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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#1341 - 2015-06-07 04:04:14 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

Lucy Lopez wrote:
Wardeccing isn't a combat mechanism, it's a strategy. If you want to explode NPC corp members in highsec then the sandbox already offers you various strategies for that. What you want is access to the easiest strategy of them all.

The equivalent of saying nullsec is easy because two parties can shoot each other freely.

Easy peasy!

A bit more precision please, in non-highsec everybody can shoot everybody without noticeable consequences. In a highsec war only the involved corps can initially shoot each other without Concord involvement, which is a huge difference.

Personally I'm all against arranged fights, and wardecs are from that kind. If they wouldn't be needed today to attack corp structures in highsec, I would like to see them scrapped and replaced by a more implicit way of initiation a fight by just shooting. Shoot first, talk later - this is EvE. Blink

Your aim is a bit off as well.
Seems each time I engage in pew in lowsex by initiating conflict first I get a sec status hit. Enough of those and my lowsex antics make things interesting for me in hisex. If I get really groovy with it I have to do tags or endure the lifestyle of those who are deemed criminal. As I live in high and do various forms of violence there, that would significantly alter the environment in which I operate, making me have to worry about rabid npc swarms interfering with my war and suspect baiting fun... actually, while it would make the war thing far less practical it would completely eliminate one of my playstyles.

Just saying. While I wouldn't mind being able to do war with NPC corps, I'm really not all that adamant about it. I don't like dec dodging though, and I think that it was an error on CCP's part to not increase the cost for forming a corp when they increased the wardec fee.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#1342 - 2015-06-07 04:20:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Omar Alharazaad
My real issue is one that CCP cannot resolve, as it's one of human nature.
When war is declared on/by our corps we make a choice. Sometimes it's a conscious one, sometimes it's subconscious.
The choice is this....
Do you don your cheerleading outfit and heels and run shrieking into the woods at night?
Or do you strap on your hockey mask and grab your favorite machete for your moonlit walk through the forest?

Fundamentally we all have the same tools available to us in our toolboxes, it's just a matter of how we choose to use them.
Numbers don't really matter; folks like Cannibal Kane have long disproven that notion.
Skill does matter, but player skill more than SP.
The catch is that you don't gain that kind of skill through tutorials, you have to go out there and get your nose bloodied a few times and if you're lucky/diligent you can find a mentor.

Goals matter too.
And this bit is important.
If you are the defender and you don't want to lose, then your goal is to not lose.
If you are the aggressor then you want kills.
When facing an opponent that is ACTUALLY EXERTING THEMSELVES to achieve their goals, this is equally tough for both sides. Sorry about the caps, but that ****'s important.

Too many people embrace the philosophy of "Can't win, why try?" before actually discovering whether or not this is true... as such their expectations are generally met.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Nevil Oscillator
#1343 - 2015-06-07 04:36:18 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

We are talking about EVE, a non-consensual PVP spaceship game. We shouldn't provide a shallow end for a 5-year old player, just like we don't let 30-year olds stay in Kindergarten. I'm perfectly fine with rookies enjoying wardec immunity for a reasonable period of time. Why does a 5-year old player need this coddling?

If you wanted the shallow end hottub experience, isn't that what station spinning is for?

My point was that each player has a choice , you chose your path they chose theirs , is it ok to then moan that theirs is too good ?

Aza Ebanu wrote:

NPC corps are relatively neutral organizations of the four empires. Wardeccing an NPC corp is wardeccing an empire faction.

They aren't , every activity in Eve has consequences on other players.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1344 - 2015-06-07 06:15:19 UTC
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

We are talking about EVE, a non-consensual PVP spaceship game. We shouldn't provide a shallow end for a 5-year old player, just like we don't let 30-year olds stay in Kindergarten. I'm perfectly fine with rookies enjoying wardec immunity for a reasonable period of time. Why does a 5-year old player need this coddling?

If you wanted the shallow end hottub experience, isn't that what station spinning is for?

My point was that each player has a choice , you chose your path they chose theirs , is it ok to then moan that theirs is too good ?

Aza Ebanu wrote:

NPC corps are relatively neutral organizations of the four empires. Wardeccing an NPC corp is wardeccing an empire faction.

They aren't , every activity in Eve has consequences on other players.

According to lore:

"The Scope is the leading news agency in the world of EVE. Though based in the Federation the company takes pride in its total independence and operates separate agencies throughout the world. The Scope swings slightly to the left, but it's conservative enough to be considered a reliable news agency even to the toughest businessmen and politicians. "

I enjoy NPC corps and EVE is better for it. I am just saying wardeccing an NPC corp should bring consequences. If a capsuleer thinks he is bad enough to take on the whole Federation Navy to attempt at those capsuleers, why not let him?

Wardec on The Scope

Neg standing with Gallente Federation & Minmatar Republic.
Waring corp is KOS in Minmatar Republic & Gallente Federation(NPCs and capsuleers).
Automatic -10 standings with Republic & Federation and their agents.
CONCORD although initially paid to look the other way, must react to violence against Empires to save face, as it's job is to police unlawful activity(And the empires pretty much pay more/better).
NPC corp tax waived and turned into increased payout during missions.
LP payout for every war target's ship destroyed by (NPC corp)capsuleer.
NPC response time increased to maximum across all sec status.

Now if they manage to get a kill on an NPC corp after all that, hey they earned it.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#1345 - 2015-06-07 06:40:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Do you don your cheerleading outfit and heels and run shrieking into the woods at night?
Or do you strap on your hockey mask and grab your favorite machete for your moonlit walk through the forest?
There is a 3rd option; you don your cheerleading outfit and hockey mask, grab your machete; then make someone having a moonlit walk through the forest run off shrieking.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Oxide Ammar
#1346 - 2015-06-07 09:12:54 UTC
If this game was big giant hisec universe and the wardec was the only solution to pvp with others I would be 100% with you for NPC corps removal, but when you have countless nullsec/lowsec systems that even its residents don't have the balls to make use of it , then I don't know why people keep blaming hisec safety over this. When the biggest couple of giant nullsec coalitions don't have the courage to conflict each other and become in endless big battles like we kept hearing about when we joined this you want to drag the individuals to your own version of pvp conflicts ?

You think that new players aren't aware of the existence of lowsec and nullsec systems? you think newbies aren't aware about how endless possibilities and conflicts they can have if they went there ?

If someone choose to stay in NPC corp he/she knows the benefits and drawbacks of their choice, you aren't their messiah to take them from their hands and show them the coolness of this game.

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1347 - 2015-06-07 10:27:37 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Do you don your cheerleading outfit and heels and run shrieking into the woods at night?
Or do you strap on your hockey mask and grab your favorite machete for your moonlit walk through the forest?
There is a 3rd option; you don your cheerleading outfit and hockey mask, grab your machete; then make someone having a moonlit walk through the forest run off shrieking.

Lollipop Chainsaw much?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Nevil Oscillator
#1348 - 2015-06-07 10:53:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevil Oscillator
Aza Ebanu wrote:

I enjoy NPC corps and EVE is better for it. I am just saying wardeccing an NPC corp should bring consequences. If a capsuleer thinks he is bad enough to take on the whole Federation Navy to attempt at those capsuleers, why not let him?

Many players are already at war with the Federation Navy and many NPC corporations support missions against faction navy. It feels like there are a few loose ends with this scenario and their exemption from wardec is one of them.

Many of the points against allowing them to be wardeced are valid but that exemption does allow for some manipulation that is questionable.

I couldn't support an argument that existing players don't already have enough advantages over new ones in any way shape or form.

But they aren't new players, a lot of experienced players put their characters in NPC corps for precisely that imunity. Doing the dirty work for their Alt ect.. There are issues with that.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#1349 - 2015-06-07 11:20:42 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Do you don your cheerleading outfit and heels and run shrieking into the woods at night?
Or do you strap on your hockey mask and grab your favorite machete for your moonlit walk through the forest?
There is a 3rd option; you don your cheerleading outfit and hockey mask, grab your machete; then make someone having a moonlit walk through the forest run off shrieking.

Lollipop Chainsaw much?
Never heard of it, looked it up, yeah pretty much.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1350 - 2015-06-08 02:30:24 UTC
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
Aza Ebanu wrote:

I enjoy NPC corps and EVE is better for it. I am just saying wardeccing an NPC corp should bring consequences. If a capsuleer thinks he is bad enough to take on the whole Federation Navy to attempt at those capsuleers, why not let him?

Many players are already at war with the Federation Navy and many NPC corporations support missions against faction navy. It feels like there are a few loose ends with this scenario and their exemption from wardec is one of them.

Many of the points against allowing them to be wardeced are valid but that exemption does allow for some manipulation that is questionable.

I couldn't support an argument that existing players don't already have enough advantages over new ones in any way shape or form.

But they aren't new players, a lot of experienced players put their characters in NPC corps for precisely that imunity. Doing the dirty work for their Alt ect.. There are issues with that.

All good points. When a player does FW, they can not fly into the Empire's space for too long or they suffer the consequences. In missions the agent is selecting you to seek and destroy an enemy "rogue" presence.

The problem with the alts in NPC corp is just a problem with alts in general. NPC corps can't be faulted for sloppy game design. If they removed war decs, no one would complain. NPC corps would have no advantage over player corps.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1351 - 2015-06-08 03:15:47 UTC
My only issues with NPC corps are that players can roam around in low without having to face the consequences of a war dec.
You also have players that use NPC alts to run trade and/or supplies.

This is the point of a suggestion I made several pages back.

1) NPC corp players are not allowed in low sec.
2) NPC corp players are not allowed to leave faction territory.

What's the point of this?

1) No more low sec roams that have no potential fallback in high sec.
2) No more NPC corp cross faction trading. This is basically just isk, free of risks, for players to fund their low/null characters.
3) Casual players rarely leave faction territory anyway, so they're not effected.
4) If you leave a player corp, you're automatically ejected into an NPC corp based on the faction territory you're in.
(would have to find out how this would work for null/low players that quit player corps.)

Need a lore basis for this?
Well, you're in an NPC corp..
Just simply say that these corps restrict travel for the safety of their members.
Consider it a Pilot's ID that gives access to gates... If you are in an NPC corp, your ID has restricted access.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1352 - 2015-06-08 03:28:33 UTC

No Joe, we need more ways for NPC Corpies to get blown up, and more reasons for them to undock and have fun.

Restricting them from dangerous areas of space is a nice way to get people to quit from boredom.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#1353 - 2015-06-08 04:34:11 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
My only issues with NPC corps are that players can roam around in low without having to face the consequences of a war dec.
You also have players that use NPC alts to run trade and/or supplies.

This is the point of a suggestion I made several pages back.

1) NPC corp players are not allowed in low sec.
2) NPC corp players are not allowed to leave faction territory.

What's the point of this?

1) No more low sec roams that have no potential fallback in high sec.
2) No more NPC corp cross faction trading. This is basically just isk, free of risks, for players to fund their low/null characters.
3) Casual players rarely leave faction territory anyway, so they're not effected.
4) If you leave a player corp, you're automatically ejected into an NPC corp based on the faction territory you're in.
(would have to find out how this would work for null/low players that quit player corps.)

Need a lore basis for this?
Well, you're in an NPC corp..
Just simply say that these corps restrict travel for the safety of their members.
Consider it a Pilot's ID that gives access to gates... If you are in an NPC corp, your ID has restricted access.

So, you're mad people don't make themselves a open target for you, but when they do go out into dangerous space you get mad? Have to agree with Sibyyl on this one, you shouldn't be discouraging them to try conflict from an npc corp.
Orion Nex
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1354 - 2015-06-08 05:15:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Orion Nex
Sibyyl wrote:

No Joe, we need more ways for NPC Corpies to get blown up, and more reasons for them to undock and have fun.

Restricting them from dangerous areas of space is a nice way to get people to quit from boredom.

I've been casually trying to find a niche in Eve. All I know is that every time I've settled into a group it's been destroyed by high sec war decs. I have no idea what the answer is. I've rarely posted on the forums and it hasn't gone well when I've decided to.

I actually found Eve through Dust. Dust is plagued by passive play in a small arena where people are acting as though there is a huge sandbox. The fear of asset loss vs the lack of proper incentives has turned the majority of players into pacifists. Over the years I've read people's comparisons to Eve yet there's nothing to do do but PvP. Eve allows people to be super casual without affecting serious players by boring them to death.

I think the trolls that war dec high sec corps are similar to people in Dust that create alts to crush noobs in the Academy (a 3 or 4 match beginner mode for new players). It serves no good purpose. If there is one that I'm not aware of its far outweighed by the negatives. You can check out the leaderboards in Dust, at the top of the leaderboard for all time kills you'll see Molon Labe. It is dead now, but it there have been a couple thousand players run through that corp. I was a founding member and a director for 2 years. I know of dozens of players who tried out Eve and just let their trial run out because of high sec war decs. They don't even know how to fit a ship and Marmite is blowing them up with strategic cruisers.

I think war decs have a place. I think they should be a thing, but there should be some strategy and more of a financial burden on declaring high sec war. I was in Manu Fortius last year. Over a hundred carebears mining, mission running and even some roams through low sec. After about a month we started getting dec'd. The first 3 didn't net a single loss, I think the 4th killed a guy in an expensive mission running ship. The 5th didn't kill anything, but largely killed the corp. 5 war decs, one kill. Yet it's a thing. It doesn't seem like there's any real choice there. Just dudes getting lulz at the expense of CCP's newest customers.

I'm headed to null with one character and to a wormhole with another. Maybe after getting a real taste of Eve I'll troll a guy complaining about high sec war decs, but I doubt it. I'll probably make fun of the people who embrace the spirit of New Eden while running off new players before they get a chance to learn what all the game offers.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1355 - 2015-06-08 06:09:21 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

No Joe, we need more ways for NPC Corpies to get blown up, and more reasons for them to undock and have fun.

Restricting them from dangerous areas of space is a nice way to get people to quit from boredom.

You missed the point...

I am a casual player... I could give a damn who's in low, null, wh, or NPC corps.

That said, the only issue I see with NPC corps is that they allow player living in less secure areas to have an alt that is safe from harm, unless they get suicide ganked.

Then you have those that run roams solo and fleeted, with an NPC corp character, which can't be wardecced.
So he just runs off to the safety of HS at the end of the day.

So, lock players to faction territory, so they can't use and alt to buy and transport good free of harm unless suicide ganked.
Null/low/wh players also won't be able to use NPC alts to transport goods to and from null/wh/low...

However, those casuals that are just running missions or whatever, aren't hindering anything... Yes, they'll be locked into faction HS unless they join a cop, but ehh..

This is more a nerf on safe alts to support war as opposed to nerfing NPC corps.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1356 - 2015-06-08 06:15:24 UTC
Orion Nex wrote:

even some roams through low sec.

This may have a good bit to do with why y'all got wardecced fairly often...

The more engaged your corp is in PVP, the more likely your corp is to get war decced.

It's one thing if you defend yourselves well, but another if you're out hunting kills.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1357 - 2015-06-08 06:39:44 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Too many people embrace the philosophy of "Can't win, why try?" before actually discovering whether or not this is true... as such their expectations are generally met.
But most can;t win. The reason people have wardecced them is because they have been selected as a weak enough target to nearly guarantee a win. Again this all boils down to wardec mechanics rewarding most for picking the weakest targets.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#1358 - 2015-06-08 07:04:08 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Too many people embrace the philosophy of "Can't win, why try?" before actually discovering whether or not this is true... as such their expectations are generally met.
But most can;t win. The reason people have wardecced them is because they have been selected as a weak enough target to nearly guarantee a win. Again this all boils down to wardec mechanics rewarding most for picking the weakest targets.

This got me wondering, are killboards used as a source of intel on who the weakest are?
And if so, why don't the hi-sec corp people go on low/null roams to get a feel for combat.
In other words, get some claws.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1359 - 2015-06-08 07:11:59 UTC
Orion Nex wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

No Joe, we need more ways for NPC Corpies to get blown up, and more reasons for them to undock and have fun.

Restricting them from dangerous areas of space is a nice way to get people to quit from boredom.

I've been casually trying to find a niche in Eve. All I know is that every time I've settled into a group it's been destroyed by high sec war decs. I have no idea what the answer is. I've rarely posted on the forums and it hasn't gone well when I've decided to.

I actually found Eve through Dust. Dust is plagued by passive play in a small arena where people are acting as though there is a huge sandbox. The fear of asset loss vs the lack of proper incentives has turned the majority of players into pacifists. Over the years I've read people's comparisons to Eve yet there's nothing to do do but PvP. Eve allows people to be super casual without affecting serious players by boring them to death.

I think the trolls that war dec high sec corps are similar to people in Dust that create alts to crush noobs in the Academy (a 3 or 4 match beginner mode for new players). It serves no good purpose. If there is one that I'm not aware of its far outweighed by the negatives. You can check out the leaderboards in Dust, at the top of the leaderboard for all time kills you'll see Molon Labe. It is dead now, but it there have been a couple thousand players run through that corp. I was a founding member and a director for 2 years. I know of dozens of players who tried out Eve and just let their trial run out because of high sec war decs. They don't even know how to fit a ship and Marmite is blowing them up with strategic cruisers.

I think war decs have a place. I think they should be a thing, but there should be some strategy and more of a financial burden on declaring high sec war. I was in Manu Fortius last year. Over a hundred carebears mining, mission running and even some roams through low sec. After about a month we started getting dec'd. The first 3 didn't net a single loss, I think the 4th killed a guy in an expensive mission running ship. The 5th didn't kill anything, but largely killed the corp. 5 war decs, one kill. Yet it's a thing. It doesn't seem like there's any real choice there. Just dudes getting lulz at the expense of CCP's newest customers.

I'm headed to null with one character and to a wormhole with another. Maybe after getting a real taste of Eve I'll troll a guy complaining about high sec war decs, but I doubt it. I'll probably make fun of the people who embrace the spirit of New Eden while running off new players before they get a chance to learn what all the game offers.

This is a very sensible post. As a new player you should know that EVE was very successful before the introduction of the war declaration system. It had to be nerfed shortly after it's introduction because, a notorious alliance decided to war dec as many corps as it could. There was a much greater allowance of corps to war dec than the three slots they have now. Also the price was much cheaper. Rather than CCP seeing this as a sign, they decided to keep it, and the scenario you described has killed the NPE for many like your friends.

The game existed and thrived before war decs, they aren't at all necessary and they don't add anything to the game. If they exist at all, it should be based around sov and sov mechanics.
Aza Ebanu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1360 - 2015-06-08 07:21:28 UTC
Avaelica Kuershin wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Too many people embrace the philosophy of "Can't win, why try?" before actually discovering whether or not this is true... as such their expectations are generally met.
But most can;t win. The reason people have wardecced them is because they have been selected as a weak enough target to nearly guarantee a win. Again this all boils down to wardec mechanics rewarding most for picking the weakest targets.

why don't the hi-sec corp people go on low/null roams to get a feel for combat.
In other words, get some claws.


  1. gatecamps
  2. blobs
  3. T3 cruisers
  4. high skill training times
  5. low isk amounts for new players
  6. no social interactions due to lack of knowledge of the game
  7. bad game design
  8. PVE ship fitting philosophy different to PVP ship fitting philosophy

Take your pick you can't be wrong this is EVE.