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Making mining fleets more interactive

First post
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-06-23 21:05:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyeudo Van'mynai
Let's get this out of the way: I don't mine. I did the mining tutorials, tried lasering some space rocks in lowsec, and decided that this kind of gameplay wasn't for me. Orbiting a rock for an hour was bland. If you can't stand to read ideas about mining that come from a non-miner, please don't comment.

Despite not mining, I consider mining to be fairly important to the game as a whole. I've spent a fair amount of time thinking about it. It's eventually the source of all the stuff that gets blown up in Eve. Despite it's importance, mining is essentially a robot activity - you click a few buttons every few minutes at most, a computer can be easily scripted to do the same thing, and you mostly do something else while the ore rolls in. This isn't exciting. It's not even mildly interesting. It's great if you need/want to do something else at the same time, not so great if you are wanting to spend your Eve time playing Eve.

This is going to be a sort of holistic change - each component idea would more than likely be terrible on its own - so please read everything before making a judgement on it. To begin, here's my goals with this idea:

  • Leave existing miners able to do things mostly the same way as before and make comparable isk/hour
  • Get more types of ships involved in a mining fleet
  • Make mining more intellectually stimulating
  • Enable new avenues of development for mining

The first thing to address is asteroid naming. Right now, you can see what sort of ore the asteroid has as soon as you are on grid with it. Instead of the current naming set, where we have Veldspar and Condensed Scordite and so on, we'd have more general types, such as "Carbonaceous Asteroid", "Metallic Asteroid", or "Silicaceous Asteroid". Essentially, these would be only a "surface" judgement of the asteroid.

Next, each general class of asteroids would have their own distribution of ore types. For example, Veldspar might be most commonly found in Metallic Asteroids while Plagioclase might be most commonly found in Silicaceous Asteroids. Alongside their ore content, asteroids would also have an amount of useless rock. Spawned asteroids could be entirely rock or entirely ore, but will most likely spawn with some amount of both. The distribution of ore types in any particular belt would remain based on the region of space and the security status of the system, but 'rare' spawns of higher value ores could probably be added as a sort of reward for good surveying. When mining from an asteroid, the laser pulls in a random distribution of materials split between the ore found in the asteroid and waste rock, but not exceeding the remaining amounts of either. The waste rock is automatically ejected back into space, so it doesn't actually take up space in the cargo hold and isn't actually a real item.

The Survey Scanner will have to change to accommodate this new ore system. While it will still inform you of the amount and type of ore present in nearby asteroids, it will no longer give perfect results. Instead, the closer the asteroid is to your ship and the better your sensor strength or scan resolution , the better the scan results would be. The scan errors would be randomly assigned to reduce the number of ways around getting close. The scan would also provide the amount of rock present for each asteroid in range and an estimate of the asteroid's instability..

What is instability? This would be a new trait for each asteroid and randomly generated. It would be the percent chance per mining laser cycle that the asteroid would fracture and split into chunks. The chunks would vary in size and all together would account for the old asteroid's ore and rock contents. I'd expect things to be weighted so that the asteroid fractured into either one or two larger pieces along with several smaller ones. Instability would have values inside of a range fixed by the particular belt the asteroids spawned within, with belts that spawn higher instability asteroids having better chances at high value ore.

The new asteroids resulting from a fracture would drift away with a fairly fixed momentum, so larger pieces would drift away slowly (slow enough a mining barge wouldn't have trouble keeping up) while the smaller pieces would go faster. Because of Eve's physics system, these asteroids would eventually slow and come to a stop. To counter some of this movement related difficulty, Tractor Beams would be able to target and move asteroids.

In order to give an appropriate level of choice to miners, Asteroid belts would probably need to increase in size and density. The asteroid field update mechanics would also probably need modified, so that every downtime that an asteroid isn't mined the total volume of the asteroid increases and some of its rock shifts to ore. That way useless asteroids don't eventually clog the most used belts.
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-06-23 21:06:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyeudo Van'mynai
Continuing on . . .

So, with all the pieces explained, what should this look like on the grid? For the solo player mining, things shouldn't be much different. He warps to the belt, and starts slow boating towards some space rocks. As he's coming in, he uses his survey scanner to find an asteroid with a decent amount of ore, fits the appropriate mining crystal, and begins mining away. He scans other nearby asteroids as he's chewing through the first one, figures out how he wants to order his mining, and if an asteroid fractures, he tractors the biggest chunk using a utility high (may need to be added to existing hulls). He keeps going until he sees no further asteroids worth his time and moves on to a new belt.

For the fleet, though, things change a bit. The fleet is still composed mostly of mining ships, but with some additions. You've got some faster ships out scanning asteroids and tagging the ones worth mining, you've got a tractor-fit destroyer or Noctis hanging with the mining ships to wrangle runaways so they can mine more unstable ore, and you might even have some subcaps or even a Rorqual dragging the better rocks closer to the miners. There may be some Industrial ships involved, hauling ore back to station. There's a bit more activity, a bit more thinking and coordination, and there is now some space for other fleet roles.

This system also adds more anchor points for more new development. Here are some ideas of new options that could plug into the framework provided:
The Expedition: a new T2 Mining Frigate. Instead of being cloaky or warp stabbed, this one would have bonuses that increase survey scanner range and accuracy. It would be a fast ship meant to quickly prospect an asteroid field.
Precision Mining Lasers: Mining lasers with a lower total yield per cycle, but harvest less rock per cycle than normal.
Rock-ripper Mining Lasers: These would have an incredibly high yield (400% normal?), but only extract waste rock. This would enable some mining ships to pre-process "bad" asteroids so that other mining ships get their full yield. Could be a good use for a Hulk.
Mining Laser Field Stabilizers: These would reduce the chance that a mining laser cycle would cause an asteroid to fracture. Used for mining in high-value, unstable belts.
Mining Tractor Beam: Only affects asteroids, but has a longer range or a more rapid rate of attraction.
Mining Foreman Link - Survey Scanner Amplifier: A fleet boost that increase the range and accuracy of Survey Scanners.
Directed Deposit Scanner: something like a target painter for asteroids. Mining the affected asteroid yields an increased amount of ore per cycle (i.e. reduces the amount of waste rock harvested per cycle).
Tractor Drones: Drones which will go to the targeted object, tractor beam it, and bring it back and orbit your ship. Also good for salvaging.

Another idea that can build up from this framework would create a mining sub-profession I'd dub prospecting. CCP could add small amounts of rare materials that can't be extracted using normal mining lasers to asteroids. I'd call them "inclusions". A prospector would flit through an asteroid field, searching for inclusions, and extract them with special prospecting mining lasers. These rare ores could be either used to make entirely new modules and ships (tech 3 frigates?) or could possibly be used as alternate production materials for existing ships and modules. Your mining fleet scouts could prospect as they go or you might go solo prospecting so you can just flit through asteroid fields in your cloaked Prospect.

As an added benefit, this would also make it harder to make isk using bot mining. Bots that don't update will continue to grind away and mostly get rock, while those that update have to be updated to handle scanning, judgement calls about what's worth mining, dealing with splitting asteroids, and so on that the human mind grasps intuitively.
Haatakan Reppola
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-06-23 21:10:01 UTC
Kyeudo Van'mynai wrote:
So, I don't mine.

That is as far as i got...
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#4 - 2015-06-23 21:19:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
There are Frigs, Barges, Exhumers, for mining. Then there are haulers to transport the ores out of the belts. Cruisers, BC. BS and logistics to protect your mining fleet. There is $yourpreferredvoicecomssoftware$ for social interaction.

Mining does not necessarily need to be exciting. There can be some niche aspects of it being exciting, but the bulk of the ores and minerals need to flow into the refineries with as little effort as possible because otherwise no one will mine as it's too tedious, too laborious for the rewards you get (hint, you do not get any reward as a miner as you are considered the dirt under the boots of the PVPers of, among other entities, your alliance).

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-06-23 21:38:46 UTC
Haatakan Reppola wrote:

That is as far as i got...

Might want to read farther. I'm not trying to displace the "old ways". I'm hoping this suggestion opens up more appeal for those who don't want to just laser space rocks and Fozziesov just made mining much more important to nullsec so there will soon be more demand for better mining gameplay.

I like salvaging stuff, but no one ever runs a salvage fleet. If there was a need for someone with a bunch of tractor beams to be in a mining fleet, I'd probably jump at the chance as long as the compensation was good.

Watching over a mining fleet is mostly boring and is largely pointless in highsec. Giving combat hulls some purpose when on grid with mining ships would help alleviate that boredom.

After all, Eve is a game and if I'm not interested in playing the game something is wrong.
The Red Sequence
#6 - 2015-06-23 21:53:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiddoomer
Interesting, but I would prefer to see some brain work needed to get the +5% and +10% variant of ore only, and leave the rest as it is now. Like already said, if mining become a hacking mini-game or start needing a whole fleet to be efficient, this will lead to big problems for the game's economy and industry, and not that much better for the everyday miner.

In the name of Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen : “Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.”

Haatakan Reppola
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-06-23 22:10:36 UTC
Kyeudo Van'mynai wrote:

Read most of it, and if miners that do as they do now earn about the same isk as they do now the new system can NOT give higher ore rewards or it would have negative impact on the overall ore price and therefor isk earned by "normal" mining.

Having to scan each asteroid is a massive increase in work to use mining crystals, compared to just targeting on the overview sorted name (or type, some time since i had asteroids on my overview :P)

What we are left with is either a system where "normal" miners are screwed for income, or a new system that bring nothing of value since normal miners mine as good
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-06-23 22:17:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyeudo Van'mynai
Kiddoomer wrote:
Interesting, but I would prefer to see some brain work needed to get the +5% and +10% variant of ore only, and leave the rest as it is now. Like already said, if mining become a hacking mini-game or start needing a whole fleet to be efficient, this will lead to big problems for the game's economy and industry, and not that much better for the everyday miner.

That's why I'm trying not to disturb the current miners too much. If the thing that currently works well still works well but we can get some additional players involved, that's a net gain for the game. The general idea is that the old mining fleet should still be about as efficient as it was, but that there should be new ways to make it more efficient by adding some additional players to help (and not just another multi-boxed account).

Haatakan Reppola wrote:

Read most of it, and if miners that do as they do now earn about the same isk as they do now the new system can NOT give higher ore rewards or it would have negative impact on the overall ore price and therefor isk earned by "normal" mining.

The market is never completely stable, so "about" is the strongest guarantee I can give. I'd put the division as "group" mining vs "solo" mining. I do expect people mining in a group to make more isk per person than someone mining solo, but I'd expect balance to put that in a such a place that mining solo is still a reasonably profitable activity.


Having to scan each asteroid is a massive increase in work to use mining crystals, compared to just targeting on the overview sorted name (or type, some time since i had asteroids on my overview :P)

I suppose that you could just equip the mining crystal, laser a rock, and see what you get from the cycle. You have to target the rock anyway to mine it, so I'm not sure that I'd call this a massive increase in work. You click an additional button per rock. If that's too much work, team up with someone and let them check the rocks while you mine the good ones.


What we are left with is either a system where "normal" miners are screwed for income, or a new system that bring nothing of value since normal miners mine as good

I suppose a slow deflation in mineral prices could annoy some solo miners, but I doubt that they would be "screwed" by price fluctuations. Worst case scenario: Miners band together into larger corporations than normal and find ways to deal with wardecs. Oh wait, that's a good thing.
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2015-06-23 22:48:55 UTC
Want mining to be more fun in fleets? Do like my Alliance and mine together whilst drinking beer.

Let the good times roll.
Haatakan Reppola
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-06-23 23:04:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Haatakan Reppola
Kyeudo Van'mynai wrote:

The market is never completely stable, so "about" is the strongest guarantee I can give. I'd put the division as "group" mining vs "solo" mining. I do expect people mining in a group to make more isk per person than someone mining solo, but I'd expect balance to put that in a such a place that mining solo is still a reasonably profitable activity.

Most "solo" miners already use Orca boosts and stay away from Covetor/Hulk due to low ore hold (few % less yield but stronger tank and ALOT larger ore hold) or bring a freighter to haul.


I suppose that you could just equip the mining crystal, laser a rock, and see what you get from the cycle. You have to target the rock anyway to mine it, so I'm not sure that I'd call this a massive increase in work. You click an additional button per rock. If that's too much work, team up with someone and let them check the rocks while you mine the good ones.

Not knowing if the astroid have the same ore as your crystal and waiting a cycle to see is alot more work. Compared to lock-mine we have lock-mine-check what you get-lock new astroid-hope for better yield OR lock-scan-mine, estimate +50% work is something i call alot.
Never assume people leave new astroids for other people to mine, they take what they want and move to next belt.


I suppose a slow deflation in mineral prices could annoy some solo miners, but I doubt that they would be "screwed" by price fluctuations. Worst case scenario: Miners band together into larger corporations than normal and find ways to deal with wardecs. Oh wait, that's a good thing.

If your system means that groups can mine more, there would be more ore on the market without any added ore sink. This leads to less isk for the ore and the miners that dont adapt the new system get less income = screw their income with your new system or dont add more ore with it.
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-06-23 23:38:57 UTC
Haatakan Reppola wrote:

Most "solo" miners already use Orca boosts and stay away from Covetor/Hulk due to low ore hold (few % less yield but stronger tank and ALOT larger ore hold) or bring a freighter to haul.

And? You still have just one brain running. I'm trying to put a system together that will encourage people to get together and get them to stay at their keyboards. Sure, this system will allow you to multi-box your booster and hauler accounts for some increases in efficiency, but it won't be the same increase as ten people working together.


Not knowing if the astroid have the same ore as your crystal and waiting a cycle to see is alot more work. Compared to lock-mine we have lock-mine-check what you get-lock new astroid-hope for better yield OR lock-scan-mine, estimate +50% work is something i call alot.

50% more work is still not a lot if the initial quantity of work is low. "Click-Click-Click" vs "Click-Click". I spend more effort navigating the forums than this would require.


Never assume people leave new astroids for other people to mine, they take what they want and move to next belt.

The guy spotting asteroids for you would probably be in a frigate, not another mining barge. Probably a corp mate who helps out for a fee. That or just one more alt to go along with your booster alt and your hauler alt and your twelve miner alts.


If your system means that groups can mine more, there would be more ore on the market without any added ore sink. This leads to less isk for the ore and the miners that dont adapt the new system get less income = screw their income with your new system or dont add more ore with it.

You are confusing efficiency for volume. Less time spent getting the same amount of minerals can result in more minerals, but only if people use the extra time to access previously untapped resources. This is no more than what happens when new players join the game and decide that they like zapping space rocks for a living. The increase only seems shocking because this one would be along the efficiency axis instead of the manpower axis.

Again, any price fluctuations resulting from this will probably be slow. Further, markets are self-correcting. As mineral prices drop, the value of mining drops, some people quit mining because it no longer seems profitable enough compared to alternatives, the supply of minerals decreases, and the value of minerals stabilizes.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#12 - 2015-06-24 06:09:49 UTC
highsec mining is in the middle of an income tumble now and I suspect it will be a couple more months before we know what bottom out is for highsec mining income. The income lost is probably at least a full 20% already with more losses on the way.

How is pushing more people out of their chosen profession by driving their income into the toilet a good idea? If you increase mining efficiency in anyway the average miner will lose income AGAIN. Isnt pathetic low enough because that is just about where it is now.

My miners are stat maxed and take in about 60mil a day and i play a lot. I played a long day today and took in about 120 million on each miner but Im the game exception and not the rule. Most people simply cannot play all day almost every day so plexing a mining account must be near or actually impossible for the average player.

Let me ask you something, would you want whatever it is you do in EVE to make ISK nerfed into the toilet income wise so that you would quit doing it because that is your exact words with regards to miners, how selfish of you.

Btw, your assumption that more and more miners are entering the game in net is a mighty big assumption to make, especially given EVEs incredible low growth rate and high turnover amongst new players. The more likely truth is that there isnt a net gain in manpower in mining over time except that which keeps up with the slow player growth rate making the net change zero.

Also, highly organized mining operations already exist and are substantially more profitable per member than solo mining so you are solving a problem that doesnt exist and that is group mining pays more, is more complicated and requires quite a few different vessel types to be successful, including often complicated logistics trains that solo miners in highsec dont have to deal with because either we direct drop from mining vessel to market or we just have some big can (like my Charon) that hauls my ore and its a simple thing to do. Also, there is a complete meta wrapped around organized mining in subletting alliance space and making deals for mineral purchase by the alliance or some other financial benefit to the alliance.

I havent even gotten into ninja miners that brave alliance space, truesec, lowsec or wormholes with out the tenants permission and the dynamics and logistics they have to use to be successful.

In short, mining can be a very simple and straight forward thing but it can become very complicated and intricate one as well and it is up to each miner to decide what style of mining they wish to play because many different styles already exist.

Oh, and CCPs record of success in adding micro games that are fun and not tedious is terrible. Also your idea of ore spew is very similar to the loot spew mechanic that CCP realized months ago sucked so bad they did something gaming companies almost never do and that is to remove a mechanic. Most times gaming companies either have to justify all the money spent developing the idea that gamers hate by keeping it or they refuse to lose face in admitting that the mechanic sucks.

Btw, ignore people that blow you off just because you are not a miner good ideas for anything sometimes come from fresh eyes.


Maldiro Selkurk.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Amarisen Gream
#13 - 2015-06-24 06:59:17 UTC
+1 to new ideas for mining.
-1 for your ideas.

Mining needs help, yet yours adds to much complexity.
EVE is an MMO and any major changes for mining need to be handled on the group level not so much the solo level.

Many miners are still looking for the Survey Scanner to report findings to the whole fleet - baked in Scan results to the overview instead of a separate window - reasons to put the bigger mining support ships in a belt while in low-null sec, etc.

And yes the current - lock-mine-haul mechanic of mining blows but it works.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#14 - 2015-06-24 14:00:42 UTC
I have a completely insane idea here.
Why not leave the ideas on how to improve the mining game play style to those who actually choose that as their game play style.

If you were a PvP player do you want the miners determining how to change the game to make it more interesting?

Why do you think you are qualified to say what would make that game play style more engaging, more interesting and more fun for the miners especially when you freely admit that you have limited experience and that you hated mining?
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-06-24 16:13:16 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

How is pushing more people out of their chosen profession by driving their income into the toilet a good idea? If you increase mining efficiency in anyway the average miner will lose income AGAIN. Isnt pathetic low enough because that is just about where it is now.

I think you are being over-dramatic. "Into the toilet" isn't going to happen because of how market economies work. You will lose the less interested/dedicated miners first, their contributions to the mineral pool will stop coming, prices will stabilize.

You are right that CCP would want to wait for the recent changes to ore and to nullsec sov sort out before doing anything new to mining, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about future changes right now.


Let me ask you something, would you want whatever it is you do in EVE to make ISK nerfed into the toilet income wise so that you would quit doing it because that is your exact words with regards to miners, how selfish of you.

Actually, let's look at my actual words:
Kyeudo Van'mynai wrote:

As mineral prices drop, the value of mining drops, some people quit mining because it no longer seems profitable enough compared to alternatives, the supply of minerals decreases, and the value of minerals stabilizes.

As you will note, I am merely stating the principles of a market economy. Those who will quit mining are those who mine because it's easy money, not because they enjoy mining. The miners who like mining will keep mining as less dedicated people drop out of the market.

As for what I do for money, I do PI, because I like logistics problems and industry. I do PI specifically because normal Industry has a high SP barrier to being profitable and because mining in its current form is boring to me. That said, I would welcome some love for Planetary Interaction, because the current state of PI is pretty simplistic and comes with an annoying UI.


Btw, your assumption that more and more miners are entering the game in net is a mighty big assumption to make, especially given EVEs incredible low growth rate and high turnover amongst new players. The more likely truth is that there isnt a net gain in manpower in mining over time except that which keeps up with the slow player growth rate making the net change zero.

I think you need to go re-read what I said. I was making a factual statement: Every new miner increases the pool of available minerals and puts downward pressure on mineral prices. You may be correct that most new pilots don't go into mining and so demand growth has usually increased at the same rate as supply growth, but doesn't that in itself point that changes are needed? If mining isn't an attractive profession to new players, it needs some work.


Also, highly organized mining operations already exist and are substantially more profitable per member than solo mining so you are solving a problem that doesnt exist

What problem do you think I'm trying to solve? I'm not trying to make mining more profitable for groups, I'm trying to make space for other types of players inside the mining profession. If you don't like chewing rocks like a space cow, there's not much room for you in most mining fleets.

To be continued . . .
Kyeudo Van'mynai
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-06-24 16:34:30 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:

Also your idea of ore spew is very similar to the loot spew mechanic that CCP realized months ago sucked so bad they did something gaming companies almost never do and that is to remove a mechanic. Most times gaming companies either have to justify all the money spent developing the idea that gamers hate by keeping it or they refuse to lose face in admitting that the mechanic sucks.

You seem to be misunderstand what I am suggesting. The old item spew from exploration sites involved the loot going all over the place and vanishing if you didn't hoover it up in time. What I suggest is that an asteroid that breaks due to instability would end up in 2 or more pieces (I mentally picture 6 or less) which would head in random directions with a fixed amount of momentum. Due to Eve physics, this would mean the rocks would eventually stop moving after a time and they would not despawn. Essentially, this just creates a situation where you would need to slowboat around if you wanted to mine all the rocks or use a tractor beam to bring stuff closer.

Amarisen Gream wrote:

Mining needs help, yet yours adds too much complexity.
EVE is an MMO and any major changes for mining need to be handled on the group level not so much the solo level.

Too much complexity? The current system of mining is too simple. There's not much gameplay space there. There are no anchor points where modules can tie in, nor is there any different style of behavior encouraged other than a field of space cows munching rocks and crapping out jet cans for some hauler-flying sheep dogs.

If I am understanding economic psychology correctly (big assumption, I know) these changes should be geared towards pushing players together instead of apart and also bringing the salvage pilot and the low-skill newbie into the mining fleet.

Donnachadh wrote:
I have a completely insane idea here.
Why not leave the ideas on how to improve the mining game play style to those who actually choose that as their game play style?

Because miners don't think about what would bring non-miners into their world. They think like miners and so don't see why their play style wouldn't appeal to others. They instead think about the things that would make mining better for them directly.


If you were a PvP player do you want the miners determining how to change the game to make it more interesting?

Determining? Perhaps not, but then I can't determine jack about the game.

Speaking up about what would get the miners more interested in the PvP game? They are the ones we'd need to hear from! Who else is going to tell CCP or other players what keeps them from joining in? Who else is going to see a role where a mining barge might fit in a PvP fleet? I don't think like a miner, so I can't think of any way a miner could contribute in PvP. I can't think of any new mechanics that might make having a mining barge on grid in a fleet battle important. But a miner? Maybe he could.


Why do you think you are qualified to say what would make that game play style more engaging, more interesting and more fun for the miners especially when you freely admit that you have limited experience and that you hated mining?

Because I'm not trying to make things more engaging, more interesting, and more fun for the miners. I'm trying to leave that game play alone as much as possible (see my list of goals). I'm trying to make mining or more accurately assisting miners more interesting for other types of players and I'm also trying to open up future possibilities.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#17 - 2015-06-24 18:22:48 UTC
[insert eve occupation] needs to be more interactive because [random reason]

put 'incursions' into the first field .. there will be screams of outrage and dummies bouncing off monitors across the land

mining is fine
boring, but fine
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-06-25 00:49:02 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
[insert eve occupation] needs to be more interactive because [random reason]

put 'incursions' into the first field .. there will be screams of outrage and dummies bouncing off monitors across the land

mining is fine
boring, but fine

Eeehhhhh...... It is 'Fine'..... but it could be better. The present form is great for doing other things instead of playing Eve.... I don't presume to have the answer on HOW, but I would think there should be some greater reward for PLAYING Eve.... Maybe in the form of the hacking interface or similar, IDK, but while the present is 'fine,' I'd like to see something else, a way to play Eve and mine, not Do something else and mine, which would have a greater risk/reward by way of how well you do it instead of so scripted. That would help alot with the bots too I think.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

The Red Sequence
#19 - 2015-06-25 09:06:15 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
[insert eve occupation] needs to be more interactive because [random reason]

put 'incursions' into the first field .. there will be screams of outrage and dummies bouncing off monitors across the land

mining is fine
boring, but fine

Eeehhhhh...... It is 'Fine'..... but it could be better. The present form is great for doing other things instead of playing Eve.... I don't presume to have the answer on HOW, but I would think there should be some greater reward for PLAYING Eve.... Maybe in the form of the hacking interface or similar, IDK, but while the present is 'fine,' I'd like to see something else, a way to play Eve and mine, not Do something else and mine, which would have a greater risk/reward by way of how well you do it instead of so scripted. That would help alot with the bots too I think.


In the name of Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen : “Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.”

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#20 - 2015-06-25 09:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Kenrailae wrote:
Eeehhhhh...... It is 'Fine'..... but it could be better. The present form is great for doing other things instead of playing Eve.... I don't presume to have the answer on HOW, but I would think there should be some greater reward for PLAYING Eve.... Maybe in the form of the hacking interface or similar, IDK, but while the present is 'fine,' I'd like to see something else, a way to play Eve and mine, not Do something else and mine, which would have a greater risk/reward by way of how well you do it instead of so scripted. That would help alot with the bots too I think.

If you do not play EVE while mining in Low/Null sec, you die to rats or neutrals if they come into your belt/system. That should be, in combination with chatter in $preferredvoicecoms$ and the knowledge that you support your corp/alliance with produces they need, enough risk/reward for you.

"A way to play EVE and mine" does not involve unreasonable use of minigames or other arbitrary occupational therapies to keep players glued on the screen, it involves player ingenuity by, for instance, using mining fleets as bait for PVPers, or by depending on your miners to build needed ships for your fleets at home and reduce the need for imports.

I can watch YT or haul on other accounts or do some work outside of EVE while I hunt NPCs in DEDs or even most of the times in anoms. How do you want to improve the risk/reward there. Minigames to hack NPC BS instead of shooting them? Roll

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My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

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