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NPE feedback Q and A

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Kayle Saviant
Strategic Defense and Deployment Directive
#181 - 2015-07-03 11:06:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kayle Saviant
Q: 'Opportunities are bad, they've made the NPE much worse'

NPE hasn't changed much over the last couple of years. Mining. Missioning. Trading. Ganking. You can streamline them a bit. Trade and agent skills are clumsily organised and attributed.

Q: 'Can we send new players to career agents since that's what veteran players are recommending anyway'

Agree, but wasn't that the situation anyway?

Q: 'Starting skills are a huge barrier, can we give a lot more to new players'

Give everyone 500k free sp. Enough to get a newbie up and going.

Q: 'Attributes aren't very interesting, you should remove them'

Disagree. Leave em alone. Makes character planning meaningful and gives a reason for long term eve investment. Also makes the different between implant planning more meaningful. Maybe give us an additional remap every 6 months instead of year. That will deal with any awkwardness re attribute stuckness.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#182 - 2015-07-03 11:08:34 UTC
I would not give people all the frig skills or the 2 tanking skills. 1 frig is more than enough for them to try things out. Furthermore, giving them shield and armor on an Amarr char, or Armor and shield on a Caldari char bears the risk of creating even more of these triple tank people who think that small, medium, large guns paired with shield boosters, armor reps and hull mods are a good thing.

Instead, if you start as an Amarr char, you should -- if at all -- be able to fly an Amarr ship properly. Or if they start as Caldari, they should be able to fly a Caldari frig properly. Mixing these things up right from the start is not going to be helpful. With this way, they are not only capable of flying a ship "well", they also learn the racial differences that exist. And with some guidance via tutorials/opportunities/hints to proper video tutorials from players, they can learn what which race and their ships can do and cannot.

With regards to the opening up of starter systems to expose people to harsh player interaction. If I remember correctly, the career agents made me travel quite a bit to and out of the starter system where I was available for "player interaction". Every little bit of opening up these systems will only cause more more experienced players to flock there and sit there, farming easy kills. Instead, newbies should be send around more on interesting tasks during the tutorial making the travel worthwhile and interesting.
For instance, I started in Sehmy back then and my career agents were in Conoban. The low sec system of Ami is very close by, Gademan, Atarli or Zatamaka are also relatively close. New players could be send there to speak to someone or check a site and die on the way to players. Give them 2 or 3 tries and hint to find alternative routes into the system if a camp was detected. If they cannot manage to get into the system in a ship and visit the station/site, the mission continues with another path. This would teach them to be observant, check maps/system stats, be creative, use time to their advantage and exposes them to death through players and the ensuing local smack, or advices. All important lessons for a better EVE experience.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#183 - 2015-07-03 11:19:12 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:

This character is ready to go in whatever direction she wants to fly. She has plenty of room for improvement, but she could contribute to any fleet right now. Or go have some fun with RvB. Or whatever floats her boat (or sinks it!). With some specialization, she can branch towards different professions, without being pushed in one direction or another.

Decent list of skills but does not give the new player the skills to go anywhere they want to go, it is heavily geared toward fleet PVP, and nothing else, and TBH it is too much and might get overwhelming.
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Instead, if you start as an Amarr char, you should -- if at all -- be able to fly an Amarr ship properly. Or if they start as Caldari, they should be able to fly a Caldari frig properly. Mixing these things up right from the start is not going to be helpful. With this way, they are not only capable of flying a ship "well", they also learn the racial differences that exist. And with some guidance via tutorials/opportunities/hints to proper video tutorials from players, they can learn what which race and their ships can do and cannot.

I agree that this is a much better way to handle new player skills.

They also dont need a bunch of skills already to level 3~4 part of the skilling system is to teach patience, and for the most part level 1 will get you a taste of a module.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Kestral Anneto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#184 - 2015-07-03 11:41:44 UTC
Here's an idea to improve new player introduction.
Have a 1 or 2 hour, solo campaign fo the new player to play through.
Think of it this way, the new player takes control of there toon in a series of semi-scripted fights, using the new drifter AI.
The fights get larger and larger until the new player is taking part in big fleet fights between the empires.
As a reward for taking part in the fighting, the new players empire lets them become a capsuleer, and releases them into the sandbox proper, where they can run thriough the career agenst, minus the basic combat one.
You could even showcase the different ships that they COULD be using, ceptor, hictor/dictor, HAC, battleship, hell, even capital ships.

This would teach a new player how to fight, as much as possible against the AI and more importantly, it will be able to showcase exactly what they could do in EvE. By that i mean take part in the huge fleet fights, like B-R. It would encourage them rather than let them scale the wall blindly.

Lets be honest here, EvE is always going to need new blood, so lets showcase what this game can do, let the new player be in awe at what they could be doing in the sandbox.
Atum' Ra
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2015-07-03 12:09:10 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:

Q: 'Opportunities are bad, they've made the NPE much worse'
A: As you know, we did a lot of testing on this system and would not have pushed it out to 100% of new players if it was doing damage. That said, it isn't doing enormously better than the old tutorial and we think there is still lots of room for improvement. We have an iteration plan already in place which we will begin testing within the next couple weeks.

As for me, opportunities must be more dynamic and PVP oriented. Smth like
"Destroy any player in low-sec" -> pirat tutorial
"Destroy any player with low SS" -> concord tutorial
"Find specific anomaly in system XXXX in null-sec (40 jumps from jita)" -> SoE tutorial
"Find WH level 6"
And make all of them dynamic and absolutly random!!!

CCP Rise wrote:

Q: 'Starting skills are a huge barrier, can we give a lot more to new players'
A: Yes. But this is not a simple change. You guys seem fairly agreed that the small amount of starting skills, combined with a high amount of 'must have' support and requirement skills, leads to some really icky barriers to participation for new players. We are inclined to agree and we are in the process of laying out a plan to address the problem. Nothing is set in stone yet but it seems likely that we will try and move new players towards starting with significantly more SP. Maybe between 1 and 2 million. It also seems likely that we will probably avoid any major skill reworks or skill removals. As this plan solidifies you will hear more from us.

This is the worst idea.
Just give new players after payment a bonus implant which increase studying but DO NOT GIVE NEW PLAYERS FREE SP!!!!!!
Because Eve is the most difficult game and that is why EVE attracts players, you simplify it... new players do not come, because now is too many simple games, and others drop out because the game becomes interesting, not difficult enough. When I was a freshman, I had a goal for the mothership and Titan. Titan with AOE DD was really great! Now Titan is only portal.
I have created a set of accounts and set all the different attributes and studied different skills. Beacuse I want to test everything in EVE. All accounts was payed by credit card. Now I froze several accounts, because I can control most of the ships by a single pilot. Thank you for the relief requirements. Especially battleships 5.
Nerf more and online will be about 10k playes. The lower the number of players in the game, the less you want to join. The effect of the avalanche vice versa.

CCP Rise wrote:

Q: 'Attributes aren't very interesting, you should remove them'
A: Again, we agree. Team Size Matters discussed removing them on the o7 show (or some other public venue) awhile back and it's still something we are very interested in. We need to figure out a good way to handle all the learning implants in the game though, which is actually a difficult problem. If any of you have awesome ideas for how to handle it don't hesitate to make suggestions.

This is the second worst idea. Attributes is the only thing that reminds me D&D system. If all are equal then it will be boring.
It is not important how many players come into the game. the important thing is how many players left in the game after 3 months.

P.S. Focus your efforts on creating content. On the establishment of goals. Global goals for each player. And the realization of one such purpose must take place not earlier than one year after the start of the game! And the more goals will be - the more players will stay in the game!
The presence of the ship in the game that you want to control a year learn the skills of the character just for this ship. As soon as the game comes 10 such ships enter a new more demanding of skills ship.
There is no ship more expensive than Titan. And the introduction of more expensive to ship will significantly speed up the withdrawal of money.
This ship should be actively used by players. So it must be a supercapital ship used against multiple opponents on lighter ships, but vulnerable to capital ships. "One against many."
With the fozzysov such ship will be very popular because small corporation can buy many plex and build such ship which will defend them from any gang.
This ship should cost more than 500 billion.

And finally remove the free insurance!

Zepheros Naeonis
#186 - 2015-07-03 12:28:54 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Why is removing learning implants a difficult problem? Just get rid of them and increase base training rate to whatever the current long term player average training rate is. Add 1-2 week duration booster drugs if you really have to.

How is this a solution? What if this 'player average training rate' ends up being 2000 sp/ph because the "average" majority don't bother with implants or never stay in clones for extended periods of time to focus on skill training? Reason doesn't matter, it can be because they are constantly PvPing and install more useful implants, don't want to worry about being podded, etc. I would rather be in control of how fast I can train my skills, even if there is a hard cap of 2700 sp per hour. This is not something that CCP needs to cottle the entire player base by managing.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#187 - 2015-07-03 13:13:27 UTC
Atum' Ra wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:

Q: 'Attributes aren't very interesting, you should remove them'
A: Again, we agree. Team Size Matters discussed removing them on the o7 show (or some other public venue) awhile back and it's still something we are very interested in. We need to figure out a good way to handle all the learning implants in the game though, which is actually a difficult problem. If any of you have awesome ideas for how to handle it don't hesitate to make suggestions.

This is the second worst idea. Attributes is the only thing that reminds me D&D system.

They are nothing like the D&D system, they're only purpose is to determine how fast a player can do something and if players can't do something then they aren't going to keep playing for long.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Elsa Hayes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#188 - 2015-07-03 13:32:44 UTC

Today I was lurking in the recruitment chat and found a new guy asking around for a noob friendly corp, after some minutes, probably half an hour, he asked if this game hated new players since seemingly no one wanted to recruit him and all the people responding told him went to tell him to "sit it out " and wait a month or two.....even keeping in mind he was trolling is this for real?

Is this the new guy experience we have right now? It is bad enough that new chars start with literally nothing trained, they are given some skill books and even a cerebral booster but lets face it basically they are told, pay up and wait, come back later.

Once upon a time people started out with certain professions learned and a 800k sp head start, what was wrong about that?
Now most corps are not even willing to take in the 50k sp noob.

After it triggered my personal interest I made a char myself, and tried it out and oh boy....this game has the very worst new player experience I have ever seen, actually, you are first presented with great graphics and acceptable mechanics and then you realize, especially after having interaction with seasoned players you are considered worthless for at least 1 month or up, queue up and shut up.....that is what you are told in a nutshell.

Who would resub based on such an experience?
Even if EvE players are in for the long haul, talking off new people like that can not be beneficial or does Hilmar plan to close the doors in 3-4 years considers new guys neglectable?

It is not even the attitude of todays recruiters, it is how the game sets out for new people!

In my opinion getting rid of learning skills was good, now professions must be brought back and people must be given a 600-800K trained up basic skills head start on top of the granted cerebral booster and stuff.

This will probably make it more easy to create suicide ganking alts but that is a problem that can be dealt with separately .

If the game wants to strive something must be done! The game itself is amazing, the new guys experience is abysmal though!

I wonder what the current conversion rate of trial accounts to paying accounts can not be good.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#189 - 2015-07-03 13:59:31 UTC
@Elsa Hayes

The fact is that you are worthless. Even if you had the skills for mods and ships, you are worthless because you do not know how to use them in a way that helps the corp/alliance recruiting you. After this month, or a week if you are really good, you get to a point where you understand at least some mechanics, at least some ways to operate, at least some types of actions and at least some methods to sustain yourself, as well as have at least some kind of experience and sensibility for your ship. Before that you are nothing but a burden and nothing can change that.

Added to that comes that most current new players have this attitude that things need to be handed to them, things need to be readily available for 0 cost to them, get angry if this is not the case, fail to do some work on their own, show little to now appreciation to people teaching them and mostly are a pain to deal with. You may thank things like Facebook, Angry Birds, COD and Farmeville for that attitude. However, also more seasoned players show little to no appreciation to educators, have rarely gratitude or compensation for those who try to bother with the new players. You can't really blame people for these reactions.

Besides, I do not really understand the ruckus about this. It's a perfect resemblance of real life, in a game whose sole goal is to provide a platform to release the suppressed inner dark nature of people. I do not understand why people are so surprised about it? And how new players are so shocked about this reaction to their questions. As I said before, it certainly is advisable that players change and become more welcoming to new players who actually show willingness to learn and evolve; however, if newbies cannot deal with these reactions, how will they deal with even harsher reactions to their failures in fleets or ratting losses or general failure?

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Anthar Thebess
#190 - 2015-07-03 14:13:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Elsa Hayes wrote:

Good point.
CCP did few very bad things , one of the most important ones was removing the unified national channels.

Maybe for big countries this is not issue, but for smaller ones , people actually used them to fast recruit new players.
We have player made replacement list of this channels, but it is not the same , as new guy needs to know about this list in the first place.

We have many player groups where usual player don't speak English , and level of understanding of this language is just on the basic ability to read and understand basic concepts.

Second stuff is NPC corporations , full of alts and trolls.
First thing that new player should get is the list of accepted player made training corporations ( including the big pressure on pointing the biggest and national ones ) - there are many people that dedicated their game experience in training new guys - all of this player initiative is lost.

I learned that something that EVE UNI exist after 3 months in game.

Recruiting new players to corporation don't provide any short term benefits, just tons of work , especially that this player can just stop playing or jump ships at any time.

Why we cannot change the buddy program to a corporate version ?(also to limit the abuse)
Let say that corporations can actually make profit from teaching new players.

Scheme of this can be very simple :
- corp welcome a newbie in their ranks
- corp teach and care for this newbie for 3 months
- after 3 months gets a form where he can state if he was cared "well" ( newbie still in the same corp for all this time )
- if the response is positive corp get plex!

This will be best reason for people to actually recruit new players, and teach them, it will also limit the abuse of buddy program to make free 2month alts.
Arla Sarain
#191 - 2015-07-03 14:19:27 UTC
The more useful game mechanics are too obscure to teach a new player in a short time frame. This is a fault of the immature game design from a decade ago, where complexity was "The Game".
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#192 - 2015-07-03 14:24:42 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
By my calculations, that is about 1,584,833 SP.
Not bad, but I'd probably trim the multi-racial spread and put in a couple of things like {Race} Frigate/Weapon V. Along with specializing in the race appropriate tanking, you should then have a character ready for combat with basic T2 fits (assuming they can gather the ISK), and it's just a quick step from their to either spreading out into advanced Frigates, or moving up the ship classes to Destroyer/Cruiser.

Atum' Ra wrote:
Because Eve is the most difficult game and that is why EVE attracts players
EVE doesn't attract new players, it beats them off with a big stick - that's exactly the problem.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#193 - 2015-07-03 14:32:00 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
This will be best reason for people to actually recruit new players, and teach them, it will also limit the abuse of buddy program to make free 2month alts.

It is nothing but a reason to rig and game this system with alliance internal alts. Just like it is today with 100% of the corps advertising "New Player friendly" when in fact most of them do not even know what that means.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#194 - 2015-07-03 14:38:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
I think a little bit of a theme park at the beginning is no bad thing for new players; something that will give the new players useful experience such as using dscan, sending them to low sec, and basically get them ready for life in a player corp. It gets very tedious for trainers to have to go through the basics with every new player you recruit into the corp when a lot of this could be easily taught through the NPE.

It also needs to hook them into the living breathing sci fi universe with its 12+ years of lore and backstory. Us older players might be surprised by how much the new players love the details of the universe that we now take for granted and overlook.

I think that as long as you ease them slowly into the realities of the game before the ride has ended, then they will come out of it understanding a lot more about the game, and will slot easily into a player corporation where the real journey will begin.

Edit - also I want to add, removing attributes and handing out free SP to new players is a completely backward method to try and retain new players. Dumbing down game mechanics and handing out free SP to leap frog the restriction imposed by the skill system is coming at it from the wrong angle. From personal experience I have found that giving free stuff to new players has often had the opposite effect of retaining them.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#195 - 2015-07-03 14:39:32 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
The more useful game mechanics are too obscure to teach a new player in a short time frame. This is a fault of the immature game design from a decade ago, where complexity was "The Game".

There is also a large part of the vets who actually know enough to teach to anybody are busy doing something mroe productive for themself to actually share that knowledge. A lot of people just CBA to teach others so a newbie has to find one that is willing first. In the meantime, he's probably beelining for a battleship because "bigger is better" was not crushed in his mind yet.
Random Bacon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#196 - 2015-07-03 14:43:25 UTC
Returning player's thoughts following the activation of the '2nd account' (this new one)

CCP Rise wrote:

Q: 'Opportunities are bad, they've made the NPE much worse'
A: As you know, we did a lot of testing on this system and would not have pushed it out to 100% of new players if it was doing damage. That said, it isn't doing enormously better than the old tutorial and we think there is still lots of room for improvement. We have an iteration plan already in place which we will begin testing within the next couple weeks.

In fairness, this doesn't hurt particularly hard. Although I was left wondering what to do, eventually started mining in a Venture.
my 2nd character on this account took main place and trained through most of the core competency skills with 40 more days remaining, it flies a tristan with 5 drones and farms COSMOS constellation asteroid belts to help people with the data center criminal tag market (approx 25mil ISK per hour)

CCP Rise wrote:
Q: 'Can we send new players to career agents since that's what veteran players are recommending anyway'
A: Yes. This is one of the changes on our plan to try and test very shortly. We will probably have an Opportunity to go to career agents somewhere early in the Opportunity path.

I already knew of these, however I was able to navigate through the 2 sets of career agents with enough faction standing to start level 3 missions (which means a full COSMOS walk through is available pretty much instantly, at around 3 days of training). I did bump into a guy running 8 Gnosis with very new characters and he seemed to be going after Michi Augmentors - seeing a second set the following week made me think this guy was onto some surefire way to make ISK.

CCP Rise wrote:
Q: 'Starting skills are a huge barrier, can we give a lot more to new players'
A: Yes. But this is not a simple change. You guys seem fairly agreed that the small amount of starting skills, combined with a high amount of 'must have' support and requirement skills, leads to some really icky barriers to participation for new players. We are inclined to agree and we are in the process of laying out a plan to address the problem. Nothing is set in stone yet but it seems likely that we will try and move new players towards starting with significantly more SP. Maybe between 1 and 2 million. It also seems likely that we will probably avoid any major skill reworks or skill removals. As this plan solidifies you will hear more from us.

This is the most painful part for me, by far. It's one month to do anything other than mining effectively (unless you have massive support). What I did notice is that training a venture from scratch and moving into a retriever would turn over enough for a plex by the end of month 1, albeit grinding rocks for 10hours a day to hit this theoretical turnover. Being competitive in PvP still takes 2-3months of dedicated skilling (2 with an Int/Mem remap for competency skills, mid-neutral Perc / Will+Mem for the ships / weapons / drones)

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#197 - 2015-07-03 14:56:15 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
@Elsa Hayes

The fact is that you are worthless. Even if you had the skills for mods and ships, you are worthless because you do not know how to use them in a way that helps the corp/alliance recruiting you.

Elitism at its worst. It's not that someone is worthless. They are far from worthless. Another person who is fun to hang out with on comms and play Eve with is never worthless. In the past, I have taken a chance on random new players and tried to help them out/mentor them. Some turn out well, others turn out to be alts. The security risk of letting a wolf in the hen house is the biggest issue to me.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#198 - 2015-07-03 15:06:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Moac Tor
Random Bacon wrote:
This is the most painful part for me, by far. It's one month to do anything other than mining effectively (unless you have massive support). What I did notice is that training a venture from scratch and moving into a retriever would turn over enough for a plex by the end of month 1, albeit grinding rocks for 10hours a day to hit this theoretical turnover. Being competitive in PvP still takes 2-3months of dedicated skilling (2 with an Int/Mem remap for competency skills, mid-neutral Perc / Will+Mem for the ships / weapons / drones)

I've had new players who are a couple of weeks old play the crucial role in taking down 200 - 300 mil ships in small gang pvp (3 - 4 pilot fleets). I let them keep the deadspace module that dropped and it made their day. You sound to me like your looking at everything from a solo isk/hour perspective which is the worst way to play the game, and certainly the NPE shouldn't cater for that playstyle.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#199 - 2015-07-03 15:08:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
FT Diomedes wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
@Elsa Hayes

The fact is that you are worthless. Even if you had the skills for mods and ships, you are worthless because you do not know how to use them in a way that helps the corp/alliance recruiting you.

Elitism at its worst. It's not that someone is worthless. They are far from worthless. Another person who is fun to hang out with on comms and play Eve with is never worthless. In the past, I have taken a chance on random new players and tried to help them out/mentor them. Some turn out well, others turn out to be alts. The security risk of letting a wolf in the hen house is the biggest issue to me.

Being fun doesn't help in fleet. Being an unstoppable talker doesn't help in fleets. Giving ill advice because someone has seen something similar in another game doesn't help. A fleet with 50 Vigils and 20 actually needed ships is not going to accomplish things. Unless this Vigil fleet is particularly set up to have only Vigils and function as a support fleet. This, however, assumes that the alliance/corp has enough members to have such a support fleet in addition to the actual fleet. Most entities in the game are not capable of pulling that off. And so on and so forth, I have seen lots of these people, young trails as well as more seasoned people. This is what I mean with worthless. From a personal standpoint, these people can very well be good and enjoyable to hang out with, but that does not help with accomplishing goals if the actual game expertise is missing. You can call me elitist as much as you want, and in your organization, you have have the numbers to compensate the shortcomings of new players. However, you are, despite consisting of a sizable portion of the active playerbase, not the rule, even if combined with BRAVE, and only considering the matter from your perspective and your organizational background is not representative either. In particular not after CCP announced that smaller entities should get the ability to gain a foothold in Sov 00.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

#200 - 2015-07-03 15:10:06 UTC
This is geared for the combat oriented types.

NPE Burner (Team) Missions.
Newbie has to kill the burner (i.e. understand tacking, MWD, tracking, etc.) before they can "graduate." In theory this provides a challenge/goal/quest to keep the combat types interested in the game. Successfully killing the burner would provide a useful reward. Team burner missions would introduce player logistics, fleets, etc.

Some downsides are:
* you still need to enforce the idea that this is an MMO and you need to get them to join player corps. You want the newbie to leave the burner mission wanting to PVP other players.
* normal PVE missions might seem exceptionally dull by comparison
* normal PVE mission mechanics would be contradictory to the burner mentality you just established in the newbie, i.e. burner to normal missions would be confusing and a potentially off-putting paradigm shift

Newbie Arenas:
Hate to say it, but given that Other Games tend to implement PVP as a private, separate battlefield (e.g. battlegrounds,) we may want to consider Arenas limited to newbies. After graduating from the Newbie Burner mission, they need time to find a PvP corp, so we should probably keep feeding them entry level crack cocaine until they can do so. It would also let them learn how EVE's PvP mechanics work at minimal cost/risk. Again this is a NEWBIEs only Arena that probably should use disposable pre-fitted rookie ships (fitted with civilian type modules.) Loss is a big part of PVP, so PvP without consequences should be very limited.

Subsidize Corps like RvB:
Combat types get dumped into a newbie RvB run by RvB. Newbie RvB would get some kind of CCP subsidized ship replacement program (T1 frigs with basic modules.) The goal is to let players teach players. After a certain amount of time/skill points, you "graduate" from Newbie RvB and you're on your own.

PvP Income:
PvP costs isk. Newbies will need to understand how to earn isk in the game, which is going to be a training/information issue. This is an issue that cannot be glossed over. a newbie who has been having fun the Newbie Arena or in Newbie RvB shouldn't suddenly hit a wall when they starting PvP'ing "for real." Meaning, we don't want to lose them to "isk shock" after spending all that effort in getting them interesting in the game. They should know how to be moderately self-sufficient.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.