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Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#14041 - 2015-06-18 06:15:58 UTC
Lovely. 9/10.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#14042 - 2015-06-18 15:05:52 UTC
Crimson Draufgange wrote:
Lovely. 9/10.

Kinda looks like you're posing for a photo, but a small dog or something off to the bottom caught your eye a second before P

I like it though! Nice coat, pose, and background: everything matches well.

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#14043 - 2015-06-18 15:15:16 UTC
You look like a spaceship captain who is blissful for founding a treasure from an unexplored place.Your avatar's smile made me smile as well. 9/10
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14044 - 2015-06-19 02:42:17 UTC
LordOdysseus wrote:
You look like a spaceship captain who is blissful for founding a treasure from an unexplored place.Your avatar's smile made me smile as well. 9/10


Yo my mans gets a 5 he looks like mr rodgers in the face forreal better back up before i call the cps he think he looks nice with those fake jordans and salvation army shirt with that lebron hairline barber really finna make some crop circles up in yo hair man get that fixed
Fortune Famine
Boundary Experts
#14045 - 2015-06-19 02:48:13 UTC

When I see a woman walk into a room, there are a few things I look out for.
1. A nice dark skin tone, I like my women like I like my coffee.
2. No hair, this may seem weird, but hair just gets in the way, when I see no hair, I see a woman who is comfortable with herself, and her choices, and doesn't care what others think.
3. Big broad shoulders, it shows strength, and it shows a woman who takes care of her body.
4. Skin tight black leather pants, nuff said.
5. I don't mean to be shallow, but a big butt, and big breasts, they are just great to have. They dont ruin a lady without them, but they are great additional features.
6. Showing a little skin. This again shows a woman who is in control, and is comfortable with her body. How can I be comfortable with her, if she isn't comfortable with herself.
7. Squinted eyes, they add a layer of mystery to the person
Fivrelde Corp
#14046 - 2015-06-19 02:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Distai
Fortune Famine wrote:

When I see a woman walk into a room, there are a few things I look out for.
1. A nice dark skin tone, I like my women like I like my coffee.
2. No hair, this may seem weird, but hair just gets in the way, when I see no hair, I see a woman who is comfortable with herself, and her choices, and doesn't care what others think.
3. Big broad shoulders, it shows strength, and it shows a woman who takes care of her body.
4. Skin tight black leather pants, nuff said.
5. I don't mean to be shallow, but a big butt, and big breasts, they are just great to have. They dont ruin a lady without them, but they are great additional features.
6. Showing a little skin. This again shows a woman who is in control, and is comfortable with her body. How can I be comfortable with her, if she isn't comfortable with herself.
7. Squinted eyes, they add a layer of mystery to the person

10/10 really cute. Great style.
Senator316 Cadelanne
Wings of Evil
#14047 - 2015-06-19 03:22:41 UTC
09/10 Looks like a cool dude would be 10 but something not female ;p
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14048 - 2015-06-19 03:30:44 UTC
Senator316 Cadelanne wrote:
09/10 Looks like a cool dude would be 10 but something not female ;p

10/10 my mans senator lookin icy forreal yo got the milky white skin that would melt in my mouth with the white catapillar on the tip of the head for swag.
Exploration Frontier inc
#14049 - 2015-06-19 20:23:57 UTC
Move the camera a bit upwards and I'll truly wonder male or female. Big smile

Good job, 8/10 for the performance.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

State War Academy
Caldari State
#14050 - 2015-06-19 20:44:22 UTC
9/10. I'm oddly aroused.
Oberine Noriepa
#14051 - 2015-06-20 07:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
Not a bad look. The lighting could be adjusted in a manner that can show your cybernetic arm off better.


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#14052 - 2015-06-20 13:46:50 UTC
Oberine Noriepa wrote:

Nice "girl next door" vibe. Beautiful face and make up matches with the hairdo and color. That shirt haves an issue with low resolution texture and looks a bit meh but all in all it's a nice portrait. Will call it a 8/10 and will suggest to give a try to a very little of brown eyeliner.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#14053 - 2015-06-20 14:31:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
Nice one 9/10.

Cute overall.

Not a fan of jump suit and or color but char pulls it of regardless.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14054 - 2015-06-20 16:05:27 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Nice one 9/10.

Cute overall.

Not a fan of jump suit and or color but char pulls it of regardless.

9/10 would date again ;)

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

State War Academy
Caldari State
#14055 - 2015-06-20 16:23:53 UTC

Would take to McDonalds on a first date.

Tyrannos Sunset
#14056 - 2015-06-21 01:39:00 UTC
Ellegos1 wrote:

Would take to McDonalds on a first date.

You remind me of a meaner, swole Marcus Gord.

Not the worst person to remind me of.

I actually kinda liked your old portrait a bit better, but, with that being said, your pose is well done to display aggression and action. You look like a man on a mission of violence. Not someone I'd want to meet in a dark alley. If that's what you were going for, nailed it. If I may make a suggestion, your shadows are playing diagonally. Diagonal lines convey a sense of motion, which aids your overall look. The background, however, doesn't really mesh. Horizontal lines and all. It's not the worst background I can think of, but maybe play with some more and see if you can't get one that can play with the diagonal dimension.

"Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door. Do not split the dream."

Kira Jonsdottir
Jameco Industries
#14057 - 2015-06-21 06:33:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kira Jonsdottir

nice profile view and background . 8/10
Valkin Mordirc
#14058 - 2015-06-21 12:16:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
Kira Jonsdottir wrote:

nice profile view and background . 8/10

If you were going for a Stoical Military look you got it down pretty well.

Personally I'm always a fan of the more extravagant looks. 6 out of 10 for personal preference but I would say 8 out of 10 for the execution of the look. I just dont like it. =P
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14059 - 2015-06-21 17:07:43 UTC
composition is a little off,
i don't like the way the tip of your head goes out of frame,
if you stepped down just enough to make the background one continuous negative shape it might look a bit more pleasing .

i am just nit picking though, (im actually wearing that t-shirt under this coat) 7/10
Fal Shepard
#14060 - 2015-06-21 20:48:24 UTC
Well slaver, you look like you are looking into a holding cell to inspect your merchandise, but do not seem to be aware that the door is unlocked... Before I kill you, I'd give you a 8\10 for matching the typical slaver stereotype of being a scary creeper.

From the ashes of our defeat, we will be reborn. With these chains with which we are bound, we will become indivisible. To those who showed us no mercy, we will give no sympathy. For the flames that burn our cities, we will douse in injustice's blood