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This is what eve si coming to: This is what CODE is: Pathetic.

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Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#241 - 2015-06-04 00:59:00 UTC
Carrie-Anne Moss wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
This kind of activity has been going on for many years before CODE existed, and will continue for as long as EVE is around after CODE dies.

It's not new or innovative, and has been done quite literally thousands of times before.

It's also not against the rules. Be sure to protect your corporation from sabotage attempts.

What do you mean "*after Code dies*"???

I dont understand that part

I'm sure it was just a Freudian slip on his part, no worries at all... none at all... Twisted

On the person using his personal situation to make a threat to demand reimbursement for a CODE ganking... ah, no. But good that they removed the name from the convo. I do see a slip up there, but hopefully it's short enough not to result in out-of-game griefing.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#242 - 2015-06-04 11:41:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabriz Adoudel
I feel sad to see such a shiptoast from someone who, from their name, obviously has good taste in other games (even if they came to them late).

You play Magic: The Gathering, a ruthlessly competitive strategy game with rules loopholes you can use to crush your opponents. Then you come and complain because EVE is a ruthlessly competitive strategy game with rules loopholes you can use to crush your opponents?

I think you need to accept James 315 as your saviour, and as CCP employees once sang...

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#243 - 2015-06-04 12:05:38 UTC
but but but... Obviously does not play for ante.
people who play for ante are basement dwelling sociopaths who've never once in their lives seen, much less touched a real live girl...
I've heard that somewhere.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

The Slayer
Goonswarm Federation
#244 - 2015-06-04 12:13:56 UTC
I always love when people compare someone being mean in a video game to being a sociopath in real life :)

Like do you have any idea how many people I have murdered in cold blood in my gaming lifetime? Yet IRL I've killed barely a dozen.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#245 - 2015-06-04 12:16:48 UTC
The Slayer wrote:
I always love when people compare someone being mean in a video game to being a sociopath in real life :)

Like do you have any idea how many people I have murdered in cold blood in my gaming lifetime? Yet IRL I've killed barely a dozen.

These gentlemen need to have a word with you sir!
Satan's Spawn
Satan's Enterprises
#246 - 2015-06-04 13:15:19 UTC
Iam The Flash wrote:
This does not suprise me at all.

Or the fact CCP allows this to happen.

considering it's a sandbox ... people can do what they like, and bare system consequences ... and that, period, is what makes EVE great.

CCP Falcon
#247 - 2015-06-04 13:36:03 UTC
GetSirrus wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
This kind of activity has been going on for many years before CODE existed, and will continue for as long as EVE is around after CODE dies.

It's not new or innovative, and has been done quite literally thousands of times before.

It's also not against the rules. Be sure to protect your corporation from sabotage attempts.

Perhaps Falcon you would like to weigh on this from CODE.

Is this the kind of activity being going on for years before CODE existed? Pirates of High-Sec for years have been at pains to deny that their game play is not for the sadist. But I struggle to see how this type of posting (and endorsement from rank members) is anything else.

If you're angry about something that's happened in game, and feel like it breaks the rules, feel free to file a ticket with customer support and they'll look into it.

Desert Ice78 wrote:
Falcon, this whole thread struck me as yet another self-publicity, "oh everyone look at me, I need attention," troll thread from the self-publicity, "oh everyone look at me, I need attention" department of CODE., complete with the usual moral outrage NPC alt that they use to head it.

On reflection, you're quite right about the nature of this thread.



CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3