t get it: it is a game where it´s mostly about your personal abilities. Skills and their levels are just for giving you access to more stuff and giving you some edge as a reward for the invested time, not more. It´s just secondary in regard to abilities. It is intended that a new char that is really good at pvp will kick a maxed-out guys ass out of space, if that guy never learned properly to fly and fight (and that nincompoop can never rely on his advantage in skills to win against a good player).

And telling everyone that this thread is not about personal abilities is rather nonsensical because that is completely missing the point of the game: Your personal abilities are intended to be the deciding factor in this game, everything else is just a little edge you can get for yourself, but not enough to outweigh your abilities.

And since you are thinking clicking orbit and pressing F1 F2 F3 is all you can do in pvp, adding 10% or 20% to stats anywhere wont help you not getting your ass kicked anyway (anfd the other way round: learn flying and fighting and your performance will go up far more than that).

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#80 - 2011-12-31 21:15:15 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Maybe if you stopped for a moment to read what people write instead of dismissing it just because you're not following what's being said…
The sad part is that i actually had read your posts - which was a complete waste of time since they didn't contain anything other than nonsensical BS.


Try reading the part you just quoted in context. Now try pointing out where any mention was made about an exponential function.
The way i proposed the addition of new progression skills in several posts above (each new skill tier takes exponentially more time per given sp advantage than the previous one) isn't more complicated than an exponential function. You stated that the maths behind my proposal will create massive headaches - which proves your pathetic weakness at maths. So far you shown you fail at text comprehension, at maths, at good behaviour and at basic logic in this thread. Is there actually anything that you are able to do, except molesting people on the forums with your obvious stupidity ? I think i wasted enough time on you, not going to read your future posts, which will hardly contain anything worth reading anyways.

P.S.: stop posting here with your well known alts, acting like if you were a group of people. This makes you appear even more pathetic.