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Any skin on any ship - bug on SiSi - yes we could have skins on ships

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Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#501 - 2015-06-04 15:51:34 UTC
And another week past due.

You know, I'm a web developer. If I promised a client something, and we are ALL paying clients, and not only failed to deliver, but failed to even give an explanation, or respond in any way about it.. I wouldn't still have a job.

It really pisses me off. a CCP Dev is not just someone in your corp, playing in their free time, they miss a deadline so be it. He's a paid employee, who stated something to the clients, then didn't follow though, and we are now a MONTH over due without so much as single update. Either he doesn't care, or he can't deliver, either way he shouldn't of made the assurance, and should of updated us.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#502 - 2015-06-04 16:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Darwin
Carrie-Anne Moss wrote:
Posted MAY 4th. Its JUNE 4th. If you were "all on the same page", how can it possibly take over ONE month to type up said page??

Edit: Oh, hey look, a dev blog!

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#503 - 2015-06-04 16:22:41 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Carrie-Anne Moss wrote:
Posted MAY 4th. Its JUNE 4th. If you were "all on the same page", how can it possibly take over ONE month to type up said page??

I don't know about nor can I comment on any prospective dev blog. I also can't share specifics as to the nature of our plans. However, here's some information that may help put some of this in context.

EVE's art and graphics team (Team TriLambda) is now working on some changes to the technical underpinnings of ship SKINs to enable improvements to the feature. I mentioned in my last message that this work was delayed by a few weeks due to unrelated issues with the Carnyx release which came out on Tuesday. It is currently a top priority for Team TriLambda to complete this work.

Once some of these technical changes happen, Team Size Matters, which owns the SKINs feature, has some work to do to take advantage of them. I would expect that any promised dev blog would probably want to discuss their specific plans, with pictures, and this would require that everything on the graphics side is finished and ready to go.

I'm truly sorry that this work was delayed, and is taking longer than you (or we) would have liked. However, it's important to us to implement the resulting changes robustly and correctly.

Make this happen
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#504 - 2015-06-04 16:24:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Sniper Smith
CCP Darwin wrote:
I'm truly sorry that this work was delayed, and is taking longer than you (or we) would have liked. However, it's important to us to implement the resulting changes robustly and correctly.

Hey CCP Darwin.

If there are in fact Technical reasons why the blog hasn't been posted, then my rant remains true, there should have been an update made with an explanation WHY. If I run into Technical issues in a project, I update the client before the delivery date. I don't just blow the date and say nothing, at all, for a Month.

But I personally don't see why Technical issues should affect a blog that should of, at least from most of the questions posted, be far more generic. We don't want dates for XYZ. We want an overview of the general direction for Skins. We want an explanation for the insane pricing of many of the Skins. We want to know if we are going to have skins limited only to their race, or if we will be able to see Quafe Paladins, and Interbus Avatars.

I may be harping on this issue.. but why not, since we haven't got any feedback on it. A proper explanation for a delay 3 weeks ago, or just answering some of the general questions, would have put this to bed ages ago. But to make a promise, fail to deliver, AND fail to respond really irks me given I'm a paying customer. Video Games, web development, hell working at a Supermarket, none of them should tolerate it.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#505 - 2015-06-04 16:26:12 UTC
Sniper Smith wrote:
If there are in fact Technical reasons why the blog hasn't been posted

You're in luck. Said dev blog was posted while I was writing that. I edited my post to link it.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#506 - 2015-06-04 16:29:25 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Sniper Smith wrote:
If there are in fact Technical reasons why the blog hasn't been posted

You're in luck. Said dev blog was posted while I was writing that. I edited my post to link it.


My complements to CCP FoxFor :)
Damen Apol
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#507 - 2015-06-04 16:40:15 UTC
I don't think a single player cares that the ishukonoeneon skin on unintended ships doesn't look like an ishkasdfuakone skin.

I think what they care about is having variety in their ships.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#508 - 2015-06-04 17:11:45 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Make this happen

OOOoooh! I want it.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Carrie-Anne Moss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#509 - 2015-06-04 17:14:54 UTC
Damen Apol wrote:
I don't think a single player cares that the ishukonoeneon skin on unintended ships doesn't look like an ishkasdfuakone skin.

I think what they care about is having variety in their ships.


Also Falcon said CCP THOMAS the Monetization dude was at the meeting one month ago.
So why is there no talk of monetization and price structure in the devblog.

He was at the meeting..... tell us about that part
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#510 - 2015-06-05 04:47:37 UTC
Ok that looks good,

My one request, I would like to see more police skins for various ships. Something about red and blue flashy lights.... I cant wait for more I will throw my money at this.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#511 - 2015-06-05 05:04:01 UTC
New dev blog out, shiny new skins. And explained that quality and oerformance prevent a release of what we loved as players. Ofc we didnt care about the quality as it still look ed good. Performance was soemthign we cant Judge.

If only the word cooperation ment my own cooperation, i ll glady pay 100 plex for an allaince skin for my ingame alliance, as a bpo
Bellanea Rajanir
Obolka Kin
#512 - 2015-08-18 18:57:38 UTC
corebloodbrothers wrote:

If only the word cooperation ment my own cooperation, i ll glady pay 100 plex for an allaince skin for my ingame alliance, as a bpo

Dreams. 1000 PLEX is not enough.

It was a day when the forum post became sentient

Carrie-Anne Moss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#513 - 2015-09-25 21:16:01 UTC
corebloodbrothers wrote:
New dev blog out, shiny new skins. And explained that quality and oerformance prevent a release of what we loved as players. Ofc we didnt care about the quality as it still look ed good. Performance was soemthign we cant Judge.

If only the word cooperation ment my own cooperation, i ll glady pay 100 plex for an allaince skin for my ingame alliance, as a bpo

I thought they said we could get alliance logos on ships.
What happened to this?
Carrie-Anne Moss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#514 - 2015-09-28 05:43:14 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
Ok that looks good,

My one request, I would like to see more police skins for various ships. Something about red and blue flashy lights.... I cant wait for more I will throw my money at this.

I agree.
Ccps account doesnt
Alena McJenkins
McJenkins' Saucy Shipwreckers LLC
#515 - 2015-09-28 22:17:21 UTC
Just saying, I would pay an irresponsible amount of money for SKINs that work on any ship. Just saying.


Carrie-Anne Moss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#516 - 2015-10-02 04:34:18 UTC
Can we buy the black T3 loki and legion skins?
2-4-1 pack deal please