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[Service] Black Frog Logistics - Low-sec and null-sec jump freighter service

Mr R4nd0m
#761 - 2015-02-12 16:30:04 UTC
have used these guys many times fantastic service and never failed me. However since the last patches black frog in particular prices have tripled even with the latest discount. It now makes this service very difficult to use from a cost perspective. what used to cost 150 mill is now nearer 400mill. I understand the patch made some difference but im not sure it made that much especially for JFs.

So i really cant justify paying these extremely high costs unless i or you are needing a few billion of items moving, and if you have then you usually are in an alliance that has these logisitics anyway.

Hoping that this isnt the sign of the end for BF as they have always done a good service
Lyn Fel
Black Frog Logistics
#762 - 2015-02-13 03:17:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Fel
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
have used these guys many times fantastic service and never failed me. However since the last patches black frog in particular prices have tripled even with the latest discount. It now makes this service very difficult to use from a cost perspective. what used to cost 150 mill is now nearer 400mill. I understand the patch made some difference but im not sure it made that much especially for JFs.

So i really cant justify paying these extremely high costs unless i or you are needing a few billion of items moving, and if you have then you usually are in an alliance that has these logisitics anyway.

Hoping that this isnt the sign of the end for BF as they have always done a good service

We aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

We will never be able to compete with an internal alliance freight service because unlike those we service half of New Eden. They can combine multiple small contracts into one trip because they are all going to the same place. It is extremely rare that we are that fortunate. We normally move one contract at a time which is why we charge per trip.

Our lowesec service currently starts at 100m to move up to 320k m3 (additional fees for longer distances and extra collateral of course). We feel that this is a fair starting price for the service we provide. It does require a 7b isk ship, a highly trained pilot, at least two accounts (the second to provide the cyno), plus we have to subtract the cost of fuel, cynos, liquid ozone, etc. Not to mention the fact that we assume all risk, via collateral, of any losses due to ganking or otherwise.

Aside from the addition of fatigue and 11% reduced jump range, another difficulty we now face is relocating cynos post Phoebe. Since we do go all over the galaxy, rather than back and forth between two places, we are constantly moving cyno frigates 20-30 gates between jumps, sometimes even more in nullsec. Prior to Phoebe we relied heavily on pod express to move around. This has forced us to exclusively use interceptors when traveling through nullsec which is an additional cost (since they do die sometimes) which is part of the reason why we charge more for nullsec. With our recent price drop, nullsec jobs are actually now 50m less than they were immediately after Phoebe came out.

Our SOV service brings with it additional challenges. Due to constant wardecs against us, our pilots who do service SOV are required to maintain 2 jump freighter pilots. One in corp that can dock in SOV outposts and one out of corp that can enter hisec. The jump freighter must be traded between the two in lowsec. This is an additional expense for us and requires extra time therefore we do add on an additional surcharge for SOV work.

In all of these instances we do feel that our current price structure is fair to both our customers and to our pilots.

Lyn Fel
Black Frog Logistics

PS - None of our prices ever came close to tripling even before we dropped our rates on the first. :)
I am providence
Amarr Empire
#763 - 2015-02-28 21:47:31 UTC  |  Edited by: I am providence
Route: Ostingele --> Hadozeko
Issued: 13:25
Completed: 21:20 Shocked

10/10, would hire again Pirate
*providence seal of approval*

My Blog (german):

All about trading, some PvP, some politics... whatever i want to write about

Vanguard Frontiers
#764 - 2015-03-03 15:18:34 UTC
Black Frog Logistics - Lowsec/Nullsec Logistics Services. first time thank you love it will use it again
Davos Ironclad
#765 - 2015-03-06 12:39:45 UTC
Oldest contract in the queue is 14 hours. Get your contracts up now for fast deliveries over the weekend!
Lazypat Industries
#766 - 2015-03-13 05:36:27 UTC
Black Frog is frickin' amazing. A bit pricey, but they can move things to places no one else would dare to try. I was a bit skeptical at first, but they moved my goods from point a to point b very quickly. I'm impressed and will continue to use this service for as long as it is available. +1
Malum Sidus
Caldari State
#767 - 2015-03-19 23:30:20 UTC
Well, you're only transporting one small amount of goods. What if I wanted a large amount of goods. Tons of ships (packaged), mods, etc...I'm talking about close to 30B worth. Who do I contact? Because I'd like to speak in person, to know my stuff is safe. I'm talking about 10+ BS, 30 Crusiers, 100 frigs, etc....Who handles that sort of transport? Over 30B worth....easily. Not something I'd like to lose. Not going to trust in the hands of many, I can do it VERY...VERY....slowly.
Lyn Fel
Black Frog Logistics
#768 - 2015-03-20 00:55:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Fel
Malum Sidus wrote:
Well, you're only transporting one small amount of goods. What if I wanted a large amount of goods. Tons of ships (packaged), mods, etc...I'm talking about close to 30B worth. Who do I contact? Because I'd like to speak in person, to know my stuff is safe. I'm talking about 10+ BS, 30 Crusiers, 100 frigs, etc....Who handles that sort of transport? Over 30B worth....easily. Not something I'd like to lose. Not going to trust in the hands of many, I can do it VERY...VERY....slowly.

We do that. You would have to split it into multiple contracts because you can't fit that many ships into one jump freighter even with them repackaged. But we accept collateral amounts up to 20b so protecting yourself from loss is no problem at all.

Feel free to join us in game in channel "Black Frog" or you can find instructions on using our service here...
Stars in No Sky
Backward Time in a Strange Land
#769 - 2015-04-03 16:15:37 UTC
40 jumps (null/low/high sec)

date issued :: 2015.04.03 09:02
date completed :: 2015.04.03 14:37

VIP services. 10/10.
YAGALONE Anxiety91
R00K13 TAX 3VA510N
#770 - 2015-04-22 14:00:29 UTC
WOW that was awesome, Black Frog saved me some major headaches, Brilliant service and were a lot faster than i thought they'd be, i am a hauler my self mastery 4 even with the ark but never done it before so i thought i'd leave it to the professionals ,,,,, i HIGHLY RECOMMENDED them....... thank you Big smile
Kerena Alabel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#771 - 2015-04-24 01:03:06 UTC
52 jumps From high sec to null, contract picked up and completed within 24 hours. These guys are good.
Shin Katsumoto
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#772 - 2015-04-26 03:08:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Shin Katsumoto
Created contract from Amarr to Null. Contract been in accepted state for over 38 hours and issued 51 hours ago. This is well above the average delivery time and when asking in their channel I was told to contact the contractor directly.

However he is not online and has not been everytime I checked so not happy with the service so far.

[EDIT] The items were delivered after about 45 hours after accepted time. Not as quick as I expected but still not bad.
9B30FF Labs
#773 - 2015-05-31 05:01:01 UTC
Most Excellent JF service - One shipment out of Venal region delivered safely and under 40 hours. Waiting on a second one right now, which was posted tonight. Smile
Raven Pirkibo
Jameco Industries
#774 - 2015-07-02 05:15:47 UTC

I got my delivery moved through low sec in less than 24 hours in a prompt and courteous manner.

I will recommend this service to my friends and use them again.
Euclid Motorhead
Kiwis In Space
Shadow Cartel
#775 - 2015-07-05 07:18:19 UTC
I endorse and recommend this service wholeheartedly.

Have used, will use again.
mia mia
State War Academy
Caldari State
#776 - 2015-07-10 23:05:32 UTC
Rock star service. 20+ ships and 3+ billion isk worth of goods moved out of deep 0.0 and across the galaxy. <48 hours. No drama. Just execution of the job requested.

Block Frog will be my go-to hauler from here on out.
Roy Moleman
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#777 - 2015-07-11 01:01:43 UTC
Great service.
Highly recommended.
M'uva Wa'eva
Black Frog Logistics
#778 - 2015-07-20 06:22:14 UTC
We hired a large number of new pilots in the last few weeks and the queue is at a minimum - so now is a great time to move your goods without much time to wait.
Raniets Sharvas
Armilies Corporation
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#779 - 2015-07-21 11:12:02 UTC
put up a contract, went to bed.
woke up, contract finished..
would use again :)
Fredegar Hohenstaufen Corporation
Holy Arumbian Empire
#780 - 2015-07-22 10:45:58 UTC
A huge thank you to the pilots of Black Frog Logistics, my goods were transported promptly within 4 hours after the contract was sent and the price was very reasonable.
I'll definitely be keeping this corporation bookmarked for any future shipments.