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Auto-Pilot Bonus for Shuttles

Lyria Ghost
Stead Logistics
#1 - 2015-05-31 11:45:39 UTC
Currently on autopilot every ship warps to 15km on gates and stations. What if shuttles had a type/class bonus that would make them warp to 0 km on autopilot. This would reduce the time needed for travel especially for noobs that don't have jump clones yet and warping around in a shuttle is pretty boring anyway. Rarely someone would attack you because shuttles usually don't have high value cargo. Right now traveling in a shuttle is pretty much the most boring thing in eve... Why not allow people to do other stuff on the side without giving them the penalty of increased traveling time (at least when traveling by shuttle).

If we want to keep shuttles autopiloting still a bit riskier the autopilot bonus could be applied only in highsec or only to normal gates and for region gates the autopilot would still warp to 15km
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2015-05-31 12:13:26 UTC
No, you cannot have a totally safe way to autopilot BPOs, implants, PLEX and other small items around.

If you want decreased travel time, fly it actively.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#3 - 2015-05-31 14:27:21 UTC
This ^^^

And I will add, no to anything that makes it safer / easier for lazy people to autopilot around the EvE Universe.

1. If you want to get there fast manually pilot your ship/pod and while your at it use a warp speed fit interceptor.
2. want to avoid being ganked, see #1 only substitute an interceptor fir for min align time.
3. for every other reason you may want auto pilot ot warp you to 0(zero) then no you cannot have it.
Angry Mustellid
#4 - 2015-05-31 15:12:22 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
No, you cannot have a totally safe way to autopilot BPOs, implants, PLEX and other small items around.

If you want decreased travel time, fly it actively.

This hits the nail on the head.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-05-31 15:22:46 UTC
Shuttles do have an autopilot bonus: they have the fastest base speed and highest base agility of any ship in the game. While it may be possible to make an interceptor go faster with overdrive injectors or nanofiber hulls, they do have a lower base, and no matter what you do they will have lower agility than the shuttle.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#6 - 2015-05-31 16:32:48 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Shuttles do have an autopilot bonus: they have the fastest base speed and highest base agility of any ship in the game. While it may be possible to make an interceptor go faster with overdrive injectors or nanofiber hulls, they do have a lower base, and no matter what you do they will have lower agility than the shuttle.

Not true. it is possible to get an interceptor well better than a shuttle in agility, but doing so requires a fit that is almost entirely for align speed.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#7 - 2015-05-31 17:16:21 UTC
No this game has enough ways to bypass constant human interaction, autopilot is designed to be slower, this removes that.
If you want to get from point A to B faster fly manual, Jump your ship, Jump Clone, or death clone


♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Iain Cariaba
#8 - 2015-05-31 20:03:52 UTC
Lyria Ghost wrote:
Currently on autopilot every ship warps to 15km on gates and stations. What if shuttles had a type/class bonus that would make them warp to 0 km on autopilot. This would reduce the time needed for travel especially for noobs that don't have jump clones yet and warping around in a shuttle is pretty boring anyway. Rarely someone would attack you because shuttles usually don't have high value cargo. Right now traveling in a shuttle is pretty much the most boring thing in eve... Why not allow people to do other stuff on the side without giving them the penalty of increased traveling time (at least when traveling by shuttle).

If we want to keep shuttles autopiloting still a bit riskier the autopilot bonus could be applied only in highsec or only to normal gates and for region gates the autopilot would still warp to 15km

1. APing slow and boring, fly an Interceptor, those warp much faster.
2. APing in a shuttle is pretty much assured to get you ganked if you fly past certain groups of people.
3. If you think flying a shuttle is boring, then you've never mined for an extended period of time.
4. There is nothing, outside of the consequences other players will enforce upon you, preventing you from APing wherever you want in a shuttle.
5. If your idea promotes and encourages AFK game play, and you idea does, then it is a bad idea.
6. Is it really that hard for you to manually fly around in a shuttle that you need the system to do it for you?
Pandemic Legion
#9 - 2015-06-01 11:37:03 UTC
Lyria Ghost wrote:
Currently on autopilot every ship warps to 15km on gates and stations. What if shuttles had a type/class bonus that would make them warp to 0 km on autopilot. This would reduce the time needed for travel especially for noobs that don't have jump clones yet and warping around in a shuttle is pretty boring anyway. Rarely someone would attack you because shuttles usually don't have high value cargo. Right now traveling in a shuttle is pretty much the most boring thing in eve... Why not allow people to do other stuff on the side without giving them the penalty of increased traveling time (at least when traveling by shuttle).

If we want to keep shuttles autopiloting still a bit riskier the autopilot bonus could be applied only in highsec or only to normal gates and for region gates the autopilot would still warp to 15km

CCP are trying to Nerf projection and moving around, why do you think there going to let you make moving around completely afk As fast fast as someone sat actively playing the game.
Anthar Thebess
#10 - 2015-06-01 12:56:09 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
No, you cannot have a totally safe way to autopilot BPOs, implants, PLEX and other small items around.

If you want decreased travel time, fly it actively.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-06-01 13:10:57 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
No, you cannot have a totally safe way to autopilot BPOs, implants, PLEX and other small items around.

If you want decreased travel time, fly it actively.

So much this.

OP would have done poorly in the age before Warp To Zero.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Raphendyr Nardieu
Hole Control
#12 - 2015-06-01 13:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Raphendyr Nardieu
Middle ground?

Shuttles would warp when auto piloted to 4-8km of the gate ONLY if they have nothing in the cargo.

This way moving with shuttle 30 jumps would not take forever, give small change to gang (empty ship) and would still be faster when manually piloted. Also, if you would put something in the cargo, you would lose the boost.

ps. I'm personally ok with current. Just trying to innovate.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2015-06-01 14:24:58 UTC
Raphendyr Nardieu wrote:
Middle ground?

Shuttles would warp when auto piloted to 4-8km of the gate ONLY if they have nothing in the cargo.

This way moving with shuttle 30 jumps would not take forever, give small change to gang (empty ship) and would still be faster when manually piloted. Also, if you would put something in the cargo, you would lose the boost.

Highly doubt there is a way to set something like this up.

Just set up a travel ceptor or dramiel and zoom across space.

A Claw with 4 nanos, and T2 warp speed rigs goes 770 m/s and aligns in 2.1 seconds and warps at 12.17 au/s (all 5s)
Means if you AP with this thing you can reach each gate in 12.98 seconds from when you land.

A Dramiel with 3 nanos and T2 warp speed rigs goes 719 m/s, aligns in 1.8 seconds and warps at 13 au/s, faster align (all 5s) A little slower (1 second longer travel time after you land) but slightly faster align and warp speeds. And you can put some passive shield tank mods to but a little extra meat on the thing.

Both these can be manually flown for very short travel times even when going on long trips.
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2015-06-02 03:19:08 UTC
Been always wonder why is that 15 km...

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#15 - 2015-06-02 03:24:04 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
Been always wonder why is that 15 km...

[Read in Morgan Freeman's Voice]
In the old days many many moons ago.....
There was no such thing as warp to 0, all ships landed 15 off and had to slowboat to gates, this made gatecamps very dangerous and effective, more so than they are today, and so warp to zero was born, and the worlds have never been the same, it ushered in a bold new era for all of us.

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2015-06-02 03:37:58 UTC
So 15 km is a rudimentary legacy of elder days. Time to turn that page.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#17 - 2015-06-02 07:54:09 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
No, you cannot have a totally safe way to autopilot BPOs, implants, PLEX and other small items around.

If you want decreased travel time, fly it actively.

A relatively expensive taxi service isn't necessarily a bad idea. It autopilots and lands at 15km but it burns at 1000m/s to the gate with 400m sig radius.

Easily tackled by most ships/
Angry Mustellid
#18 - 2015-06-02 08:00:23 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
So 15 km is a rudimentary legacy of elder days. Time to turn that page.


Just because its old doesn't mean it isn't valid.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2015-06-02 08:31:45 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
If shuttles lost their entire cargo bay, had a substantial sig increased and aligned in 3 seconds (at best), I'd probably be ok with this.

If folks want to only move their pod and can be caught trivially at gates if someone wants to, more power to them.

However, I'd prefer time was spent elsewhere.

Ed: On reflection, I suppose shuttles could use something to make them unique. I only EVER taxi myself in a double warp rigged interceptor...because why would you not?
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2015-06-02 10:36:02 UTC
Samillian wrote:
Tiddle Jr wrote:
So 15 km is a rudimentary legacy of elder days. Time to turn that page.


Just because its old doesn't mean it isn't valid.

Why not 5 or 10 or 20 then?

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

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