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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

70 mil SP PvPer LF Corp

Kai Dodge
Honor Point
#1 - 2015-06-25 22:46:43 UTC
Looking for a corp for me and all my buddies to join some of us have been playing several years and just want to see what else is out there. Can Fly T3's all the way up to Triage Carriers.
bane hunt
The Price Of Freedom
Apocalypse Now.
#2 - 2015-06-26 02:55:10 UTC

We arent the most elite corp in the game, but we like the pew and have like to laugh.
Iam The Flash
#3 - 2015-06-26 12:26:17 UTC
Hey fella

The Retired Officers Club

Highly Active Corporation

Just a look is all i ask


The Flash
Gian Bal
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#4 - 2015-06-27 16:10:58 UTC
Deadly Deception Inc. [DDIC.] Is a newly founded PvP corp in the alliance: Separatists [-SPR-]. We are currently looking for active members to start the corp off and eventually grow into a powerful, respected corp.

-What We Can Offer-

  • Endless content, flying ships from t1 frigates all the way up to capitals;
  • Opportunities to participate in Black Ops Drops;
  • An alliance full of active, experienced players;
  • NBSI, with few blues to ensure we have a large range of targets to pick from;
  • Experienced FC's;
  • TS3 Access;

Learn more:
Or contact me in game through Eve-mail or our public channel: DDIC. Pub

Fly Safe,


Litterally God

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2015-06-27 16:56:09 UTC
Messaged you,

Tell gordo hes gay but i love him so
Mortis Angelus
#6 - 2015-06-27 22:42:08 UTC
Hi there m8

I see you got some nice offers already, lets hope you find us interested enough to find out more:)

We have been in this game for 11 years now and we are currently looking for roaming pilots but within our ally you and your friends will ofc have all the variation you need to meet your pvp needs

in my fleets when i fc its 100% roaming gangs since its what i like to do.

if you want to know more about us before you make a decission please feel free to check our latest recruitment post


Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-06-28 00:17:53 UTC
hey mate ,

im starting something fresh , you do what you want really but im typically a roaming kinda guy , thera dweller at times , not sure what time zone you guys are. but def get in contact with me if interested

little reading
Proteus Ormande
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-07-02 23:41:24 UTC
Come check out FUITA!

Enabling diverse piracy in a low sec pocket near you!

Currently looking for mature pilots who have PVP experience (FW, Small Gang, Large Fleets, Low-sec, Null-sec, HS ganking-if you can shoot it, we hunt it.) *** We are also open to combat pilots who may lack PVP experience. ***

What we offer: ☼ Part of a growing alliance that belives in community. ☼ PVP OPS with capable FC's ☼ Alliance Comms {TS3} ☼ Alliance Logistics NOW OFFERING AN SRP PROGRAM-FLY SMART AND BE REWARDED

Need isk? We also have regular PvE fleets and great isk-making opportunities in our pocket.

Generous payouts and prizes for top killers in corp!

Is FUITA for you? ☼ Active Pilots with a minimum of 15m SP-active pilots with less will be considered on a case-by-case basis ☼ Pilots willing to branch out their training to become succesful. ☼ Social Pilots able to log into Alliance Comms

Join the public channel: FUITA Pub

We're growing! Get to know us! We WANT you!