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Why I cannot go to low-sec, null-sec, or w-space.

First post
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2011-12-30 11:45:04 UTC
Droxlyn wrote:
This game is awesome for hardcore. The problem is hardcore gamers are a small fraction of people who play games.

Nah, you're not in 0.0 or low sec because you don't WANT to be, not because you CAN'T be. If you actually WANTED to be in 0.0 or low sec, you would have asked us how we manage survival in a hostile environment when real life calls at a bad time. Instead, for some reason, you felt inclined to share some woe-is-me story about how your busy life won't let you play with the rest of the gang.

We all have real lives and real responsibilities that pop up at uncomfortable moments. We just worked out how to deal with them when they do, and accept it when we lose our ship or pod because of an urgent real life situation.

Oh, and by the way... I'm fairly certain your baby can survive with a turd in his diaper for the two minutes it will take you to safe up.. The only time I've ever had a situation where I simply needed to log off in the middle of a fleet operation was when I had to take my wife to the hospital due to accidentally cutting herself while making dinner. I hate to break it to you, but if during a situation like THAT you're worried about losing your ship, you're a whole lot more "hardcore" about EVE than any of US!
Lizzy Hale
Intergalactic Intermediates
Churn and Burn
#82 - 2011-12-30 11:48:47 UTC
It's been said a few times here, but hey; I'll say it again.


EVE is not a risk-free game. Suprise! Even High-sec is NOT safe! Suicide ganking is wayyy too fun for people to not do it.

WoW caters to people like you. People who can not handle the risk.

Cheers m8 o/
Caldari State
#83 - 2011-12-30 12:12:55 UTC
Going to Null was the best thing our corp ever did.

We make more ISK & the player reward is far greater as we have to work together.

I say each to there own & with jump clones you can have the best of both worlds.

I see nothing to be scared of in null. What's the worst that can happen- you lose a ship or lose a pod as well. That's not a big deal!

Tora Oni
Legendary Sidekicks in Space
#84 - 2011-12-30 12:26:33 UTC
WH space is the safest place to be in EVE. You can go afk, while you are in your POS (cloaked) or on a safespot cloaked (un-fleet). Even if something de-cloaks you and your safe spot is near the POS, the chances someone will combat scan you are slim....

High sec is wayyyyy more risky to fly in. Before you know it, your overview is lagged again and you shoot a yellow, that was red on your overview and the evil concord fcks up your T3 .....
Thomas Gore
Blackfyre Enterprise
#85 - 2011-12-30 13:18:00 UTC
Droxlyn wrote:
Another way to look at it is, there is no amount of ISK that can replace the safety of high-sec.

Sure there is. It amounts to about the value of your ship, modules, cargo, your clone and implants minus the insurance.

I'm in the casual pile myself. I've got a dragon for a wife who has actually once cut the power from our apartment to stop my game. So when she says she needs my attention I'm usually sooner or later forced to comply one way or another.

Would I want the game to be tailored for me? Of course I would? Do I expect it to happen? Nope.

Take EVE as it is or play a more casual-friendly game.
Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2011-12-30 14:09:09 UTC
Trainwreck McGee wrote:
I am a care bear who plays EVE 6 hours a week and i live in a WH. wtf is your problem?

The you are not a carebear, you are obviously willing to apply some risk to your game play and experience the ups and downs of player interaction.
Levo Harkonnen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2011-12-30 14:20:27 UTC
OP is actually really cool, he keeps his wife in the kitchen and goes to help her so she doesn't have to leave the kitchen.
Doc Severide
#88 - 2011-12-30 14:31:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Severide
Gibbo3771 wrote:
and your wife has a grasp of your balls so tight,

Oh crap now you made me all frisky....

Lizzy Hale wrote:
Suicide ganking is wayyy too fun for people to not do it.

Agreed, even though I got ganked and lost 1.6 Billion, I thought it was hilarious. I wasn't expecting it of course and all of a sudden I'm sitting in my pod in Jita. I'm like WTF just happened...
Skuggi Haust
#89 - 2011-12-30 14:32:12 UTC
Cloak was the way to deal with RL when on a long op. All you needed to do was fly to a mid-safe and cloak-up. Ironically it was the non-hardcore players who always wanted to stop people using cloaks for an indefinite length of time because, (sarcasm) obviously cloaked ships can kill you mining in a belt with your friends.

Anyways.... there's plenty of things to get up to in hi-sec if you don't have the time to deal with having to cloak-up and potentially come back stranded in enemy territory.
Guillame Herschel
Buffalo Soldiers
#90 - 2011-12-30 14:38:19 UTC
Droxlyn wrote:
For casual players, anything outside of high-sec is a disaster waiting to happen. Simply boiled down, I don't want to lose a ship/pod because I had to go change a diaper.

Then you better stay docked, because hi sec is not safe for afk diaper changing, either.
Guillame Herschel
Buffalo Soldiers
#91 - 2011-12-30 14:41:55 UTC
Droxlyn wrote:
I just want there to be an understanding that you can't lure time and RL constrained people out.

We know. CCP knows. Hence, war declarations. Twisted
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2011-12-30 15:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Alaric Faelen
OP, I feel for you. I am far more casual at this game than virtually everyone I play Eve with. It does mean that I'm often the weak link in a fleet. It means I'm perpetually poor and it means I don't participate as much as others because I don't have the time to sink into the game.

But I still enjoy PvP. (by extension low sec, null sec and WH)

PvE is just a way to make isk to PvP for me. WH's pay really well (but Sleepers are tough) and with a couple pals in BC's, we can make enough isk in a couple hours playing that I can then outfit small PvP ships. Since I don't usually get to take part in really huge alliance fleets that run for half the day, I don't care much about bigger ship hulls, specializing in small craft.

After a WH or two I can outfit a couple frigates to pew pew.
My usual MO is to run PvE all week (a few hours or so) with my implant clone for lower training time, then on the weekends I jump to a stripped clone and head out to low sec either solo or in a small gang.

It's limited in scope, but no less fun. You just have to set realistic goals for the time investment you put in.

Casual, to me at least, is more about not living on EFT, not running multiple acct's or a platoon of alts just to play a game. I am happier learning what works on a ship by losing one rather than humping EFT stats. I think alts or other accts in a game is beyond lame, and specifically why I was attracted to Eve- no need for an alt except to 'work the system' which is a nice way of saying 'cheating' to me.

So don't think 'casual' isn't possible in Eve. It is, and I contest it's more fun. Read these forums and see the 1 person in 10 that ever mentions actual FUN in this game......threads on how not to play (tell me what to fit, skill to train, what to think...) and threads whining about hating this group of players, or that ship class, or blah blah.

I think this game is utterly lost on the majority that play it, becoming little more than a calculator with cool graphics. STAY CASUAL- keep enjoying the GAME you pay to play.

Lastly- if you ever run into me out in the ether, I'll be happy to fleet up with another casual player. We will have more to talk about than the latest EFT numbers.............
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#93 - 2011-12-30 15:59:05 UTC
I want CCP to fix it so I can play when I am on a submarine.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Torin Corax
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2011-12-30 16:00:30 UTC
Cloora wrote:
I'm sorry OP but you are very incorrect. I am a father of 3 very young children and I live in low sec and PvP.

Recons are awesome you can cloak and go afk.
There are stations in low sec you know that right? It's called docking.
Safespot and log with no aggression if you have no cloak.

In high sec you can have issues too. Ever been scrammed in a lvl 4 mission with full aggro?

You are just making excuses.


Would also add that there are plenty of corps out there that are active in low/ null peopled by those with similar RL constraints. It is understood that family/ work etc. come first....even during an op. If baby needs changing, starts screaming whatever, then go deal with family. Anyone with a brain is going to understand, if not find a different corp.
If it's a big problem then staying away from the more critical fleet roles may be in order. Just be honest about your time constraints up-front, and find a corp that understand and accept them.
Plus 10 NV
#95 - 2011-12-30 16:25:03 UTC
Torin Corax wrote:
Cloora wrote:
I'm sorry OP but you are very incorrect. I am a father of 3 very young children and I live in low sec and PvP.

Recons are awesome you can cloak and go afk.
There are stations in low sec you know that right? It's called docking.
Safespot and log with no aggression if you have no cloak.

In high sec you can have issues too. Ever been scrammed in a lvl 4 mission with full aggro?

You are just making excuses.


Would also add that there are plenty of corps out there that are active in low/ null peopled by those with similar RL constraints. It is understood that family/ work etc. come first....even during an op. If baby needs changing, starts screaming whatever, then go deal with family. Anyone with a brain is going to understand, if not find a different corp.
If it's a big problem then staying away from the more critical fleet roles may be in order. Just be honest about your time constraints up-front, and find a corp that understand and accept them.

This is good advice. Until you start taking risks in eve you won't understand why many find it to be great.

That said lets assume you move plenty ships of fit and ready to go to low sec and convince your wife to give you 2 solid hours to play so you can pvp. You still may find that all you do during that time is warp around looking for a decent pvp fight and then dock after the 2 hours is up. That is where this game sucks for casual players.

CCP could do more for casual players by making mechanics that lead to frequent quality smalll scale pvp.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#96 - 2011-12-30 16:52:13 UTC
A mechanic that removes cowardice as a human trait.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Le Goobers
#97 - 2011-12-30 17:00:31 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Thankfully EVE will not be changed to cater towards cowards like the OP

Here here, nothing is stopping you from popping into lowsec in an AF in a gang with a casual corp, or even popping your head into nullsec.

To the OP:

Quit carebearing, you seriously don't know what your missing. Eve is a wonderful universe that actually rewards risk. And I don't just mean ISK. If it wasn't for me taking risks or being ballsy, i wouldn't have friendships in EVE that span 7+ years, people whom I speak to on a daily basis, people whom I've even started a business with.

If you want to shake in your little boots in high sec, run missions, mine and ship spin all day, that's good for you, but you're missing out on a whole different world entirely.

<3 Gothie

Bane Loppknow
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2011-12-30 17:05:57 UTC
I've gone AFK for whole days in nullsec. Warp to safe pos, orbit. your ship will autocorrect itself if someone tries to bump you out, and unless they can change the pos's password, you're completely safe.
Dr Karsun
Coffee Lovers Brewing Club
#99 - 2011-12-30 17:08:39 UTC
You see... I can understand your problem, but if you can't sit even 30 minutes without a break playing, it's just not your thing to go low or 0.0. It's for people who got more time.

It's good that you can enjoy high sec with the time you have :)

"Have you had your morning coffee?" -> the Coffee Lovers Brewing Club is recruiting!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#100 - 2011-12-30 17:13:34 UTC
Droxlyn wrote:
This game is awesome for hardcore. The problem is hardcore gamers are a small fraction of people who play games.

For casual players, anything outside of high-sec is a disaster waiting to happen. Simply boiled down, I don't want to lose a ship/pod because I had to go change a diaper. There is no pause button, which is understandable. Another way to look at it is, there is no amount of ISK that can replace the safety of high-sec. There is no amount of reward that can overcome the inability to walk away from the game the moment the wife shouts "Come here!" and you must just walk away.

if you want to find me in nullsec or lowsec, there needs to be so much of it that a roaming gang has a 1% to 5% chance of finding me on any given day. I need to be comfortable enough that I can walk away from my computer for 15 minutes and reasonably expect my ship and stuff to still be there.

These are the forces you are up against when you try to draw a causal player out into the insecure world.

Reward != Safety, and for causal players, Safety is king.

Edit: I don't want anything changed except people's expectations that everybody wants to live where ISK is bountiful.

Why can't you just log out when your wife yanks your chain?

Expecting 15 minutes of unconditional safety isn't even reasonable in hi-sec, never mind 0.0

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016