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Auto-Pilot Bonus for Shuttles

Angry Mustellid
#21 - 2015-06-02 10:43:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Samillian
More rather than less any day.

If someone is going to afk their way through New Eden I don't see why it should be without penalty or the existing penalty reduced.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2015-06-02 10:48:49 UTC
Samillian wrote:
More rather than less any day.

Come on, straight to the point without "game of the words". Otherwise i consider you have no any valid point to expalin 15 km range when auto-piloting. The old feature is no longer valid as well cause there is no any strong limitations to change that.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Angry Mustellid
#23 - 2015-06-02 10:59:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Samillian
1. Read the full post, that is my position and it is fairly clear.

2. Still waiting to hear from you why 15km is not a reasonable limit other that its a "legacy of elder days".

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2015-06-02 13:29:57 UTC
Get rid of autopilot. I haven't used autopilot since WTZ was added. Before WTZ I used it on routes where I didn't have instajump bookmarks and just hit the F1 key occasionally for my MWD while surfing the web.

The only thing autopilot is good for is baiting, maybe? Or just looking dumb/lazy?
Angry Mustellid
#25 - 2015-06-02 13:42:07 UTC
Alowishus wrote:
Get rid of autopilot. I haven't used autopilot since WTZ was added. Before WTZ I used it on routes where I didn't have instajump bookmarks and just hit the F1 key occasionally for my MWD while surfing the web.

The only thing autopilot is good for is baiting, maybe? Or just looking dumb/lazy?

Works for me although I'm lazy enough to want to keep the route finding portion of it.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Ben Ishikela
#26 - 2015-06-02 14:09:15 UTC
.....aaaand i am swiming against the swarm..... againPirate....*sigh*.... I am pro: "more fully-afk stupidity. more targets. more content."

Some arguments brought forward are:
- those BPOs too fast/safe transported. //not a real problem. if anyone is transporting expenisive bpos, there are safer ways than shuttles. because when you look at lowsec, shuttles are NOT safe even if piloted manualy. And i believe 0.0 even more so. Ergo its only a highsec problem. Make less highsec between tradehubs and there would be that problem no more.
- I cant use my Cargo Scanner. //why not? you have scouts few jumps out fastlocking with cargoscannners. no problem. why should it be easy to scan someone?! (omg there would be teamplay required Shocked........Pirate)
- AfkTime vs. ActiveTime //traveling actively (in the ways decribed above) provides no content and is boring players that do it. Click every gate nothing else to do.. (ok, if you have a covert cloak fitted you might need a second click)... boring. If you are flying an agility fit and there is noone able to catch you anyway there is no thrill..... boring!!
Id rather use that limited time i have per day on some active interesting creative things that might provide content (marketing, danger pve, pvp roams) for others as well. Instead i am stuck doing actively where no fcking brainpower is needed! ("motivational energy conservation"... is that a word?!Shocked)
- TotalTravelTimeNeeded //not to be neglected. see below.

To make travelers more catchable and active travel more "rewarding" (as people seem to like it and i dont want to strip it away from them), I suggest AutoPilot to hold cloak after jump as long as possible and only activate warpdrive/align when decloaked. (Lore: "Computer Functionality on the new Autopilot technology has some issues with Cloak Tech. Only One can be active at a time."...tadaa). Ergo time spend in cloak, not only lets pilots catch up and reapproach gate, it also takes AP more time to get somewhere.

Just Imaging if all ships had this APzero-"Bonus" then their ships wouldnt be easily destinuishable from noAPers. Ergo more Pilots would use this option for travel. Maybe even in LowSec Twisted. "more fully-afk stupidity. more targets. more content."

Side note: Imagine all those fully-afk miners! More easy targets (also in 0.0). Because they might think, they are totaly safe. But there is always a loophole Pirate .... (also: wait until their cargo is full and their modules stop. then engage, not before. it might be worth the SGank even in highsec, but lootfairy need adjustment to always drop all that ore.)
as i said: "more fully-afk stupidity. more targets. more content."

Thank you for reading. (I will make a fortune from the shitstorm, you are going to send me Lol)

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

Ben Ishikela
#27 - 2015-06-02 14:10:13 UTC
.... or remove AP already!

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-06-02 14:12:03 UTC
New idea:

Part 1) Allow shuttles to WTZ on autopilot
Part 2) Allow smartbombs within 5k of gates

BOOM! (litterally)
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