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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Hard Knocks Inc. - WH C5's, Money and Ho's (AU, EU, US coverage)

Myra Hindley
#441 - 2015-06-19 22:23:30 UTC
Nice Corp!

good fights!
Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#442 - 2015-06-20 09:44:53 UTC
Myra Hindley wrote:
Nice Corp!

good fights!

Thank you, it's cool that you appreciate it.

Moreover, we are recruiting!

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#443 - 2015-06-21 00:50:19 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Myra Hindley wrote:
Nice Corp!

good fights!

Thank you, it's cool that you appreciate it.

Moreover, we are recruiting!

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#444 - 2015-06-22 16:39:36 UTC
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#445 - 2015-06-24 08:14:19 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Super Kilos
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#446 - 2015-06-24 14:36:29 UTC
Hi myself and a rl freind are both active wh experienced players looking for a c5 wh corp that is effiencent at running sites prefrably in caps, I myself am a maxed out archon pilot among all the other needed ships for whs my freind is the same with maxed out nag skills, we are active from 19.00 1.00 eve time almost everyday of the week, we are ofcourse pvp experienced aswell, before I join your in game channel is our criteria what you would be looking for?
Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#447 - 2015-06-24 17:29:35 UTC
Super Kilos wrote:
Hi myself and a rl freind are both active wh experienced players looking for a c5 wh corp that is effiencent at running sites prefrably in caps, I myself am a maxed out archon pilot among all the other needed ships for whs my freind is the same with maxed out nag skills, we are active from 19.00 1.00 eve time almost everyday of the week, we are ofcourse pvp experienced aswell, before I join your in game channel is our criteria what you would be looking for?

As long as you are good to pvp and actually play the game, HK is happy. The corp does not care how you make your isk, it's entirely up to you and your preference.

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#448 - 2015-06-26 08:31:47 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#449 - 2015-06-27 23:07:17 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#450 - 2015-06-29 13:30:47 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#451 - 2015-07-01 09:48:56 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#452 - 2015-07-02 11:32:51 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#453 - 2015-07-03 09:51:32 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#454 - 2015-07-05 21:08:04 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
If you believe you're competent and active we would love to see your app

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Kitsune Koraka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#455 - 2015-07-06 12:21:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitsune Koraka
A bump for you and also check my char page, do I have the skills needed, I also have a scanning alt and a capital alt, (archon) training. Oh and a neutral sitting in Kitts betting away my isk ;)
Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#456 - 2015-07-06 21:43:55 UTC
Kitsune Koraka wrote:
A bump for you and also check my char page, do I have the skills needed, I also have a scanning alt and a capital alt, (archon) training. Oh and a neutral sitting in Kitts betting away my isk ;)

Thank you.

Yes, you meet the SP reqs. You may also wish to look into logi and ham skills in the future - HK, as well as other WH corps often need those! If you decide to give us a shot pls come here: and join our pub channel: Hard Knocks.

Cheers! And thanks for a bump!

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

#457 - 2015-07-06 22:05:03 UTC
Be nice to join HK inc but i must say your Application Template is abit over the top, what happend to the good old ts interview :)

free bump.
Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#458 - 2015-07-06 22:48:58 UTC
labtecwar wrote:
Be nice to join HK inc but i must say your Application Template is abit over the top, what happend to the good old ts interview :)

free bump.

Oh, if you wish we can get you an interview as well! :)

No, but srsl: it's there b/c it's a 1st contact with HK and we want the applicants to be exposed to HK... culture. No, don't call it trolling. It's beyond that. Also, they require an applicant to make an effort - only serious apps get in. And there's another reason: we would like to know a little bit about the applicant's past, exp, the way they play EVE, etc. We get a chance to correct or explain some aspects of membership in HK as well.

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#459 - 2015-07-07 13:40:41 UTC
Just an FYI to all interested parties:

We are still looking for competent and active pilots.

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Waldemar Pawlak
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#460 - 2015-07-08 00:18:47 UTC
Waldemar Pawlak wrote:
Just an FYI to all interested parties:

We are still looking for competent and active pilots.

For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!